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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. None of that is unique to X (Twitter). Social media platforms censor for various regimes. Google and other applications perform censorship tasks for the CCP. ISP's block external content and websites so governments can control media and messaging their subjects can receive. EU censorship rules require social media platforms to do the bidding of governments and multi-nation government entities like the EU. Or face fines and other consequences for disobedience to their rules. Social media platforms in the US work with government agencies and entities to control messaging. The problem isn't Musk, or Google, or Facebook, or ISP's. And the only reason Musk is getting called out is because he's a generally uncooperative torn in the side of the regime. The problem is authoritarian government policies and regimes. Slowly freedom of thought and expression are being strangled while everyone focuses on petty disagreements.
  2. The economy and the markets are about to fall off a cliff at the same time inflation will begin to accelerate, we'll experience another debt ceiling debate, higher out of control deficits, and larger and larger interest payments eating up the annual budget. 70' stagflation style but without any remedy. When that happens lots of people are going to be unhappy. Lots of them Democrats. That will pretty much put an end to the Joe Biden experiment.
  3. Identification is an irrelevant exercise in self-delusion. Its denial of reality. The core concept governing the neo-liberal belief system. Reality is you are what you are. Period. Can I be any clearer? Or am I still ranting?
  4. All that swagger and yet the betting line is what? Bills - 2.5 on the road to open the season.
  5. I mentioned it before Jerod's father was a big Democratic party donor. That is probably why DOJ under Garland hasn't investigated this arrangement. Comically, many cling to the belief the Democrats are ethically and morally above such acts but they are truly corrupt snd morally bankrupt through and through. And what y'all are getting for supporting it all beyond being taken for the ride of your life is unclear. That's not to say the other side is clean. They're dirty too. It's not a left vs right thing anymore. It's you tolerate and accept big corrupt government or you don't. That's the divide here.
  6. Until recently Musk was a darling of the liberal social set and hailed as a technological visionary. But since aligning against the censorship regime he's been transitioned to persona non grata.
  7. You're mind is malfunctioning. I'm just mocking and making fun of some of the crazy crap you guys believe. It's irrational and insane. Identify with being a Bee and buzz off!
  8. POC? Democrats are officially proclaiming him a White supremacist. Which means he's been upgraded from fringe candidate to troublemaker. Anyway, based on liberal ideology he can identify as being anything he pleases. POC, white, green Martian, anything. No limits or boundaries.
  9. The brainwashed zombies on the left still blame Putin for Hillary's defeat. That's why Tibs and others are obsessed with this war. Revenge not democracy.
  10. Most poor districts fail their students for a few reasons. A couple. People in poverty, the middle class, and the wealthy "think" differently. Most school curriculums are designed by teachers and administrators with a middle class mindset. If you're from a poor family where survival is day to day, education and the future are not priorities.
  11. Right at the time of Biden's inauguration I loaded up on oil & gas stocks and funds because I surmised his big spending policies would be supportive of higher inflation and higher energy prices and more than doubled my investment in a year while getting healthy dividend payments along the way. Close to triple now. Thank you Brandon!
  12. What exactly are you winning? Is Joe cutting you in on a piece of his 10%? Are you on the DNC's payroll or compensated by some NGO? Otherwise, you're just some small fry poster on a msg board like everyone else here.
  13. Says the guy that was banging a known Chinese spy. When he was pumping her, she was pumping him for lots of intel. He's the last person that should open their mouth about being an intelligence asset. The guys a tool and a fool. Hoax.
  14. Or maybe you have a blind spot and can only envision that associates of Trump are engaged in shady activities while Democrats such as the Biden crime family are squeaky clean unless they personally supply a notarized written confession with a complete ledger of payments and accounts witnessed by 100 independent auditors filmed live by all the major networks?
  15. The DOJ can go after Kushner right now but I'm wondering if they aren't because of his dad, Charles? At one point Charles was a big-time Democratic donor so maybe the deal is hands off Jerod? Chris Christie locked up Charles while he was in the DA's office. When Trump "won" in 2016 Jerod had Chris dumped from Trump's team and that I expect is the key reason Christie is gunning for Trump. For revenge.
  16. The Stinkin' Project's false comparison continues. If you don't want Trump, then you must settle for the not any better choice of "but there's no evidence" Joe Biden. It's like picking between dying in the gas chamber or the electric chair.
  17. What's ironic and somewhat comical with your reply is that KGB officer is talking about you.
  18. The problem from day one with the COVID mandates and lockdowns was the one-size-fits-all approach. The masks were one of those things. Old people and those already having compromised health were at risk. Others were not. Instead of focusing resources on protecting those most at risk, like nursing home residents, the elderly in general, and people with a condition like heart disease or obesity, the government obsessed with locking down healthy and young people. These people should have been left to continue life as normal. Outside of a handful of people still wearing masks driving along in their vehicles, I expect few people are going to be willing to along with this approach again. For starters, and comically, many officials that imposed these lockdowns with zeal now claim they were against them. And inflections from the election variant by all accounts results in mild to moderate symptoms. I won't even get into the vaccine mandates. Although lately, I've seen troubling details revealed about the mRNA technology applied. We're told mRNA stands for messenger RNA but now I'm seeing it referred to as modified RNA. Totally different, and potentially dangerous, from my understanding of this type of medical technology. I guess we now live in a country where most fat, dumb, and happy people are comfortable and content with only one person being called out and charged with lying.
  19. I'm thinking it's the Jets that need to worry about how to defend the Bills offense with upgrades including Kincaid, a better and faster WR group, some physical upgrades in the RB group along with some offensive line upgrades. Add in a healed up right elbow for Allen. For all the worries about the Jets offense the Bills are 2 1/2 point favorites on the road to open the season on Monday night. At home that would be what? 5 1/2?
  20. I'd make the argument the grounds and reasons for determining "medical necessity" in the cases involving children that have partially developed minds and bodies vs. that of fully developed adults is insufficient and bordering on medically unethical to warrant these procedures where "buyers remorse" is common. A surgeon could remove your gall bladder and appendix tomorrow along with cutting off your left leg but if its not medically necessary professional and ethical doctors are not going to do it. And your insurance won't provide an authorization or pay for it.
  21. It's not a conspiracy. It's an investigation by the House of official corruption. President Biden has claimed from the beginning he knows nothing of his son's business, never discussed his son's business, and never participated in his son's business. However, there are over 1,000 e-mails where using various government issued e-mail aliases Joe communicated with his son and his business. Proof his contention he didn’t know or discuss business with his son is false. Along with this, sworn public witness testimony to the House committee that then VP Biden was either on the phone or in-person at business events with clients. Clients where bribes and government influence where exchanged and agreed to between the firm and the clients. So another lie about not participating. What's left is tracing the money trail back to the former VP. Something the House committee likely has in their possession. So Joe lied on 3 points and unless you can conjure up a good excuse used e-mail aliases to hide his identity. A reasonable person would conclude this amounts to suspicious activity. Along with this witness testimony collaborating the authenticity of the laptop contents. What more do we need? If anyone is waiting for DOJ or FBI to produce evidence they'll be disappointed to learn those agencies have spent all their time and effort to bury the evidence and make the story go away. Appointing a special counsel that has spent his time helping with that isn't going to produce any revelations. Hardly a conspiracy but rather lots of facts, data, records, and information.
  22. Yeah the Democrats are real angels and such gracious losers in 2016.
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