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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. So what's bothering you today? A great man once said "the truth will set you free". The CIA's involved. Surprise, surprise.
  2. The political system runs on bullsheet and being such only the least amount of truth to keep it running is revealed. To inform the public would result in the elimination of all speculation.
  3. I'll bet my last penny if there was a shred of evidence to prove any wrong doing this Garland led DOJ would be all over it. Am I wrong? That's pretty much all there is to say about it.
  4. Some that are chummy with the rule enforcers just get the rules bent in their favor.
  5. The system doesn't like to be challenged so expect some Federal goon squad to pay Tarik a visit while others perform some character assassination, and yet others in lawfare work to identify some obscure or distant event to charge him with some "crime".
  6. Democrats are anxiously awaiting the next primary disqualification ruling from Judge Steve Harvey.
  7. How's the name Lindsay Graham fit the requirement of maintaining the uni-party's control over Washington?
  8. When all your cases suck ass because they're pathetically weak and based on the flimsiest of legal arguments in history it's the best you' can expect.
  9. So you think all of these legal actions against Trump are completely independent of each other and examples of connections such as visitor and meeting logs documenting occurrences of GA DA office personnel meeting with WH personnel are mere coincidence? What do you think they discussed? Exchanging cookie recipes!
  10. Based on Rachel's argument if the court ruled lifetime immunity exists then what checks and balances would exist to keep Joe Biden from remaining in the White House if he loses the election in November and committing all the crimes he wants to commit without any worry about the consequences? This is more whipping up the crowd nonsense. SCOTUS is not going to rule Presidents have immunity for life. They'll issue a narrow ruling specific to the specific case before the court. But certainly no blanket ruling. If it favors Trump activist journalists like Rachel will say the court is filled with political bias and if its against Trump how they overcame pressure from Republicans to arrive at the "correct" decision.
  11. It is a conspiracy. Its obvious the democrats are going to an unprecedented effort that stretches the boundaries of ethics and legality by coordinating legal actions through many court battles while running a full court press to keep Trump from returning to the White House.
  12. Looks like the next hot spot is Maldova. For anyone not familiar with the place it's a slice of real estate between Romania and Ukraine. 220K Russian citizens reside in the province of Transnistria. The plot here is a familiar story. Post-Soviet era map. Get set to for everyone to change their Twitter flag pins with the admintration looking for billions in aid for our latest strategic allie nobody's heard of.
  13. Swallow the fantasy world and insanity of the left where objective and critical thinking skills are viewed as dangerous and counter to the "values" of inclusiveness and diversity.
  14. If you'd like. I should add I didn't vote for Trump in 2016 or 2020. But I think the democratic socialist left kooks are just as dangerous because they believe "rights" are mere "privileges" granted by the ultimate power which is "The State".
  15. Me neither. I get it that some people are religious but for me there are a lot of holes in the God theory. But I also don't support the left's attempt at redefining America as a socialist paradise. Because every country that adopts their policies ends up a complete failure.
  16. And don't try to pet the family dog either! And not for nothing, but the fact experienced IRS investigators describe the Biden family business structure of accounts and transactions as consistent with known money laundering operations can't permeate their thick skulls. Joe could ring their doorbell and provide a verbal and written confession and they'd say "sorry Joe, I still don't see any evidence".
  17. Chuck's out of touch with his constituents that place the lack of border security and the influx of un-vetted migrants as the number one issue for 2024. What's painfully obvious is the political establishment's panic and frustration, both in the US and Europe, about the prospect of "losing" the conflict in Ukraine.
  18. The medical community either suspects or knows this to be the factor or a contributing factor but is too afraid to say it as truth is outlawed under this regimen's germinating socialist paradise.
  19. Its a debating tactic of invoking a false comparison to change the subject from the topic of the discussion to your opponent.
  20. Instead, its dominated by intellectual liberals that run a State/Corporate propaganda machine that prioritizes concepts such as inclusion and diversity ideology over truth and fact. Such as Google's AI Gemini that upon being scrutinized because of ideological bias its creators suggest issues will be addressed when in fact its WAD. IMHO, for people that believe they're in their intellectual superiority they're incredibly stupid as they've made the biases and wrong answers painfully obvious. Most are "on to" their game and when people know they're being lied to lying isn't an effective weapon.
  21. The disconnect is the radical left refuses to assign any "rights" of any kind to the unborn child at any point treating what would be a sentient being with the equivalent concern and feelings of an appendix that requires removal.
  22. Neither of those issues resonate with voters as priorities for 2024 based on recent surveys results from various polling outfits and news organizations. The top issues are border security and crime where Trump trounces Biden. So the administrations plan is to hoodwink the public by pretending to care about them until the election while in terms of substance not really doing anything.
  23. This twerp ain't scaring anybody.
  24. If there was such a film I'm wagering if US IC told you Putin wrote the screenplay you'd believe it.
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