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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. While playing the game with the lead at this point, the RNC leadership is concerned they're going to have to find more creative and extreme measures in order to blow the election in November.
  2. People that are against voter identification laws that claim its discriminatory are actually motivated to allow ineligible voters because getting their preferred candidate elected is dependent on illegal voting. Using the social justice angle here is a con.
  3. If seen this. In regular people language this means he'll declare a series of executive orders on day one to shut the border, reverse Biden administration energy policy, and other disastrous initiatives. What's weird is Biden appointing a bald guy with red lipstick wearing a women's dress stealing people's luggage at the airport.
  4. Why would there be? They were an assortment of neocons and never Trumpers that worked to sabotage the administration and its a mystery why he selected them, and throw in Pence too.
  5. Well you're certainly not. And all I'm waiting for is one of you geniuses that actually believes Trump is going to transition to a dictator if he wins to tell me exactly how he pulls it off. Come on. Details, Who else is in on the scheme? Generals? Billionaires? The Illuminati? I'm waiting, Anybody? Just a couple sentences. A few steps to the plan. Anything? Tell us how its going to happen. Otherwise you're just repeating bogus talking points. Its not a threat to democracy. Its a threat to democrats.
  6. The common theme eludes your response. Jesus was persecuted because he was a threat to power. Like him or hate him, Trump presents a similar threat. I'm certainly not comparing Trump to Jesus on a personal character or behavior level.
  7. They're saying she has a serious drinking problem.
  8. More or less agree with one exception. Losing our freedoms. I'm curious how you think our freedoms will be taken away? Is Trump going to revoke the constitution? Overthrow our system of government and install some sort of dictatorship? In his first term in office he couldn't even run a functional administration, was constantly sabotaged from inside and outside his administration, got impeached twice, and yet he's going to pull off some sort of takeover once elected? Why can't he just do it without winning the election? I constantly hear the mantra of threats to democracy but nobody can articulate the specific threat or how he's going to pull it off. In order to become some supreme dictator you need a few things. The support of the military and federal agencies to enforce the change. Boots on the ground to suppress the push back and resistance that always follows such actions. You'll going to have to kill and arrest a lot of people. Is he going to do that on his own? Do people think the military will back Trump's coup attempt? Why didn't they back him in 2020? What government agencies, filled with democrats are going to back Trump? Are his old and out of shape supporters going to form citizen militias to provide the muscle? That doesn't seem like it would work out to well. It sounds more like the plot of a situation comedy. I think all the talk about threats to democracy mean threats to the democrats losing power. They're trying to scare the voters to keep them in power. I don't think they've done anything to deserve another 4 years. They can't run on their accomplishments the past 4 years because there aren't any. Our country can't survive another 4 years, especially with a dunce like Harris. But I'm also not excited about another 4 years of Trump. The choice between the two is like picking the cleanest Pig in the mud hole. Its like somebody asking you if you prefer death by the electric chair or the gas chamber.
  9. They'll just fake the crossing numbers like they do the monthly jobs reports.
  10. It failed because all it would do is provide the administration cover so they can say they did something while they ignore the provisions of the border bill and don't enforce any limits. They've been ignoring the law and US security needs from day 1 of Biden's Presidency so why start now? They weren't fooling anybody.
  11. This is getting complicated. First the action with Hezbollah is escalating. Soon the woke protesters will need to get Hezbollah costumes to compliment their Palestinian garb for their death to America, death to Israel, death to anybody we don't like, protests. And if Turkey acts and Israel responds by attacking Turkey does that invoke NATO article 5 and is the US now obligated to attack Israel in the defense of Turkey? An attack on one is an attack on all, right?
  12. Another problem was a lack of confidence that the administration would actually enforce the limit rather than fudge the numbers on actual crossings.
  13. I enjoy your snippets of history and your perspective on them but find it curious why your view of present events lacks the same objective and clear observations.
  14. In this case it was the incumbent that cheated. Opposite of USA 2020.
  15. Because Asians as a collective group have been more successful at achieving the "American Dream" than other minorities they are considered to be "White Supremacist" adjacent. So their voices do not matter to the liberals running the major cities.
  16. They like to tell stories. Stories the faithful buy into without too much thinking, maybe no thinking at all. Because "experts" told them this. So it must be true. Right? Like Trump is going to become a dictator. Without really understanding exactly how such a coup would be carried out. Or like I said above, doing any actual thinking, critical thinking, logical thinking. Its like they're allergic to the concept. This scenario they believe is a guy elected in 2016 that couldn't match wits with the entrenched establishment in carrying out the duties of his office along with installing dozens of "never Trumpers" in his administration committed to sabotaging his agenda is going to outwit the same cast of characters to pull off a coup to declare himself dictator. President for life. Without support from any major public institutions, which includes the military, federal law enforcement, or other foot soldiers that would be needed to suppress any dissent and hold power to rule with an iron fist. What idiots believe this? Well plenty of idiots that identify with being Democrats, that's who. I'll extend an invitation to any of the resident geniuses here that believe this whopper being put out there to scare the voters. Lay it out step by step for us please. How will Trump pull this off?
  17. They make her sound wonderful. Next time I'm looking for a new gig, I'm going to ask Barack and Michelle to re-write my resume.
  18. If you know somebody is lying then deception is not possible. But the media has little to no self-awareness. For some reason they don't understand we're on to their game and they keep embarrassing themselves. Propaganda is not effective if the audience knows its propaganda. The only thing missing from CNN and MSNBC shows like Rachel Maddow ("we now know......") or Joy Reid is the laugh tracks you'll find in most situation comedy shows. The media's latest attempt at levity is claiming Harris had no assignment from the President to handle aspects of the border crisis. Even though, as you state, there's a generous amount of evidence and recorded statements such as the President saying she's on point, available to watch or listen to out there. Who said liberals killed comedy?
  19. When the majority are disappointed the shooter missed you might want to consider that if they find murder an acceptable action for victory by any means you might be dealing with psychos that have no limits. This saving democracy chant is a delusion that helps them rationalize all of this behavior.
  20. Dem leadership picked Harris because they think she has the best chance of winning, at the moment. The choice has less to do with next in line thinking, qualifications, or ideas. She had little of this going for her. If that changes before the convention and they think there is someone else that has a better chance of winning they'll dump her in a heartbeat. In this case, the democratic process is superceded by the necessity to win the crusade against orange man. By any means necessary. And I mean ANY means.
  21. Those Nazi's running wild disguise themselves quite cleverly and call themselves progressives.
  22. But now she's being lauded as some greater orator and the savior of democracy that will defeat the evil orange man. Right now all we're hearing is how popular she is and magically a poll now shows her in front. Who can't get excited? She's just as popular with the fans as an NFL team's back-up QB that's ready to start the next game after the starter had a few bad games. Everyone is all excited and energized at the stadium until the game starts and the back-up throws 2 Ints, completes 5 passes out of 16, and is sacked 3 times in the 1st half. Then reality sets in and everyone suddenly realizes again why they're the back-up QB. Soon that feeling will overwhelm Kamala's supporters too. Wait and watch.
  23. Don't stay up late waiting for Harris to condemn these "mostly peaceful protests". You've got a better chance of Jesus knocking on your front door to let you know he's back. She needs the support of the violent extremist voting block (to, of course, save democracy!) And please, somebody that won't condemn these savages please point out to me where all the threats to democracy "MAGA" people are burning flags and defacing monuments? That threat to democracy chant is another liberal fantasy.
  24. The liberals still imagine themselves as outsiders fighting an unfair system. What this make-believe thinking allows them to ignore is that THEY ARE THE SYSTEM.
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