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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. The entire thing is a charade Everyone knows, whether its what supporters call migrants or what opponents call invaders, that the asylum designation is being exploited and abused in order to circumvent the legal immigration process and the consequences of the traditional methods of illegally entering the country. Few to none of those claiming asylum will likely meet the criteria but few to none will show up at the hearing and regardless under this administration no Federal law enforcement person will lift a finger.
  2. Biden is a CCP asset.
  3. They're devious election obstructionists afraid that the voters left to examine the positions and issues to draw their own conclusions will cast their vote for the "wrong" candidate. Very undemocratic.
  4. It's not my side stupid. Just because you swallow the government's bull#### doesn't make you a patriot. Do some independent thinking and look at all the other crap situations those clowns have gotten us into and expect the usual disaster ending.
  5. Just don't show up at places like Martha's Vineyard and expect the locals to roll out the welcome wagon.
  6. Somebody is eating a heavy dose of propaganda. If you believe the other side Ukraine has lost over 1/2 million soldiers and is so short on manpower that State Intelligence and Security agents are kidnapping military age men off the streets and conscripting men up to 60 year old to join the fight with little to no basic training to face an average life expectancy on the front of about 1 day. And the citizens of those provinces, which were part of Russia for hundreds of years prior to the Soviets transferring sovereignty to Ukraine, that comprise the area of conflict are ethnic Russians that prefer to be citizens of Russia, not Ukraine. What to believe? As the saying goes, "the first casualty of war is the truth" so don't expect to hear the truth and facts from either side.
  7. Weaponizing the dollar reserve system as a foreign policy tool, which has since its inception operated outside the political sphere, to exert pressure and punish any country that angers Washington by seizing or freezing the dollar denominated reserves of a foreign central bank without due process is accelerating the process already well underway of countries diversifying their foreign exchange holdings away from the US dollar. The thinking, we might be next for who knows what displeases the policy makers in Washington. So lets get out of the dollar. As those dollars come home the result is lots of inflation and other consequences of bad monetary policy. If you've got investment dollars in the market I'd recommend moving some funds into hard asset plays (gold, oil, real estate, commodity plays, etc.) as I see this area to be a good bet for appreciation in 2024. Its one of the few stupid thing politicians are doing that you can take personal action to protect yourself against.
  8. When that moment comes I'm curious how those posters here that point to anything short of all-out war and reclamation of all territory lost "supports" Putin will rationalize the Biden administrations change of heart with regard to supporting a negotiated settlement. Will they label the President as a Putin supporter and post lots of funny pictures with the two together? Or claim what a capable and prolific statesmen Joe is while memory holing their dislike for such a settlement and anyone that dared to suggest it up until the day the administration embraced the approach and therefore made it okay for them to support too?
  9. The Michigan Supreme Court on Wednesday ruled that Donald Trump can remain on the state's primary ballot, rejecting an attempt to remove the former president under the US Constitution's "insurrectionist ban." Unlike with Colorado, the Michigan case challenging Trump's eligibility was dismissed early on in the process and never reached trial, after a Court of Claims judge who first got the case ruled that state law doesn't give election officials the ability to police the eligibility of presidential primary candidates. The Judge also ruled that the case shouldn't be decided in the courts - a decision which was upheld by the Michigan Court of Appeals, which wrote "At the moment, the only event about to occur is the presidential primary election. But as explained, whether Trump is disqualified is irrelevant to his placement on that particular ballot." According to the Michigan Supreme Court, the anti-Trump challengers "have identified no analogous provision in the Michigan Election Law that requires someone seeking the office of President of the United States to attest to their legal qualification to hold the office."
  10. The Fed's primary concern is the well-being of its member banks and the system is a free money racket for the banks. Us Peons are required to devote time and effort to produce something of value in exchange for money or wages while the banks receive money from Heaven. Like magic! The dual mandates are purely a public relations hustle. Its the world's most profitable crony capitalism racket.
  11. The debate isn't about a judge laying down fines and rulings that a defendant "doesn't like" but rather the argument that the judge's ruling is biased by personal, political, ideological or other factors unrelated to the law and the facts of the case when making the ruling.
  12. It's the same paid group of professional protesters employed by the party that gets flown in and bused to the site dressed in the proper attire for the occasion. I expect they'll try to screw up New Years Eve events as their next act.
  13. So no explanation for Biden's bad numbers? Not even an attempt? Got it. Enjoy the New Year although predictions point to a rough year for your cult.
  14. The useful idiot commies have perfected the art form of pretending to care about other people to exploit that illusion to gain power and control. I think the classic description is deception.
  15. And yet in the face of such booming prosperity Biden's approval rating is in the 30's and many 2024 Presidential polls show arch-nemesis of the left Trump winning a general election.
  16. All season they've played down to the competition on the road but in the playoffs that won't be a problem since there won't be any teams to play down to left.
  17. That's always the trap with the Bills. We all become emotionally invested and it typically ends with bitter disappointment. The story, win against the Chargers and Pats, Miami, loses 1 of 2, and beat Miami in week 18 and the Bills are AFCE champs again. A wonderful end to an up-and-down challenging regular season as the team enters the playoffs as the hot team. And the bookies set the line at Bills -12.5. What could go wrong? But all long time Bills fan knows better having the experience of falling this type of set-up many times in their life. What experienced skeptic among us expected this game to play out exactly like it did last night? All of us. The Bills a big favorite on the road against a team that just fired their HC comes into the game with an interim HC and a back-up QB. But you knew it was going to be a struggle. They'd make their share of mistakes, turn over the ball, and the possibly of a disappointing loss was hanging in the air all night long. The great thing is they won. A W is a W and there's no extra credit or style points awarded in the standings. And the story lives for next week. And now we can relax watching the remainder of the games Christmas Eve and Day. Go Bills!
  18. The left supports all movements and groups that seeks to disrupt or damage western culture and democracies. When it comes to destroying American society there are no ideological boundaries or lines they won't either cross or ignore.
  19. Clearly, and unlike the DOJ and Special Prosecutor Smith, the Supreme Court isn't interested in interfering with the election of 2024.
  20. Smith needed the expedited request granted in order to try the case during the primary season and acquire a conviction in the DC Kangaroo Court before the general election in November. That would facilitate additional legal actions that would interfere with the campaign and election. But the SCOTUS denial of his request likely pushes the timeline back to after the election. And that's too late for a verdict to impact the outcome. One obvious message is the Supreme Court justices don't want to get involved in determining the outcome of the election. Where that leaves things now is several motions for dismissal denied by the judge will need to work their way through the appeals process before a trial can begin. A Supreme Court ruling on the case would have nullified these appeals.
  21. I don't expect SCOTUS will "interpret" the 14th Amendment in this case. Or even need to interpret the Amendment. I think the Colorado Supreme Court ignored a core principle of the US legal system when they ruled Trump ineligible using the "insurrection" argument. And that's Due Process of the Law. The long and short of it, in order to be subject to additional penalties or legal consequences of a violation of law there's a requirement that you have been charged, tried, convicted, and sentenced for that crime. As Trump, or anyone else for that matter, has never been found guilty of the crime of insurrection (or charged with such a crime) in any US court jurisdiction at any level, the 14th Amendment is inapplicable to the case. If it makes it to SCOTUS they're just dismiss the case and charges as groundless, baseless, and without merit while likely scolding the Colorado Supreme Court justices for making the ruling without regard for due process of the law. I could be wrong if anyone can cite when and where Trump was charged and convicted of insurrection? Otherwise, without a conviction everyone's quasi-legal arguments and contortions of the Constitution and other attempts to justify invoking the 14th are legally bankrupt. I expect at the end of the day the voters will get to decide the results of the next Presidential election and not the courts.
  22. Your cult is just scared and crapping their pants at the thought of allowing the voters decide the election. So these "crimes" magically appear at thee most opportune times. Your concerns for democracy ring hollow.
  23. All these allegations reinforcement the old addage, "talk is cheap".
  24. Always an excuse to avoid the truth. Whether he took money or not, he knew what was going on. Aiding and abetting.
  25. Too bad for America all these funkies calling for more funds don't care at all about our borders.
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