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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. That's a legitimate hypothesis if the administration is looking for an off-ramp on the pledge of whatever it takes for as long as it takes. This funding battle is an opportunity to do so and lay blame at the feet of others for defeat. Otherwise, If aid to Ukraine is such a priority, then compromising on the issue of funding border security in exchange for that aid should be an acceptable concession.
  2. The most abused and uncalled illegal formation penalty is when the OT's are way off the Center a couple yards back to "cheat" on pass protection. The ref's need to crack down on this infraction. On the Toney offside the RT was well behind the rule of thumb of having their helmet parallel to the centers belt line. His helmet was behind the center's butt and his back foot was 3 yards off the LOS. They could have called that too.
  3. Guys on the WGR Jeremy and Joe show said it in the simplest and clearest way possible this morning. Mahomes and Reid said the quiet part out loud about their true feelings. The NFL and the Ref's should allow the Chiefs to cheat.
  4. Something they've laid claim to for decades. But the timing suggests he's emboldened by the oil supply deal Biden secured with the socialist dictator. With Biden in his back pocket he's got some latitude to act. Time to send in the CIA and eliminate this chump causing problems in our backyard.
  5. I believe 60 yes votes was the requirement for passage of the appropriation of funds rather than a simple majority
  6. One single guy. Whoop-di-do. Try doing better.
  7. HOAX. The radical extreme left hates America. They hate patriotism and the sight of the flag like Dracula hates sunlight.
  8. Liz is a run-of-the-mill warmongering interventionist, colonialist, neocon fascist just like daddy.
  9. The team in Washington sees this discourse over linking border security funds with funds for Ukraine as a potential "off ramp" for their do whatever is necessary for as long as it takes pledge. If the definition of victory is returning all provinces in the hands of the Russians back to Ukraine they know the war is already lost and the funding fight is an opportunity to deflect blame and accountability for the outcome. That's why everybody, including Yellen, is speaking out on the topic. When Zelensky is forced to the negotiating table they'll blame Mike Johnson. Who cares if the majority of Americans support what Johnson is doing as they also want enhanced border security and an accounting of the funds already sent to Ukraine. What Ukraine needs more than anything is effective combat units on the ground. None of their benefactors are going to provide that resource.
  10. Shouldn't you and others focus their ire and anger on the guy in the White House and the usual war-loving cast of characters in Congress supporting anything and everything the Israeli's do while supplying lots of weapons, direct, and indirect support, and outside of some weak comments, about advising restraint which they simply ignore, leading US government support of the genocide you claim is happening?
  11. I'm not responsible for what happened under Trump any more than you're responsible for what's happening under Biden. What I "want" or what most Americans "want" doesn't matter. Which is a secure border and a sensible immigration policy. The fundamental problem is our government doesn't represent the views and beliefs of the majority of its citizens which begs the question who's views and beliefs do they represent?
  12. How much cash has God kicked into the pot to take care of all the people incentivized to stream across the border because of Biden's open border policy abusing the Asylum process and promises that they can live off social assistance and free programs?
  13. A curious attribute of these payments is the payments were transacted from a business account at Owasco PC, one of the business entities Hunter was associated with and not from his personal checking or savings account. Which begs a follow up question about whether or not there was an arrangement in place for the company to pay Hunter's personal transportation expenses or is this a case of falsifying business records? When busted and exposed it's amazing how many times the go-to excuse is Joe's just playing personal banker with family members.
  14. The majority of voters in Chicago lack the critical thinking skills necessary to figure out that if they just stopped electing public officials, mayors, legislatures, prosecutors, judges, etc., that allow this type of thing it would end. That's why liberals insist on bad public schools. The last thing they want is to be confronted by a population of citizens and students capable of applying critical thinking skills.
  15. It is none of our business and if we minded our own business the Minsk Accords that established a peaceful compromise most likely would never have been violated and there would have been no conflict. Ukraine is of no consequence to US security interests. Never has been, never will be. Maybe its important only because the corruption inside the country has been a major income stream for the Biden's and their associates? You can swallow all the war and nation building propaganda coming out of Washington, presenting themselves as hero's of democracy, you'd like but at some point even the most clueless among us has to accept the reality these neocon/neoliberal nation building interventions have been complete and utter failures with the only benefits going to those selling and marketing instruments and weapons of war while leaving the US taxpayer with trillion dollar debts and the predictable trail of death and destruction. This is another of the long line of failures that has left another country in shambles and our nation's standing in the world order weaker. And with the conflict with Israel and Hamas/Iran likely to continue for who knows how long, my bet is the crew in Washington is losing interest in Zelensky and company and like a child at Christmas is bored and ready to play with their next shinny new toy. End of story.
  16. You consistently lay claim to history in many arguments but ignore it here. So I'll point out the historical error in your argument. Historically, its not Ukraine's land. That land was part of Russia for centuries. It was transferred to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic by decree of a series of Russian dictators. In 1991 the Soviet Union ceased to exist. And the legitimacy of and power to enforce those decrees died with the USSR. It wasn't some democratic process that brought those provinces under the rule of Kiev Quite the contrary. Just the opposite. The Minsk accords were agreed to which keep those provinces under Ukraine but provided a high degree of autonomy to the region. So far so good. And that expression of democracy and civil resolution to the situation should appeal quite nicely. But under Obama by the Maidan coup and then under Biden, we stuck our noses into a civil war. By massively arming one side, Biden's crew torpedoed the Minsk agreements that kept a relative peace and in the process totally screwed up the entire world economy and weakened our standing as world leader. The long and short of it is, its none of our business what country those provinces choose to align with or not. The citizens of those provinces being ethic Russians prefer being aligned with Russia. The other truth is the majority of Ukrainians in the western part of the country could care less if those provinces are aligned with Russia or Ukraine. Unlike naive Americans mindlessly waving Blue and Yellow flags endorsing and supporting bloody and senseless warfare, they're quite aware of their country's history. Many have fled the country to avoid the war and conscription. I just don't see why Americans think the citizens of Ukraine should have any obligation to fight and die over some piece of dirt because their bought and paid for government officials and powerful oligarchs in the country along with officials in the US and NATO decided to send them off to war in some failed attempt to weaken Russia.
  17. Peaceful? The Ukrainian government was shelling and attacking civilian targets in the Eastern provinces since 2014. I should add, for some interesting perspective and history on the evolution and changes in the moving and shifting borders of Ukraine I recommend reading this blog item from Stockman. Starting at the heading "Next On Deck – The Ukraine Disaster". https://original.antiwar.com/David_Stockman/2023/11/28/how-american-neocons-wrecked-the-middle-east-and-ukrain/
  18. Sadly Putin isn't doing anything remotely different than any other leader of any country previously or currently engaged in warfare and most likely anyone else in the future.
  19. That's pretty close I think. These Queers/Progressive are quite devious. In their quest to destroy traditional Western culture deception is their weapon of choice. They could care less about the plight and suffering of Palestinians. The old proverb "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". What they have mastered is the art of seizing opportunity. And the opportunity here is to get themselves in the spotlight by attaching themselves to someone else's cause. Even if a large number of members of that cause, here Islamic fundamentalists, would like nothing more than to.torture and kill them. What they both have in common is the previous mentioned desire to kill Western culture and society. Once the hoopla fades into obscurity they'll move on to the next cause that gets them attention.
  20. Perhaps its unintentional, but do realize you're also describing another situation? Jeopardy answer.... What is US DHS?
  21. According to the story: Thursday via text message, the woman wrote, "We’re fine. Things were blown way out of context. This is actually outrageous!" "No one assaulted anyone," she texted. "This is insane. And sad." She described the conflict as a "verbal disagreement" and "huge misunderstanding." The problem is she called the police, they responded, a compliant was filed, and an arrest warrant was issued. From reports there was physical evidence, things broken and bruises on her body at the scene of the altercation which the police would have observed and documented and collected. So saying nothing happened at this point after what I understand was an official complaint leaves the woman open to charges of filing a false police report. It would be another story if she just wanted to drop the charges but that would imply something did happen and leave Miller subject to potential disciplinary action from the Bills and the NFL regardless of whether or not she dropped the charges.
  22. Its not hate speech these governments are concerned about addressing because the target of citizen anger is directed at the government. Officials want to define hate speech as any expression of criticism of their actions and policies along with calls for them to be held accountable.
  23. The double-standard is directly generated by the result of the game. The Eagles won and the Bills lost. So regardless of their performances, the "blame" goes to Allen and the "credit" to Hurts. If that FG was no-good, or if by some act of God the Bills defense made a big stop at the end, the media would be praising Josh's heroic performance and flaming the Eagles over how their slow starts in first half over the last few weeks of the season finally cost them a game. My problem with critiquing these head-to-head QB match-ups is these guys are never on the field at the same time. It's not like two NBA power forwards going one-on-one down low for 48 minutes or a tennis match that goes the distance between two great players. Its Allen vs. the Eagles defense and Hurts vs. the Bills defense and on Sunday the Bills defense didn't get it done when it mattered most, twice.
  24. The hindsight is 20/20 comments. That implies without the ability to fully know the outcome questioning decisions made without the benefit of that outcome absolves those responsible. In my time I've sat in lots of meetings with decision makers that made poor decisions and when later analyzing the disaster they caused invoked the "hindsight excuse". How could anyone have known the outcome would be bad? Well generally 3/4's of the people in the room knew it was the wrong decision, voiced their opinions and stated facts, and proposed alternative approaches to solving the problem or pursing some strategy or goal. But the leader, the person in charge, the person that made the ultimate decision ignored their input and their concerns and went ahead with the their approach or strategy regardless. And then when it went up in smoke said who could have known? When I hear McDermott go to the hindsight excuse I recall back to the other's I've heard firsthand use that one to absolve themselves from accountability. All of them saying "it's not my fault".
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