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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. The domestic auto industry has been losing market share since the 1970's when disruptions to the oil markets and quality issues plagued the industry. At that time the workforce was multiples of its current levels but plant closings, NAFTA, more efficient foreign competition, automation, and financial pressures have worked against the companies and the union. I worked my way through college at a GM parts plant in Buffalo. Then after graduating I quit and then moved down to NYC to pursue career interests. I can tell you working in a parts plant was no picnic. When people told me those guys get paid too much I told them I doubted they would last an hour in the place, Its was dirty, noisy, extremely hot, and depending on your specific job, dangerous. On the job injuries and safety incidents were pretty regular. If your Foreman was good you were fortunate, but some were real a-holes. I had both. But the money was good and it helped me finish college without any debt and a few bucks banked. Given the current situation some of their demands are unrealistic. The companies are not going to return to defined pension plans as that was one major reason they were in such bad financial conditions. Paying retired workers in aggregate almost as much as they paid their employees. As its a seniority based system I expect the company would want concessions from the union in how they manage work and shift assignments for any concessions for the elimination of wage tiers. A 40% wage increase with a 32 hour week seems out of the question given the state of the industry. The negotiating environment seems contentious so I wonder if were going to see a long strike?
  2. A confession of bad decisions or behavior is wonderful but the people who demonstrated great zeal and willingness to put the boot of big government on the necks of its citizens for disobedience need to be held to account. I for one feel compelled to grant them no mercy. For starters, because I expect these confessions are self-serving and lack any level of genuine sincerity or regret. Rather than do it differently my guess is they'd be more than willing to do it again.
  3. Why should I waste my time with you?
  4. The indictment was politics too. Quid Pro Quo. Remember that whopper?
  5. And acquitted twice because the evidence was lacking in credibility and insufficient to establish any crime or violation was committed.
  6. But facts to this point prove it wasn't fake. So swing and a miss for you.
  7. Establishment mouthpiece, David Ignatius, wrote an Op-Ed in the Post Tuesday signaling the end for Joe Biden. The deep state has spoken. Time to move on. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/09/12/biden-trump-election-step-aside/?pwapi_token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJyZWFzb24iOiJnaWZ0IiwibmJmIjoxNjk0NDkxMjAwLCJpc3MiOiJzdWJzY3JpcHRpb25zIiwiZXhwIjoxNjk1ODczNTk5LCJpYXQiOjE2OTQ0OTEyMDAsImp0aSI6ImRhMTIzNzk3LWI3ZjAtNGExZC04NGZiLTYxMzI1NTQwMDdhMCIsInVybCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vd3d3Lndhc2hpbmd0b25wb3N0LmNvbS9vcGluaW9ucy8yMDIzLzA5LzEyL2JpZGVuLXRydW1wLWVsZWN0aW9uLXN0ZXAtYXNpZGUvIn0.vm5cVGubaNB4ni3wASQKLk5Jo0327oNkfeobyiiCLno The official narrative has shifted. Next day appearing on Morning Joe where the hosts echoed the sentiment on queue. Apparently, Biden apologists here have yet to receive the memo. With Newsome saying he's not interested in 2024 and Harris being unacceptable who will the party run in his place?
  8. Allen doesn't need Daboll to teach or mentor him that throwing into double, triple coverage is unwise and usually results in a bad outcome. All he needs to do is apply what experience has once again demonstrated on Monday night and stop doing it. No more speeches and post mortem press conferences on how I've got to make smarter decisions. Schools out. No more excuses. Just make smarter decisions and choose another option that has a much better chance of success that will move the chains and lead to points.
  9. Government Corruption for $2,000 Alex. And the answer is "Influence Peddling".
  10. Josh was reckless and undisciplined. Purposely and knowingly ignoring the risks and consequences of some act. Like throwing the ball into double & triple coverage. You know it's a bad idea, it's something that shouldn't be done unless it's desperation time, but you do it anyway. It's some kind of behavioral issue or defect in his thought process. He might need counseling or therapy, or the team needs to hire a behavior psychologist. Whatever the coaches and teammates are saying isn't working. Now we get to hear I can't let that happen and I've got to play smart and not let the team down. Does anybody believe a word of that?
  11. I understand the idea of reading the defense but exactly how do QB's like Brady and Manning do it vs. how Allen is processing what he sees? Is there something basic he was doing that got unlearned? Other than making bad choices maybe its why is he making bad choices? I mean by the 2nd year any QB knows throwing into double or triple coverage is reckless, and also stupid. So why is he doing it? And how do they get the problem fixed? One other change I might want to see is bringing the OC down to the field to get more face-to-face time and conversation between Dorsey and Allen.
  12. So, are we establishing the idea that if Putin says it we should all automatically disagree? Even if he's correct? What's the thing here? You still pushing this fake Trump/Putin thing?
  13. When Rodgers went down the Bills should have immediately gone 4-3 as it was obvious the Jets weren't going to be airing it out. Always waiting until the damage is done to adjust rather than anticipating is a constant issue with the staff. Watch and learn Sunday 9/24 how Belichik plays the Wilson led Jets O. It won't be 4-2-5.
  14. So did Joe by participating in a criminal enterprise that took bribes and sold influence.
  15. Clearly, if there's no evidence of wrongdoing there's nothing to fear.
  16. Funnier is they're trying to disqualify the leading candidate of the opposition party while ignoring the problem of the incumbent's chances of being reelected are approaching zero. Add in that his mental capacity is diminished to the point that he can't even produce a coherent sentence. How can you conclude anything other than the American political system is a dumpster fire.
  17. I think Dorsey needs to be on the sidelines and out of the box to get a better feel for the game and get face-to-face time with his QB. I thought about McDermott sitting down on the sidelines and having a talk with Allen but the problem is he's calling the defense so when the offense in on the field he can't talk with Allen and when the defense is out there he's calling the plays. So all he's got is halftime, time outs, and TV breaks.
  18. Seems like it. I think they also have the number of the Bills offense. Its not the entire story and I'm not looking to take Allen off the hook for bad decisions. But I think it all starts with the Jets defense, coaches and players, have no fear or respect for the Bills running game other than Allen's escaping the pocket. If you want to slow down the pass rush and force the defense to bring the safeties out of playing 2 deep you need to have an effective run game. When you need it. I thought that was the idea of signing Harris and Murray. Two bigger backs that play a physical game, break some tackles, and get the tough yards.
  19. This team beats itself through a series of blunders by the players and coaches. Last night once again. As soon as Rodgers went out McDermott should have dropped that base nickel and went 4-3. Everybody knew what was coming, lots of runs. Big chunks plays too. Who was surprised? They wern't going 3 or 4 or 5 wide and throwing the ball downfield. Was he paying attention? After halftime I thought the only way the Bills lose is with turnovers. I expect lots of others thought the same. And Josh delivered right on schedule. And I'm sorry, James Cook is not a feature back. Damien Harris, 1 carry. He should have been getting fed the ball on running plays against a very good front where space and running holes are lacking. Move the chains, shorten the game in the 2nd half. The Jets stayed in hi two safety all night not worried about run support because as usual no commitment to the run when the situation called for it. No Rodgers. Nothing the Bills did looked unexpected. Like they were sitting in on Dorsey's game plan sessions all week. I didn't see anything particularly obvious out of Ken to feel they did anything unique or specific to the Jets. It's the same predictable stuff again with a little better receiver group. Where's the creativity and awareness of Josh's lack of patience and judgement when he's got to play the short game? This dog needs a shorter leash. Is the offensive line any better? We'll see in the next few weeks.
  20. I said the same thing about Tom Brady 15 years ago. It might be a long wait for you here too.
  21. As they see all things through the lens of subjectivity, I expect your question can't be answered until you tell them the race and gender identity of the other person.
  22. That idea is another fantasy which takes something one person said to suggest it applies to a wider audience of people. You guys learned that from Mao and Stalin and Bill Ayers. And logically why would the authoritarians in control want a civil war? Duh.
  23. Good question. A 2023 liberal is a person that supports an intrusive and authoritarian big central government, which they control, imposing its will on the public in every aspect of life as there can be no separation between public and private life. Now it's certain any 2023 self-identified liberal will disagree. That's to be expected. They perceive themselves to be champions of "democracy" fighting those evil people seeking to impose a dictatorship. The comical thing is they have no problem using the tactics and methods of a dictator to stop them. The idea being impose an authoritarian one-party dictatorship to stop others from imposing an authoritarian one-party dictatorship. A beat them to the punch approach. That last part is the irony.
  24. I think the root of the problem is the outrageously high tuition charged by these universities and colleges. Like $40K and higher. Some sitting on billion dollar endowment funds while soaking parents and students. Acedemic institutions running a country club for intellectuals living the comfortable life pillaging the system and comsuming high level of resources while producing little of value. A permanent vacation. No wonder they support socialism. They're already living it. A cost/benefit of that colege degree weighing in with interest and expected income might show it a poor investment. In terms of fairness, it's not right to require somebody to start their work life in a financial bottomless pit. I'm not against these student debt relief efforts but there should be some means test and the colleges should bear, lets say 1/2 the costs, not just the taxpayers.
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