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Jerry Christ

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Everything posted by Jerry Christ

  1. who cares........lets enjoy the ride =)
  2. I was at home with my wife and 14months old...........she leaped over him and jumped on me to hug me haha I grabbed him and it was a thing of beauty......my wonderful fam rejoicing in a bills win!
  3. I frequent both here and there, they get too weird and act like teenage girls a lot over there.
  4. lol I'll be there next yr for sure.... never been to buffalo just to NY......so I think it would be pretty nice to be apart of this....... maybe SDS will unban my old username someday lol
  5. I noticed that too.......I like it and Fitzmagic
  6. The Road..............jesus
  7. my one year old son woke up from his nap at halftime...........I gave this W to him........congratz D......he watched the game on the couch with me =)
  8. haha I agree and she looks nice in them........even my wife said so haha
  9. I'm sure the producers had something to do with that........she hated Rachel..... next yr needs to be all new people tired of the vets.....
  10. haven't you been watching how Ralph does it? Cheap Talent, I mean Cheap players= PROFIT!
  11. smooch off his love
  12. you know they just locked you in for 2yrs right? Any time you get equipment upgrades (not replacements) you are reuping from that date.
  13. yeah on film it showed he caught a cple tds....looks like a monster out there.
  14. Just got 120 and the ST for free......was offering 210 off and I was like ....why do they give the ST for free to people who sign up blah blah and he was like......hm let me see.....and he said how about 120 0ff and the ST instead....so I was just sounds good. 20x 6 ST Instead of 35 x 6. Told me to call back after my discounts ran out to see what they could do for me.....spoke to a friendly guy for a long time about football and being a dad!
  15. you and yours are in my prayers.
  16. I went to my 10th not long ago........and it was confirmed, I didn't like any of them then and they haven't changed......so therefore, I don't like any of them now LOLOLOL will not go again....I left early and went dancing with my wife =P
  17. hahaha gotta love it
  18. Dude you are strung on this girl its bad......seriously.....bad.
  19. I took the title the wrong way.......I tend to injure my wife alot during this event.......too bad she doesn't have a backup.
  20. I was noticing it earlier.......pretty cool
  21. my thoughts are with you and yours
  22. me neither. There is no narrator to the show........love it
  23. I like Glee.......a gleek I am.....and the girls on that show.........yum hm I hate anthony bourdain or whatever his name is and that other dude that likes to eat dog balls and stuff........I'm a picky eater so I guess I'm dettered
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