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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. There's more violence on the NYC subway system on any given day and you should be more worried about you or your family being robbed or murdered by the criminal gangs Biden is letting into the country.
  2. Yah, that's what annoys me. All these candy ass sissies urging on the war that can take it into their own hands and do some of the fighting. Like these NATO guys who are saying exactly what they're expected to say. Why don't you go too?
  3. And the academy award for best supporting actor in a false flag event goes to......... The winning line. "we were inches away from losing our republic". The whole line. "we were inches away from losing our republic to a group of 60 year old out of shape white guys without any weapons that somehow managed to take over the government of the United States of America and overcome the entire military and law enforcement capacity and advanced weapons in show of force so strong that nobody, not even SWAT or Navy Seal teams dared to challenge them. The thought of the Orange One brought these warriors to their knees trembling in fear. My message to people like Greg is they're not the only one that can write bullsheet.
  4. Here's what annoys me. These guys look like able bodied young men. If they're so hot for the war why don't they get their asses to the front? I mean, the fate of the entire world hangs on the outcome of this conflict. Right? What more noble cause that this?
  5. I'm curious how all the experts on Russia and the inner workings of Putin's mind that are suddenly appearing everywhere, that believe the get the band back together theory can explain exactly how they're going to pull off that feat? And what are they waiting for? And what do they want? Maybe its the NATO officials that need to perpetuate their reason for existing (there's only one!) and the usual suspects lathered up at any prospect of engaging any war they can find while experiencing the constant humiliating defeats at the hands of peasants and goat herders.
  6. I'm saying the outcome of the conflict in Ukraine is not going to alter the course of world events and history. Your life, my life will not be impacted. History will see it as an insignificant regional conflict like the 100's of other regional conflicts nobody remembers 100 years from now. And as Vietnam didn't lead to the domino theory every war hawk of the era peddled as an excuse to send some 1/2 million troops and 50K+ American servicemen to their deaths this isn't going to lead to some Russian invasion of Europe. For the life of me I can't determine just exactly what anyone thinks those European countries have that Putin would want? Resources? More land? Both claims are dubious. Even in the remote event that Ukraine prevails it will be what's referred to as a "Pyrrhic Victory".
  7. Generally, there's no requirement for proof of citizenship to register to vote. In States that allow you to register through motor vehicle license application and renewal all that's required is an attestation of citizenship. "Are you an American citizen? Check "yes" or "no". Just check "yes". Nobody is going to check and verify your answer is true and correct. Especially in blue states and districts where its encouraged. Poof, you are now an American citizen registered to vote in the district of your home address. I understand that citizenship proof of registered voters can be challenged by political party organizations, citizen groups, other involved organizations and such but only up to 30 days before the general election date. In the 30 day pre-election window, citizenship checks can only be initiated and performed by election officials. So guess which political party most of these official belong to in the State and Local government organizations? Are they going to challenge "fake" citizens that will vote for their candidate to uphold the sanctity of the election process and democracy? You're damn right if you say no way! Then after the ballot box gets stuffed and their candidate wins they'll be more than accommodation to perform recounts but any challenge to the qualification status of anyone voting. Forget it. That's how they cheated in 2020 and that's how they're going to cheat in 2024. And that's why they don't want voter ID cards. Not because its hard for minority or other voters to get one. But because renders their scheme useless.
  8. Yup, all the undesirables that do the majority of fighting and dying for God and country along with all the heavy lifting that keps civilization runing need to realize challenging the superior intellect and moral standing of the left is futile. Thank you for setting everyone straight. All need to realize the error of their ways and bow to your self-acclaimed wisdom and infallibility. Joe Biden is the best President ever and although he demonstrates no visible means of generating the income necessay to support the lifestyle of his family through any traditional or legal means he's a squeaky clean guy. How wonderful for our country to have such a glorious and effective leader.
  9. So the fate of the world and human civilizations is dependent on the outcome of the conflict in Ukraine? A place on Earth no American cared about until a few years ago. Thst's one possibility but I could generate lots of other potential outcomes most of which are more plausible. I recall previous experts issuing similiiar dire warnings in the Vietnam era.
  10. What's amazing is how every single person with details and information on the Biden family business is a liar. All of them! Not an honest person among them. Not a single one of these whistleblowers, business associates, confidential informants, IRS investigators, foriegn officials and business people and so on, seemingly all incapable of telling the truth. How unlucky for the honest and trustworthy Biden's to be surrounded by such scoundrels and ingrates. When will this unjust vendetta against this family stop? All you mean America hating MAGA cultist, Putin loving, Nazi white supremist, racists, democacy haters just please leave poor old Joe alone!
  11. Don't need any conspiracy to be against this war. It was a bad idea from the start in 2014. The Russians are going to prevail and will hold the territory they took. They will go no further to occupy any non-Russian ethnic majority provinces or attack any other European country. Everyone knows this while peddling the Europe version of the Vietnam Era domino theory. It will go down as another of Washington's failed interventions that customarily go bad for the locals. None of them have left the target of our "help" in better shape than before the fighting. There's no learning curve with the forever wars crowd. None of us "right wingers" embrace or support Putin. We simply call out bad foreign policy and criticize lousy leadership when we see it and we see it here. If you think pouring billions more into this black hole is going to lead to victory you're dreaming. Bookmark it!
  12. Novaalny's death is an outrage and should rightfully be condemned and questioned but none of the war cheerleaders here were concerned in the least last week when American journalist Gonzalo Lira "died" in Ukrainian custody last week. Held for the crime of publishing stories the government deemed "critical" of the Zelensky government. I also didn't hear our Clown in Chief take a few minutes away from his nap time to say boo about it either. But honestly who expected that anyway? That' your $100 billion democracy kiddies. No better, no worse then the Russians you jump up and down on the furniture crying about. Enjoy your delusions.
  13. The problem is you guys misrepresent legitimate concerns about and criticism of US policy and strategy decisions made by the administration in Washington as support for the enemy and hatred of America. This is your false argument laid bare.
  14. People generally take the 5th as a means of not being forced to testify against themselves. But taking the 5th isn't an admission of guilt, or of innocence either. You mentioned the Trump NYS "fraud" case. I'm still trying to wrap my head around that one. Fraud. Against whom? The IRS or NYS or NY City tax authorities are not claiming taxes were not paid because of incorrect or inflated property values. The banks or investors involved are not claiming they lost revenue or business or incurred tangible or financial harm and instead said what the Trump organization did in valuing properties is business as usual. As the trial winds to conclusion I'm still not clear. No involved party was defrauded of anything. Who's the victim? I think the entire thing is bullsheet.
  15. Yup, those CEO's have most certainly not suffered. Another story for their shareholders and workers. And most of these auto union jobs and factories started going overseas with NAFTA to Mexico and Canada under Clinton and accelerated under Bush 2 with a pivot of the exodus to Asia. Some of this has been offset by foreign manufacturers that have set up assembly plants in the South but these use mostly foreign content and parts to assemble vehicles in the US in order to avoid import tariffs and charges for the import of finished goods. Employment in the domestic auto industry is a fraction of what it was 20 or 30 years ago.
  16. I seriously doubt that Hamas rules with "the consent of the people". You might also want to consider ultra-right orthodox Jews share a similar desire to eliminate their neighbors.
  17. Some random thoughts. According to the FBI Smirnov is a "highly credible" confidential source the FBI has worked with since 2010. All indications are his information has proven correct, with it appears this one exception. Curious to understand how they know he's lying about the Biden's as Weis and others investigating the situation sandbagged his "information" until now at a point were Congress was made aware of the informant's statement. This was the lead-in on Good Morning America which is telling. I wonder if most of their viewers were even aware of Joe Biden being investigated before this morning? So he won't be testifying to Congress anytime soon and the risk of that happening might have provided incentive to take him off the board now. Other than that, its more than likely he'll be held without bail with prosecutors citing a high potential flight risk suspect and the judge agreeing so I'm wondering how long before this guy falls into depression and hangs himself in prison? If indeed the Washington powers are still trying to protect Joe that signals there is no "Plan B" to replace him on the November ballot and they're all-in and past the point of no return to get him re-elected and deal with getting rid of him later. Keeping Trump out of the White House is more important than having a coherent and functioning President.
  18. Still you and several others here consistently suggest anyone that who expresses criticism or questions our government's policies and actions are advocates of some foreign power,, isolationists, or hold some other nefarious motive. The thought that posters are raising reasonable and rational objections to unproductive and simply mindbogglingly stupid decisions made by elected government officials never crosses your mind.
  19. Hitler insisted the surrender of France during WW2 would be held in the very rail car the German's were made to surrender in after WW1. Obviously, that was a symbolic venue which resonated with the social mood of the country at the time. The terms of the treaty facilitated the hyperinflation experienced in Germany. Something that didn't appear in other countries. Compare that to the inflation rate in the US or the European countries during the 1930's
  20. The onerous terms and conditions imposed on Germany by the Treaty of Versailles had the greatest impact on the conditions that facilitated Hitler's rise to power.
  21. In this story does Putin play Darth Vader opposed by a woke female Jedi?
  22. This was well-thought out and designed by Chinese authorities to set the price of selling and doing business in China as the sharing technology typically through joint venture agreements which made "stealing" technology easier. Companies willingly entered these agreements seeing stars in the eyes over the huge market potential. Along with this came infiltration of domestic US businesses and government through spies and bribes to employees to steal and transfer technology. While voices raise more and more concerns about these practices China has also engaged in a practice called "elite capture" which is more or less paying off influential people to object to and obstruct any actions to tighten up security. It should also be noted while our officials in Washington sit around playing with themselves China has made huge inroads in Central and South America. Right in our own backyard as we focus on events elsewhere.
  23. All true but the idea a father is a necessary participant in raising children is abhorrent to the radial feminist sect. The "girl power" cultural myth believers see women as stronger and more moral than men who will infect children with toxic masculinity. So when advocating for the traditional family you're fighting against that crap.
  24. Trust them. And don't worry. Even though they can't predict the localized impact of a storm 24 hours in advance they are more than capable of predicting the climate of the entire planet 5 to 100 years in the future. Their predictions are as good as mine. 2030 season Dolphins at Bills. Bills 30, Dolphins 13. Count on it!
  25. How about this for anyone cool with the current NATO funding arrangement? We organize a 2 week cruise with you and your spouse and 5 other couples where you agree to pay 80% of the total cost of the 12 vacationers. Sound fair? That's pretty much NATO budgeting.
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