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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. I like to watch the news if only to catch the subtle and not so subtle biases in the media. And not just when it comes to Trump. But the above is easy. Both tax on tip proposals are basically the same but only Trump's mentions any cost to tax revenue. The Harris blurb is all hearts and flowers. Maybe notice she is back grounded by a diverse group of enthusiastic supporters and Trump stands alone with a MAGA hat to boot. (FUNNY WHEN I TYPED MAGA HAT MY PHONE AUTOCORRECTED TO MAGA HATE, is that a feature with google?) His new theme MAAA, make America affordable again might throw them a bit. One hilarious thing with the local news is they won't identify crime suspects by race or other visible characteristics. They say the suspect was wearing black pants and a white tie shirt. If viewers have seen this suspect contact police. I saw 20 such suspects over the course of 5 minutes yesterday. Should I call it in?
  2. The guy's probably "good people" and a registered Democrat with a NYS driver's license, prepaid debit card, getting multiple forms of social assistance living in a taxpayer funded 4 star hotel and other than murdering 23 people he's a humble gang leader here to work hard for a better life. That last part, right after the murders, is what the Harris supporters would say and to add to it would acuse me of hating brown people. Predictable gullible idiots. Perhaps I oppose the idea of importing killers. A concept beyond their comprehension. And they mock MAGA. They walk around with their noses in the air claiming superior intelligence but lack any degree of common sense.
  3. They figure what's the difference which candidate they vote for in the primary. No matter which candidate the Democrats use as a front in the general election, Obama's crew are calling the shots. Everyone's excited about a 4th term that will match FDR.
  4. Excuse the delay in responding. I think what's missing in the example of my higher quality, lower cost, higher pay scenario is a discussion of the governments "take" from the enterprise. They're not going to leave 100% of the profits in any arrangement like 99.9% for me and .01% for the workers. The government might want say, 50% and leave the remaining 50% to disperse between ownership and workers. its the name of the game after all, the beast of government needs lots of cash for spending and redistribution. And if I was running a private or corporate (if those things would be legal under the socialist system) company that was producing better products at lower cost and higher quality and paying workers more than the State run entities I suspect given the choice of competing with me in some "free" and fair market driven competition vs. using their power to shut me down they'd opt to shut me down. My problem with any government run central authority overseeing the economy whatever the system is the assumption that central planners know what the correct price or wage or the correct decision on any other financial or business decision when it comes to running an enterprise. My brother worked many years in Washington. His experience ranged from field work to running budgets and projects. At places like DOJ, Department of State, DHS, DEA. We talked many times of how the government functions. I talked about my experience in the private sector. One topic we discussed inefficiencies. He unequivocally stated the difference between my private sector company and the government is that if my firm was inefficient or poorly run it will go out of business but if the government is inefficient and poorly run (which it is), they'll just keep going and piling more funds and spending into a rat hole. It all sounds good in theory but in practice that's the ultimate end for any form of socialism.
  5. I'll say you appear to be proficient at the use of logic. I think the major problem we face as an ongoing nation is that almost everyone of all political persuasions in government leadership positions running the country lack that skill set.
  6. What's next? Land reform policies. Waltz could lead this as his past activities and interests demonstrate he loves the communist Chinese system and government.
  7. The premise is the general population is at low risk if they avoid gay sex. The data on cases to date makes that clear. That's the message but its something we're not supposed to say. Because we're not supposed to offend anyone we need to play this charade that everyone is at high risk.
  8. I think history shows it didn't work and armed with that knowledge, and other examples of controls, we all should agree the Harris proposal is doomed to failure, has many potential unintended consequences, and therefore is a bad idea. The problem with government and bad ideas that don't work is they rarely acknowledge that outcome but rather take the bad idea and do more of it until it works. Which doesn't happen. And if I recall the Nixon administration's actions didn't they impose both wage and price controls? I'm wondering if any of the best and brightest economists in our country advising the Democrat's nominee comprehend the basic economic concepts of elastic and inelastic demand and that producers and service providers will pass on costs such as wage increases due to things like minimum wage laws or price increases in inputs like raw materials due to shortages and disruptions in supply chains onto their customers?
  9. This sabotage was a military level US-led operation and the recent move by the Germans is an attempt to deflect blame away from the US and some NATO members and throw Ukraine under the bus. Apparently Volodymyr exited Poland back to Ukraine because the German government somehow forgot to alert EU countries about their interest in the suspect. So Polish border guards let him cross as there was no official alert issued to detain him.
  10. Seems like the sensitive crybabies prefer the Democrats offering of polite authoritarians and gentle fascists.
  11. Just look at the source. These are the same slow-witted morons here that defended Biden until the end, even though it was obvious he was cognitively impair more than a year ago. Then when it was impossible to hide it any longer, they received new instructions from the party. Suddenly they all shifted their story and agreed in unison that he had to go. No surprise there. And now Democratic party village idiot Kamala has been ordained by the party leadership and the prostitutes in the media as the 2nd coming of Christ. Just remember, they're going to "save democracy". Whatever their definition of democracy is.
  12. You're just pissed that Biden was exposed as mentally compromised so your cult is lashing out with claims that Trump is mentally compromised too. Because it can't be just you folks that got fooled by Joe's handlers hiding his condition. Which I might add, a lot of objective observers noticed a long time ago. No, Trump fooled everybody too. So were all even! Nobody's buying this slurring narrative except the usual suspects that swallow every bit of propaganda out of the party. I'm not sure why you're team would want to eliminate Trump? If the nominee was Haley I'd expect she'd clean Kamala's clock in a contest.
  13. Who's buying?
  14. Psychologically speaking, you folks believing this are simply attempting to project the condition of Biden onto Trump to create some "your guy too" argument to rationalize the loss of your leader. Sorry for your loss. Let's move on. And reality check, Trump isn't cognitively impaired regardless of the wishes and dreams of some posters here. And some pretty smart Silicon Valley innovators, Zynga founder Mark Pincus for one, was impressed enough by what he heard in Trump's conversation with Musk to switch sides and endorse Trump. After as I understand it backing Obama twice, Hillary, and Biden.
  15. All you're proving is most voters are stupid. They buy all the propaganda filled personal attacks while ignoring positions on real isues that actually impact their lives. As for Harris most of these idiots couldn't articulate her ideas. Because she has no original thoughts. She's a moron that got lucky by sleeping with the boss in California lest we forget. But the idiots will reflexively vote for her. Trump isn't much different. He has little grasp of details. And lacks the temperament for the job. And he's a Kangaroo Court convicted felon. I'm not happy with either. Because the voters are stupid we get phonies and grifters in office rather than people across the political spectrum with good ideas. People that tell the truth and have ideas that reflect reality. Not fantasies and bad ideas they sell to the public. It's rather depressing and foretells hard times and tough choices ahead that will negatively impact us all in a big way. No matter who wins in November. And if Trump wins the left will riot. Count on that.
  16. Trump success with social media is the primary reason this administration through their partnership with most social media platforms targets critics and skeptics for censorship of online speech. Its a lot more convenient to label content misinformation or "hate speech" and block it than to actually make an honest effort to articulate an intelligent and coherent argument in defense of political positions and policies. Lucky for them most bi-coastal liberal dummies love them some big government.
  17. Let's be real here. What really pisses the extreme left off isn't that Musk is advocating for Trump. What pisses them off is they cannot control, influence, shame, or coerce Musk and he is more or less impervious to their power. They can make threats and jump up and down on the furniture like petulant children but that's about it.
  18. The answer is claim to support what the poll numbers show the majority of voters want. Get elected using that ruse. And once elected, memory-hole the positions she ran on and do whatever the extreme left wants. Avoid answering any tough questions and use the deception campaign strategy. Everybody here knows this but posters that support her won't be honest about it.
  19. Still more coherent than Harris who is suffering from stupidity along with being deathly afraid of answering any unscripted questions or making any un-choreographed appearances.
  20. Because she can't string together two sentences into a coherent thought and doesn't have an original idea on any issue. Biden had an excuse, he's suffering from an undisclosed neurological condition. Harris is just not that smart. But she's just right for the job. A candidate they can present that will deceive the voters and possibly win the election.
  21. I think all these dictator wannabes lurking in the shadows of obscurity in various ministries and departments are a symptom of the transition of the priorities of national intelligence services work. Traditionally, organizations such as the CIA and MI6 where focused outward. Gathering intelligence on their enemies and competitors while provided a great deal of mis and dis information to their citizens. Disrupting and destabilizing wherever they could achieve such a mission. But now the gaze of these agencies is inward. Maybe it was some make-work project resulting out of necessity to keep their jobs from little-to-nothing to do at the end of the Cold War. Gathering intelligence and spreading dis and mis information among their own citizens. Identifying, tracking, and harassing skeptics and critics of the government. The 21st century Surveillance State. That inward obsession is one key reason why our human intelligence gathering and analysis capabilities appear to be so poor. While they seem capable of breaking up things like the terrorist plots they help manufacture I have serious doubts they can effectively deal with the real thing. And while I hope I'm wrong, I expect that competence will soon be tested. Compare that to the high level functioning of Mossad in Israel where they know every time some Mullah sneezes in Tehran.
  22. Epstein is dead so he doesn't have a plane anymore. But can anyone explain why the Epstein estate's plane has Trump spray painted on the side?
  23. Their preferred weapon is deception. For a party that fights for the rights of everyone to be their true self they are afraid to do so themselves. If you're for or against something stick to your principals. But Harris has literally reversed every previous position the pollsters identify as unpopular. You can bet they'll pull a switch-a-roo back to the old Kamala if elected. Good for them that most voters prefer illusion to reality.
  24. I wasn't very familiar with the theoretical definition of Market Socialism. Here's what Wikipedia says (I assume your familiar with the definition): "Market socialism is a type of economic system involving social ownership of the means of production within the framework of a market economy. Various models for such a system exist, usually involving cooperative enterprises and sometimes a mix that includes public or private enterprises.[1][2] In contrast to the majority of historic socialist economies, which have substituted the market mechanism for some form of economic planning, market socialists wish to retain the use of supply and demand signals to guide the allocation of capital goods and the means of production.[3][4][5] Under such a system, depending on whether socially owned firms are state-owned or operated as worker cooperatives, profits may variously be used to directly remunerate employees, accrue to society at large as the source of public finance, or be distributed amongst the population in a social dividend.[6]" But I'm not captivated by some Utopian theory. I'm more a details type of person. So under that system what if I want to op out of the market socialism concept and start my own enterprise to compete with the state owned business which are generally inefficient as I believe I can produce a better product, with higher quality, at a lower cost to the consumer along with compensating my workers at a rate higher than the State enterprise can pay? I would attract the best workers and the highest level of talent while providing more value to the economy. My guess is that would be illegal. Opting out would not be allowed. Optimizing individual performance and potential would be subjugated to the concept of social equity. So the government would have some mechanism for enforcing the system? Why enforce a system against businesses that are more efficient and productive? For the sake of equality at a lower standard of living? That doesn't seem like a long term solution to any problem. My concern is freedom. Under "free" market capitalism nobody is forced to participate. If you want to start your own business or a cooperative enterprise you are free to do so. There are examples of cooperatives operating in our market economy in many places (I'm a frequent customer of a farm cooperative a few miles down the road from the house, for example). If you want to do nothing you can do that too. If you want to participate in the corporate world you can do so too. My problem with anything "socialism" is that the system with few and far between exceptions, is forced compliance and participation.
  25. The problem with Biden is if he's too senile to run for President then he's too senile to be President. But they'll avoid and attack any attempt so force him out and let finish his term as the cast of characters that have made presidential decisions run the administration. The last thing the Democrats want is to have Biden step down before the election. That would provide the voters a glimpse of Harris as President which has its potential risks and rewards. I expect her handlers would like to avoid the risk of any demonstrations of incompetence and any duties that distract from the campaign before the election. Keep her in controlled and scripted situations they can control is the plan. So far its worked pretty good.
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