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Everything posted by WordByrd

  1. anybody find one that works yet? http://www.firstrow.net/watch/31583/1/watch-jacksonville-jaguars-vs-buffalo-bills.html'>http://www.firstrow.net/watch/31583/1/watch-jacksonville-jaguars-vs-buffalo-bills.html http://www.firstrow.net/watch/31583/1/watch-jacksonville-jaguars-vs-buffalo-bills.html
  2. This topic should be closed because the public is no longer allowed to buy NFL teams. The end.
  3. Good points. I feel like they should have just stuck with the 4-3 title. It's all they run anyway
  4. PS HE DOESN'T EVEN WEAR 96. That's Troup. MORON
  5. Pat Moran sucks. Whoever takes his 4th grade website seriously sucks. His best source is SKOOBY
  6. Quick turn around? We were 4-0 then 5-1 a few years ago. I'm still not sold on the Chiefs at all. 3-0 doesn't mean anything. Talk to me in December.
  7. It's the wrong usage of your. It should say "you're". might wanna change that
  8. just wanna send a big "SUCK IT" to those who said that this was insignificant
  9. I didn't post that correctly. He said "BE ON ALERT BILLS FANS". the other parts were my guesses. Sorry guys Sounds like he is from the Donte school of Twitter!
  10. Thurman posted this on Twitter 2 minutes ago. Ideas? Marshawn trade? George Edwards fired? Aaron MaybiNot cut?
  11. Obviously. I'd take Jim Kelly over Fitz too! NOOOO WAY!!!
  12. What would be considered a shakeup? Getting guys off the street?
  13. I recall Fitz throwing 2 horrible picks in crucial points of yesterdays game, consequentially leading to the loss of the game. Fitz hater, RIGHT HERE!
  14. WOW! Did you come up with this all by yourself??? Genius!
  15. It was last week. This week was a little better. Still can't say that it isn't an issue
  16. Did you watch Marshawn today?
  17. it's been 2 games. JEEEEEZ!!! You guys jump on every opportunity to complain
  18. who the hell is DEmarcus russell?
  19. +1 The anti-Trent sentiment is so old. Chan called a HORRIBLE game. 41/52 plays out of shotgun!? You'll never have success passing when you never line up under center and run between the tackles.
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