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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. The fact you believe these examples are representative of the majority of traditional American moderates provides an insight into your irrational thinking.
  2. We need a power back to compliment Cook if for nothing else than to take the short yardage carries Allen has been taking. Subjecting your franchise QB to avoidable hits should be a priority especially as Allen gets closer to 30.
  3. Many of the idiots here think charges, or dare we say a conviction, of such an offense is not necessary to be excluded from the ballot under the 14th. Just say the magic word insurrection enough times is all that's required. While I have pointed out that violates the foundation of our entire legal system based on due process that concept is something they fail to comprehend. Let's see what SCOTUS says today.
  4. Don't be offended. In the eyes of the American left idiot class anyone politically to the right of Lenin and Mao are right wing extremists. MAGA is a term they use to describe what used to be called Moderates.
  5. The MSM loves to throw around "Democracy" but it's really just equivalent to a con man saying to you 'trust me".
  6. If Biden actually did something constructive regarding the border chaos it would be both shocking and a refreshing change.
  7. The motivation was much more self-serving. Isolate Russia both geographically and economically while seizing an opportunity to bring NATO troops and weapons into Ukraine. Use Ukrainian forces as a proxy for this effort and avoid any unpopular use of American forces in direct combat operations. Americans are much more compliant to the commitment of billions in borrowed money than they are an ounce of blood. At this point the war effort seems lost and more billions isn't going to do much to change that outcome. They blew up the NordStream pipeline to eliminate the possibility of greater economic integration and cooperation between Germany and Russia. Germany could not be allowed to pursue an independent path and losing Germany from the alliance would be fatal to its future. The fact there's not been a peep out of their government about destroying their source of cheap gas and the adverse impact its had on their industry and citizens is testimony to the relationship between Berlin and Washington. And for that matter most of Europe. These nation states are not our allies or partners but rather territories or vassal states that do the bidding of the empire without question. Now don't get me wrong. As an American I'm fully aware that I've benefited from this Imperial arrangement and its in my best interests for it to continue. Just as you have benefited and we all have here. Yet I understand Washington's motivation is not altruistic but carried out in self-interest. But I also see world events unfolding and I understand the current arrangements are not going to last much longer. Its in the best interests of us peons to prepare and mitigate as much as possible the negative consequences of this arrangement ending. Rather than cheer lead for these conflicts and get distracted from what else is happening. There's a lot more to this but I'm getting way too off topic already.
  8. If he desired, Biden could simply issue a Presidential executive order declaring a state of emergency and shut the border down.
  9. As did the Democrats after 2018 mid-terms. The more things change the more they stay the same.
  10. The appeasement argument is an academic exercise. You can't know that any action you take today will produce a positive result of stopping the next Hitler (i.e. Putin) and keeping Europe free or negative result leading to a worse scenario such as escalation to nuclear war that destroys all life on Earth. My view is pretty simple. You don't need to fight or win every battle, especially in situations where your direct interests are not threatened, to win the war. But that's what people supporting and advocating the interventionist model believe. Over time its a losing strategy that leaves you unprepared for the fight when the threats are more extreme. The wisdom in Washington is equivalent to a tennis player thinking they need to win every point of every game to win the match. Both are dumb strategies.
  11. There's a lot of real estate in between a policy of getting involved in every dust-up everywhere vs. completely withdrawing from the international community. Presently, there's no voices in Washington willing to pass on any opportunity to get involved no matter the cost or the benefits. A problem with our endless interventionism is it has yielded little to no value vs. the cost in life and treasure. While typically leaving the target of our "help" in worse shape than they were before we got involved. My view is we need to do a better job of picking our spots based on a logical approach of assessing the threat any of these situations poses to America. One result I see with the current approach taking up every challenge every time, all the time, is that it will leave our fighting forces and arsenal of weaponry "punched out" when a substantial direct threat to America presents itself.
  12. There's a major disconnect on the objective. The Biden administrations wants to support, assist, and continue the flow of migrants across the border while most Americans want it stopped ASAP.
  13. It is in the national interest. Just not in the national interest of the United States of America. But its sure in the national interest of Israel and Ukraine as that's where the bulk of the money is targeted along with funds for drug cartels and NGO's to "help" with the flow of migrants. Which leaves table scraps for border security such as lower quotas for immigration which the Biden administration can't be trusted to enforce and legal maneuvers like moving all court cases to the DC District which will support anything the administration desires. None of this is necessary. All the President has to do is issue an executive order declaring a state of emergency to immediately shut down the border.
  14. The American people are interested in what the DA and her staff were doing at the White House along with conversations and alleged information sharing and coaching with members of the J6 committee. If these seemingly separate legal actions are connected or coordinated in some way it begs the questions who's in charge of this effort inside the White House. A name I've seen floated out there is Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco. There's little to no information or transparency about what she actually does at the DOJ other than coordinate political attacks for the administration.
  15. I'll wager to guess Russian intelligence isn't doing anything different from American intelligence which is why I don't trust anyone involved in Intelligence services anywhere.
  16. Classic liberalism is dead and there is no left. The current crop of self-proclaimed liberals are well-polished fascists with advanced degrees. They're people that root for the empire when they watch Star Wars.
  17. Its a lie. You use it to demonize the opposition instead of defending the failed policies of this administration. Your cult has made America weaker. It will be stopped.
  18. The people that think Putin is behind things are slow witted imbeciles. Its easier to point fingers at some foreign leader and pretend he's puling some strings behind the scenes than address the failures of the administration here. And why would Putin do anything to derail the Democrats objective of turning America into a 3rd world hell hole? We're about 3/4 of the way there under Biden. They're doing more to destroy out country, culture, and society than Vlad could ever do. He certainly doesn't want a strong America. And he certainly doesn't want Trump back either. He prefers the lack of challenges presented by the Mummy currently at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. And on top of all this, the establishment Republicans want to help complete the job of turning out country into a 24/7 crapfest by agreeing to this ridiculous "border" deal which lets it continue in return for a bag of marbles.
  19. Don't waste another minute of your weekend engaging those idiots. Their brains are fried from TDS.
  20. Unstoppable like the dierhia you constantly spew.
  21. Do you understand the job numbers are not a count? I'm not sure how anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of statistics can examine the methodology employed by the BLS and come away with anything but skepticism. Its nothing new mind you, they've been doing it for years.
  22. I was watching the job market "experts" on the financial networks this morning and when the 353K number was released most of them starting laughing because it was so obviously fake.
  23. That's the danger here for the administration, They're telling us, whether the numbers are reflective of actual conditions or fake. the economy is humming along in great shape but its not translating to good times for the working person that has work multiple jobs, tap savings, and assume debt just to make ends meet. So the Fed holds off on rate cuts because of the job market numbers. Expect no rate cut in March. My expectation is the straw that breaks the Camel's back is going to be stress in Commercial Real Estate (it was housing last time, are we seeing a pattern yet?) which has been brewing below the surface for about a year now that erupts into a banking crisis which forces the Fed to once again move in to rescue the banks from loan defaults, lower property values, bankruptcies, and high vacancy rates.
  24. So Joe Biden has no love for Donald Trump. Absolutely shocking. Who cares?
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