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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. And we've been led to believe the liberals that view themselves as moral and ethical superiors were above vindictive politically motivated behavior.
  2. In short, in the case of Fetterman's health, the citizens of Pennsylvania were intentionally deceived and lied to by various "professionals' in medicine and politics for the purpose of getting him elected. Under the legal standards of criminal action currently employed by the administration in Washington, this should warrant an investigation for election interference. You know, lying, making false statements, conspiracy to defraud the state and the voters, that kind of stuff.
  3. I'm positive the AG is preparing conspiracy and false statement charges against these former IC officials and others for the knowingly false statements about the Hunter laptop origin that imisinformed 2020 voters and interfered with the election. Sadly, I jest. As we all know no such thing is going to happen as these chaps are above the law. And there's no proof! Just a publicly published letter full of lies. But again, no proof,! Say it again, no proof. Now say it like you believe it!
  4. For all practical purposes, the war will be over before the end of the year and then Democrats will be explaining how Trump wasted billions and failed to do enough to help Ukraine prevail.
  5. And teachers of good conscience just play along out of fear of reprisals and punishment for objecting. The left's desired vision of Democracy is indeed a farce yet they insist on claiming the moral high ground. Are they delusional or just evil? I say number two.
  6. Both are incredibly unbelievable. Joe's as dirty as a NYC subway bathroom and yet you're still in complete denial.
  7. You seem good at making up excuses. I've got a secret burner phone I use to set up dates with 3 or 4 women from work. When my wife finds the phone I want you to clearly explain to her I'm completely innocent and she has no proof of anything. I'm certain she will believe that completely. Just like the fine job you're doing defending Joe's payoff operation.
  8. Most amazing is the support systems built up inside the government and the private sector that support, surround, and protect officials players like our POTUS. All performing a role while generously compensated courtesy of the taxpayers. Indeed a swamp of various slimy and slithery creatures.
  9. New records released by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) reveal that Hunter Biden’s firm, Rosemont Seneca Partners, exchanged over 1,000 emails with the office of then-Vice President Joe Biden during the Obama Administration. So much for never discussing and not knowing anything about his son's business activities. Or 200 more emails remain hidden due to the Biden White House citing executive privilege. “Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors,” NARA claimed. So Joe Biden was sharing e-mails with Rosemont Seneca that contained confidential advice given to the VP. So did Joe violate document handling rules by disclosing "secret" government correspondence 200 times? No worries, its not like he read anything out loud to other people like Trump is said to have done. But still no evidence!
  10. Men and women are both capable of making good and bad choices and unfortunately when they make bad choices its usually the children that suffer the most. And this toxic masculinity fantasy is dreamed up by feminists fighting "the patriarchy" portraying men as irredeemable and immoral hapless idiots, dependent on "strong" empowered women for guidance on proper conduct.
  11. That's not moving anything. As I said, "the supporting cast of political and media operatives that willfully lied, obstructed, and censored the truth need to be called out on the carpet to provide some real and truthful explanations for flying cover". What's their quid pro quo?
  12. Holding you to your superior intellectual abilities and higher ethical and moral standards you claim to hold over and above those of the "idiots". Time to walk the talk.
  13. I'm all for answers. But my problem isn't so much what Jared and Hunter did or didn't do. Their actions are secondary to the real problem. My problem is the way the media and political establishments acted and reacted to the stories. From the beginning the Kushner/MSB arrangement was scrutinized and questioned. While the Hunter/Joe Biden story, initiated with the laptop, was painted as some kind of Russian dis-information conspiracy by 51 former IC members, the MSM and social media. And anybody raising objections or disagreeing with that conclusion got steamrolled. I can agree with you that the payments and arrangements need to be clarified in both cases. But in the case of Biden, the supporting cast of political and media operatives that willfully lied, obstructed, and censored the truth need to be called out on the carpet to provide some real and truthful explanations for flying cover.
  14. That's still not equivalent to bribes and payoffs. To this point everything appears to be legal. Do you have proof these are legal violations? If we want to discuss and agree there might be some ethical issues we can certainly do that. if you're on a fishing expedition to find crimes then you're coming up empty. File a complaint with the SEC.
  15. Its still not equivalent. Its a publicly disclosed and legal investment into a registered fund. What are the terms and arrangements? Sure I'm curious but its a private arrangement between two parties and its nobody's business as long as the law is being followed. Which clearly appears to be the case. Might there be some ethical questions? Sure but that's another issue altogether than legal violations.
  16. Yes. Concerned about your ability to comprehend reality.
  17. You're kidding me, right? Secret payoffs and bribes are completely different from investing in a registered fund. When you pay bribes you expect favors, when you invest money you expect a monetary return. What else can I tell you?
  18. One of the village idiots started this topic as a distraction and to present an apples to apples argument of an apples to oranges situation suggesting taking bribes and payoffs from foreign entities in return for as yet unknown political favors while laundering those payments through various shell companies and accounts and then distributing those funds to multiple parties, including the former VP's son and to the former VP himself, to use the funds for personal use and supporting a lavish lifestyle was equivalent to managing a registered private equity investment fund which took in investment money from a specific foreign official, namely Saudi MBS. Might there be an 'ethical" issue with the latter? Perhaps, but there is most likely no legal problem where the former is clearly criminal. But hey, even though they know its true, nothing short of torturing a confession out of them will ever convince some folks to admit it. I don't need to name them, do I? There's nothing more to say here and the moderators, if they exist, should close this topic.
  19. The Bee said it best, to paraphrase, "2020 Election Interference Trial Set To Begin In Time To Interfere With 2024 Election"
  20. Impeachment or not, the Democrats face the choice of letting a damaged incumbent President run for re-election or making the hard choice of dumping the incumbent and replacing him with another candidate acceptable to the radical extremists for 2024. My expectation is he's going to be "encouraged" to drop out well before the first primary happens. California governor and liberal aristocrat Gavin Newsom is one potential replacement.
  21. By the look of his wasteline Trump isn't doing much running lately. I don't have a lot of confidence in conservative scholars and that sect. They prefer to run a nice regular guy like Mitt Romney, supporting forever wars, interference in the affairs of other countries, big spending government (while claiming fiscal responsibility when in the minority) and big corporate globalization efforts to offshore Ametican jobs and businesses, while graciously losing by 35 or so electoral votes
  22. Because idiots think just claiming it was an insurrection 100 times makes it one and fantasize that 14A will keep Trump from running. Why do the Dems have such an obsession to keep Trumpoff the ballot while at the same time they say he can't win? They should be welcoming his participation if they believe their own story.
  23. Its not how what specifically works? Show me legal precedent where a President was tried and acquited by Congress and then indicted for participating in the same crime after leaving office.
  24. Smith's J6 charges are double jeopardy as defined in A5. "Nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be put in jeopardy of life or limb." The Semate acquited Trump of all J6 charges under the House articles of impeachment. Smith's charges are moot. They are materially similar and refernce the same act. You can't be charged with conspiracy or obstruction of an act the court, in this case the Senate, has already determined you are innocent of and therefore had no involvement. The mystery is how Trump's legal team has been asleep at the wheel in filing any motions to dismiss or petition the Supreme Court directly.
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