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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. Those Nazi's running wild disguise themselves quite cleverly and call themselves progressives.
  2. But now she's being lauded as some greater orator and the savior of democracy that will defeat the evil orange man. Right now all we're hearing is how popular she is and magically a poll now shows her in front. Who can't get excited? She's just as popular with the fans as an NFL team's back-up QB that's ready to start the next game after the starter had a few bad games. Everyone is all excited and energized at the stadium until the game starts and the back-up throws 2 Ints, completes 5 passes out of 16, and is sacked 3 times in the 1st half. Then reality sets in and everyone suddenly realizes again why they're the back-up QB. Soon that feeling will overwhelm Kamala's supporters too. Wait and watch.
  3. Don't stay up late waiting for Harris to condemn these "mostly peaceful protests". You've got a better chance of Jesus knocking on your front door to let you know he's back. She needs the support of the violent extremist voting block (to, of course, save democracy!) And please, somebody that won't condemn these savages please point out to me where all the threats to democracy "MAGA" people are burning flags and defacing monuments? That threat to democracy chant is another liberal fantasy.
  4. The liberals still imagine themselves as outsiders fighting an unfair system. What this make-believe thinking allows them to ignore is that THEY ARE THE SYSTEM.
  5. Our national government is perfectly capable of discrediting themselves.
  6. So you're willing to forget and forgive one but not the other. Same as the other side? Everybody has biases about their candidate. We should all agree to agree to that. Everybody is focused on the wrong details. They're basing their decisions on popularity contest type of thinking. It is more important to them than the actual policies and agenda they support and execute. That's not a good way to pick a good leader. For me I hate the democrats agenda and their priorities are dysfunctional. They're on their way to transforming America into a dysfunctional 3rd world dump. Whether it's Biden, Harris, or somebody else. Their agenda will be 99% the same. As for Trump I can barely tolerate him but he'll do far less damage to our countrywith his ideas than Harris. Mostly because the left will once again work to sabatoge his administration. As for Biden he should resign immediately and let Harris take over but I suspect the party is against the idea. It would reveal just how awful a President she would be before the election and the opportunity to fool the voters once again, they tricked them with Biden in 2020, would be lost.
  7. To mitigate the risk of another attempt, the Secret Service is encouraging the Trump campaign to avoid scheduling any outdoor rallies which the service has admitted presents too many challenges.
  8. How are all those liberals looking for those imaginary Nazi's among Trump supporters missing this action? Oh yeah I forgot, they're too busy protesting in support of terrorists, masquerading as Muslims, and attacking Jews.
  9. I'm pretty confident it wasn't 92%. And in retrospect, why did Trump even pick Pence? He was politically useless. That and other Trump decisions were head scratchers. Earlier this year I read a blog article from this fellow that penned a story titled "Trumpenstein and the Death of Politics". The writer has an interesting and somewhat comical theory. While I don't buy into it, it is entertaining reading. https://donaldjeffries.substack.com/p/trumpenstein-and-the-death-of-politics
  10. You've got all the talking points covered. Good job. But who really is getting excited about Harris? She's a mediocre politician that hasn't distinguished herself in any way. But maybe I'm missing it. What are her major accomplishments in public life? What did she do as VP? For starters, oversee the border operation and we know that's a total dumpster fire. It seems the people that know her best, her staff, think she's a complete jerk. A 92% staff turnover rate in 3 years is the number I saw. That should be a clue. And once she starts speaking the buzz will ll be over.
  11. Like anything they do, all this enthusiasm from Democrats for Harris is staged and coordinated to create the illusions the base is fired up with the choice. Suddenly, a candidate that polled 3% in the 2020 primaries is hugely popular. My how expectation levels have fallen. And a new poll shows her a few points ahead of Trump! Wow. You might want to note the over-sampling of Democrats in the survey group. That is the reason the polls showing Hillary in front in 2016 were wrong. Reality is the switch from Biden to Harris results in absolutely no change in the agenda. In essence, who they pick is moot other than finding a pliable and controllable replacement front-person President for the Obama wing of the party to pull the strings.
  12. I believe it. Because Trump's focus is on populism and what little to nothing I know of Project 25 it has no link to populism or his stated agenda. But of course all these democratic operatives know he's lying. Something they're really good at as represented by hiding Biden's health. Takes one to know one, right? I doubt he has any interest, or do his supporters, in a far-right ideas position paper much less any interest in reading what I understand is a 900 page document. The Dems strategy here is guilt by association in keeping with their avoidance of running on any accomplishments or ideas they have for 2024 which to this point is nothing other than abortion. And just why anyone is against the idea of letting liberal women abort themselves into extinction is something I don't understand. With any luck they'll all be gone in a couple generations.
  13. I'm willing to give people the benefit of a doubt and a second chance. Given that, I don't want to hear the same people that needed to get hit with the baseball bat of reality in the face to see Biden's mental and physical health for what it was to immediately buy into the narrative being peddled by party leadership that Harris is a wonderful replacement for Biden. Rather than what she is, a dull-witted opportunist that will bring no original ideas or thinking to the job and is nothing more than a new front man, or front women, peddling the same policies and agenda.
  14. This is the thing. I don't care if Kamala is some dazzling orator or a complete goof ball. I don't personally like or dislike Trump or Biden. What I favor or don't favor are specific policies or objectives. My view is I just don't like Biden's agenda. For example the border. What they're doing has never been clearly articulated in regards to benefiting America. Trump's view is clear. The bottom line is no matter who the Democrats decide on, none of those candidates will bring any specific agenda changes to the job. It's just a different person doing the exact same thing. They could just as well name your dog the new President and he'd do the same job as Joe or Kamala. Maybe with a little less barking.
  15. Democrats working like the Soviet KGB or East German Stasi to coerce a signed confession from the suspect. "Sign zee papers comrade or wife and children disappear to DEI camp".
  16. I'll say it again. These chaps blew this assignment so bad that its indistinguishable whether it was malice or incompetence.
  17. There should be an investigation about what Kamala was doing on her recent visit to Oz. Witnesses say they overhead her in a heated argument with the Scarecrow over who get the last brain.
  18. Billions more in funds to settle and support immigrants and pay their expenses while establishing a lower level of "permissible" border crossings per day which you can bet your life the administration will violate or ignore.
  19. Not yet. They'll get all those illegals registered to vote inside of 30 days before the November election. By issuing them drivers licenses and other ID forms that at the same time serve as voter registration vehicles. Are you an American citizen? Just check "Yes". Nobody is going to verify that one way or the other. But why 30 days? A lot of States have rules about contesting the eligibility of voters. Before 30 days the ability to contest a voter's eligibility is available to political party officials. But inside 30 days it can only be done by the election commission or commissioner. Guess which party controls the election commissioner's position in key swing-state districts? If you guessed the Democrats you guessed correctly. So are they going to contest voter eligibility? There's an ice cube's chance in Hell of that and that is how they'll pull it off.
  20. The neoliberal's political strategy is to focus on character flaws, real, imagined, or made up, rather than on the specific policies and objectives. Their unfounded belief is they're intellectually, morally, and ethically superior in every way. For example, If you advocate a secure border you're a racist or a xenophobe. Whether the policy of letting 15M people from all over the world overwhelm your ability to vet, process, track, and accommodate the needs of those people, or if the cost of $100's of billions could be better used elsewhere such as helping American's like homeless veterans that live in the streets while illegals are hosted in 4 star hotels is not important, discussed, or debated. And when it backfires to the point of costing them political capital and becomes unpopular they claim its the other guy's fault.
  21. The media hammered Biden non-stop because they received instructions from the DNC leadership that the plug on his puppet Presidency needed to be pull.. So carpet bomb the public with the idea to lay the groundwork for party leadership to make their move. The issue wasn't Biden's age it was that his declining cognitive ability as a result of an undisclosed neurological condition was now obvious to even the slowest thinkers among the public. And now that Biden's camp has decided not to run him in November, so the story goes, the obligatory narrative to equate Trump's situation with Biden's declining physical and mental state has begun. Its standard practice for the lefties. Don't admit you're wrong about your guy but claim the other side is wrong about their guy too. So we're not wrong, we're even. So predicable and a feeble argument. Everyone claiming Biden was okay until they were told he wasn't are just shifting their opinion per the instructions from the party.
  22. When the offense can't score the most popular player of the fans is the back up QB.
  23. Much less popular nefarious characters of the 20th century, Stalin and Mao killed many more people than Hitler but fellow communists using the Hitler tag like to avoid that mention for obvious reasons. Similar to Mao, the American left is attempting their own cultural revolution so let's use our imaginations and identify the path they ultimately intend to take.
  24. I stopped reading when you claimed Harris is articulate. A ludicrous claim. She screwed Willie Brown into her Senate seat and rode the DEI wave into the VP spot. She such a dazzling speaker she drew 3% in the 2022 primaries. As for abortion I'm fine with every liberal woman aborting themselves and their warped dogma into extinction.
  25. Point well made. They deceived the voters with Biden's health and other stories they've manufactured. Why does anyone want to beleive they've suddenly been overcome by an urge to be honest? The gaslighting will continue.
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