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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. I listened to a few that objected to Allen winning the MVP and their argument was more or less Jackson had better stats. So if that's the criteria we don't need voters. Just set the stat criteria and run the numbers on all players and award the MVP to the player the computer spits out. But the award is not just for stats. It's not for Most productive Player. Its for value. Value to his team. Value to the league. Who has more than Josh this season? A high school kid no college wanted to NFL 1st round selection, to NFL MVP. What better story is there than that. How many games do the Bils win without Allen? That's value. As for value to the league, who put more eyeballs on prime time games with expectations of great play and sports entertainment and did not disappoint. Thst's MVP.
  2. Quote I saw: Democrats look and sound like Cockroaches after the exterminator came through.
  3. So when will Samantha Powers, head of USAID during of this graft, be arrested? And when it comes to outing all the perps how and where will this lead? That will be the fun part. Finding out who's at the top of these scams calling the shots.
  4. I think the premise is Politicos subscription service at $10k per user has some value to government employees. Maybe so, but to me it sounds like a great way to launder USAID payments to fund a political activist journal that echos the views of the liberal establishment funding them to say what they're told to say.
  5. British PM Starmer and his Labour Party buddies look at this photo and wonder where's a good old-fashioned Pakistani rape gang when you need one?
  6. Well everybody is one thing or another. Either: An uneducated trailer park dweller An isolationist A racist An insurrectionist A puppet of Putin Hitler
  7. Any way you look a it, shutting the tap on USAID of "taxpayer money" is going to cause a big increase in unemployment of Democrat political activists.
  8. Some comments from X that point to USAID as "ground zero" for the funding of leftist causes. “This is worse than 9/11 for Democrats. USAID is the primary vessel they use to achieve their political agenda. USAID is and always has been the primary source of funding for their influence peddling schemes and for their indirect sources of income” “Based on the reactions from within the party it seems to me that dismantling USAID is Trump’s biggest political victory to date, it was his enemy’s golden goose” “Another likely solution for Democrats which they already use to reward VIPs is to use NGOs as an intermediary to direct funds where they want them to go” So basically USAID allocates funds for a certain initiative that looks reasonable. Democrat friendly NGO is contracted to carry out initiative. NGO #1 subcontracts “VIP” which is another NGO owned/operated by a political ally or Democrat politician. Eventually the funds reach the secret intended target and the original problem is not solved. This means they can continue to rinse and repeat this grift."
  9. The Atlantic is purposely missing the point. The "global-health ecosystem" won't be in need of repair. It will be in need of replacement with organizations that exist for the purpose of improving the health of people across the planet. Not re-establish some bureaucracy. Not furthering hidden goals and agendas. Given how USAID was run as an agency virtually independent of any oversight or control by the executive branch its going to be fun to find out exactly who was giving this rogue agency its marching orders. Exposing these characters will be interesting and then we'll get to see "big fish" get fried. Many I expect are the most vocal critics of Trump's tear down of USAID. First thing they should be forced to do is surrender their personal assets and property to the taxpayers as the cost of plundering our tax payments.
  10. Saying something like that might get you arrested in Sweden, or other European paradises. The rule is, the government is okay with mass shootings. What they're no okay with is anyone pointing them out.
  11. I think there's a bigger plan here beyond using tariffs as a negotiating tool. I suspect these tariffs on Mexico and Canada, and those on China, are elements of some larger strategic plan for a modern version of the Monroe Doctrine with a goal of driving Chinese influence out of the Western Hemisphere. Discussions already with Panama about the canal would seem to point to this goal.
  12. Democrat sponsored street protesters paid with funds from USAID. Oh wait, those checks bounced! No more protests.
  13. I understand the provisions creating the original version of USAID was signed by President Kennedy through executive order 10973, November 3, 1961. If so, no act of Congress is required to revoke the order.
  14. Lots of leftist and swamp creatures are crying and shrieking over curtailing USAID spending which means we're right over the target. Ground zero for deep state mischief.
  15. Who cares if they trust us? Truth be told, they probably shouldn't. You're making an assumption the relationships the US has with other countries are some sort of peer-to-peer arrangement. They are not. That's why they're all going to fold. The US is a global empire and it doesn't need its vassal states to "trust" it. It just needs their obedience when required. I don't think most Americans realize the US operates as a global empire. America replaced the British empire after WW2 left it the only power left standing. The Sun never sets on the British empire was their slogan but we don't anything like that. Other empires before the British ruled over the planet. Its our turn now but I don't expect it to last much longer.
  16. I believe they're focusing on violent criminal and the mess Biden left needs to be addressed.
  17. While I agree with Trump on issues like immigration I don't agree on sanctions and tariffs. What he's saying to the rest of the world is America is going to compete but we have to win every time and if we don't we'll change the rules until we do. Basically declaring economic war on everyone. What can they do in response? One approach, submit and declare their obedience. Or eliminate the US dollar from their system of reserves and transaction settlement is another. Form greater trade alliances with other nations without Washington is another.
  18. Are you suggesting there is no link between genetics and intellectual capability? And that all it takes to build intellectual capabilities is hard work. I believe that's no more true than it is to say I can transform my 5 foot 11 inch, 190 ib body into that of a professional NFL player simply through working out hard and training. You're born with the potential to be fast, big, and strong and the effort you make will develop your body to reach that potential, but I won't increase my height by 4 r 5 inches and will never exceed my genetic potential no matter how hard I train. Just like you're born with physical potential, you're also born with intellectual potential. You can work your ass off in school, at a trade, or a profession to reach that potential but no matter how much you do you'll never exceed the intellectual potential level your genetics have per-determined. While there's overwhelming recognition for the idea of physical potential there's more resistance to the idea of intellectual potential for obvious social reasons. But its all a bell curve thing. That's why there are so few geniuses out there. They're born, not made.
  19. Basically the Bills lost because in the most critical point in the game, the Chiefs executed a defensive play or two that were variations out of a familiar defensive look. Our offense got fooled. Our defense did no better. I'm thinking we lose these games to the Chiefs because their coaching staff prepares and game plans extremely well for the Bills and clearly understands the tendencies of the opposition, both its players and coaches. And our coaching staff never disappoints by giving them exactly the looks and plays they prepare for every time. There's no element of surprise or disguise going on here. Maybe we should be marveling not about how the Bills manage to lose these game by the slimiest of margins every time but instead be amazed the players can keep it so close given the other team's players and coaches perform like they're in the Bills practice and game planning sessions all week before the game.
  20. For starters, Vancouver is a hot spot for Chinese drug cartels. And banks like TD and Casinos launder vast sums of money.
  21. I won't jump to any conclusions but there are lots of questions such as why, and for what purpose, is a military helicopter operating inside the landing flight path of a commercial airport serving our nations Capitol. There's plenty of other less congested air space to conduct "training missions". How could the helicopter pilot and crew not be aware they were operating inside the air space of Regan National? According to reports, the aircraft hit "head on". Why didn't the Heli pilot recognize the situation and alter his course either left or right or up or down? I expect an experienced military pilot, even at night, can recognize that another aircraft, with lights and transponder signals on, is coming right towards them. Some reports are saying they were "flying dark" which means the chopper was not broadcasting an ADSB signal. Why would they do this? If true this sounds like a critical disregard for safety at a minimum.
  22. Who cares if the FAA director resigned or not because that's not going to lead to operational changes or impact in a couple days. Everyone is still going to work and doing their jobs. And just how many planes did the FAA director guide to safe landings and takeoffs last year? I think its safe to say zero. My thoughts wander to why is the military conducting a "training exercise" in heavy trafficked civilian air space? And is "training mission" really the standard cover story for not revealing a sensitive operational mission? This investigation is going to require cooperation from civilian aviation and military authorities and organizations so don't bet on getting 100% of the facts.
  23. Wasn't Milley the guy that told his "Chinese counterpart" that he'd warn him if the US was planning an attack?
  24. The Bills could have changed the result by executing any number of plays. And then any of these officiating gaffes wouldn't matter. That it true. But in a close game they did matter. At at this point in the evolution of the game and tools available to officials there's no excuse for them to blow that 4th down call other than incompetence. You've got one official that clearly saw the spot on the right side and one that didn't on the left side and head official decided to go with the guy that didn't see it clearly. Why is that? Who would do that? Why didn't the official that clearly saw the ball insist on his view being used to spot the ball? You've got replay assist which should have shown Allen made the first down. Then there's the coaches challenge that showed Allen made the first down and the officials still wouldn't reverse their call. Then there's the broadcast crew and their in game rules expert all declaring the refs blew the call. Along with millions of viewers. The only guy that didn't get it was the only one that mattered. Maybe if the officials got it right the Bills still lose or maybe they go on to win but we'll never know.
  25. You might be right. In the playoffs that year, offensive genius Andy Reid's Eagles team led by Michael Vick was able to score only 16 points in a 21-16 wild card round loss at home to the Packers. I cringe when I hear broadcast announcers proclaim Andy is Sean's "mentor". Not sure how anybody would personally consider somebody that fired them to deflect blame for losing from them to you is a mentor. That said, I still think Reid messes with Sean's mind in these games and that provides the .01% edge they need to win.
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