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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. How do you distinguish the truth from disinformation here? Dis meaning intent to deceive and mis meaning being misinformed and repeating it. Almost all "information" on this conflict is screened, produced, and approved by the Russian and Ukrainian governments. Neither is going to say a bad word about themselves. Exaggeration of their position is standard. Truth is we don't really know the facts. There's no independent press. They'll get arrested for telling the truth if it's bad for their government or side. If you assume everything is a lie you'll be right more than wrong. What's curiously weird is the people who claim to be the smartest tend to be the most gullible and always believe and obey authority.
  2. Good points. I did read he tried out for his school's rifle team but was cut because he was a poor shot. And any leads or follow up on motive or contacts? The government is doing their usual "cone of silence" routine. Most of what we know came from the local cops they tried to throw under the bus. And the media is more than happy to forget the whole thing because the kid missed. They'll mark some documents top secret so they can bury the truth for 30 or 40 years. So goes it with the most transparent administration ever.
  3. Always, the weapon of socialism is deception. Because if they said the truth about their beliefs and objectives they would never gain power. This brand of American socialists, or would-be communists, nothing less than Stalin with a smile on their face. Preaching peace and good will while holding a gun of oppression behind their backs.
  4. I believe the Secret Service ncompetence defense rather than any conspiracy theory if only for the fact Crooks was such a lousy marksman. It's inconceivable a professional job would use such a person. What I understand of the SS is currently its less a protection service and more a surveillance operation. Keeping a watchful eye over critics and enemies of the administration. More spying, less security personnel. The mission of the agency is messed up.
  5. Have we heard this position from someone else? The problem they have is if she campaigned on her true self and positions she would certainly lose the election. Therefore, the only path to victory is deception. Aided by a MSM eager to spread the message its an effective strategy. She just has to keep up the illusion for about another 90 days. But can she?
  6. Officials are not concerned with protecting the public from mis and dis information. They spread most of it. Their concern is getting called out by somebody that has the true facts and figures to shred their narrative. They want to protect themselves from criticism. That's what its are all about. If these official revealed their true selves and their true positions and beliefs they know they wouldn't be elected. So they choose the only path to victory. They lie!
  7. From several thousand miles away, it looks like some people in the UK are more equal than others when it comes to free speech. Government officials are free to threaten anyone they'd like to threaten with violence. Old lady's posting their opinion get harassed by the police. Killers of children get sympathy. The optics are not good. They even threaten to extradite citizens of foreign nations for violating their laws from another country. Comical Your government is dysfunctional and selectively enforces their decrees to suit their needs. As does the Washington administration in the U.S. There's something fundamentally wrong with these people. Stupid, evil, malicious, insane, misguided? Take your pick. But as far as being effective leaders they don't pass the test.
  8. That's a lot like the stadium an hour before the game.
  9. Such statements provide evidence these Nazi storm troopers still maintain some sense of humor.
  10. If he remembered to put his Hamas costume on before the police arrived all charges would have been dropped.
  11. Not sure what the current obsession with the word "weird" is on the fringes of reality with progressives but I'm sure your team is okay two guys engaging in oral sex as long as one of you is involved.
  12. I think I figured out why liberal white women love these immigrant hordes coming into the country. It's because they provide the only men that will show them any attention and that's only until they learn how to understand and speak English. After that, they figure out what everyone already knows and they split.
  13. Who's the authority to censor? Why its the very authorities that are lying about everything to protect their agenda. What's amazing is how many dummies there are that can't put together a single logical question about what they're told to believe. The censors depend on people that are just smart enough to figure out what they're being told but too dumb to think beyond that point by questioning anything. The real problem isn't the censors, its the idiots that believe them or at least go along with it. They side with the authorities believing their narratives while scorning individual powerless citizens speaking out against the State's nonsense. The censors big pitch is completely phony. Its always a gratuitous concern for "safety". Yes, make sure you all feel safe in your cages. And don't strain yourself thinking too much.
  14. I hear ya but i insert the word "biological" so they can't weasel out of any discussion of reality by playing their gender identify game by citing make-believe definitions of "men" or "women".
  15. Still way better than Kamala with her mouth taped shut because her chickenshit handlers are afraid to let her speak in any unscripted and uncontrolled situation.
  16. Not everyone has all those fancy book learning degrees those liberals have in all kinds of useless majors like gender studies. Do biological men ovulate too? If not, its a stretch to equate biological men pissing blood to the reproductive functions of a biological women ending the cycle. But all you smart folks know better.
  17. So if Trump wins the election what do all these Trump cannot be allowed to win chaps plan on doing?
  18. I think it comes down to the left, masters of the attack campaign calling anyone that disagrees with them some for of "ist" or some "ism", (the current craze from their creative minds "weird") are simply cry baby wimps that can't take a punch.
  19. What politician's think! That what happens when you have laws that fight against "hate speech". What constitutes hate is highly subjective. Similar to beauty being in the eye of the beholder. What it means to politicians is clear. Anything that might be construed as criticism of them. A more productive activity might be rounding up some politicians.
  20. As Governor, he did jack-squat to stop it. Now make excuses and say it was somebody else's job to address the rioting and looting!
  21. A guy that helped and encouraged looters and rioters burn down Minneapolis that was picked to placate the far-left, after they threw tantrums behind the scenes at the choice of a better alternative to attract moderates and independents in Shapiro, doesn't scare anyone and should be easy for Vance to destroy in any 1:1 debate. If I'm Trump I'm saying bring it on ass wipes. The honeymoon will soon be over. This socialist wet dream ticket of Harris/Waltz ticket is a joke.
  22. Catalytic converter thieves? Notice how much white liberals hate white people? Which by definition and the transitory process they hate themselves. There's some fundamental malfunction in their brains. What these sick fuucks don't seem to understand is that like it is in all revolutions sooner or later the poor and downtrodden victims they gush over and suck up to will eventually turn on them too.
  23. "Their" first thought. More like one guys first thought. My first thought was the choice of Waltz was logical and therefore expected. As they're attempting to create the illusion that Kamala is suddenly a moderate, moving her unknown views to this point to pick off the vote of the middle of the political spectrum. It only makes sense they pick somebody to back fill the hole that ruse leaves to the left of the new Harris to placate the far-left. No way they'd pick Shapiro because he's a Jew as suddenly that core and reliable constituency of the Democratic party is unwelcome, except on election days of course.
  24. All anyone needs to know is the same people singing the praises of VP Harris are the same folks that told us Joe Biden was "as sharp as a tack". Up until the point they were instructed to no longer believe that story. So remain skeptical.
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