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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. It was the world's first "insurrection" where all of the rioters suddenly and voluntarily left to go home for a nap followed by dinner.
  2. I don't see 60 year olds walking around town, and driving, starring at their phones all day. The iPhone is to young people what the Bible to Christians. Their phone is their God, providing guidance and instruction. Wake up and look around at the real world and see what's going down around you. We're headed for some hard times so best to prepare rather than be surprised.
  3. How is generation of narcissists that spend 12 hours a day taking selfies that are mostly unfit physically, mentally, and emotionally for military duty going to "save us"?
  4. A little early to declare victory as we've committed about $100 billion to Ukraine and in spite of that its obvious to anyone being objective that the Russians are winning the war, Ukraine will never gets back Crimea, and the Hamas savages attack is in the top of the first inning with high potential to expand into more carnage.
  5. I completely agree with you but next time somebody posts a pro-interventionist opinion advocating we participate in one way or another in every conflict and assume the role of world police across the entire planet remind them of this. Sadly with around 600 military and CIA bases ready to deploy and respond around the world tells me the people running our government do not agree with us.
  6. They call ordinary citizens expressing opposing views terrorists. Look at the clown in the White House cheerleading the cause. A disgrace and a liar. But now they all get to see what real terrorists and extremists look like in action. MAGA white supremist are the biggest threat. What a joke. A joke clearly exposed. Now it's time to deal with reality whether they want to or not. Welcome to the real world liberal ass clowns.
  7. In a situation where the country and the world are racing forward into one huge dumpster fire the conditions aren't supportive for an unpopulsr incumbent no matter who is on the ballot.
  8. They're fanatics. I always wonder about religious zealots that believe some imaginary guy in the sky is telling them to kill people. It's irrational in a few ways. First off, why should I break moral, ethical, and legal standards of behavior under those circumstances? I mean, show yourself if that's what you expect. Second, if there is some all-powerful supreme being that wants to kill people it's perfectly within his power to do it himself so you can just leave me out of it. Thirdly, if you wanted to eliminate some undesirable group why did you put them here in the first place?
  9. There is truth here. The Ultra-Orthodox wing of the Israeli government has been pushing more and more West Bank settlements commandeering land previously occupied by Palestinians for many generations. Where those people go nobody seems too concerned. And the Gaza Strip is a slightly more accommodating modern-day version of the WW2 Warsaw Ghetto. That isn't justification for the atrocities committed but it does provide some context to the relationship which is we tell you what to do and you do it or else.
  10. Just don't tell any woman this will only take 3 minutes!
  11. What Kennedy also has going for him is between the three of them, Biden, Trump, and himself, whether you agree with him or not, is he's the only one able to put together a coherently clear and understandable argument or statement of sufficient detail on most important topics. Biden's mind is spent and Trump is a BS artist with no comprehension of details. Who should I vote for? The buffoon, the dementia patient, or the smart guy?
  12. Kill the messenger! I've learned that In almost all situations in life whether personal or professional its a good idea to avoid being the messenger.
  13. Its a long way to November 2024 and the investigation is just getting started. Also, I think its a fantasy to believe Biden is going to be on the ballot for 2024 given his age, his deteriorating mental and physical condition, his poor performance polling numbers, and how much is yet to come regarding these payoffs and favors. My guess is the DNC is feverishly working in the backroom to identify a candidate that can win.
  14. I said nothing about money. You did. I said Biden refused to extend the traditional meeting all Israeli PM's have been accorded. That's a fact.
  15. Fact is the Biden administration shunned the Netanyahu administration up until his this weekend as they were viewed as too far right for the taste of the progressives controlling the Democratic agenda. Refusing to extend the customary White House meeting to a sitting Israeli PM. And then this weekend happened and all is forgiven...
  16. For most liberals "The State" is their God.
  17. Sure a crime is a crime but there's no crime here because there's no victim. For fraud to occur somebody needs to be harmed or defrauded or minimally attempted to be defrauded. Who was defrauded or attempted to be defrauded? What entity involved in the transactions filed a criminal complaint or charges? And of what were they de-defrauded? No party has reported any material or financial loss. The State certainly wasn't defrauded of anything. That's why its a civil case because a criminal case would have been booted out on day one. Typically, crimes of financial types (this is financial right?, inflating the value of assets?) have degrees based on the dollar amount of the crime. But there's no dollar amount here. In the end the State of New York is probably going to blow $20 million plus on prosecuting this case of nothing and come up empty. But they don't care, its not their money and its not mine either.
  18. All week long McDermott said they were relying on their sports science and in hindsight it might have been better to go out earlier. What I don't understand is how the offense could be hit with the symptoms of jet lag and while sleepwalking for 3/4 of the game (with the one TD drive before the 1st half as the exception) yet the defense, already out a couple starters and losing a few more during the course of the game, in what can only be described as a gut check performance showed far fewer effects of the time zone difference. Being out on the field for 2/3 of the game is what did them in. While the results were not perfect the effort was definitely there. But the offense, 29 yards rushing for the game? Come on. It was a 4 point game going into the 4th and they abandoned the run in the 1st half.
  19. I'm still waiting to hear what tangible harm was caused by this allegation of inflating the value of real estate. How was the State harmed? They weren't even a party to any transactions. First, if you want a loan using property as collateral a bank will send an appraiser. And ensure the property value is consistent with the conditions of granting a loan. Second, all the banks that loaned money to the company based on property as collateral were paid back in full along with having the payment serviced. Nobody lost one cent per my understanding nor is any party to any transaction is claiming harm. There are many places where valuations get stretched. Go get a diamond ring appraised. Then take that number and try to sell it on the market for that price. Good luck. I guess all these guys should be arrested too.
  20. Reports Israel is striking Hezbollah targets in Southern Lebanon.
  21. I stand corrected. The second defender was closing in on the play when the time the ball arrived. Given a 4 point deficit and 14+ minutes left on the game clock I still think it was a poor decision. Josh's talent and confidence are both a big blessing and yet a big curse at times too.
  22. What proof has Little Ricky presented to support this allegation? Nothing, right? Since when do lefties need proof? All it takes is one of them to run around with their hair on fire and the rest join in on queue. That said we might have bigger problems here. I suspect that these thugs have established and built networks of terror cells throughout the US and Europe while exploiting open border policies pushed by bleeding hearts and global NGO's for about the last 10 to 15 years. They might be waiting in line down in Texas right now but who knows? Certainly not DHS or Customs. So when, God help us, these sleeper cells are activated in Europe and the US are you going to blame Trump for that too?
  23. I re-watched the 4th quarter interception play a couple times. The only thing I might disagree with is I think this one falls directly on Allen and not Dorsey. The Bills also burned a time before the play as the play clock ran down to zero. Josh had 2 other easy options on the play. Knox open in the left flat but the better option was to Murray at the numbers on the right at the Bills 43 with the nearest Jags defenders way down field around the Bills 38 yard line. They were either unconcerned about the underneath throws or concluded that the throw was going deep. Allen has a clear line of sight to Murray as he's looking up the field to Diggs. Maybe the check down doesn't get the first down but it sets up a potential 4th and short situation. As Diggs is double covered and the ball is slightly under-thrown it wasn't a great decision. The check down was the high percentage play considering the circumstances. The score was 11-7 and a 4 point deficit with almost a quarter left shouldn't have factored into taking that risk. I hate to say its a problem when a player is too talented but that seems to be Josh's problem at times. Our QB has so much confidence in his ability that it gets in the way of his decision making process. A less skilled QB would have taken the 10 yard underneath throw and played the percentages in keeping the drive alive.
  24. This and using Kincaid for two yard check downs are the most disappointing parts of the offensive plan and personnel use.
  25. They can somewhat solve the jetlag issue by scheduling the game for 5 or 6 PM London time.
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