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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. I expect SCOTUS will rule the statute as used by DOJ in charging J6 defendants is inapplicable. Also, the mere presence of J6 protesters is not de facto evidence that they acted with intent, in attempting or succeeding in "obstructing an official proceeding”.
  2. In the case of this Trump trial I expect the Judge and Prosecutor are looking for people with a bias against the defendant that are just smart enough to follow their argument but not smart enough to perform any logical or critical thinking.
  3. I served on a Grand Jury 3 times. Twice at the county level (most recently last Summer) and once on a Federal grand jury.
  4. The US attorney is wrong. Because the correct answer to the questions isn't "No". Because everyone knows the correct answer is .. "It depends on who pulls the alarm".
  5. This is election interference. Guess when the Oversight Project gets hauled into the Southern NY District court for prosecution?
  6. A phobia is typically an irrational fear of something. Islamophobia, by definition is an irrational fear of Islam. But is it irrational? Because these religious zealots do really want to kill Christians and Jews. And any other non-believers. Of course there are Christian and Jewish zealots that want to kill Muslims too. I think there's a major distinction between so-called MAGA and Neocons/Neoliberals. Because there are two Americas. America the country, and America the Empire. For the purpose of simplicity, MAGA is about what's best for the country and Neocons/Neoliberals are about what's best for the Empire. Most of what Washington claims its all about is support of the country but that's just a ruse. What they really do is about maintaining the Empire. What other country has 600 military bases (and 100's of other CIA, intel units) spread around the world? That's consistent with the attributes and actions of Empire. All for the good of the people you occupy, right? I consider the European continent of "independent democracies" to be vassal States under the control of Washington. They have no major policies or programs outside the sphere of Washington's control. NATO for example is primarily a mechanism of control for Washington and not a defense alliance. That's the world of the Neocon. I could go on.. The problem for the Empire in the 2020's is its out of money and the international system of finance that allowed it to borrow and spend infinite amounts of money to maintain its control is breaking down and in the process of being replaced by a multi-polar system of global finances which is challenging the supremacy of the US dollar. The fight everywhere is about resisting this transition.
  7. By now its obvious to all that the protected groups want respect and tolerance for their "values" but when it comes to reciprocating they can't seem to live up to those principals.
  8. By some accounts Isreal is planning a response which is said may occur at any time. Biden has told them to "take the win". I think that's good advice for now but given the circumstances and the players I expect they'll ignore it and the situation will escalate further.
  9. The inconsistency is the usual suspects posting here proclaim Russian State media is complete and total pro-Putin propaganda when it comes to issues like the war in Ukraine but suddenly when "confirmation bias" rears its head on topics such as Trump, suddenly Russian media is the beacon of truth.
  10. The whole thing was scripted theater and drama between the involved parties. Iran telegraphed the nature of the attack and gave their enemies a week to prepare. Everybody got what they needed out of it. The Iranians got to save face by retaliating, the Israelis suffered little to no damage, and the US got to demonstrate the competency of their weapons and strategies while giving Biden a much needed win in the eyes of the voters.
  11. What's comical is these idiots embedded in the government and the Biden administration are running the system and they're complaining about how THEIR policies and agenda has led to all kinds of negative consequences. All while insisting on blaming somebody else. Its quite a racket. Meanwhile, lots of us amateur political and social observers see how obviously toxic their agenda is to our country. They have no shame, they have no honor. They can't be dispatched back to Hell quick enough.
  12. What worries me here is the potential of terrorist cells to infultrate our southern border the past 3 1/2 year while the Biden administration was working overtime to flood our country with illegals. It's just speculation at this point but suppose we get directly involved and those sleeper cells get activated in cities all over the country?
  13. You can't import millions of people that have incompatible social and cultural values and beliefs and then expect its all going to work out for the best. Especially when the newcomers have no desire to assimilate into the larger society. I think it's what experts might call the Balkanization of a society. Broken up into cliques and clans with their own sub-cultures that clash and conflict. A real shitstorm.
  14. And free housing, food, heath care, spending money, education, transportation, entertainment. and a declared Democrat voter registration card.
  15. I saw the original line up of Skynyrd a couple times in my youth in Buffalo at the old Century Theater downtown and a year or two later at the Aud. It was maybe 10 years ago I saw the revised line up of the band at MSG where they opened for Kid Rock. My favorite album was Second Helping followed by Street Survivors, and then the first album. Street Survivors was released just prior to the plane crash. The original cover depicted the band members surrounded by flames. After the accident, the MCA Records rushed to remove copies with the original cover from stores and replaced it with one without the flames surrounding the band. If you have an original copy with the original cover it would be somewhat rare.
  16. For me, the bigger issue of the climate change debate is the popular solution to the problem. The idea of replacing oil and gas, hydrocarbon energy sources with clean and renewable energy sources such as wind and solar electricity generation. I think that solutions is completely incapable of supporting human civilization at its current size and scale. The idea were going to replace all the cheap and efficient energy produced by hydrocarbons with wind and solar is a fantasy. I'd love to see a proof of concept community of about 100,000 people living a life completely devoid of oil and gas and exclusively run on renewables. My expectation is such a demonstration would be a complete flop and a wake up call to get serious. Along with exposing the idea as folly to most people. I think the actual agenda of the elites running climate policy is they've determined there are just too many people on the planet and "they" need to get rid of maybe 50 to 75 percent of them and it don't matter to them if they get rid of Democrats, Republicans, or Independents.
  17. What the idiots don't get is so simple. You can't keep handing out trillions of dollars in free money for consumption without making the necessary investments to increase supply, productivity, and the creation of goods and services. Because people will use that free money to buy stuff without a counter-balancing increase in the supply of stuff which bids up the price of the stuff available because the demand is higher than the supply. If you want to stop inflation you need to do the one thing the administration and the Fed won't do. Stop printing and creating more money.
  18. As much as I believe you too.
  19. No really. They were faking it all along.
  20. There's no way out of this "hole". The situation is beyond repair. There's no will in Washington with either major political party to do anything. Nothing will be done until everything blows up. Then it will be too late. Just make sure you're prepared in every way possible to be as self-sufficient as possible and not dependent on the government for anything because they won't be there to help you.
  21. That nuclear deal was a sham. It was we pretend to not be developing atomic weapons and you pretend to be watching us not do it.
  22. Wherever that photo above was taken I'm 100% sure it wasn't outside of the Biden Radio City fundraiser event.
  23. Do people believe the US isn't out there attempting to influence elections in other countries? If they care to acknowledge that I'm sure they'd argue its all for a good cause. As for Russia doing it. Sure they do. But what comes to mind is the old adage "what's good for the Goose is good for the Gander".
  24. Meanwhile, the US media that would jump on this story in a millisecond of it was somebody else besides Biden (can you imagine the 24/7 non-stop coverage if it involved Trump?), will ignore it and pretend it doesn't exist. They and the corrupt politicians and system they protect are forcing us to live in their alternative reality where mental patients run the country. Who do you trust when everyone's a crook?
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