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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. Until some other nut job says I'm sick and tired of these liberal savages shooting their mouths off and shoots Black dead.
  2. Presents a threat? Like crawling onto the roof of a building and assuming a shooting position facing the podium 150 yards away from a political rally? He should have been shot dead the moment that was evident. But they hesitated to act. I am only guessing but i suspect they were working under rules of engagement that required them to get "permission" to neutralize the suspect. And the order was slow in coming.
  3. The network was worried either Mika or Joe would say something like "too bad he missed". The quiet part out loud that the extreme left are all thinking but the majority are smart enough not to say.
  4. Its been a bad few days for this Olbermoron clown. A judge rules your team did something obviously unconstitutional. So you suggest? Some blatantly unconstitutional politically motivated retribution.
  5. Given all their hateful rhetoric is this a good time for us all to demand the left pledge to accept the results of a free and fair election in November? That's been their demand of the other side. Of course that demand from Democrats has been predicated on the assumption that their candidate wins. But what if they lose? I'll make my own assumption. All bets will be off the table if Trump wins.
  6. I prefer Tulsi Gabbard assuming she'd accept the job. She seems honorable, smart, and to me she has the right positions on the important details and issues. She's one of the few people the establishment would hate to see as President more than they hate Trump. As the VP choice she would also neutralize and be better able to address identity political attacks than a man. In any VP debate with Harris she'd be in a battle of wits with an unarmed woman. None of the other choices I've heard of appear to bring as much to the table. Tulsi said this.. “The Democratic Party of today is wholly unrecognizable to the party that I joined over 20 years ago,” Gabbard said. “And I hear from or meet Democrats from across the country, almost every day—whether people send me a DM on Instagram or send me an e-mail, or I run into them in the airport—(former Democrats) who express the same thing,” she continued. “People who may have been lifelong Democrats or people who were raised in a Democrat family, just saying that they don’t recognize today’s Democrat party and they have no connection to the insane, woke, warmongering policies of today’s Democratic Party.” This describes me almost exactly (in bold).
  7. Project 2025 is the work of the Heritage Foundation. Nothing to do with Trump. I doubt any of these drama queens like Swalwell have read it. They just pass around and repeat the same old Dem talking points. Orange Man bad! We good! They bore me to tears at this point with their act. Get some new material that might be remotely believable.
  8. I suspect most have jumped to that conclusion based on yesterday's security failure. I did read an assessment from Erik Prince of Blackwater which was critical and raised questions about methods and procedures not being employed or followed.
  9. Like most Biden appointees it's obvious Cheatle is eminently unqualified to perform the job. But the hire checked the administrations DEI boxes and put a leader in place that has prioritized checking the DEI boxes for the staffing the Service. DEI is simply lowest common denominator thinking.
  10. That's the primary driver behind all liberal doctrine.
  11. You are absolutely correct about Trump. A "normal" candidate would be trouncing Biden now given the circumstances. What we're doing here debating the pros and cons of these two is playing the cleanest pig in the mud hole game.
  12. I hope they're all smart enough to report the transactions as "payoffs" lest they get brought up on charges of falsifying business records.
  13. Those in disagreement might argue those "advisors", including former President Obama, are simply just that, advisors, supporting the President in formulating his decisions. This is what is typical. But was it more than that? I believe so, observing the obvious mental and verbal gaffes and missteps of President Biden. No, these are more than advisors. They are "directing" and formulating policy and decisions. And last I checked none of them received a single vote in 2020. It would appear the real insurrectionists walked right into the White House in broad daylight through the front door for all to see. Without breaking a window or any furniture on their way to the Oval Office. All to the cheering idiots proclaiming democracy is saved! A bigger farce you'll not find anywhere.
  14. Write-in vote for George Clooney! He's running the Democratic party as of this week.
  15. Raise your hand if you already knew this was going on since the beginning of Biden's term?
  16. Call me skeptical this has any real impact. If spending was contained by revenue then it has value. But its not. In the race to disaster, spending is on a rocket ship and revenues are riding on the back of a Turtle.
  17. Whether they collect additional taxes is more or less a mathematical exercise in futility. Because the government is spending $100's of billions, trillions perhaps, more every year than they collect in taxes and the national debt continues to expand at what looks like an exponential rate at this point. So because of the effort of new agents the treasury borrows a billion less? Minus the expense and salaries of those additional 87,000 agents. Which at $100K a year is what? $870 million? So net $130 million. Whoopee. What's that? A couple hours a year of government spending? We'd be better off if some agency such as the Congressional Budget Office hired another 87,000 auditors to go after all the government spending programs and figure out where all those funds get spent, whether it useful or a waste, with power to pull the plug on graft, corruption, and waste. But auditing government spending programs isn't too popular an idea with who? Well, the government.
  18. The big story is for a long time Biden's mind and body have been compromised by an as of yet undisclosed condition. A lot of us here saw it and thought it was obvious and were scolded for making that conclusion. But the truth appears to be that people around him, people knowing him, people meeting with him, people with a lot to gain from his presidency, all hid and deflected any outside observations of his condition. And now that the cat's out of the bag so to speak, the torches and pitchforks are coming out like its all a big surprise to these phonies. They were good with knowing it as long as the public didn't know it. Now that their asses are potentially swinging in the breeze its an imperative to get somebody else in place to protect their personal interests. The country, they didn't care much about us before this happened either.
  19. When invoking racist they're saying we don't want to discuss the root of the issue, whatever it might be. So we're going to throw out this customary accusation and hope it puts you on the defensive and we're no longer discussing the original point of contention. The best way to address the racist accusation is to ignore it and keep pounding away at the original point. And never apologize. What I'm most curious about is whether or not a President Harris is going to attempt to chart her own course, set the agenda, or is she's going to tow the line and go along with everything the party leadership dictates consistent with what figurehead President Biden has done? The other option they have is to get rid of Joe, put a mannequin in the Oval Office, and go about running the country through staffer and party leaders without a real President just as they've been doing since January 2021.
  20. It might be over after today's 5:30 PM press conference where a White House press corp with new marching orders is set to descend on the embattled President. Its got to take a lot of practice for these ass holes to say they're "saving democracy" without bursting out in laughter.
  21. Maybe you should put your thinking cap on and dig past the surface of the story? Understand the motives of the involved parties such as why would anyone target a hospital which has no strategic value but will surely enrage everyone? There's no upside to it. And who is telling you this? No independent press is allowed to publish stories there. So you just have to believe a government that has suspended all democracy, including that free press. You might want to be a bit more skeptical but your unwavering support for this war effort prohibits you from any objective assessments. That's all I'm saying.
  22. Every time Zelensky comes calling for more support, this time as a guest to the NATO summit, the Russian oblige by hitting a hospital or school. The timing is an amazing coincidence.
  23. Saving democracy? These folks either believe their own BS or lack any self-awareness.
  24. I think the lack of independent minds among candidates and representatives is due to $$$$ and what has been a decades long centralization of power and control. Anyone who decides to act in the best interests of their direct constituents or their conscience over the interests of the party is vilified and "exiled". When power is distributed among many its next to impossible for one person, party, or group to push people around. Washington's two party system is an oligopoly and some claim a uniparty monopoly.
  25. I won't argue your Trump the nutcase assessment but the so called progressive left is totally insane with denial of reality the core of their belief system. They're intent on destroying the country and culture and there is no negotiating or reasoning with them.
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