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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. Will they allow me to deduct unrealized losses?
  2. I don't pay too much attention to these religious fanatics and I think you're assigning them way too much influence over policy and agenda. They might be annoying but they're not murdering people and blowing up stuff. From my perspective they're the same as the far-left woke cult. Workism meets the criteria for being a religion. If you want social BS, look no further than the far-left. They win the battle hands down. Both extremes have a faith based belief system that I don't buy into at all. On the left because I know what a woman is and when they say they don't they're lying and I don't support a dogma you have to accept lies to believe in along with their obsession with grouping people. We're all individuals to me. And the fundamentalists are always praying for something or another. I think its a bit presumptuous to keep asking God for favors. "He" has a lot on his plate without having to grant peoples wishes. How many of these Christian fundamentalists had influence in Trump's first term? I'll give you Mike Pence who could qualify as somebody championing those causes but when the chips were down, according to the 1/6 story, Mike bailed on Trump. Which made him a hero for the left and no longer a far right nut job. Most of the people Trump surrounding himself with while in office were never Trumpers, swamp creatures, and establishment regulars. For example, he choose the FBI director and what did he do? Investigate the swamp? No. He investigated Trump supporters. Figure that! But if he wins he's going to declare himself dictator! What a joke anyone that believes that is, a total fool. What they're really saying is 80 million people want a dictator. They believe that? Come on..
  3. They're going to pass legislation to tax registered democrats an extra $1,000 each to fund the program. Obviously, I'm joking. But you can be sure they won't be asking any of their voting constituents to pay a nickel. They might pull one of those smoke and mirrors self-funding fables that the program will fund itself by facilitating more taxable transactions in the housing market that will generate revenue to cover the program costs plus any administration fees for the bureaucracy of political patronage jobs they'll build around it.
  4. Its a dynamic situation. You need to consider the supply/demand situation with lots of inputs. Lumber for example. And in the short-term supply is constrained by available capacity. In the longer-term capacity can be added assuming resources are available to do so. And if the demand on available capacity exceeds supply that generally results in price increases. Along with that there's a multitude of regulatory, zoning, and environmental rules and regulations that must be considered when building residential housing. And these vary greatly from place to place. There isn't a national housing market, its 100's of local markets unique to themselves so its hard for me to imagine a uniform federal program is going to address everything in an effective manner without a lots of various configurations of the program based on the local market. And in local market where the average cost of a home far exceeds the national average price an extra $25K isn't going to make much difference.
  5. Yup. When we bought our house 20+ years ago the property taxes were $4,200. Now they're slightly north of $14K. It's our biggest monthly budget expense item and it consumes an ever-large percentage of our income every year. People voice disapproval of the Harris idea to tax unrealized capital gains but we already have a wealth tax like that and its called property taxes.
  6. More to the point, he demonstrated his inability to grasp reality and truth by claiming the State of Illinois and the city of Chicago are in great shape.
  7. Don't think for a minute they're not eyeing all those fat 401K and IRA accounts as a source of funding their socialist objectives and income redistribution schemes. They'll say you're prospering off the suffering of one group or another as justification for confiscation by some tax or assessment. At that point all our liberal friends with retirement accounts suddenly change their tune.
  8. So nothing to do with Harris/Waltz Argentina style socialist agenda?
  9. Gold at record highs telegraphing a potential Harris presidency will destroy the dollar. @Joe Ferguson foreverwhat do you think it is?
  10. Did he talk about all the people his illegal horde of invaders have murdered, robbed and beaten?
  11. What happened to EEO? We don't discriminate against individuals because of race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc. It was replaced by DEI, we do discriminate. Against certain groups based on things like quotas proportionate to the make up of our customer base. So based on that, how many biker gang members does Harley employ based on that system? A few Hells Angels on the board of directors I expect. Ha, ha. The thing is, groups don't have rights under the Constitution. Individuals have rights. These wingnuts that push this DEI dogma can't comprehend that fact. I thought @BillsFanNCwas exaggerating when calling them all commies. But upon review of the situation, that is correct.
  12. Along with that legislation that handed out 100's of billions to the States, moratoriums on evictions and rent payments, student loan payments, paying people that were forced to stay home because of COVID lock downs, disruptions to supply chains. The Inflation Reduction Act which did no reducing. WFH requirements that highlighted the ability of work getting done without occupying a lot of expensive commercial real estate, a market in crisis. Add to it sanctions implemented against Russia that disrupted global markets for oil, fertilizers, agricultural products, other goods. Disruptions to natural gas flows to Europe which is forced to exchange cheap gas for 3x the price LNG shipments.
  13. Have you every worked for the US Federal government? Obamacare with provisions such as Medicare Advantage and extended Medicaid through private insurers made the shareholders and executive management of insurance providers like UnitedHealth Care, Cigna, Humana, Wellpoint, etc, very rich. Thank you.
  14. It will be 10 years and $100 billion before they complete the first house. $100K for construction costs and $99.9999 billion for democratic party constituent organizations and DEI studies of the communities. Then in the year 2034, blame Trump for the delay!
  15. If his nephew Fred was a neurologist I'd put some stock in that assessment. But I'd temper that with some knowledge of the state of their relationship and Fred's political inclination. Finding objective people in these times of extreme polarization of views is difficult. I don't think he's showing signs of a degenerative neurological condition. But I do question his judgment. Like his picks for VP. Neither Pence or Vance bring any additional constituency to the table. Both head scratchers to me. And while he claims to be committed to draining the swamp if you look at his previous cabinet appointments the entire lot of them were swamp creatures, never-Trumpers, and assorted neocons. Not a "populist" or working type guy among them. And people wonder why none of them have endorsed him? Its obvious why. I think Trump is a blowhard narcissist that has little to no grasp of details regarding most issues but he's pretty much the only game in town when it comes to challenging the Washington establishment that is running our country into the ground. They've use every swindle and hustle in the book to get him. Biden's administration has been a disaster and Harris/Waltz would be even worse. Neither to this point has expressed anything new or original. Its the same old income redistribution vote getting scheme that always ends in tears with a sprinkle of the required identity politics hustle. I expect Trump would do slightly less damage. Either way I expect disaster is in our future. Personally preparing for it will be critical to survival. As for enthusiasm for the presidential race, the choice between Harris and Trump is like asking me if I'd prefer the gas chamber or the electric chair.
  16. We can speculate, like we did with Biden. There was some push back to that but in the end the speculation proved correct. With Trump we can speculate too. And there's push back too. But to this point there's no medical evidence or observable pattern of behavior that he suffers from some form of cognitive impairment (other than narcissism) consistent with the behavior we've seen with President Biden. Who by the way, shouldn't be President any longer given his condition. I see this speculation merely as tit-for-tat "hey our guy is cognitively impaired by age and a degenerative neurological condition but your guy is too". So you don't win here because we're even".
  17. I'll wager that proponents of the idea would change their tune if they were required to directly fund the program at say $10k each. Generousity knows no limits when it comes to spending somebody elses money. And there's no bigger culprit of that than Americsn politicans buying votes with your income.
  18. The problem is the Federal government doesn't pay anything back. As demonstrated by an ever increading national debt of over $35 trillion. It's why the national debt keeps rising and interst payment on the debt will exceed $1 trillion. A trillion is what? A 1 with 12 zeroes. 40 million $25k tax credits? They issue new debt to pay off old debt. That's called a Ponzi scheme. If you want to stop inflation stop printing money. They won't, neither party.
  19. The story is always the same. The promise of help and "free" stuff is very alluring. At no cost. Get it from the wealthy. They don't "need" it and likely made it off the backs of exploiting workers or some other under-served group. Pay their fair share they shout! But it requires the force of government to steal the property of somebody in order to "give" it to somebody else (minus the government's vig). Its when the free stuff runs out that people wake up. But that's too late. They're in power and they won't give it up. And they'll inflict government sponsored violence to prove it. Citizens are now Subjects. It's a deal with the Devil.
  20. Quoting Time Magazine proves nothing and is just making my point. The people spreading disinformation are the people saying Musk is assisting the spread of disinformation. The lesson is their government sucks ass.
  21. This morning's news featured the latest on the DNC convention opening with the usual ball-washing of the Harris/Walth ticket. The video clip of the two coming onto stage at a rally showed Tim giving the crowd a traditional Chinese bow. An unintentional "tell". I noticed the party of the people and defenders of democracy are erecting a fence around the parameter of the United Center to keep the people out. Apparently many are dissatisfied. And also apparent, contrary to the views of the participants that will be inside the event starting Monday fences do indeed work. Something human builders have known for thousands of years but liberal geniuses claim is false.
  22. Musk bought Twitter and promptly took the censorship filters off and allowed the community to express their views freely. How is that authoritarian? And suddenly he became personal non grata to the left and a multitude of government bodies and officials because he would not comply with their demands to censor contrary opinions, critics, and skeptics. Defying the power and bringing their rath upon himself. It may come as a major shock to your thought process but government and authorities do not always tell the truth. They are responsible for creating and spreading most mis and dis information. They "avoid transparency and truth at all costs".If you actually believe you support freedom and democracy you're rooting for the wrong team.
  23. It does make our country less self-sufficient and subject to supply disruptions but playing the game with the world's reserve currency we exchange real physical goods for pieces of paper converted into Treasury bonds that fund the US government's deficit that allows this money printing game to play out. Then print out more money to pay them off. Wouldn't it be great to have a printing press in your own basement and creat money out of nothing? Or be a bank? Be at the top of the global finance system? Produce nothing and live better than people that do real work. That's the bankers and the US governments life. The system's been a great benefit but it will end at some point and the costs will be extreme
  24. So what? Because residents of the US commit murders and other crimes, the negative consequences of the government's open borders policy resulting in importing murderers and other criminals can be statistically expunged?
  25. Many have lost sight of the fact Obama is 1/2 white.
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