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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. As many here opposed to inciting and funding the conflict have said from the beginning, this was never about saving Ukranian democracy. It was about weakening Russia and thwarting efforts to integrate the Russian economy with western Europe. Simply, there are other priorities and bigger fish to fry now (that always existed but were ignored by the Biden crew). So don't be surprised by Trump's efforts to move Russia out of its arrangements with China. This is the start. Clearly, China is the biggest threat to the US. Other aspects of this new focus are efforts to drive Chinese influence our of the western hemisphere. Shifting the current 2 on 1 arrangement in our favor is a likely strategic goal. You can shake your pom poms and shout your slogans all you want but China's the target now. Not Russia, to the dismay of the war enthusiasts out there. Given they're out of positions of power and authority they're left to complaining.
  2. No its not. Its about my skepticism over the conclusions of professional liars. And your unwavering believe in "experts".
  3. Well the CIA does lie a lot. And isn't lying an important part of their mission? Gather intelligence on friends and enemies. Misinform and dis-inform those very same friends and enemies. Avoid transparency with the public at all costs. I'd say those are 3 main strategic goals of the agency. This back-and-forth is more about you believing an implausible conclusion than it is me. And we can find many researchers and scientists that conclude its a lab engineered organism. But they got silenced very early on.
  4. And right back at ya.
  5. No because the Wuhan lab is right down the street and only a mind-blowing idiot would dismiss that as the most likely source.
  6. The first clue is there's a biolab down the street performing gain of function research on the COVID virus. And although you can't pry the truth out of China with the jaws of life its believed patient zero worked at the lab. Given that I have low confidence the CIA's low confidence in the lab theory is credible.
  7. What the wonderful J6 Committee and their report gave us was a detailed accounting of the actions of the protesters and the subset of that group that participated in violent activity. Down to every last detail. The government spent unlimited resources parsing through thousands of hours of video and social media posts to track down, arrest, try, convict, and imprison every person they could identity with maximum sentences in the worst conditions they could be incarcerated. Even some that weren't even there that day. But what they didn't spend a minute on was look into what various government agencies, informants, confidential sources, and others did or didn't do that day or generate any insights into the motivations of these people. Like not calling out The Guard. Or who made the call? Those are a couple simple things to figure out. You just round up the right people and ask the right questions. Like "why didn't you call out the national guard if you thought there was a threat to democracy or a threat to the electoral certification, or people's lives were in danger?" Now we're going to find out and there are a lot of people inside these agencies that are profusely sweating it out.
  8. What's those pointing out about the need for free speech "boundaries" always fail to mention is they believe they're the proper people to set those boundaries.
  9. Should have titled this thread "feel good thread for tds patients".
  10. The way I see it Trump has abruptly brought an end to what's been about a 75 year trend in the growth of government and people that this system is sucking dry are happy and people that benefit and depend on it are not happy. All they can do is raise concens about suffering orphans and widows as mentioning their real concern which is their mid-six figure lifestyle that's been generously funded by the taxpayers making much less won't play well.
  11. The Feds leaned on Adams when he started gripping about the administration's immigrant policies and the negative impact on NYC. So they fired the first shot. So he sided with Trump. That's how politics works. Now they can complain all they want. Tough shitskyes.
  12. This is the guy that did the SB halftime show? The dancers and correography were outstanding but I couldn't understand a single word to any song.
  13. This guy sums up what's going on pretty well. https://www.kunstler.com/p/darkness-dying
  14. Because it was actually nothing being ordered. It was a Hail Mary attempt to discredit the investigation into government waste that won't work. The swamp is desperate to keep their gravy train rolling. I can't imagine anyone could be for continuing wasteful spending, fraud, and abuse of funding activities unless they're in on the take and their livelihood depends on it.
  15. If people want to believe a man is a woman then fine. If they want to accomodate and enable what i consider to be mental illness or deception that's their prerogative. But the era of forcing the rest of us to believe it appears to be over. The practice of using common sense has been restored.
  16. An equivalency to these "threats" against the judicial might be threats to stack the Supreme Court with additional members if the court keeps ruling against the presiding administrations policies. Anyone remember the ABA raising concerns about that? No, right? Here's the bottom line. And I expect you'll agree. So let's not fool ourselves or pretend. Lots of politicians, the donor class, political party members of democrats and republicans, and a host of other hanger on'ers and vampires sucking the blood of the taxpayers and the US Treasury have been riding the gravy train of taxpayer funded graft and corrupt arrangements to feather their own nest and those of favored causes. These are the people that screwed around with Trump with impeachments and other bogus charges. Trump is going to end the funding of their lifestyles and destroy their ability to exert political power and control. Its a lifestyle they've achieved by working the political system and not producing anything of value of any kind of goods or services people might be willing to pay for. So they're going to push back to keep their free ride funded. My guess is they're going to be willing to tank the entire economy and social system in order to keep the current arrangements in place. And then blame Trump for it all. So be alert.
  17. The Constitutional question is what are the limits on Federal judges to tell the President, the person in charge of the executive branch, how to run the executive branch? Especially with regards to agencies like USAID which was created through Presidential executive order in 1961 and therefore requires no Congressional approval to proceed with any changes.
  18. This is very insightful, yet simple Basically, identifying the answer to the problem and a solution to it is obvious. It's the execution of the solution that's the problem. The core question is, is our GM/HC and their staffs capable of finding the right players to solve the problem?
  19. But the arrangement doesn't indemnify the NGO from any civil or criminal charges that might apply. Or the oficials inside the government leading the effort. So there's that to look forward to potentially happening.
  20. There's a NB coach? That sounds like an incredibly specific assignment.
  21. The initial conclusions of DOGE and Treasury are to address the following threats to democracy: - Require that all outgoing government payments have a payment categorization code, which is necessary in order to pass financial audits. This is frequently left blank, making audits almost impossible. - All payments must also include a rationale for the payment in the comment field, which is currently left blank. Importantly, we are not yet applying any judgment to this rationale, but simply requiring that some attempt be made to explain the payment more than nothing. - The do-not-pay list of entities known to be fraudulent or people who are dead or are probable fronts for terrorist organizations or do not match Congressional appropriations must actually be implemented and not ignored. Also, it can currently take up to a year to get on this list, which is far too long. This list should be updated at least weekly, if not daily. The above obvious and necessary changes are being implemented by existing, long-time career government employees, not anyone from DOGE It is ridiculous that these changes didn’t exist already. There are currently over $100 billion a year of entitlements payments to individuals with no Social Security number or even a temporary ID number. If accurate, this is extremely suspicious. When asked if Treasury had a rough guess for what percentage of that number is unequivocal and obvious fraud, the consensus in the room was about half, so $50 billion a year or $1 billion a week! What reasonable person would be opposed to such changes?
  22. Regardless of all the over-analysis, statistics, and metrics being churned out. that's what it always comes down to in the end. The Eagles defense has better players than the Bills defense. They played a better zone coverage scheme and executed it while the DL exploited the Chiefs weakness at the Tackle positions. The Bills don't have DE's that can do that consistently. This resulted in Mahomes playing one of his worst games ever. I count 5 scoring drives where the Eagles started on the other side of the 50. And a defensive TD. If the Bills offense got that much help from the defense they would have scored 50+ in the AFCCC game.
  23. Its simple. Beane needs to stop trying to outsmart every other GM and pick a consensus defensive lineman from the top 10. https://www.nfldraftbuzz.com/positions/DL/1/2025
  24. As a resident of the State that elected this guy I apologize to everyone. While Andy is new the Senate he's already on board with the Democrat's plan to save their graft and corruption system of pillaging the taxpayers for personal gain and political power while funneling taxpayer money to preferred NGOs and donors seeking to destroy America.
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