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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. More than that. Bongino has already done his homework and has written a series of books and spoken to all the lawless behavior of many in detail. He already knows the story. Names, places, dates, money trails, the whole 9 yards of every crime perpetrated by the Deep State and the Democrats over the last 8 years and longer. Many will be cheering it all, some will lament the proceedings,, others will continue to be in denial as legal system and the rule of law expose the corruption. In short order, we'll know the identity of the J6 pipe bomber. Learn how many Federal agents and confidential sources were at the Capitol that day along with their motives and actions. Find out why Epps and other inciters weren't arrested. The money trail of the Russia hoax will be revealed. And more.
  2. To get more scoring, for a touch back put the ball at the 50 and give the receiving team 2 points. Along with eliminating blitzing, limiting the defense to only 9 players, and putting boxing gloves on their hands so they can't grab or tackle any offensive player with the ball.
  3. The moral of the story here is Reid lost 50% of her audience after Trump's win in November and that combined with a change in management that had no allegiance to the show or its political angle gets your TV show cancelled.
  4. Good points. I think the difference is that vaccines like the measles and polio actually work while the mrna covid vaccines don't and as the light of day now shines on them we're all going to have to live with the truth they have caused significant side effects like death. I saw a recent story about a long covid study that concluded the condition was not the result of a covid infection but rather the vaccine in combo with a covid infection. I took the original Moderna 2 doses and 1 booster because we had a high risk person in the household. But he died of respiratory failure from getting covid while in the hospital. Caught it 3 frigin times! Those 4 boosters didn't do crap. My assessesmment was he was vaccinated to death. I will not ever take another dose of that poison. Watch your weight, get some exercise, eat right, stay away from drugs and alcohol and you'll be okay.
  5. Not sure but I suspect there's a lot of old rich and politically connected perverts on the list wining and dining the ugly old hags they married for the family's business and political connections this weekend.
  6. What disaster? First off, if Harris won there'd be another 10 million illegals in the country sucking the life out of the taxpayers. No thanks.
  7. All I know for sure is after Biden's regime was removed from the equation everybody is suddenly talking about an end to hostilities and peace. While we're only in the posturing phase expect it to happen with a deal acceptable to all.
  8. True and media like the Washington Post and NY Times, and networks such as ABC and CBS have been propaganda organs for the Washington establishment. So who to believe and why expect either is giving you the complete truth?
  9. Who's lying? All you guys that fantasize about Trump being in Putin's pocket. A tall tale absent facts or proof. What you knuckleheads can't comprehend is the big picture. Not having Russia as an adversary is more important than Biden's project Ukraine when it comes to playing the game with the big boys in the coming battle to the death with China.
  10. So far these tariffs are more a policy hammer than an inflationary price increase because few to none are actually in effect. And all these DOGE cuts are clearly deflationary by taking money out of circulation. If they're nothing else they'll trigger a recession around the DC area with things like real estate values droping as lots of people move out of the center of government being shrunk. Add to that high nation wide unemployment among the political activist profession.
  11. If you believe this is going to happen what personal financial decisions are you making and what investment strategies are you using to protect yourself from such a downturn?
  12. How so? The border is secure. The cartels are being targeted. Attention is being focused on main threat China. An inefficient and corrupt beauacracy is being extinguished.
  13. Don't know but he did play for the Sabres when he had the fatal car crash on, i think, the QEW. I wonder if younger hockey fans know that or care. Tim was paired on defense at times with Jim Shoenfeld. The team could use that type of grit on D now. After his death his widow sold Tim's stake in the company to his business partner well before the franchise took off. But I recall the story was later, when the company was worth big money, he gave the family a big check representing much of Tim's original share. A very Canadian-like act for sure.
  14. I can speak fluent Canadian so no worries. Remember to bring donuts and memorize the menu board at Tim Horton's.
  15. America's liberal intellectuals who never saw a hockey game in their entire life, celebrated after some guy named Connor scored the winning home run.
  16. I contend people that believe the U.S. entering WW2 in Europe early would have some major impact on the war, like defeating Germany early in the conflict, are viewing the military capabilities of America through the lens of our current position as global leader. And not from the perspective of that era. In 1939 the size of the U.S. Army was 180,000 which ranked 19th in the world. By contrast, Germany at the time had a force of 4.5 million soldiers, 25 times larger than America's Army. Add in the superiority of German armor, aircraft, weapons systems, and technology at the time and I'd argue an early entry, which was opposed by so-called isolationists, well before a sufficiently large force size was marshaled, capably armed, was available would have left our country virtually undefended and quite possibly led to defeat against Japan in the Pacific. And victory by Nazi Germany in Europe because our forces would have been wiped out early on. The moral might be look before you leap.
  17. Just a few things. Trump is far from perfect but he's dismantling the left's government and NGO system of control by cutting off its money and eventually starving it to death. We're already finding the majority of their street protesters only show up when there's a paycheck. Without the taxpayers money the crowds are the size of a football huddle. Apparently, the social security database has about 33 million people over 100 years old with a death date set to "false". One possibility is monthly checks are being sent to someone else, somewhere. This is potential and likely fraud. How can this happen? The SS director has resigned. Who could possibly be against cleaning up this mess? Thousands of Federal workers are taking voluntary separation offers. Others, mostly probationary employees are being let go. The impact could be small or large, who knows at this point. But they can't keep spending 2 to 4 trillion every year above what's collected in taxes. And taxes need to come down. Not just federal but state and local. The war in Ukraine is going to end. It was a complete waste. I don't blame Ukraine for starting it. I blame the US State Department led by Victoria Nuland and the CIA. At some point we'll find out the true cost of lives lost by Ukraine. The numbers will be shocking. The US border is now secure and the process is in reverse as many are leaving and others deported. Billions spent and wasted under Biden, much of it diverted away from funds allocated and needed elsewhere.
  18. Dismantling the mechanisms used by liberals to spread their insanity courtesy of the taxpayers.
  19. That must be a really great hammer. The vendor must have sold them to the Pentagon under the description "maximum force adjustment device" in order to charge such a premium.
  20. 2 Senators out of what? 63. That's hardly a consensus of disapproval.
  21. It's easy to get scientists to publicly reject the lab origin conclusion when they're handsomely compensated to believe something else while making it quite clear that expressing an opinion supporting the lab origin theory can result in both personal consequences.
  22. As many here opposed to inciting and funding the conflict have said from the beginning, this was never about saving Ukranian democracy. It was about weakening Russia and thwarting efforts to integrate the Russian economy with western Europe. Simply, there are other priorities and bigger fish to fry now (that always existed but were ignored by the Biden crew). So don't be surprised by Trump's efforts to move Russia out of its arrangements with China. This is the start. Clearly, China is the biggest threat to the US. Other aspects of this new focus are efforts to drive Chinese influence our of the western hemisphere. Shifting the current 2 on 1 arrangement in our favor is a likely strategic goal. You can shake your pom poms and shout your slogans all you want but China's the target now. Not Russia, to the dismay of the war enthusiasts out there. Given they're out of positions of power and authority they're left to complaining.
  23. No its not. Its about my skepticism over the conclusions of professional liars. And your unwavering believe in "experts".
  24. Well the CIA does lie a lot. And isn't lying an important part of their mission? Gather intelligence on friends and enemies. Misinform and dis-inform those very same friends and enemies. Avoid transparency with the public at all costs. I'd say those are 3 main strategic goals of the agency. This back-and-forth is more about you believing an implausible conclusion than it is me. And we can find many researchers and scientists that conclude its a lab engineered organism. But they got silenced very early on.
  25. And right back at ya.
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