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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. According to statements from President Recep Erdogan,Turkey Treating Over 1,000 Wounded Hamas Members In Hospitals around the country. Unlike the US and many of our allies, Turkey, a NATO member does not consider Hamas to be a terrorist organization. To quote, "Hamas is a resistance organization whose lands have been occupied since 1947, and it has protected its lands after the occupation". Just how they got the wounded out of the West Bank is subject to speculation. Here's one for giggles. If Israel was to attack Turkey for their support and sheltering of Hamas, would the United States and NATO go to war against the Jewish state if Turkey invoked article 5? An attack on one is an attack on all.
  2. There's no such law about NDA's and political campaigns. If there was it would fall under the jurisdiction of the Federal Election Commission which declined to get involved and not jerk-water NY state court. Why have an NDA if you are required to disclose its existence?
  3. Why does he need to disclose the payment at any time? Is there some legal obligation for political candidates to disclose the existence of an NDA?
  4. If you're an electrician or one of the "poorly educated" Americans you might wonder why you're working to pay taxes so that ass wipe in the white house can forgive the student loans of mind blowing imbeciles and credentialed idiots in a desperate attempt to buy votes to stay in power.
  5. The DNC convention will be in Chicago this summer. The convention and the street action have the potential to go in a lot of different directions. But I suspect the professional demonstrators mixed in with the college crowd protesting for Palestine will not be on the payroll of the party or one of its favorite NGO's during the event.
  6. I've seen several stories and sources cite US military strategists express frustration with Ukrainian tactics and their hesitancy to take advice on how to establish more effective defensive lines and fortifications.
  7. Its been much cooler than normal here in the Northeast but I've yet to hear anyone suggest we're on the verge of a major cyclical cooling trend or Ice Age. For me, whether or not the climate is changing, which it is always doing, and how much of it can be attributable to human activity is not the issue. Let's just say it is changing and end that debate. And get to the real matter for us all. The issue is the identification of the cause, burning fossil fuels, and the solution to that problem. Replacing fossil fuels with renewables. The climate cult is full of buzz words like "sustainable" and "renewable" but there's a hint of dishonesty in their messaging. They paint the picture of some seamless transition to renewables with few to no consequences to individuals or society as a whole. All we need to do is make the commitment to spend the money and make the effort to transform our society to net carbon zero or something like that. Another buzz term. Just unplug from gasoline and go with EV's and continue on our merry way without missing a beat. The physics of it all suggest renewables, wind and solar, are unreliable low energy output sources that will never be able to replace fossil fuels without making concessions regarding cost and mobility. Cultist cite expected technological improvements in battery storage efficiency in the future as thing that will save the day. Its a common theme, as masters of the universe our technology will always be available to solve every problem we encounter. So have no fear. The ecological and environmental cost of disposing of all those used batteries isn't discussed at all. But there will be consequences to everyone. One specific I'm still waiting to hear about is the fate of commercial air travel. Electric planes I expect all providing the same level of service as jet fuel. The unfortunate truth is many lifestyle changes and sacrifices will be required. The "smart" people driving these changes know that's the truth. But they fear sharing the need for drastic lifestyle changes and sacrifices will not sit well with the majority that will be hesitant to give up anything. So they keep quiet. The plan will provide lots of benefits with almost no costs. So don't ask any questions. Or you'll be cast as a climate denier. And don't worry. The elites pushing the agenda, rest assured, will give up nothing. Another common theme.
  8. Biden swung the gates wide open and said c'mon in no questions asked.
  9. The problem is the act of manipulating evidence for public relations stunts such as photos used for media attention and political purposes, which Federal law enforcement organizations should be above doing, opens the door for additional scrutiny and speculation. So they brought items similar to the items described in the search warrant to location of an executed search warrant and used them to fake the actual evidence recovered from the site in this way, how do we know you didn't fake it in other ways? How do we know they didn't plant anything? Or exceed their authority under the warrant? Credibility and confidence are lost. And a reasonable doubt the investigation is legitimate is open to questioning.
  10. More myths: White supremacists are lucking in the shadows ready to jump on marginalized and victimized groups when their leader gives the signal. Putin is coordinating with the Trump campaign and organizing more election interference activities after making a deal with Dr. Evil to divide the world. The US intelligence community is working to ensure American democracy. Censorship is good. Our differences bring us closer together. All right wing conspiracies are disinformation while all left wing conspiracies are real.
  11. Ho hum.... Please don't bore us with this drivel.
  12. As a lifelong member of the Washington establishment and beltway insider it was in the agencies best interests to have Joe Biden win the election. So they lied knowing doing so had no consequences of any kind. If the CIA and the Intelligence Community agencies aren't representative of the deep state or "the swamp" then what is representative? Raise your hand if you still believe the elected civilian government of the United State is actually running the country? You want democracy and want to elect establishment candidates to high office? You can't have both.
  13. I believe the MSM has always had some form of bias and editorializing in its communication and messaging to the public. What was missing up until recently is an alternative view and source. Something to compare it against. So they needed to invent misinformation and disinformation. And protect their previous monopoly on disseminating news and information to the public. I marvel at how many of these independent sources have stories almost immediately while the networks have delays of hours or days on some of them. Its like they have an extra step in the news delivery process to decide whether or not they should let us know about something or not let us know about something. Basically, a censor or not censor step. Who exactly gets to decide what we should know?
  14. Arch-criminal and creator of Russian collusion hoax that escaped all charges complains about justice system.
  15. Who was it again that killed the Keystone pipeline on day one of his administration? Hint: it wasn't Trump.
  16. It could be because 90% of lower court rulings are based on sound and proper legal arguments and interpretations of the law where this case against Trump and other defendants may not be so clear cut?
  17. I've come to believe that due to infinite money being thrown around, incestuous personal and business arrangements, and cronyism at all levels the entire system is subject to corruption and a housecleaning is overdue. What might be left to debate is how to clean up the mess and what new direction we might take.
  18. As the liberal cult of chaos doesn't believe in borders I'm surprised by your admission that there is an "in" or "out".
  19. No I don't like it because it was bogus. Lowered the number of illegals along with providing more perks. I'm confident they'd take the perks and ignore the limits. Joe can just issue an executive order and shut the whole thing down if his handlers directed him to do that but they won't. I saw this little gem today. You believe these demands illegals encamped near the Denver Airport are making on officials there as reasonable? This entire 10m people nightmare is out of control. 13 demands: Migrants will cook their own food with fresh, culturally appropriate ingredients provided by the City instead of premade meals - rice, chicken, flour, oil, butter, tomatoes, onions, etc... Also people will not be punished for bringing in & eating outside food. Shower access will be available without time limits & can be accessed whenever - we are not in the military, we’re civilians. Medical professional visits will happen regularly & referrals/connections for specialty care will be made as needed. All will receive the same housing support that has been offered to others. They cannot kick people out in 30 days without something stable established. There needs to be a clear, just process before exiting someone for any reason - including verbal, written, & final warnings. All shelter residents will receive connection to employment support, including work permit applications for those who qualify. Consultations for each person/family with a free immigration lawyer must be arranged to discuss/progress their cases, & then the City will provide on-going legal support in the form of immigration document clinics, & including transportation to relevant court dates. The City will provide privacy for families/individuals within the shelter. No more verbal or physical or mental abuse will be permitted from the staff, including no sheriff sleeping inside & monitoring 24/7 - we are not criminals & won’t be treated as such. Transportation for all children to & from their schools will be provided until they finish in 3 weeks. No separating families, regardless of if family members have children or not. The camp will stay together. The City must schedule a meeting with the Mayor & those directly involved in running the Newcomer program ASAP to discuss further improvements & ways to support migrants. The City must provide all residents with a document signed by a City official in English & Spanish with all of these demands that includes a number to call to report mistreatment of if they aren’t How about, no, and throw their asses out?
  20. Perhaps holding the Prosecutor and the investigating FBI agents to the same level of procedural conduct would be prudent? They're accused of mishandling evidence in a number of ways including bringing outside documents to the location of the search warrant and using those documents as cover "top secret" pages to take photos of documents from the search spread across the floor meant to create dramatic effect for public and media consumption. What legitimate and honest law enforcement officers do such things? Just this alone could be grounds for dismissal, an illegal search, and should warrant disciplinary action which I'm 100% positive won't happen. I mean, why not plant some illegal guns and drugs around the house too?
  21. Smith would have made a fine prosecutor for the Committee for Public Safety or the Spanish Inquisition.
  22. Some goofball arguing the Constitution with a women pretending to be a border agent while a third person records the encounter. Probably a staged hoax.
  23. That's great question about the laptop. But there is the unaddressed question and motive of why 51 IC members all lied about its authenticity. Why did they blame the Russians and protect Joe Biden's candidacy in 2020? I'd like to know why Comer's committee didn't call them out. Is his investigation all for show or for real?
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