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Everything posted by evilcape

  1. LOL! apparantly you do not understand what type of personnel you need for a 3-4 defense. You think Schobel could be a 3-4 end? at just a listed weight of 243 pounds? And Kelsay the other at the other spot? how about someone who weighs as much as our current D tackles. You need 2 huge ends and one giagantic SOB to clog the middle. why would you want to keep those guys around? let him retire and plug a big dude in there instead, even if he's a middle round draft pick.
  2. If Philly does want some people expect and start the Kolb era, i think giving philly marshawn and a 2nd for McNabb would be a great move. I want the bills to draft Pike or someone of high playing caliber. McNabb would start for 2 years for us and train the rookie. Groom him to be the Franchise QB. If we can't get McNabb and Campbell is available i would deffenently target him in FA. Fitzpatrick can stick around for our third stringer. Edwards bye bye.
  3. STARTER BACKUP QB Brohm Pike/Redman/Carr RB Jackson Lynch FB Weaver (eagles) WR Evans Hardy WR Bryant (Bucs) WR3 Johnson TE Nelson Crumpler LT Levitre LG Wood C Hangartner RG Incognito RT Butler DE Johnson Williams NT Pickett (packers) DE Stroud Williams OLB Maybin Ellis ILB Morrison (raiders) Palmer ILB Poz Buggs OLB Howard (raiders) Ellis SS Wilson Scott FS Byrd Whitner CB McGee Florence CB McKelvin Corner NB Florence Lankster I think that squad with a competent coach like Fewell could get enough wins to take the division. Just my opinion.
  4. LOL! BRAVO! one hell of a hilarious post!
  5. anybody, like that idiot snorom that doesn't want the bills to win this game is not a true fan. F U to all the 'bills fans' hoping for tommy and belicheat to get a win here on our home turf. im ashamed to have bills-brothers that would hope for a thing like that. !@#$ YOU and choose another team, B word!
  6. as ive said before, mitchell is a walking, talking joke. That guy can't play football. He has unbelievably bad agility, and it takes him forever to recover from a misdirection. never uses his hands, prefers to lunge and throw his shoulder/head into a player. hates using his hands to grab ahold of guys. great on inside blitzes tho, ill give him that. but better on blitzes if he uses his hands. last year against K.C he had the QB in the endzone for a safety but finaly used his hands and shoved him. twice! hoping the QB would fall down. why wouln'dt he grab the qb and pull him down? He is a complete meathead and running game coordinaters laugh when they are game planning against him. !@#$ING MEATHEAD JOKE!
  7. i would deffenently do that job for free. then after i caught a pint of that sweet nectar, i would chug it down while tommy watched! MWUAHAHAHAHAH!!!!
  8. i would rather the bills win the rest of the games this year and skip a first round pick if i had the choice. Playoffs are obviously gone but the point is winning games. Closing gaps with teams leading the all-time series, and widening gaps over teams we are currently leading all-time. Thats what everyone should be concerned about.
  9. Poor Tommy. That cry baby should give up football and make diaper changing his new career. Uncle Belicheat could stop by and help with a bottle feeding once in awhile. Do u think Jesus Bruschi cast a spell on the baby to promote good health and a wonderful life?
  10. Is there any way he can be banned? if not find out his address n ill come kick the **** outta him. negative mother !@#$er
  11. How do you "not understand the move AT ALL"? the only thing it cost us to sign him was getting rid of hamdan. I liked this guy outta college and still think he can make a great pro. Yes i understand that a new regime will decimate the roster, but isn't it nice to have a guy who could potentialy be our starter already on the roster? makes a **** load of sense to me.
  12. after being at that stupid horrendus game last night i confirmed that i dont' like the defense. they suck. i was against wanting to move to the 3-4 because of a lack of players we have for that system. but i think you could make spencer johnson a 3-4 end, maybe marcus or kyle the other end, our secondary is good, move maybin to OLB, either keep poz for starter or reserve for middle. Regardless of the system i would like bills to target Kirk Morrison in FA from Oakland. He is 6' 2, 240 pounds and is entering his prime as a 27 year old. he has 89 tackles so far this year, but he does not make alot of big plays. He is regarded as being stout in run support. I think he would be one realy good addition the bills should make in the offseason. If Carolina doesn't resign Thomas Davis i would hope the front office jumps at him. who knows? im expecting to be let down in the offseason.
  13. hey guys i attended that pathetic, embarrassing game. a buddy of mine is a big shot and scored 6 free $275 tickets and took 5 of us in total to the game. so we had one extra one that got unused. i was in i guess what you would call the second level. pretty decent seats, but most i would want to pay for them at the Ralph would be $70 U.S dollars. I am a Canadian living in southern ontario and it took me longer to get to that stupid stadium then it does to the Ralph. We parked super close and walked right to the Rogers Centre cuz obviously theres no tailgating. After purchasing a 9.5$ beer (smaller then buffalo beers altho ours actualy have a bit of kick to em), i walked in and found my seats. Looking around at all these jokes of human beings made me instantly regret coming. Some doofus wearing a Dolphins hat sat 2 rows in front of me and i thought he was absolutly pathetic. I didn't have the heart to tell him that he was one year too late to see that game. I mean, did he somehow hope that both bills n jets wouild lose to further miami in the division?!?!? Then I noticed 4 boyfriends sporting Brady and Mayo Jerseys and i thought the same thing. 3 rows down and to the right of me was a Chinese dude in a bengals jersey and hat?!?!?!? wtf?!?! then i seen a couple of douche bags in ravens gear, cowboys gear, vikings, pack, and Titans gear. wtf? my section was way more quite then the lethargic people i sometimes sit around at the Ralph, altho a few people clapped when we were on defense and a couple others yelled once in a while. and in fact the only time anyone other than myself and my buddies stood up was when my whole side of the stadium stood to watch 2 douchebags fighting below us and get rocked by RCMP. Nobody knew what the hell was happening in there. I was embarrassed to be there, embarrassed to be a bills fan, embarrassed to be a Canadian, embarrassed i was in the company of so many clueless !@#$bags. Not a fun time, and will never go ever ever again even if i get 500$ seats for free! !@#$ it! OH BTW...... Bills will NEVER EVER win in Toronto, so chalk up a guaranteed loss there year in, year out till this bull **** is done. !@#$ TORONTO! Im not even a leafs fan i love the sabres!!!!!
  14. by the way beastmode54....your avatar makes me want to throw up whenever i see those hideous teeth that are probably full of rotting food and nasty bacteria. Just my opinion.
  15. i was realy impressed with him when i was watching the combine reports. i think he made some great plays this year already. his TD against the Pats* in the opener was awesome as was his catch against either carolina or NYJ where he reached around the defenders back and snatched the ball. Great player in the making
  16. i was at the game so couldn't see a replay, but who was that that came blitzing thru the dolphins line and hit williams making him throw the pick?
  17. i bet "slash n dash" jackson has 4 good years left in him. Ive been a huge fan of him since he made the team. That redskins game 2 years ago he just exploded. great player, great man. just thinking about the road he took to get here, how could anybody not be a fan of the man?
  18. section 332 for me. i felt the whole stadium was louder than hell. im always cheering, but sometimes either if my voice gives out, or i need a breath ill just listen to the crowd and judge how loud it is. i felt we did a good job and were realy loud but ill tell you...... it realy pisses me off when i see anybody whos not a quadriplegic wearing bills gear and not cheering. i feel like "why the !@#$ are you here? your not helping so just go home". not saying i expect anybody to injure their vocal cords like i do so i can't talk for 4 days but at least clap and stand and show some god damned solidarity for your team guys!
  19. very pleased with perry just like last week. this guy preaches toughness. hes like our own version of a singleterry.
  20. are wings in buffalo breaded usualy or no? im sure most places you have the option, but how do they come if you don't specify? And are the suicide wings rediculous? i love rediculous hell sauce. So hot it affects all five senses and puts me in a strange coma-like trance. Can't see much, hearing is fuzzy, fingers feel numb, can't taste anything except for fire, all you can smell is more molten lava. wash that down with gallons of coors light.
  21. id be down with him as coach. His nickname would be "the reaper". Sounds a bit more intimidating than Skeletor.
  22. you guys are idiots. dog, kiwi, whoever. It was not taken out of context. Trent clearly said " im wouldn't know. im not a fan of the buffalo bills. this is my job" Wow. Talk about taking it that extra mile Trent. He lost me 100% when he said that, and i instantly went from rooting for him, to rooting for a career ending injury (which isn't far off, the guy is as injury prone as a carton of eggs)
  23. Tim Tebow is a legend! The man is a self proclaimed virgin and that shows his immense willpower right there. He has literaly thousands of the worlds most gorgeous woman throwing themselves at him. Guys on campus would be proud if "Tim Tebow nailed my girlfriend!!!" His willpower is another sign of his desire to win games. This kid can be trained by someone in NFL mechanics and could be a freakin HOF legend. Id LOVE to draft him, then put him in some offensive packages his first year, but mostly make him ride the bench and learn.
  24. i would take a superbowl loss every year if i could if it meant us being there year in, year out. You have to win the Conference Championship to appear in the League Championship the Super Bowl. AFC championships still look pretty good on the franchises total record.
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