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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. The way I see it they're free to follow their own advice (sadly, we all know they're extreme hypocrites so that's not going to happen) and I'm free to tell them to F off. There's not a dumb idea these people won't rally around. They sit around feasting on steak and lobster getting drunk and stoned while asking each other "what's the most screwed up thing you can think of? Great, let's push for that one!
  2. Get some new material. Do you recall your cult threw a 4 year hissy fit after the 2020 election? The resistances hands aren't clean either so you've got no claim on the moral high ground.
  3. Your cult is comfortable with democracy as long as it allows liberals to acquire and maintain power.
  4. So you're against democracy?
  5. Not that you'd ever acknowledge or admit it, but no President has bumbled and fumbled the ball more than Biden which has resulted in Putin cementing his power domestically and internationally by pushing the Russia, China, and Iran alliance closer while sanctions encourage more countries to join the group. America has never been weaker, and both friends and enemies see us as leaderless. Its a damn shame your cult is too stupid and arrogant to figure it out.
  6. The data supporting the contention health outcomes are related to party affiliation is purely anecdotal. I've worked in health care analytics since 2018 and I've yet to run across any data sets, electronic health records, claims, pharmacy, or any other source or type of data that support patient level data identifying the person's party affiliation or voting history. But the standard left victim theory is poor health outcomes in "Red" states is due to poor health choices while poor health outcomes in "Blue" states is due to under-served communities resulting from racism.
  7. Biden's handlers know attacking Iran will result in oil prices jumping to $200 bbl which will result in the end of his re-election chances. His appeasement policy with Iran is purely self-serving. Its equivalent to no policy at all.
  8. Based your lack of compasion for basic human decency regarding victims of government tyranny I can only believe when you watch Star Wars or Hunger Games you root for the Empire and President Snow.
  9. Sure Biden, or any President, requires Congressional approval to wage war. But as Congress for a couple decades has not been willing to do anything to enforce the checks and balances on Executive power written into the Constitution, Presidents are going to keep doing it. To the point most citizens probably aren't even aware of such a requirement. They want to do more than complain? Impeach the rascal for infringing on the Article I powers granted to Congress by the Constitution. Its a pretty cut and dried case, guilty as charged. But we know the establishment in Washington and the power brokers wouldn't allow such a thing. So this is what we're left with, unilateral executive power to bomb and kill anyone they choose with no need to justify or make a compelling argument through the formal authority of Congress and the People.
  10. I never voted for him either (or Hillary or Joe either) but anyone on the political or social spectrum to the right of the fringe contemporary liberal nutjobs is a MAGA member or supporter. They cannot comprehend that somebody that is apart from their "group" could have their own views, reach their own conclusions, or form their own opinions independent of some authority or group-think source telling them what to do, think, or say. How is the Left not the real cult? Just the words they use, equity, inclusions, safe space, equating the impact of words to physical violence, stuff like that. Tell me those terms don't sound and feel "cultish"?
  11. Socialists everywhere are crapping their knickers at the rise of various national parties that have the audacity to represent the interests of their citizens.
  12. Most certainly the GA special prosecutor did not discuss the Georgia case against the President's major political adversary with representatives of the President in the White House. That's obviously a MAGA conspiracy theory intended to discredit the administration and their 100% commitment to democracy. 🤣
  13. They're not settlers. They're fanatical ultra orthodox Jews that have been driving Palestinians off their ancestral land for decades assisted by the Israeli government and money from America. And please nobody queue the narrative that Israel is surrounded by enemies that want to destroy them. Stealing land and expanding your borders by moving religious zealots into the area to cause all kinds of trouble for the previous inhabitants is not a defensive act. I don't have any sympathy for Hamas or Islamic fundamentalism but lets call out these settlements for what they are and ask who was there before and where did they go?
  14. There's clear video and audio of Epps encouraging and inciting protesters to enter the Capitol for which other protesters detained on those charges are doing the max. You're anecdotal explanation and baseless conclusions about why they went easy on him are unsupported by facts. There been no evidence. statements, or testimony from government officials in answer to questions denying he's a paid federal informant as even those crooked FBI and DOJ officials don't want to publicly perjure themselves with denials of truth. Better to just take the 5th. The guy set up other people to enter the building which resulted in them doing time and if he suffers some consequences for being a snitch and a stooge then so be it. Karma is a beetch.
  15. Nobody is crying but rather pointing out the clear duplicity in the application of the legal system when an informant/asset of the government who incited people to riot gets caught on camera doing it and the FBI can't get away with making it disappear. So a minimal sentence for show vs max for everyone else.
  16. A story I'm seeing today is Fani hired her unqualifed secret lover at great expense to the taxpayers to prosecute the Trump case and the defense has and will be filing motions regarding this impropriety. The attorneys for one defendent, Mike Roman, have already filed motions for dismissal and to ban both Willis and her lover/prosecutor, Nathan Wade, from the trial proceedings. All I've seen so far but expect the usual suspects to run interference and dismiss any importance.
  17. Pardon them? How many BLMers were actually held without bail, put in solitary confinement, charged, convicted, and imprisoned? Do you know?
  18. Let's kep the border open for After 10 days rest and lots of dementia drugs Joe is juiced up for a big time speech. That's it for rhe month.
  19. Destroying democracy to save it.
  20. Biden's recent schedule: DEC. 22: Spent 9 minutes at Children’s National Hospital DEC. 23: Left for vacation at Camp David DEC. 24: Vacation at Camp David DEC. 25: Vacation at Camp David DEC. 26: Returned from vacation at Camp David DEC. 27: Left for vacation in the U.S. Virgin Islands DEC. 28: Vacation in the U.S. Virgin Islands DEC. 29: Vacation in the U.S. Virgin Islands DEC. 30: Vacation in the U.S. Virgin Islands DEC. 31: Vacation in the U.S. Virgin Islands JAN. 1: Vacation in the U.S. Virgin Islands JAN. 2: Late-night return from vacation in the U.S. Virgin Islands JAN. 3: Nothing JAN. 4: Nothing
  21. December added 216K jobs but as always the monthly jobs report is subject to interpretation while being full of inconsistencies. Government added 52K jobs. The healthcare sector was strong. Retail added jobs. But the drop in the labor force participation rate implies about 1 million workers left their jobs in December. So where did they go? How can the net result be adding 216K jobs when you subtract out a million workers? How does the jobs model account for this loss? Transportation and warehousing lost 22K and additions in construction and manufacturing were small. The mix of full time additions vs. part time additions is not yet available. Wage growth was strong but how was it distributed? Some point to union contract agreements for auto workers and teamsters accounting for most of it.
  22. TDS fantasies. Get a life and stop posting ridiculous nonsense 24/7.
  23. I'm sure in many cases "we can find people that are more qualified" but why do I need some socially defined and enforced DEI program to do that? Its something me, as a hiring manager can figure out on my own and I'd argue I'm already doing it. I'm not in the practice of hiring less qualified people which makes my team less effective and which ultimately reflects on my management of the group. For a manager to be successful the people under them need to be successful. The idea a White, Black, Asian, Hispanic, or some manager of another ethnic background is by nature going to discriminate based on race or some other trait and hire less qualified candidates that "look like them" rather than hire the person most likely to produce out of the prospective candidates is equivalent to professional suicide. I wonder if the people who dreamed up this DEI dogma actually ever managed or hired a group of people in a business? I believe most have spent their lives in a world of academic fantasies.
  24. It's another bad day in the mental hospital for our resident TDS patients. Trump's not on the list and all that remains is random excuses, and but, buts, while they ignore the transgressions of their favs on the list. Their biggest asset is the ability to continue to deny reality in face of the truth. And deny they will as admitting to anything is prohibited by their cults doctrine. Next to watch for is how radical feminist groups that hate men ignore the truth their allies named here have abused young women. The End.
  25. So interfering with the people's choice of a democratically elected government to install a more friendly dictator isn't starting it? If we left well enough alone those Islamists likely would never have assumed power. Consequences of interference.
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