This seems implausible, a nightmare. Has any group of people suffered more than Bills fans? They ought to create some Federal bailout fund to compensate us all for pain and suffering. Economy sucks? No problem. Lose your job? Piece of cake. Can pay your bills? What's the big deal. You can torture us, even kill us. We're Bills fans. Anything you do to us after the season we've been through won't faze us one bit.
But seriously. My question is: how is this going to play out with the fan base? The season ticket holders, etc. I live out of town and come back for 1 game a year. Make it a weekend and visit with old friends, wings, etc. So a couple nights in a hotel, food and entertainment, tailgating, travel expenses, tickets, and a couple hundred bucks my wife drops every year in the field house store after the game. In my current mindset I can't see myself shelling out the cash for a game next year if the same crew returns. I also subscribe to NFL Sunday Ticket so I've seen it all this year.
How do you season ticket holders feel?