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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. More good news is the Ukraine/Israel aid bill had $3.5B of funds slipped into the bill to facilitate mass immigration of middle eastern Muslims. Don't worry, the President and his liberal handlers assure us that importing millions of people that reject our culture and values and refuse to assimilate into American society, because diversity tells them they don't have to, are not a problem. MAGA extremists are the big threat.
  2. Vote Democrat and stay out of jail.
  3. Ball of Confusion. The Temptations 1970. Rock band Tesla did a great cover of the song. Read the lyics. Nothing much has changed in the country and the big cities despite 50 years of liberal control and policies. What's their answer to their failures? More of the same until it works. "Politicians say more taxes will solve everything"! One, two One, two, three, four People moving out, people moving in Why? Because of the color of their skin Run, run, run but you sure can't hide An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth Vote for me and I'll set you free Rap on, brother, rap on Well, the only person talking about love thy brother is the preacher And it seems nobody's interested in learning but the teacher Segregation, determination, demonstration, integration Aggravation, humiliation, obligation to my nation Ball of confusion Oh yeah, that's what the world is today Woo, hey, hey The sale of pills are at an all time high Young folks walking round with their heads in the sky The cities ablaze in the summer time And oh, the beat goes on Evolution, revolution, gun control, sound of soul Shooting rockets to the moon, kids growing up too soon Politicians say more taxes will solve everything And the band played on So, round and around and around we go Where the world's headed, said nobody knows Oh, great Googamooga Can't you hear me talking to you? Just a ball of confusion Oh yeah, that's what the world is today Woo, hey, hey Fear in the air, tension everywhere Unemployment rising fast, the Beatles new record's a gas And the only safe place to live is on an Indian reservation And the band played on Eve of destruction, tax deduction, city inspectors, bill collectors Mod clothes in demand, population out of hand, suicide, too many bills Hippies moving to the hills, people all over the world are shouting 'End the war' and the band played on Great Googamooga Can't you hear me talking to you? It's a ball of confusion That's what the world is today, hey, hey Let me hear ya, let me hear ya, let me hear ya Sayin' ball of confusion That's what the world is today, hey, hey Let me hear ya, let me hear ya Let me hear ya, let me hear ya, let me hear ya Sayin' ball of confusion
  4. Reality TV at its best. That's what the illusions of the left are about. All fake rage with paid actors, staged, scripted, and rehearsed.
  5. And those usual voices will never, ever wonder, why is Jack Smith avoiding transparency?
  6. Why aren't they demonstrating in front of the White House and Capitol? That's where the leaders who engage in the polices they oppose reside and do business. Nobody on campus or in any city are in charge of the agenda. I'll tell you why. Because the folks paying the cost of all these demonstrations and sending their paid professional activists don't want to focus any attention on Biden and Congressional Democrats because that might hurt them in November.
  7. By your consistent comments you must suffer from liberal bi-coastal superiority complex. You must really hate rural people.
  8. Ironically, Nazi's would most certainly support the anti-Israel protests on university campuses except for the fact they hate the Palestinians too. The problem with student protests is they have no leverage to demand consessions from anyone. I'm thinking it would be comical to see them leave the safety of their campus and march on down to the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn and see the welcome the Orthodox Jews there give them.
  9. Thinking outside the box, f he can catch a Rugby ball he can catch a football. Put him out wide at the goal line for the fade againt one of those 5 10 180 lb corners and go get the ball.
  10. I like the pick. Expect fewer 3rd and 1 Josh Allen injury opportunity pile push plays.
  11. When you see these government generated stats its best to double it to arrive at what's really happening. I gotta say I love this administration's crew of screw-ups along with all the idiots and fools that elected him and are thinking of electing him again. Because Trump is worse! Joe is the best thing to show up in the last 20 years for my financial disaster "insurance" investment portfolio. Anyone thinking inflation is high now is in for a very big surprise. If he continues screwing everything up, which it looks like he will, in 6 months I'll be able to quit my job. Thank you Brandon and idiot voters!
  12. It's going to be a while until we know because Trump is waiting until the convention to name a VP so Biden's personal protectors and various AG's and DA's won't have enough time to manufacture a convoluted legal argument and charge his running mate with some legal violation before the election.
  13. As the casualty numbers they provide are vastly under-reported only those believing them are surprised. The war, while very popular with flag waving members of the United States Congress and the defense industry, is currently not so popular with Ukrainians citizens. In order to muster up enough troops aged 18 to 59, the government kidnapping them off the street or forcing them to return from overseas to man the front lines. Its estimating around 1 million Ukrainians have left the country for Poland and Zelensky wants those men of fighting age back for manning the front where life expectancy is measured in days or hours. But its all good because Putin is evil and there is no sacrifice the cheerleaders safely away from the front can expect from other people that is too big to defeat him!
  14. Getting the 3rd rounder seems very important to Beane. Earlier he was bemoaning the Bills expected to be awarded a 3rd round compensatory pick but got a 4th. Is that 3rd rounder part of the compensation for a trade deal in the works or does he just badly need to get back into the 3rd round? I speculate wildly here but maybe the 3rd rounder is the price, or part of the price, the 49ers are looking for as part of an Aiyuk tradel? I think most of us can agree Brendon has greater immediate impact and value than any player we might have drafted at 28. Beane would have to work some cap numbers for 2024 but with the Diggs contract cleared in 2025 the numbers for an extention would be easier to handle. It was interesting SF took Pearsall with their pick. Maybe they're just looking to upgrade WR3? Could their be another team looking to move a veteran WR? Assuming I might be right (which might be a long-shot) the Bills could go CB with the 2/1 pick with DeJean and immediately upgrade the secondary. And use the later 2nd rounder on BPA.
  15. Its not really a matter of legality. Its a matter of Constitutional authority. Clearly, the power to certify elections belongs to Congress and not the Executive branch. You could argue it was illegal if the order was executed but I expect that after discussion it was not.
  16. The bad news is the PCE with adjusts GDP for inflation rose to 3.7% in Q124 which combined with a slowing GDP points to a stagflationary environment.
  17. On this surface this young women's suggestion sounds ridiculous unless you apply it to the banking system and then realize that's more or less how it works. The banks along with the Fed "create" money for more or less "free" and charge the rest of us a fee in the form on interest to use it. Its quite a racket.
  18. Its sounds like a great idea but there are real consequences to Americans rarely discussed or understood. Seizing and freezing foreign assets held at US commercial banks or the Fed have resulted in asset transfers out of US custody and into gold and other currencies held outside the US banking system. This will accelerate the process of replacing the current standard with another standard such as SDRs or a return to some form of gold backing. While people want to believe that military might is what keeps the US in control its actually the reserve and trade settlement status of the dollar that facilitates it all. Lose that and the consequences of borrowing and spending lots of money you don't have become immediate. No more passing $90B borrow and spend bills to feather the nests of defense contractors and suppliers. All this mostly plays into the hands of one country, China.
  19. I think its important to view the "problem" with the MSM from the perspective of not only what they tell you, but also what they don't tell you. What might be characterized as lying by omission. Journalistic activism. Take the border chaos as an example. The MSM would lead you to believe this is purely an epics humanitarian crisis. And we're obligated to handle it in the manner its being handled. Its not a failure of the administration in Washington to control and secure our border. Or a failure to deal with the Mexican government's intransigence to do nothing. Or a failure to stem the tide of drugs and criminal cartel activity. Or a failure to show any concern for the safety and job efforts of border agent. Or a failure to address catch and release crime, stress on city and state budgets, impacts on citizens and business, the quality of life. All more or less secondary. Immigrants murdering Americans? No problem. Americans murder Americans too. The idea of closing the border and prohibiting anyone from entered in the current manner is inconceivable. Our Federal government is powerless here but they can force Americans to use correct pronouns and arrest people quietly praying in front of abortion centers. Because that makes somebody feel "unsafe" But letting 10 million illegals into the country making everyone feel unsafe? Not a problem. Secure our borders, not so much a concern. And every complaint or criticism of the administrations handling of the crisis is met with "but Republicans rejected a bi-partisan "solution" to the border crisis". No mention the terms of the bill were unacceptable. Its like Biden's team is writing the news and these puppets are reading the teleprompter. The MSM news has become a politicized version of a specific political parties view of reality and is no longer an objective, factual source of truth.
  20. The MSM has a significant and obvious liberal bias. With the exception of Fox News. The score is something like 10 to 1 liberal bias but the left pretends its a tie game. What I still can't wrap my head around is how did current day liberals transform from traditional liberal beliefs, cynics, and critics of big government to lovers of it?
  21. They're worried that revealing their identity will disqualify them from student debt relief and a cherry Summer internship at a NYC Jewish law firm. Death to America but before we kill you please pay off our loans first!
  22. From all the derogatory comments and opinions I hear in my travels around the State I'm wondering if Biden is even going to win New Jersey. The consensus is life under Biden sucks and under Trump it wasn't so bad.
  23. The difference here is the democrats are a lot smarter and better at doing this stuff than the republicans and Trump. The democrats utilize low-level operatives and the media along current and former bureaucrats embedded in the government to do the dirty work while keeping Biden and other top Democrats at an "arms length" away for the action in order to provide them all with plausible deniability. Meanwhile, Trump is a very slow learner and hasn't figured out that game yet and still participates directly in these activities.
  24. The Clinton campaign did more than violate election law. They created an entirely false narrative to lie and deceive the American public on an epic and historical scale. But as for this problem, falsifying business records? People charged with falsifying business records perform the act of falsifying business records in order to obscure, misrepresent, or hide a previously performed criminal act. Like embezzlement. Is anyone suggesting the source of funds Trump used was illegally gained? Otherwise, the source of funds being legal there was no criminal act leading up to the payment. The payment itself was legal. Lying and calling it "legal expenses" was a lie but is lying illegal here. That's the point of contention. And that point is trivial and not worthy of legal action by the State. But the State believes its a standalone "crime" and charge to make a legal payment and classify the payment on your internal accounting records as something else. Entering into a NDA is not a crime. Neither is making a payment to another party. Neither is legally transferring monies to your lawyers escrow account. Neither is the lawyer using the funds to make a payment to another party.
  25. Sure, but she perpetrated a hoax that influenced the election and inhibited the functioning of the Trump administration for the entire 4 year term while creating a lasting false narrative the faithful still believe to this day. And she continues to lie about it. So it's okay to lie and fabricate disinformation on the opposition candidate as long as the campaign pays for it? As for Trump I could argue no harm, no foul. So the payment was classified "legal expenses". So what? What harm or damage did the State of New York incur? Nothing. Or anyone else? Nothing. The money was not used or derived from any criminal activity or enterprise. There was no crime or illegal act before or after the payment. The payment itself was not illegal or was the NDA. No taxes or payments to any government or private individual were missed or mis-calculated. There was no victim, period. So the charge is a violation of the law that caused no harm to anyone. That seems utterly foolish. But representative of the times we live in today where critical and logical thinking is optional. Even if there is a conviction which is likely given the stacked jury, an appeals court will most certainly reject the States argument and dismiss the case. But the goal would have already been achieved. Not to send Trump to prison but to tie him up in court and keep him off the campaign trail for as long as possible to give that feeble old fool enough slack to maybe pull off a re-election bid. A diabolical but effective plan.
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