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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. A problem with determining the temperature of the Earth is that at any point in time the actual temperature varies from point to point. It can be -50 at the poles and 100 degrees at the equator at the exact same time. So what's the temperature of the Earth? The temperature needs to be derived through employment of a method or process. And unless you understand the method or process used, validate it, and use it consistently you can't conclude with any confidence the results are accurate or a true representation of what is actually happening.
  2. Issues like the border invasion have certainly evolved and not exactly in the direction the people advocating for and encouraging the import of more people might have thought it would go. But ask yourself, didn't you see this coming? Of course you did. Our political and social debates are no longer framed by arguments of Left vs. Right, Democrat vs. Republican, Liberal vs. Conservative. What we now have is a war between the sane and rational against the insane and irrational. Yet, even the insane and irrational are still capable of seeing what a total disaster the idea they supported has become. Commentary on this chaos has become an echo chamber of opinion among those who thought it was a terrible idea from the start and almost everyone advocating and supporting the idea has disappeared from view. its can't be anymore obvious what a Clusterscrewup this thing was from day one. Yet this administration won't relent. How insane are they? More to the point how insane is anyone contemplating casting a vote for the President overseeing this disaster that will surely continue this madness for another 4 years. I don't care how bad anyone thinks Trump 2.0 would be. How could it be worse than Biden? At a minimum the nuts and psychos would be sent back to the funny farm.
  3. Inclusion, diversity, equity, safe spaces, triggered. Those terms sound awful culty! But they belong to you guys. Which by extension makes you a cult member. You may start chanting your daily morning ritual, one hundred times. Trump is evil, Trump is evil. 🤣
  4. Word is Biden is part of the initial test group of subjects for the Russian brain damage weapon. Based on his current condition the weapon is working as designed.
  5. What troubles me still is these prosecutors and officials have designed and created a customized and unique interpretation of the law to enforce it against the one-time circumstances of one specific individual and its likely no other person on Earth could be prosecuted using the same interpretation. Like they reverse engineered the legal system to go after that one guy. I think that's what it means to "weaponize" the law or what some call waging "lawfare". More troubling is the before mentioned Clinton campaign payment to Steele for the Russia dossier. That had to be far and away the biggest and most effective election interference effort in the history of US elections and all the people howling and screaming about threats to election integrity ignore the worst offense ever. It goes unpunished, and is celebrated by certain people, years later. They got away with political "murder" because the entire legal system turned their backs and looked the other way and no custom engineered legal interpretation was required.
  6. I can't argue with your assessment of the nuances as I claim no expert status on the subject but said another way it might boil down to there's a right way to cheat which Clinton used and a wrong way to cheat which Trump used. Even though both are guilty of the same end result of attempting to hide the true nature of payments.
  7. Typically, such campaign issues involving improper accounting are subject to fines. Not felony jail time. Not public show trials and media frenzies. For example, the Clinton campaign funneled a payment through their law firm that was washed through the law firm to pay FusionGPS to pay Christopher Steele for the Russia dossier. The campaign booked the payment as "legal expenses", which is was not. The election commission issued a fine and closed the matter. Which was the customary action. Clearly, the information in the dossier was intended to be used for the campaign or distributed to others with the motive of "influencing" the election. But this payment with Trump is a big deal.
  8. Thanks for posting. But what isn't clear to me is what is specific name of the business entity where false business records were created? Is it the 2016 Trump campaign? I don't understand the source of funds to be campaign funds. So I don't think so. That takes a campaign financing violations off the table. That's the nature of the example violations cited in the article. So is this "crime" putting an accounting transaction which was a hush money payment in the wrong account of one of Trump's private businesses? And not to be flippant, but under GAAP what is the correct ledger account or sub-account to book "hush money payments"? I don't think there is one. So unless there was avoidance of taxes or the transaction was treated materially different from other accounting transactions what's the interest of The State in determining where it should be booked? It's a private company. Who is Trump intending to deceive? Regulators, shareholders, the voters? As far as disclosing the payment or the timing of the disclosure, why make a hush money payment if there's some legal requirement to disclose it? By definition that takes the "hush" off the table. So why do it, period? My problem with this and the other Trump prosecutions is they all seem custom manufactured specifically to target and prosecute Trump tailored to the specific circumstances of his situation and bending and molding legal interpretations to use againt him and no one else. I think that summarizes the gripe most have here rather than being comitted to the defense of Trump because of some ideological devotion to the scoundrel.
  9. What's not said is the committee called few to no witnesses nor included any evidence that didn't support their preconceived conclusions. Some of what was testified to was perjury and false that went unchallenged by a one-sided committe roster. Like the Trump tried to take the steering wheel where a simple photo or examination of the layout of the vehicle would have discredited and rendered that story false. The committe was like court case where the prosecutors present their case and the defense has no opportunity to present any counter arguments or evidence. I think that's called Kangaroo court justice So FU to Liz.
  10. Without somw drastic changes like reining in government spending and getting control of debt we're all screwed. But things are headed in the wrong direction at a faster rate. Neither major party is going to lead the necessary changes. The economy no longer supports the programs and cost structure of the past. Its time for a complete new vision. That vision needs to drive much smaller and more localized government. But I fear nothing will change and nothing is going to stop the mother of all financial and social disasters from happening. Maybe in a few months, maybe a few years. Changes will be forced by circumstances and necessity, not by choice. For now it's spend, spend, spend, until the party ends and the bill comes due. The road here leads to a more modest standard of living and lifestyle for most and will drive even nmore social and political unrest. I get the sense much of the youngest generation is already aware of this and already living this new reality while their elders have yet to catch on to the coming trainwreck.
  11. I think a lot of those definitions regarding socialism are theoretical. The major distinction between economic systems boils down to whether you advocate government driven or mandated solutions or free market or private enterprise solutions.
  12. The schmucks in charge for the past 30+ years have slowly dis-assembled a functional economy and society and left us more or less with our pants down when something like this happens.
  13. $550K! But the regressive progressives delude themselves into believing the Democratic leadership is working for the little guy. Not big powerful interests with well-funded lobbyists and multi-billionaire donors. What a hoot! All these rich people so concerned about helping Democrats defend and support the poor workers they under-pay and work 24/7 to replace with cheaper immigrant labor and automation.
  14. I'm not sure if the Capitol, being the seat of the legislature in Washington DC, is granted specific protections higher than other Federal facilities but if that's not the case then under the law an attack on the Capitol is no more of a "crime" than an attack on say, the Federal Courthouse in Portland that was attacked every night for a couple months. Did I miss the House Committer investigation with Schiff and Chaney on the riots and looting during the Summer of 2020? Who was behind them, who funded them, who should be held accountable? In what Federal facility all the Antifa and BLM members doing time for firebombing the building and attacking Federal officers, looting business and injuring citizens in various cities across the country? Anybody?
  15. I understand clearly. Maybe you don't. There is no victim. The State of New York was not defrauded. They lost nothing. They weren't even a party to the arrangement and I'd argue in a civil case the State doesn't even have legal standing to bring the case as a plaintiff. The banks holding the loans were not defrauded. In fact, they provided testimony FOR the defense. They lost nothing. But the Judge would have none of that. In civil cases plaintiffs are compensated for damages along with penalty judgments. The banks claim no harm so does the State get the money? For what? Seriously, on appeal this case is going to get thrown out. For the rationale I say and then some. I wouldn't surprised if the Judge and Prosecutor get censured by the court on top of it. And then Trump is going to sue the Judge, the Prosecutor, and the State of NY and those idiots are going to cost the taxpayers millions in judgments. What do they care? Its not Leticia's money. If you're a resident of NYS its coming out of your pocket. Otherwise, in the future, if mis-representing the value of your property on business records, in this case a loan application is a crime, then everybody that fills out and signs a home equity loan application that estimates the value of their home is more than the bank's appraiser says its worth is committing a "crime" in the State of NY.
  16. I could make a good argument Liz Warren is a socialist. Members of "The Squad" in the House. Bernie Sanders. And without making a judgment about whether its good or bad policy, I could name policies such as wealth confiscation and income re-distribution as socialist dogma. Whether its of good value to society, Social Security Medicare, and Medicaid taxes force workers to pay a tax that redistributes funds to retirees and low income people. Or for that matter, any government interference in the lives of private citizens that legalizes the transfer of benefits without cost to one group at the expense or at consequence to another group that derives no benefit. While I don't want to do the homework necessary to identify the specific people responsible for those things, those are socialist and therefore they could be considered socialists.
  17. I'm still confused by this entire case. What loss did NYS incur as a result of being "defrauded"? This appears to be a crime without a victim.
  18. I'm still curious what you, or anyone for that matter, believes are the accomplishments of this administration. I say nothing of any significance. I'm also curious how anyone can make a case advocating another 4 years of this malicious and destructive administration beyond them concluding Trump would be worse. What I find interesting, given what I believe is Biden's dismal record is that Donald Trump appears to be the worst possible candidate when it comes to beating Joe Biden. Even Nicki Haley, who Trump trounced in the primaries, polled better in a general election contest than Trump did against Biden. Its almost like they want to lose!
  19. Well, I'd be interested in a list of actual positive accomplishments of this administration. I can't think of anything. So help me please. And blaming the previous guy? What major mess did he leave? As for supply chain, you might want to consider the impacts of sanctions on the flow of material and funds around the world. And the inflation caused. That was self-inflicted.
  20. This election boils down to your choice of who you think is the cleanest pig in the mud hole. The problem Liz will have is convincing them to vote for an incumbent candidate that has completely ruined our country.
  21. The most likely proposed solution from social justice activists will be to give immigrants "free" cars so they don't have to steal them and kill people in the process.
  22. They're always mad about something. Thinking about it socialists and socialist countries are the most miserable people, and for good reason. What's there to hope for? Everybody sitting around shouting party slogans at each other keeping tabs on each other making sure everyone is pretending to believe things are great. There's no incentive to do anything productive. It's the pinnacle of mediocrity. Its the democrats vision for America.
  23. Today's far left maniacs think a right wing extremist is a guy that flies an American flag in front of his house.
  24. I'm not at all excited by the prospects of Trump 2.0 but I can't imagine any scenario where another 4 years of Trump could be more damaging than another 4 years of Biden. I'm baffled exactly what Joe's done that is worthy of support. This adminitration has excelled at destroying our society and culture.
  25. I prefer a comparison monetary authorities reference which is a currency vs. spot gold which is hovering around $2,200/oz at the moment. Central banks have been loading up on the metal for a couple years now and that gives a clue as to where they see value and safety in allocating their reserves.
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