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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. The security here had so many failures and holes that it is impossible to distinguish between complicity and incompetence. Regardless providing the truth will be resisted by whatever means are available.
  2. I thought so too but like watching the Bills against the Chiefs in the playoffs the thought is always in my mind when predicting these political outcomes, "how are they going to blow it this time?" Because its always something different. Like the mid-terms in 2018 that looked like a slam dunk absolute majority in Congress what pile of steaming crap will Trump & team step in this time? The dilemma with the choice is not only do the Democrats have no answers for problems, they're intent on creating more problems. So pick your poison.
  3. I understand the problem which they talk around when invoking the gender bias defense is the service has two sets of physical requirements. One for men, one for women. The requirements for women are lower. This simply compromises protection. As an example, if the subject is 6.3 and an agent is 5.6 then the agent can't properly shield the target. The application of diversity standards can't get around this problem of physics. The Secret Service needs to understand rule number one of finding yourself in a hole which is "when you find yourself in a hole, stop digging!"
  4. They know but their ideology prohibits them from telling the truth. Its said that true tyranny is forced obedience to lies. For starters, people that have real, working lady parts and no Adams apple or a prostate.
  5. Can you suggest anyone else that's out there that's willing to support a populist agenda and take on the permanent Washington bureaucracy, the surveillance State, and the elites that are selling out our country to the highest bidder? Supporting the Democrats given the ideological make up of the party? They're less than useless.
  6. I suspect Joe (and Jill) want assurances from the party and the VP they'll continue to be 100% committed to stonewalling investigations and questions surrounding their "family business". Assuming they win the White House doing this through 2028, and if not, at least up to the end of January 2025.
  7. Whether Putin favored Biden or not from a results perspective it seems like the manipulated results of 2020 US election worked out pretty well for him. He skirted the sanctions, ditched the US dollar and set other countries on course to do the same, established closer ties with China, consolidated alliances with other anti-US countries, weakened the economies of Europe, and occupies Crimea and other provinces that have majority ethnic Russian populations. Feeble Joe and his gang of misfits and cretins handed Putin all of this and people want to say he favored Trump? They're in denial of reality and can't be reasoned with or think critically. So don't bother trying.
  8. For it to be staged that kid must have been the greatest shot in the world to intentionally miss a head shot by 1/4 of an inch and time the shot with Trump turning his head to the right at just the right moment. All the ladies of the left are in severe meltdown mode and Joy is friggin' insane. They need a group hug and an DEI refresher course.
  9. They're attempting to avoid the mess and disarray that would be publicly on display by removing the President through some official action such as invoking the 25th amendment. To do this they need to convince or coerce Biden to step down "voluntarily". There are a number of reasons he's resisting the idea.
  10. I agree with your assessment of the virus mutations but its still a danger to people with many pre-existing conditions. I work in the health care industry and we produce a COVID reports and data every week which communicates the impact of the virus with any specific alerts to many private and government organizations so I can strongly tell you the industry is still focused and aware of the problem. Its not just "right wing nuts". This administration has a real credibility issue when it comes to being forthcoming with facts and the truth so the natural inclination of many at this point is to take a default position that they're lying.
  11. That really isn't relevant here. The issue is the Secret Service always performs a risk assessment of the site and develops a security plan based on that assessment. According to sources speaking outside official agency channels that plan including securing the roof top from where the shooter was positioned. That plan obviously wasn't followed and the head of the DHS and SS are making excuses rather than giving an honest and open answer to plainly acknowledge the security failure. Saying the roof of that building was too steep and dangerous to put any agents or sharpshooters on is absurd. As demonstrated by the would-be assassin it was just fine. It's also alleged Trump security detail was compromised because SS agents were re-directed to the security detail of Dr. Jill in Pittsburgh. A significantly low level threat target whereas who is a bigger target threat than Trump? That's why the Secret Service needed to enlist the assistance of local police. A team they never drilled or worked with before. Another risk.This redeployment has been officially denied. Like @leh-nerd skin-erd said yesterday, the governments core operating philosophy is to "avoid transparency at all costs". That doctrine appears to have once again been invoked here.
  12. Through mediocrity and incompetence. The idiots delude themselves into believing that excellence and competence are traits of White Supremacy. No they are not. They're traits of any and every functioning society.
  13. A recall an episode of the Simpsons. Homer told Bart, "You tried and failed. You learned a valuable lesson. Never try!" That appears to be our current administration's motto.
  14. A diverse high productivity worker friendly environment committed to excellence!
  15. I suspect the sad reality is our elected President has little to no real decision making authority under the "governance model" at work under this shadow regime pulling the strings.
  16. But I understand the hotel was never built and the discussion never went beyond the proposal stage. That fact and zero evidence that Putin was ever involved would appear to invalidate the deal between buddies hypothesis.
  17. I remember that was the story but I also recall the DNC refused to grant the FBI access to the servers for direct examination and gathering of evidence. So its never been verified by the agency how the data was leaked.
  18. If it doesn't work out you can always blame some foreign country for "influencing" the election. Whatever that means. That seems to work well. What about someplace like Kazakhstan or Mongolia this time?
  19. My conclusion is nothing will be fixed until everything breaks.
  20. Some of them more will turn out more than once in more than one place! 😀
  21. It sounds like all this diversity and inclusion indoctrination being pushed and employed by academic geniuses in the educational system isn't working out too well in creating a desired progressive utopia.
  22. Whatever anybody wants to call it when the government hands out trillions of borrowed money to people to consume goods and services without requiring them to produce any equivalent output of goods and services or creates businesses that require subsidies to produce products or services nobody wants at "market prices" it creates an imbalance in the supply and demand of things which generally plays out through adverse consequences such as inflation.
  23. Avoiding transparency at all costs. That is a simple yet very insightful conclusion regarding the basic operating principles of our government. Provide the minimum required amount of information or facts and stonewall any attempts to provide further details. I should add, then moan and groan that malcontents are spreading conspiracies!
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