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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. The Weather Channel likes to hype up and do climate change public service announcements as much as possible. The recent heat wave provides ample opportunity. They've shown charts about how in many cities the "average" temperature has risen several degrees since 1970. Just what the definition and formula for average temperature is left unexplained. This is supposed to elicit alarm among their viewers. But why site 1970 as the base year? If you go back to the 1930's the slope of the chart looks much different. During that period of "global warming" temperatures soared into the 100's with regularity across the country. And then it ended.
  2. Clooney's views on Trump are provided to George by his wife Amal Alamuddin. "Happy wife, happy life!" Either that or he's doing a polite version of his best DiNero imitation.
  3. What you say is true, there are many benefits we've enjoyed. But there are also costs as well as benefits. One consequence is de-industrialization of America and lost skills that leaves us unable to ramp-up industrial capacity or re-deploy assets when the need arises. Such as the way civilian production facilities were transitioned during WW2 to win the war effort. A major reason we beat Germany and Japan was we simply outproduced them. As an example the actions to supply Ukraine's war effort. The Russians are out-producing America with artillery shells at a pace of 10 to 1. Another consequence, which is perhaps the greatest blunder of all time, is it facilitated the creation of the largest competitor to America's dominance of the world in the likes of China. But who could have seen that coming? Maybe anyone paying attention and extrapolating events into the future a few decades? But this isn't the kind of globalization I'm highlighting. I'm talking about the tug-of-war between those pushing to centralize and concentrate power and control in the hands of fewer and fewer institutions and individuals on a global scale vs. populist political and social movements and forces working to keep or move back control to the nation state and its citizens.
  4. So the choice would be to concede your national sovereignty and strategic interests to some international cabal of what we might call "elites" in the hopes of avoiding some hypothetical conflict? Ignoring that they're already responsible for most of the conflict the world is experiencing already. Its a choice between freedom and slavery. Be smart, choose freedom and local governance.
  5. I understand Protected Health Information rules and regulations pretty well. While there are rules around disclosing somebody else's information there's nothing stopping you for disclosing your own. In the case of candidates, voluntarily disclosing their medical history or just their current condition. The thing I struggle with is social responsibility. Let's say you get on a plane and unknown to you the pilot sufferers from some debilitating condition where he could black out at any moment, including when he's on the job flying the aircraft. What obligation does his physician, supervisor, or the company or others in authority have to the passengers and their safety vs. the confidentiality of the pilots health records? I'm not sure where that line is. How would that apply to the President and perhaps other officials? Also, some jobs have a requirement for competency. I don't see why the requirement for holding the highest office in the land should be exempt from such a requirement. But absent some 25th amendment action by the cabinet, it seems it is.
  6. You've got it all wrong. MAGA and other populist movements across the western world are looking to retake power and autonomy over their nation's affairs from global corporations and organizations that have no allegiance to any nation and return it to the elected representative government of their country. Its happening here and all across Europe. The world's headed for a downsizing where bigger is better and centralization of power and control have run their course and our cultural, social, economic, and political arrangements are going to be organized closer to home whether anyone likes it or not.
  7. Not that anyone is paying attention or perhaps is surprised but it looks like the US is abandoning the $250 million Gaza relief aid pier which apparently has some operational issues. "Expensive incompetence" is one description I heard of the situation. Rather than what might have merely been an election year stunt, why not have insisted to the Israeli's that given our generous American taxpayer provided billions in aide they cooperate with bringing in relief aid to civilians in need through land crossing into Gaza or we cut them off? While our leaders are clearly imbeciles they also lack the intestinal fortitude to impose any terms and conditions. Or they're just faking concern for those people in an election year? Also, word is Israel is planning to widen the conflict by taking on Hezbollah to the north. So be prepared to empty your pockets again.
  8. There's a difference between a decline in mental and physical capacity due to aging and decline due to some degenerative condition such as Alzheimer's or dementia. Observations point to Joe Biden suffering from the latter. And decline can vary from person to person based on environmental factors and genetics. Elderly people have issues in their 60's while others have clarity of mind into their 90's (apologies for calling anybody 60 elderly). What we lack is clear medical evidence which would be provided by a medical evaluation performed by a geriatric doctor and a neurologist specializing in elderly patients. This would settle the issue and end all speculation but its a certainty the administration would never submit to that type of evaluation. Which generates more speculation and suspicions that they're hiding something here. Its the old if you've got nothing to hide here then why are you hiding it argument.
  9. So Azov militia members, and other Nazi characters, sporting Nazi symbols and insignia are just making a fashion statement? And documented historical collaboration with the SS and Hitler is a type of disinformation? You're way too investing in a positive outcome here that looks less and less likely to be objective.
  10. First “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” — George Orwell, 1984 And next “Forced obedience to obvious lies is the essence of totalitarianism. It’s the ultimate flex for psychopaths.” — Dr. Toby Rogers Pick any of the insane leftist objectives and initiatives and then think about if we're at step one or step two.
  11. You're concern for the police is dependent on who's on the other end of the night stick. And you're not the least bit upset your speaker of the house left them hung out to dry by refusing to send reinforcements to help them. Despite numerous calls for help. She just intentionally let it happen and sacrificed those officers for the cause. It was the Democrat's Reichstag fire. You know what I mean? You guys feign concern about the next Hitler but miss the irony that you've used and are using some of the same tactics employed by that lunatic. And other totalitarian lunatics for that matter. Why do you guys want destroy American democracy and the republic?
  12. I wonder? Most of those cops and law enforcement are for Trump. Maybe they turn around and start shooting in the other direction? Wouldn't that be what? Ironic I think. I also expect such an event would crash the stock market, cause a run on the dollar and US treasuries along with irreparable loss of confidence in America that elects banana republic leader and walking zombie Joe Biden for a 2nd term. And presto, you get the dictatorship you all claim you're working to prevent but are really working to create. Just the kind of chaos you're buddy Putin and his benefactor Xi want.
  13. I think the fireworks start on July 11th which I understand is the day sentencing is set to happen for Trump's "falsifying business records" trial. I'm close to 100% sure that crooked judge is going to sentence Trump to jail time. Why? Because its the only logical play the Dems have left to retain power in the White House. Otherwise Biden is mentally and physically spent and in another 4 months they won't be able to hide it any longer or make excuses. So they'll sentence Trump and pray for a "Hail Mary" that the move incites his supporters to react with acts of civil disobedience and violence. Which gives the pretense for J6 2.0. It will give them the "threat to democracy" ruse they need to provide the window of opportunity to retain the Presidency ans screw up the country for another 4 years.
  14. The elite liberal establishment has gaslighted the rank and file liberal activist and ideologist with their own rhetoric. Their frenzied social justice crusade against real and imagined evils blinds them to reality. They're being duped just as the peasants and working class that fell for Lenin's and Stalin's "comrade" illusion during and after the 1917 revolution of the people. It didn't turn out quite so well for them all as many fell victim to the unchecked power granted to The State. This is quite possibly the time that the term "useful idiot" was coined. All this blinds them to the reality that they're the Nazi's.
  15. Sounds like the basis for the plot of another Disney social justice themed flop. They just need to gay-up the story a little bit.
  16. I'm not sure. Political etiquette went out the window with the 2016 election Russia hoax dirty tricks. And campaign ads have taken liberties with the truth for decades. One candidate is a Saint and the opponent is the spawn of Satan. The good guy wants to shelter the homeless and cut taxes while providing more services while the other guy wants to deprive children of food and shelter and force women to have the babies of rapists and murders. Recently I've seen a series of ads on the NYC network affiliates for and against Rep. Bowman. To see the pro ads you're left with the impression he's a decent guy getting things done for his district. The counter ads paint him as quite the opposite. All more or less derived from the same record and events. I think its called perspective. My perspective on Biden is he's done and well past his expiration date and anyone not seeing this is in denial or lying that something is wrong here..
  17. Exactly. Political activists and ideologists view the ability to see the world objectively as dangerous and counter productive. Objectivity is the enemy of leftist ideologists. The only goal is winning and advancing the cause. So subjectivity is employed. So yeah Nazis or Islamic terrorists are bad but if supporting them helps advance the cause they can hold their noses and support them and make up some good sounding rationale. Just don't examine the reasoning too closely for inconsistences and fibs. And as you say, over there but not here.
  18. Linked? Azov are Nazis. There's some history here dating to WW2 collaboration with Hitler's SS and genocide.
  19. "warned them: “This is your chance to get out.” I've always been under the impression that making terroristic threats was a criminal act. Caught on camera no less But these flunkies get a pass as is typical. Just don't try this yourself, like maybe criticizing the Pride parade. You'll be hauled off in an instant. That's how the regime works. My take is these Hamas characters and their supporters are real tough guys when it comes to raping women or holding unarmed hostages at gunpoint but its a completely different story when fighting straight up man-to-man against armed and motivated combatants. If they don't like what's going on in Gaza they can do something. Hamas can simply surrender.
  20. They also know somebody else besides the elected President is making decisions traditionally made by the President which is what I might describe as a "soft coup". Sadly, the truth is they don't care. But its worse than that in Washington. Republicans and Democrats alike in positions of power know Biden is impaired but they go along with the ruse.
  21. Biden's 100% responsible for the current mess at the border. It started on day-one of his administration. Revoking actions like "Stay in Mexico". He owns it. To suggest otherwise is to ignore reality.
  22. Antifa attacking the Federal Court House in Portland every night for weeks is the closest thing we've seen to the genuine article to date. I wouldn't be too concerned about the threat presented by Nazi death squads populated with out of shape 60-year-old white guys arrested for trespassing on J6.
  23. Democrats grab on to statements like these because that's all they have absent any policy successes to run on in 2024.
  24. Face it, the guys suffering from cognitive decline of one form or another. And the rate of decline is accelerating. We need a President that is mentally and physically capable of carrying out the duties of the job. Not some unknown group of "aides" making decisions and issuing actions that are the responsibility of the President. That's not an endorsement of Trump or a comment on the 2024 campaign. But it is reality.
  25. That sounds like a political crime and show trial. Which is what most Americans think because regardless of what you want to believe most of them are not so stupid. Once again try to comprehend this, its not illegal to conceal the existence of a NDA or its terms and conditions of the agreement. There's no legal requirement to disclose the existence of such an agreement. And timing of any voluntary disclosure is not relevant to the law. And campaign funds were not used. Most important, FEC and other Federal authorities with jurisdiction over Presidential elections concluded campaign law was not violated or applicable but NYS would hear none of that, and took it upon themselves to do it even though NYS does not enforce Federal election law, and the judge denied the defense expert witness testimony. How was that ruling impartial? Meanwhile Daniels was allowed to testify about the affair which had nothing to do with the payment process. To put the show in the show trial. But regardless the charges identified no victim and there was no claim of loss of anything material or non-material by the actions of the defendant. NYS claimed no damages, the banks claimed no damages but rather as a witness for the defense. If you guys want to go with the "crimes against the State" route then okay but it sounds eerily similar to heavy handed Soviet style justice. Or maybe present day North Korea or Iran. Take your pick All these points will be made when an appeal overturns the conviction. But I expect you know that already. What does the indictment say?
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