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Jerry Christ

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Everything posted by Jerry Christ

  1. Idk........Fitz has missed plenty of wide open wrs this yr..... why hate on the man......he won......something a bills qb can't do apparently.
  2. he still has no talent as a coach.....and wasn't that great of a D coach.......Wade was 100x better.
  3. stop hating.............he wins.............thats something no bills QB can do and hasn't done in years!
  4. My boy is 17mths........so I got a long way to go.....and plenty of other issues I'm sure lol
  5. my mom would have been going on 11 I think at this time so I wouldn't have been born. However, my number was low so it would have been a scary thing to have gone through. I was the first kid and the only male for 10 yrs by her. My father in law was there and he still has a lot of issues and goes to the VA frequently.
  6. I'd take her for a day or two
  7. I've been thinking about this the last cpl of days......not completely sure. I am about to start my Masters (it was time to go back) and I hope I do really good with it. I'm hard on myself so I should be ok. I hope I can venture out and do more stuff and go places and have a lot of fun. I need to buy a nice vehicle. and the most important, I need to spend all the time I have free with my lil boy who I miss while I'm at work haha
  8. you are getting behind now~
  9. oh yeah.......I mean we could suck worse?????????? whatever, I'd rather have the best qb we ever had in charge of something than the crap we got in there now........chan? buddy? ralph? etc?
  10. I understand ya man.........these other guys are just old farts that are going to die miserable but happy they like something and stuck by it. But........I'll be a Bills fan as long as I like football........when I quit liking the bills........thats when I quit liking football....
  11. http://www.amazon.com/Star-Wars-Episode-Skywalker-Lightsaber/dp/B000CS7A26/ref=sr_1_13?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1324049172&sr=1-13 http://www.amazon.com/Darth-Vader-Episode-FX-Lightsaber/dp/B0007PHN30/ref=sr_1_9?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1324049247&sr=1-9 these two, the first gen versions....paid a lot of cash ......the vader one is mine and the luke is my wife's.....we need to display them somehow lol but my 1yr would wreck them........
  12. very nice and funny! Actually, I do have 2 of the Master Replicas.......yeah the expensive ones and I believe is someone hit someone with one of those......it would be a lot of damage......but not dismemberment lol
  13. I know I might be young but I've been with my wife for 10 years, 5 married. This year I got her.... A smartphone A Paula Dean 20 piece cookware set Black Diamond Ring and I added one of those high heel ring holders (lol) I got her a charm bracelet and added charms that are special to her in her life ie symbolic. I got her 2 shirts and a hoodie that she'll like a scarf. A new wallet since her's is getting old. and I got her a lil black dress..... and I got her some stocking stuffers (besides me, bad joke) but I think she'll like it.....=]
  14. 8-8 would rock compared to the last several yrs
  15. I have to disagree with the video......its is quite possible.....It's not saying you can't be attractive to people. I mean in essence I could be attractive to many people in the world and not want to be romantically involved or have sex with all of them. I think the video is kind of deceiving as well just to prove the guy's point......like statistics, I can make something sound as good or bad as I want it too.
  16. dude........seriously, you are being so immature it's not even funny........my respect is gone.
  17. I just wanted to reply with encouragement and with a story of how my mom smoked her entire life and I thought she would never quit. The DR told her that if she didn't quit she would die and she hasn't had another cigarette in atleast 5 or 6 yrs now. She tells me that she can't believe she couldn't smell the nasty smoke lol I told her I smelled it for 18yrs lol. I also was a tobacco person, mainly skoal. I quit 15 years ago and never think about it. I have some people around me that use and sometimes they ask about quitting. I just tell them, I know why they like it.......I liked it.......and I know how it makes them feel......and so on but I KNOW that I don't need it. It's easy to not smoke etc.......it's hard to get yourself to do it when you enjoy it though.
  18. so true haha and I love ya quotes!
  19. Dude, my name is not Jerry Christ..........off this computer LOL.......seriously...
  20. I hate people who sign their name at the end of their post.......sheesh. I don't expect anything I say to be kept private anywhere.
  21. When I seen the look on the girl's face when she read barn. I looked at my wife and said there's zombies in the barn and they are probably friends or family. haha
  22. but you did, if we had beat the jets you will be talking about how we would be winning more games instead of losing them.......its happens to everyone .......every year. We fans just need to shut up and watch the games.
  23. Deep fried pickles........those are some kind of good.......esp with ranch dressing
  24. isnt that the truth and one of the reasons we loved him!
  25. get off your high horse because you are looking like a fool All jerseys are made from foreign countries, mainly asia. So just because I get a good deal you shouldn't really give a damn because it's my money.....so leave the thread unless you ordered one and it didn't come the right way.
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