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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. We all saw the trial, falsifying business records. Who was the victim?
  2. Its here now and we clearly witnessed Soviet style justice in action. Show me the man and I'll find a crime. Success! Perhaps it's too much reality to handle but you need to be aware that its actually you that not only wants it but needs it.
  3. I expect Jillian will be rounded criticized by "the community" but isn't the ability to speak your mind openly and with honesty what its all about?
  4. You don't know? Maybe the Biden administration's current impersonation of Soviet era justice can be employed to drum up some charges, then round up, convict, and sentence the perpetrators before they act? If it works on high profile Presidential candidates it can certainly be applied to common MAGA enemies of The State.
  5. Like how? Yell hey look over there and when everybody is distracted and looks the other way he pulls a fast one by replacing a current copy of the Constitution with another version with the 22nd Amendment cut out? I recall Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck where they cleverly replaced a Rabbit or Duck season posting with an Elmer season posting. Better alert Joe Scarborough to this scheme.
  6. Send the IDF in! They get some target practice and we get rid of some troublemakers. Win-Win.
  7. Two headlines: Buffalo Bills start 2024 OTA's charged with optimism and a transfusion of youth into the roster. Buffalo Bills start 2024 OTA's against the backdrop of consecutive post season failures. The old adage "where you stand depends on where you sit" is applicable here and to the mainstream vs. alternative media situation.
  8. Invoking the cleanest Pig in the mud hole argument does not absolve the administration from taking liberties with the facts. Similarly, you can break the thermometer and tell me its only 30 degrees when its really 100 degrees but breaking and falsifying the measurement doesn't keep me from experiencing a lot of discomfort and I'm not sure what you're talking about because it's friggin' hot as Hell!
  9. The deep state, which is nothing more than the permanent Washington bureaucracy led by some 8,000 or so appointed/temporary high-level managers that operate with the same consistent agenda regardless of which party is elected to run the civilian government. I think it was none other than Chuck Schummer who suggested they have multiple ways of getting to you.
  10. Another way of thinking of nominal prices is that the price of things doesn't go up but rather the value of a unit of currency goes down.
  11. A fun fact here is a $1 of purchasing power in 1960 is equivalent to $10.59 of purchasing power in 2024. For what its worth this is the link to the calculator. https://www.in2013dollars.com/us/inflation/1960?amount=1 I read a compelling argument last week, I can't recall where, but the authors argued that given all the productivity and technological improvements we've experienced over the past several decades one should have expected we'd be experiencing price deflation. This is true as newly adopted advances are typically more expensive per unit at the beginning of the adoption curve but become less costly as the roll out of the new advances accelerates. But as a result of massive government spending on mostly very low "money velocity" programs we have inflation as public debt and borrowing pile up along with the Fed flooding the banking system with essentially "free" money to their commercial bank constituents. Many people think the Fed is some government agency but its actually a private collective of banks that were "contracted" through a legislative outsourcing arrangement to handle the system. Guess who they work for?
  12. I'm a powerless citizen speaking my opinion, You disagree with my views. That's your right. But don't presume to know what I want. And the idea Putin is somehow enabled by my opinions is hopelessly comical. How exactly does that work? Is he on here posting on PPP? When you invoke Putin what you're really saying to me and others is "shut up". I understand. You're an idealist that sees this all in black vs. white, good vs. evil, binary thinking. I see lots of grey areas in the situation. You refuse to acknowledge that our government shares complicity with the Russians in creating the conditions that lead to the war. For one, engineering the overthrow of the previous government to install one more to Washington's liking. I could list more but why bother? You'll summarily reject them. That's all for today.
  13. If only I, or other citizens for that matter, had such influence over what our government does and doesn't do. While I'm entitled to my opinion and freely express it, I hold no illusions that my elected representatives sent to Washington care one bit about my views or positions on topics such as the war in Ukraine. One needs only look at the recent votes on aid to Israel and Ukraine and the pass Congress took on more funds for US border enforcement for a clue. Their agenda isn't driven by as grassroots movement on any point in the political spectrum. I would propose we end all foreign aid and give US taxpayers a 50% tax cut? I'm sure that would be immensely popular with the voters but the global interests running Washington and directing the voting choices of our Senators and Representatives would have none of that nonsense. My problem with supporting this proxy war is the architects and supporters of this effort are vastly underestimating the risk of one of several potential very bad outcomes while focusing on the one outcome that I view as impossible at the moment. A Ukrainian victory with a return to pre-war borders. I also believe the idea Russia is intent on invading western Europe for the re-establishment of Soviet era maps is pure delusion. Russia's economy simply does not produce enough capital and resources to carry out such an effort and from a military standpoint they would stand little to no chance of success. Everybody in the know, knows this but they prefer to peddle this bit of dis-information to keep the money flowing their way.
  14. The intent of this symbolism is not to demonstrate pride or community but rather to force your obedience to the "special" status granted to the group.
  15. I expect they're just as accurate as the monthly BLS jobs numbers.
  16. Like a Summer camp for angry Lesbians?
  17. You want fake? How about dead people on the voting rolls in Michigan that Democratic election officials refuse to remove?
  18. This is not entirely accurate. The Guard was already called up. The issue is being unwilling to respond in the positive to multiple requests from Capitol security commanders for additional security measures and to deploy the Guard. Which by the way sat waiting some 6 blocks or so away until later in the evening when the event and violence was over. And is it true that Capitol Police and security of the facility chain of command report into the Speakers office? Yes? If Representatives who claim their lives were threatened actually believed that crap then why no deployment of additional security? As it stood none of them were harmed and many that claimed they were threatened weren't even in the building.
  19. I look forward to VP Harris wowing us during the campaign season with stories about her stellar performance as border Czar.
  20. I've seen a lot of people who wouldn't back down when the conditions warranted that approach get the livin' crap kicked out of them. If you think the other guy is bluffing you better make sure. So far I don't see any evidence Putin is bluffing. He clearly articulated Russia's "red line" and their security concerns and when that line was crossed and their concerns ignored, right or wrong, he attacked. What makes you so sure he's bluffing? Because if you're wrong there's no second chance. Beyond your democracy mantra and your moralizing you can't even articulate what America's security interest is with Ukraine. Because there isn't one. Sure, isolating and weakening Russia can be a benefit but when the costs are greater than the benefits its time to re-evaluate your thinking. Remember that? Thinking. Try it.
  21. You're willing to risk the extermination of the human race and all life on Earth for a country you couldn't find on a map 4 years ago. Do you idiots realize it was already a democracy before we got involved with the Maidan coup? Yes, they had elections and elected Presidents and legislative representatives before we showed up. Amazing. All on their own without our help. That regime wasn't perfect but it was certainly no less democratic than the Zelensky regime. I don't recall them kidnapping citizens off the streets and force them to die on the front lines of some battlefield. With democracy like that who needs dictators. You'd rather die in a nuclear holocaust than admit this is a no-win situation and acknowledge negotiating some sort of settlement is the only path forward. Unfortunately, the people setting U.S. policy are very slow learners even bigger dummies. Just looking at the history of U.S. nation building interventions provides a clear picture of failure. How many more billions are they going to drop down the rat hole before they figure it out? Its no conspiracy theory. That's what Maidan was all about. Its a fact. Look up Victoria Nuland. But regardless, at the moment its simply a lost cause. Admit it or waste more time, money, and lives proving I'm right. But you guys aren't bright enough to know a lost cause. Its 28 to 0 with 40 seconds left in the game and you still think we can win. Time to negotiate.
  22. More like sacrificing them in a proxy war while paying off their political leaders and oligarchs. The standard blood for money arrangement. The question is how far are we willing to go? Are they going to "green light" bombing raids on Russia to be flown out of NATO country bases? And if the Russians consider those bases "fair game" and attack them to destroy those aircraft then what? Article 5? So then NATO forces attack Russia with overwhelming conventional forces and Russia rather than lose the battle and territory deploy tactical nuclear weapons? Are they bluffing about their will to do this? What if they're not? Will we respond? And then they launch ICBM's on cities like NY and Washington. EMP discharges take out electric grids and the world plunges into darkness. And we respond back and its lights out for the human race and civilization for a few hundred years or more. Are western leaders willing to risk the end of the world and my life and the lives of the people I'm responsible for and everyone else on the planet along with almost all animal and plant species in order to "save Ukrainian democracy"? In the context of that cost I suggest your democracy at all costs looks like an expensive proposition. Because this is ultimately where we're headed and if anyone things otherwise, well, they might be the one's on drugs.
  23. So you believe 500K dead Ukrainian soldiers along with dead and displaced civilians with most of the country in chaos have been "saved" and are enjoying the benefits of US intervention in the affairs of their country? Sure the Russians are wrong and their actions are to be denounced and resisted but to think our government is doing those people a favor by putting a pro-western government in power is the height of insanity. Now tell me something other than how evil Putin is because this thing isn't going to end well for anybody.
  24. Messages like this are currently falling on death ears as other world leaders like Biden that ignore the needs of their citizens are losing support and seats in governments to populist and nationalist party candidates. France, Germany, Austria, Belgium, and the Netherlands to name a few. Those leaders can laugh all they want to the exit. Global liberalism's goal of centralizing power looks to be on the retreat as more and more citizens discover the alternative of local government decisions and priorities.
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