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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. A version of the replacement teachers qualification test (see how you score): Answer “Yes” to the following statements if you agree, and add or subtract the points assigned for each question based on your Yes answer. Then score yourself by comparing your results with those in the chart at the end. Good luck! 1) I am not appreciated for my many talents. +3 2) I am inherently suspicious of others. +3 3) I believe that America is the land of opportunity. -3 4) I believe that I have access to truths denied to others. +5 5) I believe that I must work hard for my reward. -3 6) I believe in a world that is divided into oppressors and oppressed, exploiters and exploited and that these groups are easily identified by the color of their skin. +5 7) I believe that I can work to give in-groups preferential treatment while simultaneously saying that there are no racial or gender preferences at our institution. +3 8 ) I believe that I should bring my “authentic self” to work, irrespective of any other considerations. +5 9) I believe, like Frederick Douglass, that in America, one can pull oneself up “by the bootstraps” to succeed. -7 10) If I fail in my job, I immediately search for the reason in causes external to me, such as the “system” or the “unearned advantages” available to other people. +7 11) If people question me and ask for evidence for what I say, I immediately attack them for their “resistance” to the truth that I offer in my story. +5 12) I believe that “indigenous” forms of knowledge such as the “medicine wheel” and the “talking stick” should be incorporated into our scientific discourse. +7 13) I always list my pronouns in my email signature and social media profiles. +3 14) I recognize that today’s “Diversity” office resembles the Soviet Union’s old Political Commissariat, where political ideologues occupied positions to report on the political reliability of those who actually worked to accomplish the mission. -10 BONUS POINTS: If you know this but believe it’s a good thing. +15 15) Anyone who disagrees with the lofty goals of “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” is guilty of “diversity resistance.” +5 16) I believe that a doctorate in education, sociology, or gender studies is every bit as important and impressive as a doctorate in physics. +3 17) When people respond to my charges of “racism” in a particular company or university, with bothersome requests for evidence, examples, or proof, I complain of being attacked, invalidated, and dehumanized rather than taking the opportunity to prove my point. +5 18) I believe that “stories” and “narratives” are just as important and as convincing as knowledge grounded in logic, reason, and the scientific method. +7 19) As women are 50 percent more likely to earn bachelor’s degrees than men, this shows we need to do everything we can to support women in higher education. +3 20) I am familiar with the racialist statement “skinfolk aren’t always kinfolk,” and I look with suspicion at persons with whom I share the superficial characteristic of race but who disagree with me. +7 21) I routinely drop the word “systemic” into conversations. +3 22) I use the terms “white supremacy” and “white privilege” comfortably and un-ironically, without awareness that they are equivalent to scapegoat devil terms such as the bourgeoisie, or Kulaks, or International Jewry, or infidels to explain all the bad that happens. +5 23) I believe that the best method for advancing our knowledge and understanding of the physical world is logic, reason, and the type of inquiry we call the scientific method. -10 24) I believe that people like Ijeomo Oluo, Paulo Freire, Ibram Kendi, and Derald Wing Sue have important things to say about our society that get to the inner truth. +5 24) I don’t pay much attention to the fantasies, “stories,” and pseudoscience of Ijeomo Oluo, Paulo Freire, Ibram Kendi, and Derald Wing Sue. -7 25) I believe in something called “diversity science,” which substantiates the basic beneficial tenets of the diversity agenda. +5 26) I believe that “diversity science” is pseudo-scientific twaddle fabricated by off campus nonprofits and imported into universities and the corporate world. -10 27) The Brazilian educationist Paulo Freire and his Pedagogy of the Oppressed inspires me to work for social justice, emancipation, and against oppression in all its forms. +5 28) I know that Paulo Freire was a crypto-Maoist who borrowed almost all of his education theory from Mao Zedong’s murderous Cultural Revolution, which Freire greatly admired. -5 BONUS POINTS: If you know this but believe it’s a good thing. +15 . 29) I believe any disagreement with my worldview can be overcome with more “education.” +3 30) I divide society into “oppressors” and “oppressed,” “exploiters” and “exploited,” and I know that this is a primitive Manichean way of looking at society that resembles a medievalist world divided into “infidels” and “believers.” +5 BONUS POINTS: If you do this and believe it’s a good thing. +5 31) I believe in “inclusion and belonging” as fervently as any member of Reverend Moon’s Unification Church believes in “peace and unity.” +3 32) I believe that I have attained “critical consciousness” and that those who disagree with my ideology are afflicted with “false consciousness” and must be taught to embrace a new belief system. +5 33) I believe that “critical consciousness” and “false consciousness” constitute a tautological contrivance that updates Karl Marx’s notion of “class consciousness” for race and gender sensibilities. -5 BONUS POINTS: I recognize that critical consciousness is the latest play on Plato’s cave allegory from his Republic of the 4th century B.C. -5 DOUBLE-BONUS POINTS: If you know the foregoing and believe they are good things. +15 I don’t know who Plato is. +10 34) I believe that the poetry of Audre Lorde is profound, particularly her “master’s tools” line. +2 35) I recognize that Audre Lorde’s “master’s tools” line is pedestrian. -7 36) “Inclusion and belonging” sounds too close to a cult slogan for me to feel comfortable with it. -7 37) I believe that I should be called “Doctor” just like Jill Biden because I wrote a 120-page “dissertation” for my Ed.D. that explores my feelings about the education program I just completed, and which required zero research. +7 38) I am thrilled—thrilled—that “I finally get to use my master’s degree” in educational leadership to bring people to critical consciousness. +3 * * * Good candidate? You make the call! +40 and above: Welcome aboard, commissar! Get ready to Do the Work! (Indoctrinating children) +39-30: Not the perfect package but you’re ready to share authentic stories, struggle against “supremacy,” and do some dismantling! (Principal material) +29-20: A few more weeks of amplifying “marginalized voices” should bolster your score. (Good Teachers Aide) +19-10: You’re not committed enough—time for a “difficult dialogue” and a “courageous conversation,” capped off with a “Brave Space” (Somebody that meed a bit more work) +9-0: Hands behind your back—your struggle session is through that door. (Report these people to the DEI committee) -1 and below: Racist! (Never hire, likely MAGA person)
  2. Should they move the HC to the booth and turn off and unplug everything and lock the door?
  3. Any good activist knows the best way to deflect is to always accuse the opposition of doing what you're going to do or what you've already done already as the Biden administration has already completed this task within the civilian government and the military by screening out and identifying "extremists". Did you miss this?
  4. Everybody paying attention and watching every game knows this team is not going to win games because the defense is holding teams to 17 to 20 points. They can't be depended on to get off the field consistently regardless of field position or any other factor like possession time. Maybe McDermott is uncomfortable taking the chains off of the offense but that's the best and smartest option available to win enough games to make the playoffs and give the team a chance. I'll add losing either of the next two game has to be a firreable offense.
  5. I'm skeptical of the report Ukraine was responsible. They needed help both logistically and with planning and executing an operation to blow up Nordstream. Somebody with access to the Baltic for starters. And acting undetected given all the eyes on the area would have been a feat of magic. I think it's more likely the Hersh investigative story is correct that it was a US intelligence operation with support from some NATO allies, Norway has been implicated.. And throwing Ukraine under the bus is pure disinformation as Washington begins to put some distance between themselves, responsibility for the sabotage operation, and the stated whatever it takes pledge.
  6. The majority of Americans live paycheck-to-paycheck while carrying large credit card balances and other debt. Somewhere in the Bible is a quote that "A man in debt is a slave". My dad used to say if you have no degree of financial independence from that weekly paycheck you'll never have any real freedom to once in a while say shove it to the system. I think this is true.
  7. Adams winning the election was a slam dunk 100% certainty so why conspire with anyone? If true just dumb.
  8. Large volumes of testimony and documentation brought forward during the House Committee investigation into the Biden's criminal influence peddling operation confirm politicizing and weaponizing of the DOJ and FBI. While you clowns are moaning and groaning about the potential for authoritarian and fascist rule the Democrats have slipped through the back door with it and its here right now. Sadly, the people responsible for upholding and enforcing the law are the very people breaking it and looking the other way. That's about as bad as it gets.
  9. The "rule by experts" model. The idea that a common individual can assemble the available facts, make logical and reasoned conclusions with those facts, while utilizing a sufficient level of intelligence augmented by critical thinking skills to fill in the blanks and arrive at some logical and rational conclusion or answer reasonably well supported by those factors without the need to rely on some "expert" for the answer is a foreign concept. In short, nobody but their experts are capable of thinking.
  10. Narcissists that think they're all "special"
  11. I think the lesson is if the Eagles can move on from the best coach in the NFL then win the SB soon after the Bills can move on from the not-the-best coach in the NFL and attempt to duplicate the Eagles experience. I think McDermott has done an excellent job as the turn around guy transforming the franchise to respectability but getting to the championship level might be something he's not up to here. Like in the case of Reid, a change might be good for the HC and the team. Many times people find the experience of getting fired is a cold and hard slap in the face along with a wake-up call that is painful but also something that provides a lot of fuel to up their game in the particular field they happen to work.
  12. The key problem is EV's and "Green" renewable sources of electricity are economically uncompetitive absent subsidies and tax credits. No amount of dire predictions are going to change that reality. Beyond efforts to make conventional energy more expensive to level the playing field additional work is needed to improve the efficiency and reliability. That might be decades away.
  13. Membership in The Society for the Rule of Law and $1.75 will get you a donut at Dunkin. Utter nonsense. In December they'll hold the traditional Airing of Griviences.
  14. Bringing this up could cause bad memories that have been repressed by years of counseling and support group sessions to surface again for many Bills fans!
  15. Well, first I wouldn't inflict 10's of thousands of mass casualties on the civilian population because that would make me no better than the terrorists that committed the original atrocities. And Hamas isn't going anywhere. You have them surrounded on three sides, two by land and one by sea. And Egypt isn't going to allow them to escape through the 4th side they control as they want nothing to do with them, After that, patiently and methodically eliminate them through precision strikes vs. the brute force approach that while maybe effective leaves too much collateral damage. Similar actions Russia has been accused of in Ukraine have led to calls and charges of war crimes. Arguing any distinction or justification leaves the people no less dead or the actions no different.
  16. Trump's not running US ME policy. Biden is. So how stupid are people to listening to him? Its a complete disaster. From the initial atrocities committed by Hamas to the unrelenting no terms or conditions support for Israel's bombardment of Gaza while ignoring the death and casualty totals among the civilian population. As usual this administration that gets nothing correct has no coherent plan to defuse or resolve the current problem beyond sending a couple aircraft carriers and some additional troops as a show of force. Add in the Congress ever obedient to the defense contractors bottom lines with knee jerk billions of military aid to kill more people and this shitshow is headed for another unhappy ending. The terrorist need to be dealt with as required but condoning and supporting Netanyahu's killing 10's of thousands of civilians to accomplish that task is unacceptable.
  17. Saying that scoring more points gives the Bills a better chance of winning vs. playing chicken and hoping to squeeze out a 3 point win on the last drive of the game is a no-brainer. The problem is doing it. As over the last month this offense disappears for about 1/2 the game every week along with committing a couple turnovers. And committing a series of errors including turnovers while playing the time of possession game to protect your defense more or less defeats the purpose of playing it that way. As part of playing it safe is not turning the ball over. That's shown to be a losing approach. So don't do it anymore. That seems obvious to us all. If your offense disappears for over 1/2 the game its hard to win regardless of how good or bad your defense is out there. If there are specific plays that have led to interceptions that get them out of the play book. I think the fundamental problem is Dorsey's game plan and play calling. Everybody has it figured out, whether watching from the stands, on TV, or the opposing defenses coaching staff and players. They know what's coming. It all way too predictable, period. I remember way back when in the early 2000's when the Bills had Bledsoe and a high powered offense tearing up the league for about a season and a half. Then everybody figured it out and it was all over. Because the coaches had no answers or wouldn't adjust. And here we are again. The message to McDermott and Dorsey is adapt and evolve or die. Strategy is not some static plan. It needs to be dynamic always changing and adjusting to changing circumstances and the actions of your opponent. The best coaches are the ones that do this well.
  18. The Jets have the Bills number because they know the Bills OC is going to use the same game plan, run the same plays, out of the same formations, out of the same personnel groups as they did in week one while also understanding down to the last blade of grass on the field the Bills offensive down and distance and situational tendencies along with Allen's hesitation to take the "easy" play. They have it all figured out and expect Dorsey/McDermott won't change a thing. Which it probably going to be the case. Add in how its seemly impossible but true that the Bills defense makes their putrid QB look like a world-beater and it might get ugly.
  19. Allen is a free agent in 2029. The thought of the team still "dicking" around with McDermott and Dorsey for 5 more seasons is frightening. And yet given the history of the team's unwillingness to know when to say when, quite possible.
  20. Classic Billsy overlooking the obvious to make an insignificant and inaccurate point. Always someone else's fault is the entire basis of the left's victim/oppressor model. Get with the program already!
  21. Yet all those American leftists are out in the streets protesting in support of Hamas. Do you condemn them for supporting terrorists?
  22. On another topic I suggested the FO's drafting record, absent the Josh Allen maneuvering and selection, is in the bottom 1/3 of the league.
  23. So far the reality on the ground supports that view. Many saw this outcome before the conflict began. Unfortunately, and as usual, few to none of those voices of reason were involved in the decision making process. That was left to the usual cast of characters from both major political parties responsible for the majority of US foreign policy failures of the 21st century.
  24. You can't win expect to win every battle in the war as there are times when the cost of victory exceeds the benefit. This is one of those times. As the problem is on their own, it's unlikely that Ukraine's military will not be able to achieve that objective no matter how much funding or how many weapons we provide. Somebody is going to have to commit ground forces to combat operations in order for that to happen. Who is willing to do that in order to achieve that objective? Nobody at the moment.
  25. What exactly would we be surrendering other than an open-ended infinite funding commitment with absolutely no conditions tied to aid for a war that cannot be won? And I'm being generous as the Administration has never even taken the time to define and communicate to the public exactly what "winning" looks like from an American perspective.
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