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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. If we ran our household and personal expenses the way our representatives run our country we'd be bankrupt and living in a van down by the river. Representative Matt Foley enters a motion to vote our country into bankruptcy.
  2. Until our government and that demented idiot pretending to be President decides our border is important why should I or any other citizen give a rat's ass about Ukraine's border? If they really want to screw with the Russians those clowns should send the 10 million migrants they flooded the US with over Russia's border.
  3. Remember the times of old when the United States of America has a border until insane maniacs took over the country?
  4. The usual cast of idiots will have trouble understanding or questioning why an agency would go through the trouble of obstructing an investigation unless there was something to obstruct. Isn't that merely basic common sense? Something you know that you don't want others to know. Some secret or mis-deed you do not want exposed. So the fact the CIA and other Federal agencies are blocking and subverting attempts to interview witnesses and gather information about specific activities involving the Biden's will only reinforce the belief in slow-witted posters that it proves once again there's "NO EVIDENCE". Thinking people might conclude where there's smoke there's a fire somewhere that's putting all the smoke into the air.
  5. Not sure fif anybody reads thig chaps blog but he's spot on with what everybody is catching on to at the moment. https://kunstler.com/cluster*****-nation/wake-up-call-2/
  6. It's finally said here. The battle isn't between left and right, liberal or conservative. The battle is between the sane and the insane. With the insane at the moment, being mental patients setting the agenda and those supporting that agenda at the moment. Back to the asylum I say, to those maniacs. Take your meds, scream at shadows on the wall, and leave the rest of us grounded in reality to carry on with things.
  7. The problem with the left is they've run so far to the extreme fringe of the political and social spectrum that they view anything to the "right" of their views as right wing extremism. But everything is relative to your position on the continuum. What the far-left shift has caused them to view is actual centrist thinking of rational and reasonable people and views to be a far right view, relative to their extreme left. Anyone not viewing the border situation as complete chaos is incapable of rational and objective thinking. Enter the current administration and our American socialist left. Incapable of such thought. We can't allow these maniacs to lead us over the cliff. They need to be removed from positions of power through whatever means are necessary because that's how they're playing the game. No rules, Two men enter, one man leaves.
  8. The Demo-craps care about political "crimes" committed against the government and their supporters while they view crimes like murder or theft committed against common citizens without concern. Unless their lack of concern threatens their power in which case they'll feign concern for as long as necessary. That's why an incursion of the Capitol needs to be dealt with as harshly as possible to send a message that opposition against the rulers will not be tolerated but the 2020 riots that caused billions in damages in countless cities to private property, violence and deaths, was brushed off as no concern. Unless of course, one of their own got hurt or killed.
  9. With war and politics I believe nothing is what it seems to be and when the war is over I sense the "plan" is to distribute the Palestinian people of Gaza across the nations of western Europe. That dock the US is building which involved parties claim is for the purpose of bringing in food and aid for civilians is more likely an evacuation or deportation platform to remove the residents with the purpose of Israel taking over Gaza and eliminating it. After the "war" there will be no Gaza. I don't see Egypt or any other Middle Eastern county being willing to take in large quantities of Palestinians and some of those States see them as trouble. So off to Europe. Local European governments and citizens will not be happy but when it comes to mass immigration (and most other issues) the EU and most European country central governments don't care what their citizens want unless their jobs are threatened. Just like here in the US with the southern border. So, in summary while Netanyahu's far right orthodox controlled government claims the purpose of the operation is to eliminate Hamas, the ultimate goal is to eliminate Gaza. Watch this slowly play out and be revealed. As this plays out the US will block any UN resolutions addressing this action. And, like they always do, Western Europe leaders will bow to their masters in Washington and do what they're told to do here.
  10. An impeachment inquiry precedes an impeachment proceeding. Build case, present case, vote, outcome either to dismiss or to Senate trial. If its me I'm waiting until after the convention to proceed with any presentation of evidence and the case against Biden if only so they're stuck with Joe on the ballot and pulling a switch-a-roo will be close to impossible.
  11. Its their way of encouraging the illegals to register to vote for Biden in November.
  12. There's a big difference between laundering bribes and payoffs through a complex network of banks and accounts (which the IRS investigators concluded was consistent with the methods of known money laundering operations) to hide the nature of the transactions that find their final destination in accounts of the Biden gang vs. transparent and legitimate business transactions booked on company ledgers and statements for clearly demonstrable accommodations and services. The payments were bookings for legitimate travel accommodations unless you've got hard evidence to the contrary. Which we all know you don't. But the Bidens? That's another story unless you can make up some fake crap on exactly what products and services Joe's crew provided to their "clients" for all that loot. Maybe its just because commies don't understand how private sector capitalism works and bribes are just part of their culture? Rep. Comer has indicated they've got data on about $60 million of payoffs that have found their way to the Biden's over the years. And over 170 suspicious transaction reports filed by banks with regulators that involve the Bidens. Seems like a lot of suspicious transactions. I expect when they're complete with the inquiry they'll bring this "evidence" to the House floor.
  13. There's no denying there's a double standard and the Democrats are so much better at playing that game. They've got home field advantage with the media and most, if not all, other institutions on their side. Blocking or ignoring anything negative to them and magnifying anything negative to the opposition. Add in the ref's in federal law enforcement and justice are always looking the other way and its like trying to beat the Brady's Patriots in Foxboro. It might happen once by some combination of unlikely circumstances but that's it. They'll never apologize or answer the question straight on. "Why did you lie? Because nobody will ask the question for starters and just to be on the safe side they'll avoid anyone that might ask it. Scarborough lied straight out about the "bloodbath" comment and yet he's on his show with that smug pompous look with his partner nodding in agreement, neither bearing shame or guilt, deflecting any mention of lying while changing his story slightly in an attempt to mind-hole the original comment. Tell me what major network carried the story opponents of Trump outright lied about his statement? The fake statement story and the reactions to it got more coverage. The lie, nothing. You're up against the world's most sophisticated and complex propaganda machine.
  14. I don't completely agree or disagree with AOC here but she has a point. The committee needs to get down to specifics. And that's following the money. These witnesses are one thing but the alleged crime is taking bribes and payoffs from foreign entities and governments. Not conducting business meetings and doling role call of who was there. Regardless of how elaborate the Biden money laundering operation is the transactions can eventually be traced, documented and explained. That's what the IRS whistle blowers were doing and claimed they had knowledge of when they were pulled off the case. I understand they testified as such. So I'd like to see the forensic evidence linking Biden to the source and distribution of the funds. Lay it out, follow the flow, and show where it lands in Joe's pocket. I think that's reasonable ask.
  15. Interesting. But everyone with an understanding of the history of Afghanistan, the graveyard of empires, understood on day one the mission initiated by GW Bush was doomed to failure. Blame some of that on scope-creep. Although i can't remember all the details, almost everybody was hot and heavy for the idea at the time and I'm sure anyone in the minority that dared to object or raise concerns was called an "isolationist" and an "appeaser". An interesting thing about this 20 year "mission" is it was started by an idiot President and ended by an idiot President. With these military adventures, somebody always pays the price for bad decisions and policies. Almost always our men and women of the armed forces. The shame is that its never the people actually making the decisions. Rather than being exiled or shot after their failures, they move on to other roles in the Washington uni-party game such as lobbyists or at war cheer leading think tanks where they're employed and well-compensated to do more damage. Meanwhile, when our our brave and honorable veterans, many left disabled or damaged, are no longer useful they're discarded by the system.
  16. Jeremiah describes the pick as a "slightly undersized" DT. If there's a big space eater that can wreck havoc with the offensive line and blow up the line of scrimmage consistently like a Chris Jones then I'm all in on DT. But such a player wouldn't last until 28. At 28 best WR prospect available and fill in the defense in the 2nd and later.
  17. Bad libs, bad libs. what you gonna do when Donny comes for you?
  18. What I absolutely love about the term "undocumented" is they make it sound like some sort of clerical error. Not breaking and avoiding customs and immigration law. What's next? Calling bank robberies undocumented depositor withdrawals? Rapists? Undocumented sex partners Car jackers? Undocumented vehicle owners.
  19. To avoid Florida, Biden will initiate transportation of Haitians to Mexican border crossing points or directly to the US while leaving American citizens behind to fend for themselves. And I'm not joking. Rather thinking of the dumbest and most absurd thing possible and predicting these clowns will do it.
  20. Excuses. The terms negotiated by the previous administration were conditional based on the Taliban's adherence to the conditions at the time of the withdrawal. As they were not in compliance execution of the withdrawal in any form should not have occurred. But the administration was in a rush so they proceeded with Biden's "plan", even disregarding the input from military commanders. Biden was not bound by any previous agreement. And demonstrated that in other areas which I will mention. What went on in the aftermath and what we're seeing in Haiti is this administration's policy towards Americans caught in foreign conflict areas is a policy of abandonment. Private and citizen group efforts rescued more Americans and our allies in Afghanistan than Biden did and the same is true in Haiti right now. You can't depend on Biden's crew for any help. You need to take the loss here and move on. Even so, the Biden administration was not bound by the previous terms. And demonstrated they had no hesitation reversing course when they desired. They had no trouble scuttling the set of executive orders that secured the border during Trump's term and replacing them with the current chaos and claims the most powerful country in the world had no ability to stop an invasion of illegals from streaming across the border. Simply pathetic excuses. Nobody is falling for these lies either. They had no trouble scuttling the Keystone pipeline which was getting close to operational capabilities. Oil from Keystone would have mitigated much of the inflation and price surge caused by the sanctions that disrupted to worldwide flow of oil and would also have eliminated the need for the administration to kiss the ass of the repressive regime in Caracas begging them to supply more oil to the market. When it comes to big picture thinking Biden and his clown show cast of misfits and idiots are a giant clusterfuk. The damage another 4 years these malevolent idiots could cause is incalculable.
  21. The Texas border actions could result in traffic being diverted to California and Arizona.
  22. So, there's statistically driven causality that validates the theory that voting for democrats imparts immunity to COVID and can extend your life? Voting for Trump causes people to die. Got it. Can you tell us how many people died from the drugs coming in from Biden's open border policies since 2020? In 2023 I saw a number of 111,355. I assume that means Biden killed over 111k Americans in 2023.
  23. American here. Trudeau is the posterboy for 21st century leftists. Their claim to fame is driving policies out of touch with reality and contrary to the interests of the people they consider lessers and subjects (no such thing as citizens to them). An elitist snob.
  24. DEI is flexible. For purposes of quotas, high performing Asians can be considered pseudo-white.
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