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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. They're playing the game of make-believe amongst themselves in a big circle-jerk because everyone else knows they're full of crap and are out of excuses.
  2. You haven't addressed my concerns about the short-comings of climate science. I welcome your perspective.
  3. Smart and civil. Defuse a potential confrontation and turn it into a polite difference of supporting different teams among football fans. I did see on the news this morning reports these guys were going at it and arguing most of the game so I'm curious why stadium security didn't notice the problem and step in before it turned fatal? Then agian, we've seen lots of stuff they ignore or don't see. I'm guessing the incident might force the league to start cracking down on rowdy out of control fans.
  4. The problem is when you apply logical thinking to the issue the climate extremists are imposing lots of rules and regulations based on faulty models and predictions. Pretending about 150 years of incomplete temperature data can accurately predict the future and represent 100's of millions of years of unknown climate and temperature variations. One thing that is understood by fossil records and not temperature data is the climate was hotter in Dinosaur times but just why and exactly what drove the temperature absent human impact is unknown. What cause hot cycles to turn to cold cycles which led to ice ages and then cycle back to hotter is unknown. Climate models have no baseline to validate any of their conclusions. And most importsnt, today's climate science is mostly political science. .
  5. I find bacon can be a mess to prepare and actually prefer Turkey bacon. It's much learner and although the taste is noticeably different its not as bad as I originally expected. Cheaper too by about a buck or two.
  6. What do you expect? A check written from Burisma's corporate account issued by the CFO in the name of Joe Biden, then endorsed by Joe Biden, and then deposited into the joint checking account of Joe and Jill Biden? Does the fact the President claimed he had no knowledge of his son's business dealings, then said he never discussed them, and then claimed he wasn't involved, all of which have been proven to be lies, along with what testimony and money laundering through various shell companies and accounts have identified, produce any level of suspicion that he's hiding something big? I mean, if I do a favor for somebody like getting them a $100M contract with a company I'm associated with and the person I help gives my son $5M does the fact I received no direct compensation negate the fact I still did them a favor which by every imaginable scenario is a clear conflict of interest and an illegitimate use of authority to enrich a family member? Or in this case of Joe/Hunter, using the power of his public office to get an investigator off the back of a company that compensates his son? The premise Joe in innocent because you can't prove he received a single penny doesn't absolve him from charges of influence peddling and bribery. So somebody else Joe was conspiring with got the money. Its doesn't matter who got the money.
  7. Yes, I did vote for Bill Clinton. I remember seeing him at a Bills game walking through the main concourse with some secret service guys in tow. I think it was the 2006 season.
  8. The problem with making decisions based on climate models is the limited duration of the data sets. The Earth has been going through cycles of warming and cooling for hundreds of millions of years and we're making big policy decisions based on a partial set of data observations of maybe 150 years. Along with this past models have been terrible at predicting the future. You have zero accurate temperature readings from previous time. Only subjective understanding of warmer or colder. Pronouncements that we have 12 years until the end of humanity embellish the urgency. Yesterday, climate activists were demonstrating at the UN demanding an end to the use of oil. What's comical is they were mostly dressed in windbreakers and rain gear composed of materials derived from petrochemicals. I don't think these people have an comprehension of what the world they're demanding would look like and the implications of switching to more expensive, less efficient, and less reliable sources of electricity generation and the elimination of certain materials which I assume will be replaced by something to be identified.
  9. I think people are making a lot of assumptions about what they believe and what a jury might believe given counter arguments from a defense counsel vs. a grand jury indictment where the prosecutor will tell the GJ the minimum necessary information to acquire an indictment on the charges they've submitted. Such as the bolded hypothetical below. A prosecutor might argue that I'm complicit but convincing a jury when confronted by a defense argument might not so easy. Given I had no knowledge of your actions and wasn't present when the hack occurred. Not to mention it wasn't part of "the plan". The other part is the unconstitutionality of it all. You might have a better understanding of the details around the charges than I do but I don't recall any of the charges indicating any specific article or amendment to the Constitution was violated in the indictments. One thing for sure, any convictions will be appealed. Perhaps all the way to the Supreme Court. Also not sure any of this is hurting Trump, or maybe helping Biden is a more appropriate way of looking at it. CBS news poll has Trump over Biden right now 50/49. Which seems incredible. https://www.scribd.com/document/671717605/cbsnews-20230917-SUN#
  10. It does require action. Does this furtherance meet the criteria for action? That's the question. If you and I decide to rob a bank, write down a 5 step plan, discuss the plan, drive by the bank to check it out, and then decide not to do it, then the cops find out we discussed a plan to rob the bank do you think they're going arrest us and a prosecutor would acquire an indictment and attempt to try and convict us of conspiracy to rob the bank?
  11. But it wasn't executed. You can say it was a "conspiracy" but rarely is conspiracy a standalone charge absent some actionable offense.
  12. Biden won't side with Putin but he'll do his best imitation like his Philadelphia "MAGA extremist" speech in Philly. A fool and a tool.
  13. I have a copy of that "plan". It's like the one the Coyote has used to try catching the Roadrunner. There was no "plan".
  14. The concerning thing is the US national debt rose by $1 trillion in just 3 months. Whether its an accelerating trend or a one-time blip isn't clear.
  15. Staggering, vomiting, belligerent drunks can really ruin the game day experience. Especially if you're introducing younger fans to the live-game experience.
  16. The party of chaos reins! I saw no-bail rules are going into affect. Citizens need to make a choice. Leave, or fight, or die, and most certainly stop voting for these scum representing a political party at war against its supporters. Stop being a supporter.
  17. Romney doesn't like the populist movement and prefers the traditional Republican role of representing the interests of white businessmen. Assuring the party of like-minded conservatives will politely assume a minority position in perpetuity to an opposition thst feels no need to play by the rules. Assuming the part of the Washington Generals for the Globetrotter Democrats. Me, I used to vote for liberal democrats before they moved so far left on social and economic positions that in a relative comparison they make traditional moderates look like radical right wing extremists.
  18. Turns out Barisma was corrupt. They paid the Biden's $5M to get the prosecutor off their backs. But still no evidence.
  19. Two Fettermans's? Sounds like a great plot for the beginning of latest zombie movie series. The original Fetterman escapes from a secret bio weapons lab and attacks an unsuspecting person in the town. That person then transforms into another exact replica of Fetterman. Soon there are thousands of Fetterman's running for the Senate and the entire country is thrown into anarchy! A secondary plot twist revealed near the end is another type of imbecile zombie has arisen. A brain-dead Fetterman voter that infects the majority of the population of Pennsylvania and then other surrounding States.
  20. To settle the debate, I believe a solution would be to put both to a series of mental acuity and psychological tests conducted by an independent party and then providing the unfiltered results to the public. Which party do you think would be most hesitant to that idea?
  21. So-called MAGA people haven't changed their ideology or views for decades. They're just getting in the way of the left FUBAR'ing whatever they haven't screwed up already. Meanwhile, the extremists on the left have moved even further left and incorrectly conclude the distance between the two views is proof of right wing extremism while in reality its they who are the extremists.
  22. This is a dumb idea. I've "hosted" lots of family members in the past that needed some help and it doesn't ever end well. Generally because they never want to leave. It's a lot easier living for free and eliminating the everyday stress of having to pay lots of living expenses when you can spend most of your time relaxing. When I ask them when they're getting off their ass to hold up their end of our agreed to arrangement they get an attitude and I'm the bad guy. The one letting them live for free. The lesson is your generousity will likely be taken advantage of by most.
  23. Tough probes? It's a transparent attempt to distract and whitewash the more serious offenses. And pull a fast one with an immunity deal for anything beyond the gun charge which will result in no time served and a nominal fine. Count on it. More BS from crooked Garland.
  24. Look and learn, use big, physical RB. TD.
  25. Somewhere Leslie Frazier is smiling asking do you still think it was me?
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