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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. What killed the Bills defense today more than injuries was way too many easy 3rd and long pass conversions. The secondary looks to me the biggest concern. Our starting Safeties are looking their age. With the exception of Bedford who was out today the outside corners are rarely in position to make a play on the ball. Beane needs to go to work Monday morning and investigate options. And do we think after two major injuries Tre is gong to come back anywhere near 100%
  2. They need to tell the league the Bills will not ever let the league schedule them ever, ever again for a game in London.
  3. They are definitely ruining this game.
  4. If anyone thinks coming to America to settle in some major city will provide sanctuary from violence they are tragically misinformed.
  5. I didn't vote for either of them the first time and that won't change in 2024. I think we should poll Yes/No Do you think Trump will be in jail before the election? Yes/No Do you think Biden will still be alive in Nov 2024?
  6. We're not Trump supporters. We just think liberal policies have totally ***** everything up.
  7. Americans prefer good old fashioned domestic government and media produced propaganda to the foreign brands.
  8. Yup. There's typically a seasonal decrease in demand after Labor Day which begins to increase with Thanksgiving travel and the December and New Years holidays and then drops off again until Spring. If there's something more like an economic slowdown or a big hit on demand from prices that could be part of it. My first job after college was as a statistician where one of the things our team ran was energy demand forecasting models. We gather traffic volume stats, several types of data series, developed coefficients of demand to create the model and then ran forecasts a year out. It was pretty accurate in both actual demand and identifying shifting demand patterns throughout the State over the course of the year.
  9. Consumer credit numbers. https://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/g19/current/default.htm Gasoline and Diesel stats (click a box to view) https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/pet_sum_mkt_dcu_nus_m.htm
  10. What the fools making up these fake job reports don't seem to comprehend is that while a robust report will boost the impression the economy is going gangbusters and the Biden administration is doing a marvelous job, it will also compel stock and bond traders to sell off those markets because a higher jobs number will signal the Fed about the need to continue raising rates. Which will increase future expectations for a severe recession and eventually tank the markets and the economy into the November 2024 election.
  11. The unspoken message of the Post story is more and bigger government makes you live longer.
  12. Call me a cynic but observation leads me to conclude neither Dems or Reps want a resolution because a problem solved is no longer a useful campaign issue.
  13. A more reasonable alternative is don't offer people lots of free stuff and stop abusing the asylum designation when it's obvious almost all are coming for economic reasons.
  14. It's "ladies night" everywhere! Free admission and 1/2 price drinks.
  15. Bowman simply acted out of necessity through some means at his disposal. He wanted to delay the vote, found a way to do it, and knew he would suffer no consequences for this action. He'd make up some lame excuse like he could not distingish between an ordinary door handle for a door he might have opened 100 times or more before and a box on the wall labelled "fire alarm". A common mistake and an excuse that his buddies in the media would run with as they push to move the story to the wastebasket. I mean really, how dare anyone suggest he should be held accountable for delaying an official vote of Congress like those MAGA hooligans did on 1/6. Anyone suggesting such a thing should be roundly and in coordination attacked for their insolence. And of course its not the same thing anyway. So that's it.
  16. The radical feminist movement has over time turned many young men into sissies, reinforced by mommy and daddy obsessed with "safety" conditioning them to be afraid of everything. All the Chinese and Russians need to do to beat this crew is address them with the wrong pronouns.
  17. What I struggle with is I personally don't have any global enemies or gripes against anybody anywhere and I don't feel any obligation to hate people our government deems unfriendly just because there's some leadership disagreement between the higher ups. If there was anybody that posed a danger to America I would have a different attitude about but none of these countries pose any danger to any of the 50 States. The world's got a leader issue. Why not just let them fight it out 1 on 1 and leave the rest of us to go about our daily business? This whole lets assemble an army of a bunch of commoners to do the fighting, dying, and suffering in a disagreement between the nobles is long past the time to get rid of the practice.
  18. The last time? I think they were called The Electric Company!
  19. What's going on with the story about Jamal Bowman pulling the fire alarm in the Capitol to stop the continuing resolution vote from happening?
  20. The conclusion there is no evidence is preposterous. declaring there's no evidence at this point in the process is like a jury deciding to vote a defendant not guilty after hearing the prosecutors opening statement before hearing any evidence witnesses or examining any exhibits or articles of evidence.
  21. For me, the most interesting aspect of the Biden family influence peddling operation isn't the operation itself. It's the web of support and protection provided by elected and career officials in various agencies and departments. Violating every duty and oath of their office. Calling off IRS agents investigating suspicious transactions, tax evasion, various shell companies and a plethora of accounts and banks involved in money laundering. DOJ officials blocking and obstructing investigations, making secret blanket immunity deals. FBI officials burying the laptop for a couple years. Former IC officials making a statement the Hunter laptop was a Russian disinformation operation, out of fear the truth would cost Joe Biden the 2020 election, when they knew the truth, which was the machine was authentic and their statement was a lie. What's in it for these people? Are they getting piece of the action under the table? Are they raging ideologues? Do they or some family members have some stake in the operation or some other shady operation through nepotism or direct involvement? One conclusion is they are well compensated to look the other way and act with impunity because they are above the law and know the system will never charge and prosecute them for anything they do.
  22. Natural disasters of one kind or anoher have been ocuring on planet Earth for hundreds of millions of years. The planet is about 4.5 billion years old and I'm quite certain ithere have been years, decades, centuries, and much longer periods where it's been much hotter and much colder, much drier and much wetter without human assistance in the past. Nothing is more frightening than ignorance in action and climate science is a prime example. To think our 150 years of incomplete temperature data is sufficient to understand and predict the future climate, how it changes, and with certainty its cause and effect is the height of arrogance. A trait humans have a monopoly on among the creatures sharing the planet. 150 years is a blink of an eye in geological time. It's far more likely we have absolutely no control over the climate than what many think how it can be controled by removing 2 parts per million of CO2, a naturally occurring compound necessary for plant life, from the atmosphere. I suggest we spend our time and resources learning to adapt to the changes. Organisms that fail to adapt to changing conditions eventually become extinct. And the planet will somehow manage to survive and change without us for another couple billion years.
  23. So what's the plan? Kick the can down the road a couple more miles? Until next time and then kick it some more? Keep borrowing trillions until the interest payments on the national debt consumes the entire Federal budget? Something needs to give. Either raise the tax rate to something like 75% or stop borrowing or both.
  24. I don't know about you but when I see something that threatens my well being I'm more than willing to throw political ideology out the window. And that's the kind of risk we face with more and more borrowing and spending. I don't care who stops it. Democrats, Republicans or Independents. Conservatives, Liberals, Moderates, or anybody else. This game of financial make-believe has to stop.
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