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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. Dollars to donuts we all know that if this was some shooter identified as a white supremacist maniac that left behind some rantings and writings it would all have been posted everywhere before the bodies cooled. In this case the "manifesto" is super secret because there's no benefit to progressive DEI supporting psychos controlling the political strings from calling out one of their own for a mass killing spree. Saying its to protect the victims and their families is complete horseshit and everybody knows it so who do they think they're fooling? Its just another example of a systemic and complete lack of honesty from public officials.
  2. The war in Ukraine has already cost that country a generation of young men either KIA, wounded, or leaving the country to avoid conscription. Dumping billions more down that hole isn't going to change that and for all intents and purposes the war is lost. Zelensky and others believing otherwise are delusional at this point. You won't hear a peep out of anyone in Congress or the Administration suggesting any tax increase coming into an Election year. As for Israel, this quote from David Stockman perfectly sums up my feelings, "If Israel wants to operate a modern-day Sparta, it needs to tap its own taxpayers first". Currently, Israel spends a paltry 5% of GDP on its military.
  3. Drafting Allen was a risk Beane took that worked out perfectly. Excluding that maneuvering to get Allen I'd argue the draft record of this regime is in the bottom 1/3 of the league. Free agent signing have been more of a mixed bag. And without Josh this is a .500 team at best. If McDermott wants to "protect" his defense the best way to do it is to unleash the offense and give the defense a three-score lead with 5 minutes left in the 4th quarter. Because if its close at the end they fold almost every time.
  4. I'm not writing off the season yet either but they need 10 or 11 wins. At 5 now. So find 5 or 6 more. While nothing for certain, let's say Denver and New England. That gets them to 7. That leaves Kansas City New York Dallas Philadelphia Los Angeles Miami Let's say they win the 2 remaing division games which is debatable but that gets them to 9. Of the games left maybe the Chargers gets them to 10 so to get to 11 they need 1 out of the Chiefs, Eagles, or Cowboys. I just don't see that happening unless there's some big improvement or guys get healthy in the next few weeks. That doesn't look likely.
  5. If Sean is truly is letting his ego and emotion make major decisions because of some need to get the "credit" for success and control the offense post-Daboll by limiting what Dorsey is doing then he's digging his own grave. One of my former managers used to say the only way you're going to be successful as a manager is if the people working under you are successful. I think that's also true in sports. The other thing is the potential to lose the team. He might have lost Diggs to this point. It kind of looks that way. Missing the playoffs looks quite possible and If he loses Allen because of real or perceived problems with the coaching staff that's going to be a problem too. A major problem for McD. Because if somebody has to go the owner is not going to fire (or trade) his franchise QB.
  6. I'm not even ready for a change in the OC mid-season. Sean simply needs to address the shortcomings of the offensive game plan and play calling with Doresy. But when I hear the answers McD gives to questions about the offense he leaves me with the impression of a guy that doesn't know what's going on or has no input into the offense. That's an unacceptable situation for a HC. Get into the office with Dorsey and let him know what you want to see changed. I expect he'd be receptive but if he refuses than you've got a problem with your OC and at that point it would be appropriate to relieve him of his duties.
  7. The biggest thing the Dems have taken from the Nazi's is the government propaganda machine composed of public/private censorship and monitoring of dissenting ideas and facts. Suppressing anyone and anything that disagrees with the official story. What the State is unable to do without violating the Constitution is farmed out to various social media platforms, think tanks, and universities acting as a proxy for the government. Pretenders expressing concern for threats to democracy posed by the extremists. Dems playing the part of wolves in sheep's clothing.
  8. From player comments and quotes about the offense the players believe going up-tempo and running out of the no huddle is the way to get more scoring and performance out of the offense. And when the coaches go to slow down mode it kills the energy and cadence the offense is building. Everything goes dead. So the protecting the defense by slowing things down on offense is actually putting more stress on the defense by scoring fewer points and cutting the margin of error the defense has to play with during the game. Rather than go timid and cautious the offensive mindset needs to be saying to the defense is we'll get you 30 so just hold them to under that.
  9. Yup. Queers for Palestine. Talk about dummies but it fits their new buzz word. "Colonization", or some derivative of the word. Saw some parodies on this. Like Blacks for the KKK Uighurs for the CCP Turkeys for Thanksgiving Deer for Hunters
  10. We currently have a President that's a crook so the distinction is not necessarily a reason for exclusion from the ballot.
  11. These contract decisions and cap issues are going to require Beane to hit on the draft in 2024. Get that WR we lack, find a run stuffer DT, and identify a RT replacement for Brown to name a few needs. Add in 2 new safeties and McDermott is going to be forced to do something he's not done which is start younger players out of necessity. No money will be available for any big name free agents. Its going to younger drafted and undrafted players and a few veterans at the end of their careers for the minimum to fill out the roster. But when you have your QB its a reload not a rebuild. Get younger, faster, bigger, and let go of the process, because the process is broken. Given we're only at the halfway mark of the season I hate to give up on it but the hard facts are its going to be tough to get to 10/11 wins given the remaining schedule and the state of the team. I think when the season ends the consensus is going to be this group was kept together one year longer than it should have been and the reload should have started this year instead of 2024.
  12. AFC QB's w/2024 cap hits & UFA year & age when UFA Allen $47M, UFA 2029, age 33 Mahomes $57.4, UFA 2032, age 39 (last 2 years can be voided) Jackson $32.4M, UFA 2028, age 33 Borrow $29.7M, UFA 2033, age 37 (last 3 years can be voided) Tagovailoa $23.2M, UFA 2025, age 27 (5th year option value) Lawrence $11.7M, UFA 2026, age 27 Wilson $35.4M, UFA 2029, age 41 Watson $64M, UFA 2027, age 33, (last year can be voided) Herbert $19.3M, UFA 2030, age 32
  13. The Elephant in the room is Allen's cap hit goes from $18.6M this year to $47M in 2024 with the team projected to be over the cap by around ($41.9M) assuming an NFL team cap of $240M in 2024. So where do you "save" $42M, sign your draft class, and maybe some low-level free agents? Cutting Tre saves about $6M but finding the rest might be painful. Miami is in the same boat over ($34.7M) with the Jets $14.4M under.
  14. This belief in "gender identification" is a serious form of mental illness legitimized as "normal" behavior by woke thinking.
  15. Once in a while they could try overloading one side of the formation to bring 4 of say 6 rushers from that side to overwhelm the blockers rather than nicely distribute the blitzes evenly across the line.
  16. I never liked the idea of coordinators sitting in the stands. A very easy first step to improving the offense might be to bring Dorsey down from the sky box and have him on the sideline with the QB and the offense. If there's a problem or some confusion face-to-face back-and-forth discussion is more effective. And when Allen is on the sidelines sitting by himself instead of this the OC would be planted in the seat right next to him. Focused and engaged.
  17. This falls on Beane and the FO. But why does our depth suck? Is the payroll "top heavy" which results in not being able to pay for better depth players? Is it bad drafting, picking the wrong players, reaching for need? Is it bad free agent acquisitions, targeting the wrong players? Is it over-paying by re-signing players on the roster where few to any of them are outperforming their pay level? Is it just the injuries and the way it goes with the salary cap system in the NFL when you have a lot of key players hurt? All the above and this roster is just poorly constructed?
  18. Its a drastic move to fire Dorsey in-season and a panic move but why wait? Will that be seen as a panic move? Maybe, but it is time to panic.
  19. If it wasn't mentioned before I want to point out Taylor made a stupid 2nd half challenge too. Challenging the spot on one of those Allen QB sneak pile of players where its almost impossible to see where the ball ended up. It was pretty obvious the play would stand as called. And the Bengal blew their other 2 time outs avoiding delay of game calls as the clock was running low. Nobody's going to question the Bengals HC or their misuse of time outs because at the end of the day results matter and everyone picks apart the execution and game calls from that perspective.
  20. When asked post game about the offensive performance Allen's comment was something to the effect "I'm just running the plays they call". That's saying its not the players fault and quite an indictment of the OC.
  21. The challenge isn't worth the risk. Even if its by chance overturned. They need those 3 timeouts to stop the clock after they score. Lose the challenge and you only have 2 TOs. Just dumb
  22. I picked it up too as McD rarely does anything unexpected or a surprise.
  23. "Peace sells but who's buying" The powers in control don't want peace. Peace means everyone making consessions and change. The far right Isreali government and the ultra-orthodox Jews running it don't want peace. They want obedience from the Palestinians stuck in their open air prision. They want to continue expelling Arabs from their homes in the West Bank to build more settlements occupied mostly by religious right "settlers". Hamas doesn't want peace. They want to destroy Isreal and peace means Hamas is no longer necessary. Hezbollah, the de facto government of Lebonon, doesn't want peace. Peace means they're no longer relevant. The other Arab states in the region don't want peace through a semi-democratic Gaza showcasing the practice to their subjects living under the rule of dictators and religious figures. Iran doesn't want peace. They also want to destroy Isreal and exert their influence over the region. While peace would serve the interests of the common person in the region, there's little to no benefit from it for the folks in charge. But that's how it always is everywhere.
  24. Anyone thinking Trump's supporters want a dictatorship is stupid. They just saw Democrats cheat in 2020 by abusing the mail-in ballot process that was conveniently used and abused during COVID. Then watched people responsible for enforcing the rules and the courts allow them to get away with it. And they're pissed off. They're not anti-government or looking to overthrow anything. They just want the douche bags running things gone because they suck. And suck they do. That's it.
  25. They should all be fired for gross negligence and arresting for providing aid and assistance to our enemies by allowing them to enter the country unencumbered by border security or any proper screening.
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