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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. Lamar and the Ravens lost to the Raiders. That by itself results in automatic disqualification from consideration for the MVP award.
  2. Here's my personal and amateur observation of these "drones". I've seen these objects in the sky a few times. Always at night. Always moving in the same pattern. They appear in groups of 6 to 10 moving in a consistent path following each other one after another spaced out maybe about a mile or two apart moving from north to south and then turning east towards the coast. If you look at a map of New Jersey for reference, they become visible say a flight path from Morristown moving south to about Princeton and then arc turn east. They fly at a low altitude, maybe 2K feet but its hard to tell without reference to their actual size. They move slowly. Its hard to estimate their speed given its night but I'd say maybe 30 to 50 mph. If that. Each one is clearly visible for about 10 minutes. Red, green, white lights. At a distance they look like a Christmas tree star until they get closer. Way too slow to be a commercial or military aircraft and definitely not helicopters moving or hovering slowly because those things generally make a loud and distinctive sound. These objects are quiet but there is some audio output from them. Whatever they are, they make no effort to conceal themselves. As for an assessment, a marksman with a high-powered rifle and a good scope could probably hit them with a shot or two and take one down but my guess is anyone trying that would be swarmed by the Feds in a couple minutes. I expect the government knows exactly what's going on, has eyes and ears and assets deployed here, but won't say a thing to the public for whatever reason they might have. As one astute poster stated here on another thread, the government's standard operating protocol is to "avoid transparency at all costs".
  3. The next conspiracy theory to address is what role, if any, did any government asset have in turning the protest into a violent confrontation?
  4. It should make for fun reading and boisterous laughter so queue liberal outrage and the customary threats against Time editorial staff on social and mainstream media in 3, 2, 1......
  5. Was it a mistake? Or an intentional act to produce disinformation? To smear somebody with lies to poison public opinion and give political adversaries ammo. One thing is clear to me. Dishonesty and lying and corruption are systemic and critical problems in government. Perhaps at all levels. And the private sector isn't much better. America's got a problem. Generally, making good decisions depends on truth and fact. As a society we have not been making good decisions.
  6. I suggest we're already involved because we have 800 to a couple thousand military service people occupying parts of northeastern Syria coordinating with Kurdish fighters and also being there under pretense of being on the hunt for ISIS. Who are more or less the same guys that just took over the country.
  7. This is it, right? Who here didn't think or say "don't use a timeout because you need them to stop the clock 3 times (to get a 3 and out on D) to leave sufficient time to mount another scoring drive after you score to make it a one score game and kick off and don't run the ball because if you don't get into the end zone the clock won't stop and you can't use a time out because you need all 3 for after the kickoff if you score or else if you use 1 of the 3 time outs the only option it leaves you is an onside kick which has an extremely low probability of success. So what happens? They run the ball and then call time out which leaves the low probability onside kick as the only option. And we all bang our heads against the wall!
  8. Retribution killings in Syria have already started. Surprise, surprise. One group targeted are US backed Kurds. Will Biden abandon them consistent with the bug-out from Afghanistan? Or will the US through airstrikes and ground forces neutralize the terrorists taking control of the country? If Israel is threatened (it seems to be already), will it be a surprise if Mossad takes out the benefactor of ISIS and these other terrorist groups, President Erdogan of Turkey? And then, will US led NATO invoke Article 5 against Israel? Lots of questions. Answers to follow with action on the ground.
  9. Nursing homes are the worst offenders in the death care system. They're death row's green room. The difference is they kill their victims slowly to milk the 12 to 15 thousand dollars a month in charges for as long as possible. I should have added, Mangione's family got rich running a Nursing Home chain in Maryland so the idea this guy has some gripe with the insurance industry because they couldn't afford health care or were denied care because of some poverty angle is a bunch of horse crap. He's a member of the 1%. The reason he killed this CEO might be simply because he's certifiably insane.
  10. Saying it "divided" the city is quite an exaggeration. The majority of New Yorkers , specifically subway riders and others exposed to these nuts and felons on the streets, have had enough of liberal extremist experiments in sociology that put them at risk of injury and harm at the hands of criminals and mental patients let loose on the streets. Progressive and liberal Insanity has peaked and is on the way down. Common sense is returning to life in America.
  11. Ed's cap hit goes to $20.75M in 2025, $21M in 2026, $22.5 in 2027, and UFA in 2028.
  12. Nothing says "I need more attention" any louder than the actions of these nutjobs.
  13. From military deployments in the region she's somebody that understands the danger posed by jihadist groups. One of which is now in control of Syria. Anybody that thinks this is going to proceed in an orderly and civilized fashion is in for a big surprise. Look for something along the lines of what happened to Libya. Its a pick your poison choice there. A secular dictator in Assad or a theocratic dictator in control now. Reality being Assad most likely presented less of a threat to American "interests". If I had to guess what's coming picture retribution killings, imposition of Sharia law, genocide attacks on Syrian Christian communities, attacks on US deployed forces in Syria and Iraq, Israel grabbing territory to create a "buffer zone", and general destabilization of the region.
  14. I think this is part of rhe problem. McDermott's system seems to depend on mistakes by the opponent offense. Turnovers, penalties, and execution errors. Good teams usually don't give you much. Especially in the playoffs. They out-execute the Bills with superior talent and performance. And I'll throw is bigger, stronger, and faster overall defense.
  15. Look no further for another Buffalo example in Dominick Hasek. Dude played lights out for years on a team that wouldn't commit to addressing the lack of goal scoring. Beane needs to fix and overhaul the D this off season.
  16. Isn't this problem consistent over the course of the McDermott/Beane era? They've allocated a lot of cap and roster spots to the D line but they still don't have anyone the opponent needs to game plan around. Miller was supposed to be one of those guys but that didn't work out. The draft has produced good but not consistent difference makers. Realistically, this team is not getting anywhere near the SB without upgrades at DL and Safety. They're wasting Allen's once in a generation talent and the clocks ticking and one day the reality of it all is going to hit and he'll want out. If I'm Josh I'm going to Beane in the off season and demand they address what all us fans see as obvious problems.
  17. The idea we were told was to put Milano on a pitch count to ease him back into playing while giving Williams sufficient playing time but thst isn't what's happening.
  18. The customary end-of-game coaching gaffes and a defense that performs like a JV team against the better offenses. What this means even with Allen and a deadly offense is one home playoff game and out in the divisional round.
  19. Many believe he protected the interests and profits of the health care delivery system at the expense of the American public. Such as denying NIH involvement at creating COVID-19 at the Wuhan lab the agency contracted to perform Gain of Function research domestically banned under Obama.
  20. If he makes it to the hearing phase it will be interesting to hear what the NY Time anonymous sources have to say in open hearings under oath.
  21. The problem is the opposition are ISIS Islamic fundamentalist terrorists re-branded as "moderates" supported by trouble-maker Erdogan of Turkey that will guaranteed go on a killing rampage if they take over along with imposing a Sharia law theocratic dictatorship across the region. Anyone thinking this is some "democratic" front is a fool. It is definitely not going to work out that way. This, as opposed to keeping a secular dictator in Assad. So its pick your poison here.
  22. I've heard the infinity and beyond story many times and it generally never occurs to people that the easy money has been made and the law of large numbers is working against them and also advise against linear thinking. That's the belief that a trend in place will continue in the same direction at the same rate forever. If I had any positions left in bitcoin or other cyber currencies I'd probably sell 1/2 and let the rest ride for now. In general, I feel markets are currently priced for perfection and are ignoring virtually all risks of anything going wrong.
  23. I think its a wild "risk on" speculation where most of the smart money is selling on the way up and the trend now is driven by big institutional holders selling to transfer risk to the retail investor commonly referred to as "bag holders" that are enthusiastically front running a market drop.
  24. Middle East alliances are a puzzle wrapped in a riddle. Basically, ISIS terrorist related groups, re-branded with fancy new names and claims of being "moderate", with the backing of Turkey are mounting an offensive against Syrian government forces supported by Russia and Iran These are the same groups the US is claiming to be fighting as pretense to occupy northeastern areas of Syria. And Turkey a NATO member, is sheltering and supporting a terrorist group the US is seeking to eliminate. Let's not dismiss the likelihood that Israel with US backing, through Mossad or their military, are working in cooperation with Turkey in this Shiite vs. Sunni never ending battle.
  25. What he's really saying is we're all going to follow the letter of the law. Starting right now!
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