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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. I think the lack of independent minds among candidates and representatives is due to $$$$ and what has been a decades long centralization of power and control. Anyone who decides to act in the best interests of their direct constituents or their conscience over the interests of the party is vilified and "exiled". When power is distributed among many its next to impossible for one person, party, or group to push people around. Washington's two party system is an oligopoly and some claim a uniparty monopoly.
  2. I won't argue your Trump the nutcase assessment but the so called progressive left is totally insane with denial of reality the core of their belief system. They're intent on destroying the country and culture and there is no negotiating or reasoning with them.
  3. What they're all saying is we're not the least bit concerned Biden is incapable of performing the duties of the Presidency. What concerns us is that it's now obvious to the public at-large, they now know the truth. We've all worked long and hard to hide and deny the truth. What really concerns us is Joe cannot execute a winning campaign this time. So we need to pick another unthinking puppet. A person of low moral and ethical character that will bring no specific objective or agenda to the job. Somebody that will just follow the orders of the party. Somebody the party leadership can control. Just like Joe. Another fake President. We need to pick another body without a brain who can be marketed as a popular choice to the unsuspecting voters. And if that doesn't work, cheat, lie, and steal any way possible in order to hold onto power.
  4. I'm just waiting for the NY Times to report informed sources, speaking on conditions of anonymity, are telling them Joe Biden was fine until recently when the Russians exposed him to some secret nerve agent that caused him to lose mental and physical agility. To help Trump, of course.
  5. I understand what you're saying. But when you say proof you're saying I need 100% certainty that this is a problem before I am willing to act. But that's not really how most decisions are made. And preventing a problem is less costly and easier than addressing it once it happens. Most decisions in life are made by assessing risk, a risk management exercise. An example might be homeowners don't insist on having certainty their home will catch fire in the future before buying fire insurance. They buy it because the risk of loss is a bigger and more costly impact than the cost of insurance. In this case I agree the risk of non-citizens voting is a much greater impact than the cost of implementing a mitigation plan, asking for "proof" of citizenship in the form of some documentation. Documentation almost everyone already has at their disposal and otherwise would be simple to get if they don't have it. Something addressed in the proposed legislation. Now there are some 10 to 15 million additional residents in the US the past 3 years that are non-citizens. More than the population of most States.This risk is much higher than 4 years ago and certainly much higher than before that election. Asking for some proof of citizenship hardly seems like a major imposition given all the other impositions on freedom and privacy we're subjected to by the government. What I find perplexing is so many are concerned with democracy and free and fair elections but they're resistant to anything that will aid and demonstrate that is our reality. They talk a good game but when it comes to playing it and action they don't show up.
  6. They're not workers. They're almost all on social assistance along with displacing Americans such as school children from buildings and facilities converted to migrant shelters. Prioritized for social services by the administration ahead of Americans in need, mostly minorities in major cities. They requires massive amounts of resources and funding. Given things like pre-loaded debit cards. All this is inflationary.
  7. I think that depends on how many people they can continue to gaslight or re-gaslight. Out of pure self-interest many party figures and the captive media on command have turned on Joe. Even the posters on PPP that insisted he was fine and dandy that demanded "evidence" of Joe's deteriorating public performances from anyone questioning his condition have abandoned our "good American President". They've moved on to the we're going to find a better candidate that can defeat Trump.
  8. That's not really the question. A more relevant question is what safeguards are in place to ensure only eligible citizens register to vote? Apparently in most States not much beyond the honor system where anyone that isn't a citizen eligible to vote will self-regulate themselves and resist the urge to participate. In most places there is no verification of citizenship when registering to vote. So legislation has been proposed to validate registration of voters for "proof" of citizenship. And some are resistant to that idea. They claim is will harm the usual under-served groups but I suspect as is typically the case their motivation is more self-serving. I'm sure public officials in my state of residence don't like the idea as they focus on other more pressing identification issues. They have a higher level of validation and verification on the purchase of allergy medications than they do voter registration validation where state law requires merchants to request proof of identity for the purchase of over-the-counter allergy medication which they accumulate and send to law enforcement.
  9. Like Sgt. Schultz of Hogan's Heroes fame used to say (if I recall correctly) our government operates under the same principle of, "I see nothing. I hear nothing. Don't tell me, I don't want to know".
  10. Dr. Kevin R Cannard a Parkinson's disease expert from Walter Reed Medical Center visited the White House nine times to meet with President Joe Biden's personal physician Dr. Kevin O'Connor. O'Connor gave Biden a clean bill of health after his February annual physical. The real story isn't Biden's condition. The real story is almost everyone around him knew of his condition yet either hid it, lied about it, ignored it, and participated in the cover up.
  11. That's a place where the Democrats current dump Biden movement doesn't want to go. And the scary thing is, most of the idiots that support them don't want to know and don't care either. The fact we've had a fake President since day one of this administration and a cabal of unidentified persons are secretly setting and running US domestic and foreign policy from the shadows which amounts to a "soft coup" doesn't faze the defeat Trump by any means necessary to "save democracy" crowd.
  12. What's most troubling is how utterly brainwashed such a large percentage of the American population is through constant government and media gaslighting. While many observed obvious mental and physical issues with President Biden more than 18 months ago, and were chastised and ridiculed for it, it took a proclamation from Democratic official and the media to provide the marching orders for these zombies to now recognize the truth. Its frightening.
  13. What they don't say is it would make it next to impossible for election officials to look the other way while ineligible persons to vote.
  14. A big risk to your vision is our educational system. Through whatever shortcomings, its failing to produce the scientists, engineers, and professionals to work in those high-value tech industries. I see it firsthand. I live in a fairly affluent community where the price of housing is out of reach for most Americans. When homes are sold they are typically bought by immigrants or 1st generation Americans who are professionals in one area or another. Scientists, physicians, engineers that have legally come to the US for opportunity or are sponsored by an employer in those high value industries. They're the people that have the skills and experience necessary to earn high incomes and afford the down payment and a hefty mortgage. American's either are being overlooked for those jobs or don't have the necessary skills. The idea our educational system is excellent and superior is a echo of the past. We need more highly educated and skilled immigrants. And more highly skilled and educated Americans in hard sciences too. Which is another reason I give pause to why our government is intent on importing millions of unskilled immigrants you've made a reasonable case that we don't need.
  15. Never interrupt your enemy while they're in the process of making a mistake. He should sit back and let them fight it out among themselves and just keep his mouth shut. But he won't!
  16. If the conditions and circumstances that led to the globalization of the economy will continue then the current arrangements will work just fine. But it looks like cooperation and collaboration are being replaced by conflict and competition and some changes are in the works. One common belief decades ago was if we granted most favored nation trade status to China we could influence their system and transform them to a democracy. Because after all we believed, the entire world wants to be just like us. That policy turned out to be fantasy and folly. China did not want to be like us. Now, thanks to every day low prices, they're our leading competitor (I wouldn't say enemy) and are looking to replace America as the world's leading power. My guess is we're heading for a world that is defined by regional trading and economic blocks of nations with common goals and the system will be quite dynamic with alliances and arrangements changing as nations see their situation change. Hardly the recipe for global cooperation.
  17. The irony is people issuing dire warnings choose to ignore the abuse of power by the Biden administration in pursuing their main political rival with endless legal cases of questionable merit which led to a Supreme Court legal filing and ruling where the very same cast of characters which cheer the prosecution of Trump while supporting the DOJ/FBI operation against Trump now claim the court's ruling about formal and informal actions and duties can lead to some hypothetical abuse of power scenarios by the chief executive in the future.
  18. Some still claim non-citizens don't/can't vote without providing a valid explanation of what's stopping them from voting?
  19. Polls can be statistically inaccurate because of issues with the sample size, or the polling group is not representative of the voting population or some unique factor. My understanding of why the 2016 polls showed Hillary in command was because Democrats were over-represented in the sample population and in some cases, poll participants did not want to disclose their preference for Trump.
  20. That's a belief they use to rationalize violating any legal and ethical boundary necessary to hold onto power. That's all they really care about. They lied about Biden being mentally and physically capable until supporting that lie threatened their self-interests. Then when it was too obvious to ignore, they suddenly started to speak the truth and did a 180 to save their own skins calling for a replacement. Another problem with dumping Biden from the top of the ticket now is if he's incapable of running for re-election because of deteriorating physical and mental condition then he's also certainly incapable of finishing out his term. That will be the next shoe to drop. So, Harris needs to finish out the term which creates another public relations crisis if the party decides to go with somebody else in November. This is going to be complicated.
  21. As more and more "facts" are exposed to sunlight, it's all a tactical retreat from reality.
  22. Corruption is exactly what US policy makers want here. One reason for the resistance to audits and checks. It's a lot easier to control corrupt officials, bribed by or stealing large amounts of money earmarked for aid and assistance, than it is to control an honest person. If they suddenly develop a conscious and actually work for the betterment of their country, then they get outed and replaced by somebody willing to play along.
  23. Couldn't agree more. Many have been saying that for months to howls of conspiracy and deep fakes. But the DNC, the media, and most Democrats weren't saying that up until the debate results. The impression I get is they were more than happy with the charade of Joe Biden as long as it wasn't exposed. And now that it is, and Joe's chances of victory are teetering at the edge, its time to cut him loose and look to ride another candidate to victory. And they don't care so much that Biden's mentally and physically incapable of carrying out the duties of the office but rather their grip on power is compromised and at risk. So it might seem they're about to get what they deserve for participation in a big fat ugly lie and criticizing anyone that dared to speak and see and hear the truth. Karma they say is a beetch. I think their going to lose no matter who they pick as a replacement and at a minimum they need to apologize to all the people they lied to that voted in the primaries. Maybe the lesson is a little honesty goes a long way?
  24. Pure drama. https://jonathanturley.org/2024/07/02/no-president-biden-the-supreme-court-did-not-remove-any-limits-on-the-presidency/
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