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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. First we need to agree on what "started" means. When hostilities began and politicians set the wheels in motion or when the first Russan soldier stepped across the border?
  2. Why don't they just tell DHS and Biden that NYS isn't going to accept any more migrants into the state until the Feds do a better job of screening and processing asylum seekers? If the lefties object, tough. Tell them the option is they can open up their personal residences and take in as many people as they'd like. Since we know they'll take in zero that should shut then down real quick.
  3. So in your mind you equate 4 students peacefully protesting shot by guardsman as the same type of scenario as federal agents acting in self-defense against armed and dangerous masked radicals intent on doing harm throwing bricks and firebombs attempting to burn them alive?
  4. Truth translator: You have no idea what specific evidence there is or where to find it. And for all any of us know it might be credible or it might be crap. And anyone certain the guys guilty is just pissing into the wind with their eyes closed. Sorry to point out that doxing is a liberal specialty.
  5. She's a dark angel of death neocon war monger who started up state Department interference in Ukraine under Obama, took a break during Trump, and resumed that job under Biden. War was inevitable and welcomed. Everywhere she goes, death and suffering follow. The song Orgasmatron by Motorhead was written about monsters like her.
  6. This story never sees the light of day on any networks and other major news outlets. Unless its a flip-flop from an incompetent idealistic official's inaction causing hundreds of avoidable deaths to a victim story of criticism based on bias and racism. It's all so predictable.
  7. Unless they're Antifa attacking and trying to burn down the Federal Courthouse in Portland every night for a few months. Instead, those hoodlums were tucked away in their comfy beds every night with a mug of hot cocoa by city officials so they could rest up for the assualt the next day. What Trump should have done was sent Federal Marshalls to city hall to arrest the mayor and other city officials for participating and supporting insurrection. But he's all talk, never showed his opponents he meant businesss, and ultimately didn't have the guts.
  8. Can you clearly articulate the spoken or written words, or deeds, and the case Smith intends to present per the indictment?
  9. I think I need to hear the actual evidence Smith intends to present. That might be when the trial starts. Based on what I 've heard so far, I'm having trouble getting beyond a conclusion that the government's case rests entirely on conjecture and some mindcrime argument premise. That saying one thing while believing something else is a crime. And somehow Smith employs mind reading experts that know the true thought of others. Knows when thier thoughts match their words and when they don't. If that's some or all of the basis of the case it laughable. And its 100% certainty that any conviction rendered and asisted by a favorable judge and jury will get overturned on appeals.
  10. Understand your argument. But resources, both physical and financial, are not infinite. And this isn't the beginning of some great economic expsnsion which requires skilled and unskilled workers in excess of the population. By all accounts we're entering a slowdown. And if we let into the country every person that could find a better life than their home country that might amount to 6 billion people. So what's the limit? 5 million, 20 million, 100 million? Where are they going to live? Who is going to pay for it? Why isn't the priority helping current citizens in need first? Shelter all the homeless for starters.
  11. Liberals have convinced themselves they're morally and intellectually superior to the common folk that suffer from all kinds of undesirable traits and ideas. It's a fanciful delusion. And virtuue signaling is more or less a cost-free endeavor. Only when they believe there are some personal consequences from their open border policy will they, and they do, change their views.
  12. I remember pizza gate well. That was the scandal a few years ago over the national conspiracy and despicable act of using low-fat cheese on pizza. How dare you I say!
  13. What I would like to know is what overt/covert acts were planned or committed to fraudulently alter the vote count by adding or deleting vote or modifying counted votes? Or override the will of the people? Otherwise, does it boil down to a free speech issue. And is the governments contention that expressing discontent with an election result and discussing available legal remedies is no longer allowed? Says who?
  14. Most of the military ranks have been staffed by conservatives until recently. But lately enlistments and re-ups have fallen. Why should they fight and die for liberal leadership that calls them extremists? And frankly hates and looks down upon people that value virtues such as patriotism and honor. And while the idea of following trans Generals into combat may appeal to the social justice crowd, which obviously would never consider military service, most people that formed the core of what used to be the world's most effective fighting force have decided to pass on that opportunity.
  15. If she could gaurantee a Bills Super Bowl victory this season I would seriously consider supporting her re-election in 2024!
  16. Its official. Diversity coordinators everywhere are dancing in the streets overjoyed and teary eyed as a women of color is leading the nation.
  17. There's chatter that some big currency announcement is coming out of the BRICS meeting of August 22nd. Talk of some gold and resource backed currency the trading bloc is going to establish. This is a story that gets repeated often. And while the event is something to watch I don't expect any major fireworks or announcements about a radial move to get out of dollars. Watching the currency markets recently, just the opposite is happening as the dollar has been catching a bid and is stronger.
  18. The House committee has found evidence and testimony to support it. But nobody should expect the burden of proof is finding a check written by a Burisma executive for $5M and a deposit ticket with the name Joe Biden on the account depositing the endorsed check with the signature of "Joe Biden" for $5M into his personal checking account.
  19. Do you really expect it to play out that way? Expect any guilty verdict in any of these cases will be appealed to a higher court. Perhaps petitioning the Supreme Court to hear the appeal but eventually reaching that group of 9 justices. What would anyone expect the Supreme Court to do? Vote 6 to 3. Then all the shrieking and yelling can commence while wails of Trump got away with it again and calls for stacking the court with liberal justices grow louder. That's the Democrat's plan. Keep Trump from running in 2024, no care in the world if he does time or not, run another candidate instead of Biden, and demonize the Supreme Court, one of few remaining "Conservative" institutions remaining. A win, win, win. Like I told you earlier. The Democrats are just way too smart and crafty for the Republicans to handle at the moment. And 3 steps ahead like the analogy of one guy playing Chess against the other playing Checkers.
  20. I'm certainly not suggesting Trump should be held unaccountable for anything he's done in breaking the law. What I do question is the interpretation and application of the law. But I'm not going to stress out over that as the courts will sort all of that out over time. But I also believe there's sufficient information and testimony about Biden's bribery operation to warrant further investigation. And anyone suggesting there's "no evidence" is completely off target in their assessment.
  21. That in itself is a polarizing question. But number one right now is Joe Biden and his family's influence peddling and pay off operation.
  22. I don't think there's any question our society is polarized. And in order for the middle to reappear and re-assert control there needs to be acceptance and awareness by that middle that "the criminal precipitant of the extremism" exists at both ends or extremes. Otherwise its just an act of reinforcing the system of extremes.
  23. One truth is there's just no political middle-ground at this point in time. Regardless of how we might all view ourselves individually as "moderates" that might agree on most things. In the aggregate, the current political and social environment has forced everyone to choose one extreme or the other. There is no middle. There is no representation for the middle choice. Which extreme you gravitate towards depends on how your views align with a couple points below (I've listed 4 but I could probably generate 40): You think big government is the answer or you think big government is the problem. You think the election in 2016 was fraudulent and the 2020 election was clean or you think the 2016 election was clean and the 2020 election was fraudulent. You think the DOJ is enforcing the rule of law or you think the DOJ has become a tool of political oppression which runs a protection racket for the political establishment. You think the government is defending our system of democracy or you think the government is the threat to democracy.
  24. I'm certain those Ukrainian Nazi militia fighters, the MSM will never mention exist, those that wern't KIA to this point, which form the core of the countries most experienced and battle hardened troops love trans people. Just know, for blind, deaf and dumb war supporters. In Ukraine, Nazi good. In America, Nazi bad
  25. They're running circles around the Republicans although they're starting to catch on to the game the "traditionalist" among them are slow thinkers. Look at how they managed to minimize the damage in the 2022 mid-terms. Absolute genius. By all rights they should have lost the House by 25 to 30 seats. But they focused on the races they expected to be most competitive and won most of them. I always find it prudent to have a healthy respect for your competitors whether in sports, business, and I guess politics. When you're all full of yourself that's the moment you get your ass handed to you.
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