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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. Too bad for America all these funkies calling for more funds don't care at all about our borders.
  2. No, this 22nd amendment and "dictator" myth is fear porn out of the left because Biden is so ineffective and unpopular the only way he wins is to scare people into voting for him or cheat or most likely do both. That said I continue to believe the DNC leadership are smart people foreseeing a loss of power in 2024 that are working to unload Joe in favor of some "popular" alternative.
  3. When what we should assume will be the SCOTUS overruling the Colorado court will it be another "wow"? The great game goes on.
  4. Contempt of Congress only applies to somebody the Washington establishment has targeted for punishment either because they've embarrassed them or are meddling in their money skimming operations.
  5. Another gaslighting and propaganda operation or those people are clinically insane. I'd like at least one of those nutjobs to explain the mechanism and process for making that happen. If nothing else their explanation would make for great comedy.
  6. So does a photo of Biden and Xi prove he sold us out to China? Those are out there too. Reality is that It's standard practice from US administrations, President, members of the cabinet and department of State, to meet and discuss issues with foreign officials, friend or foe alike and inferring some nefarious action is reaching.
  7. No evidence presented. Truth likely is Putin prefers ineffective senile old dummy Biden for second term as US becomes joke.
  8. Another smoke screen laid down to obscure the CCP's manipulation of the Democrats and the media as comments, concerns, and objections about China are few and far between. Not a discouraging would about Xi from corporate America constantly blabbing and shooting their mouths off about American political or social issues as they're scared to death to speak a single word lest they lose precious market share. China making inroads in Central and South America and not a peep. its an ingenious propaganda campaign perpetrated against Americans and its time to wake up to it. 100% positive the usual suspects here will deny it which just shows how effective it is here.
  9. Without the FBI and their informants driving, funding, and recruiting there would not have been a plot or a manufactured crime, period.
  10. Their predictable actions are currently a significant source of laughter.
  11. The "leaks" amaze me. Because the leakers, both the person revealing the information and the person publicly exposing it, are a national security threat too and nobody ever tries to nail their ass to the wall. Unless it's an unauthorized leak that either embarrasses the government or exposes some illegal activity they're pulling off. Then it's all hands on deck let's find the culprit.
  12. Like a lady falling for the charms of a guy claiming to have a huge member, nobody is feeling this imaginary prosperity.
  13. This is a point many who claim to understand and hold "history" in high regard seem to overlook. The population of those provinces are historically ethnic Russians. Those provinces were not part of what is Ukraine prior to actions and proclamations of Soviet dictators, Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev from the end of the revolution until 1954.. During WW2 the western part of what is now Ukraine collaborated with Germany while those in the east were subject to oppression and violence. When the Russians mounted a counter-offensive the population of those provinces fought with the Russians and drove out the German forces and took retribution against Nazi collaborators in the west. Many collaborators fled the country to places like Argentina after the war along with Germain officials and SS members. If you look at the historical voting patterns in Ukrainian national Presidential elections you'll find the big majority of those in the West support EU/West candidates and the big majority in the East support "pro Russian" candidates. It makes our Red/Blue divide look insignificant. The citizens in those provinces in the East prefer to be citizens of Russian in alignment with their ethnic background. That's why the Russian offensive stopped there. They're not going to attempt to occupy the entire country or move against former Soviet block countries. That's a propaganda myth generated by parties interested in perpetual war and the profits they receive from a state of permanent violence.
  14. This isn't 1938 and the circumstances are not even comparable. Some nutjob could use the same sort of unsupported and irrational thinking to kill their neighbor's 14 year old son because they "see" similarities between him and Hitler as a youth and they want to make sure that he doesn't rise to power and destroy the world 30 years from today.
  15. The demand from many voices that the government of the most powerful nation on the planet needs to set its domestic and foreign spending and policy objectives primarily on the basis of whether or not those priorities "help" some foreign actor that poses absolutely no danger to our homeland is simply STUPID.
  16. Not only senseless but it sends an ambiguous and confusing message about the US position on the conflict. Is it simply meant to placate the fringe elements in the party that control the agenda? Or for some other ears? Who knows for sure. And I don't expect the bombing and attacks are indiscriminate but rather based on intelligence and assessments of where the terrorists are staging operations. But what exactly did the administration think was going to happen as they pushed for billions in unconditional military assistance for Israeli's battle against a large and well armed terrorist group trapped in a confined space with several million civilians?
  17. That's hardly a rebuttal to the truth that the government/corporate censorship axis is not guilty of infringing on 1st amendment rights through illegal and unconstitutional actions. Say it ain't so!
  18. I'm just saying nobody in authority has articulated any goal or objective here. Or limit. And in practice there's no stopping anyone and everyone who wants to come across the border from doing so by invoking asylum status. All that's required is getting to the crossing. As such there's no limit on how many people can cross into the country. Its about 8 million to date so how many thousands more do we need? And "long run" is totally subjective. What does it mean? 6 months? 10 years? 30 years? They got no plan, at least one they're willing to discuss and communicate.
  19. What's the limit? 100 million, a billion more? Most on high levels of social assistance funded by the taxpayer and borrowing. How "good" would that be for America?
  20. I don't think that's the issue. I think you're missing or avoiding something very obvious. I think the issue is there's a clear and obvious double standard in effect. When some fringe left nutjob says something controversial the contention is "free speech" but when some fringe right nutjob says something controversial the contention is "hate speech". I'm not advocating for censorship of freedom of expression for anybody, including this university president, but it's clear the rules of the game are not being applied evenly across the board. In this case, the left being in control of the institution refuses to self-regulate themselves while not giving others the same courtesy,
  21. Melanie's re-tarded. Ivermectin is an established and notable medication long-ago approved by the FDA for several indications. Instead of horse de-wormer she's feeding us false talking point horseshit. People pushing this lie are responsible for the deaths of thousands that had an effective treatment withheld because of establishment voodoo medicine.
  22. Nobody would be dumb enough to make such a claim. They're just doing it.
  23. A good self-assessment by liberals for pointing out and "projecting" just about everything they're already doing under Biden.
  24. This pre-game national chatter reminds me of the set up prior to the home game vs. Miami earlier in the season after they put up 70 against Denver. I expect home field advantage is going to be a big factor on Sunday. In KC the Bills faced the standard difficulties on offense that limit the ability to audible and communicate pre-snap at the LOS. That's something the Cowboys will need to deal with this time. The Bills are 5-2 at home and one of those losses was London which is hardly a "home" game". The Cowboys are night and day playing on the road vs. home. 3-3 on the road (7-0 at home) beating LAC, Giants, and Panthers. Not exactly high level quality wins.
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