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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. I don't expect any member of the professional political class, Democrat or Republican, wants to fundamentally change much of anything about how the government, the country, and the US global empire are run. While Trump is certainly less than ideal, who would you suggest that is outside the political class be the standard bearer of a populist movement or agenda that wants to refocus our time and energy on America's problems? Rather than outward while our own house crumbles around us.
  2. The MSM is running the story but I'm expecting they'll somehow implicate Trump as the evil mastermind behind the plot while avoiding the obvious conclusion, for those willing to open their eyes and look, that US intelligence agencies and federal law enforcement, other government agencies, and corporate social media and MSM are running an intelligence operation against the American people. Censoring truth, not lies or mis and dis information. If we had a real functioning democracy Congressional members in both the Senate and House from both sides of the isle would be outraged and demand hearings and a dismantling of the operation while holding those responsible to criminal prosecution and prison time. But now I'm being delusional!
  3. No. They will say Zuckerberg is a scumbag for giving credibility to belief the govt/corp state censorship alliance they claim doesn't exist is in reality a fully functional gaslighting and propaganda operation. The IC has refocused their mis and dis inwards in a war against America pursuing a rogue agenda for who knows what and who.
  4. I don't see much difference between the 2024 Harris strategy vs. that of the Biden campaign of 2020. 1) Present the candidate and the party platform as "moderate" enough to fool enough moderate and independent voters to win. 2) Then after winning shift far-left to govern. 3) Warn voters that Trump is a Nazi dictator, saying it as many times as possible. And don't let them forget, a "convicted felon". 4) Avoid expressing any positions on real issues like crime and the economy. 5) Hope moderates are dumb enough to fall for 1, 2, 3, and 4, basically the same ruse twice (my guess is they are dumb enough). 6) Avoid public appearances, unscripted and uncontrolled situations as much as possible. 7) Hide her drinking problem as reported complaints from her former staff suggest she's a "mean drunk".
  5. Show me one post where you don't take the side of some western government bully against an individual citizen?
  6. You're view seems spot on and objective, at least to me. I'd argue the same cast of characters that are skewering RFK Jr. here and elsewhere would be singing his praises to high heaven if he came out, gave a statement that ripped Trump a new one, and endorsed Harris. They'd characterize his sometimes quirky views in a positive light. If the powers actually believed he was simply some fringe nut that makes no sense on anything they would have ignored his endorsement of Trump just like they ignored his candidacy for the Democratic nomination and later his efforts as an independent. But since he presents a clear and present danger to their candidate through the possibility of swinging a few State results by 1 or 2 percent of the vote and handing Trump the presidency, the knives of the diversity and tolerance for everyone and all are welcome under our tent crew come out. I'm sure he knew what wrath the party would bring upon him and while I'm not on board with his agenda I gave him praises for having the guts for standing up to these psychotic authoritarian monsters.
  7. Its not surprising RFK Jr's family would denounce or publicly express displeasure at his endorsement of Trump. Not because of their dislike of Trump but because their very existence relies on believing an illusion he denounced as a lie in his speech last Friday.. Which is the current 2020's version of the Democratic party and its ideals is synonymous with the Democratic party and ldeals of the 1960's. In reality it is not. But their social and financial arrangements depend on believing that ruse. If they denounced the party similar to what Robert did they would be excommunicated to obscurity. So whether or not they believe it, they go along with it. Its what people in places like Hollywood or the media also do. If your livelihood depends on the opinions of others you can never truly be honest.
  8. You're either too slow or just stupid enough that it escapes your self-proclaimed superior intellect that the fringe left maniacs are going to full out riot if Trump wins. Not just a few dozen nuts like J6, but thousand of street thugs and criminals on the party payroll. Perhaps Trump win despite the threats and best efforts claiming he cannot be allowed to win. That's how you guys roll. Sore losers. That's not respecting democracy which is what;s expected of the other guy when they lose. But its guaranteed the crybabies will throw a tantrum. And then dismiss it as justified because their weak little minds and emotions were triggered by big bad mean daddy Trump back in charge.
  9. That's funny. This is a message board where people exchange opinions, argue about stuff, agree to disagree, tell the other person they're wrong in a civil or sometimes uncivil manner. Its not a detective agency or an investigational organization. Nobody really proves anything. And hypothetically, If anyone provided "proof" of such a thing nobody would change their views anyway. I've been here a while and its safe to say nothing anyone says about anything changes anyone else's mind about what they already believe. So why waste your time, regardless of your views, to build a credible case of something only to get it trashed or have some idiot respond with "hoax"?
  10. I guess the guy thinks, tell me who these traffickers are, get a warrant, and I'll give you access to their accounts. But if governments wants Carte Blanche access to every account to perform data mining and profile creation exercises while snooping on everyone without establishing any "probable cause" to legally justify their actions forget it. How can anyone concerned with privacy while assisting and cooperating with law enforcement actions protest this approach?
  11. Its all very simple. All you need to do is follow the money. The rich have never been richer. Funds like Blackrock own everything. Including Congress, think tanks, acedemics. They want it to continue. Biden was their best bet for that and now Harris is guaranteed to keep it going for the powerful. Trump is just too unpredictable and risky for these powers. In reality, he has his own money and doesn't need their's. At least not as much as establishment politicians. The 25% tax on unrealized gains is great campaign talk but it has no chance of being enacted. She won't bite the billionaire hand that feeds her and the rest of the crew. In some sense the far left is right about the corruption of the system but aren't smart enough to see their leadership facilitate and benefit from the system. Fighting it is all talk. All show. Trump scares the gravy train not so much that he'll end the party but because he talks about it and his supporters are all serious about ending the establishments game. Or at least resisting it. In the end it continues because Americans are uninformed, not curious, or cognizant of how things really work. They lack critical thinking skills and believe all kinds if fantasies and delusions. You see a lot of it here. Lots of idiots spread their message. The democrats are concerned with saving democracy.That's one delusion. Their concern is keeping the current gravy train on the tracks. Voters seem intent on allowing that and screwing themselves. But many are just comfortable in their lifestyle to chance rocking the boat and supporting Trump. So they play it safe with Harris, convince themselves all her BS is "joy," and help the wealthy get wealthier.
  12. I hesitate to even bite on this ridiculous topic but sudddenly the party of flag burners and chants of death to America are proclaiming themselves patriots. Can we expects 1000's of libs to be joining The Corp next week? What other incredulous claim are you going to make?
  13. Look, at this point, if you can't see the depravity and misconduct of today's democratic party some of which Kennendy systematically laid out, which is staring you right in the face, then you never will. And nothing I say, or anyone else says, wiil ever convince you, or others of it. I wonder if you guys watched the original Star Wars for the first time and were rooting for The Empire?
  14. Hope for what? Less freedom! The problem with their statement is it doesn't suggest anything he said was false or incorrect. I listened to his entire statement. For me, as a disenchanted former life long Democrat, he nailed everything.
  15. its all part of the Democrats campaign strategy of make-believe. The biggest part of which is gaslighting voters that everything which happened in the past 4 years is Trump's fault because through some magic trick to create an alternate reality, he's been running the country and not Biden/Harris.
  16. It was proba Sections of Project 2025 assert that a liberal entrenched bureaucracy in Washington inhibited and sabotaged the 1st Trump administration's efforts at enacting policies and reforms. This is truth. And that in order to facilitate the campaign objectives of a new administration, that bureaucracy needs to be replaced. Otherwise they'll inhibit a 2024 administration as they did a 2016 one. This is true too. So specific to this, the objection to Project 2025 is that its not okay to put people into government positions that will carry out the objectives and plans of the elected government?
  17. I just believe both Harris and Waltz are disingenuous and playing a role or a character in a show rather than being themselves. I'm not talking about the convention as they're always a show, but everything looks and sounds scripted with this duo, rehearsed, tested with focus groups, crafted to send a sanitized message rather than sincere communication of their views. I think they're pretending to be moderate enough to move their positions just far enough to the right on the political spectrum in order to pick up just the right amount of voter support to win the election. And then when its over, swing back to the far left. The same game plan as Biden 2020. And while Trump isn't an ideal candidate, or person for that matter, what you see is what you get. I think you're seeing, like it or not, his true self. You know what you might like and what you might dislike. There's little to no ambiguity or uncertainty. I think if Harris revealed her true self or or real agenda she would not have a chance of winning.
  18. They suffer from a self-inflicted psychological defect which inhibits the ability to think and view anything objectively when Trump is involved. That is what TDS does to the mind. As an example, they actually believe Trump has some master plan to declare himself dictator if he wins in November. And that all of his supporters want him to be dictator. Absolutely false but they're insane. If Trump does win don't expect a peaceful transfer of power. These guys are going to throw a giant pissy fit if they lose.
  19. Lying Weirdo's. Isn't that this years Democratic convention theme? You listen to all the speeches and they make it sound like the other guy is currently running the country and responsible for all the problems. It sounds like the 2024 campaign strategy is to run against the record of the administration that won the election in 2020. That's weird.
  20. That means the Harris campaign needs to enact counter-measures and increase mail in ballot harvesting activity by another 2%. Oh, and increase the number of times they call RFK Jr "weird".
  21. Maybe if the democrats didn't try to sabotage RFK Jr.'s campaign, file countless legal actions to keep him off the ballot in numerous States, and force him out of the party primaries he would have ended up endorsing Harris? Then everyone hating on him would say how wonderful a guy he is and what a great decision he made. But endorsing Trump? Let the TDS excrement flow. Maybe that and all the other games the democrats are playing has forced him to correctly conclude this new breed of insane ultra-left democrats are the biggest threat to personal freedom the citizens of our nation have ever faced? And they must be stopped by any means available. Even if that means endorsing the distasteful DJT.
  22. Yup. The debt exceeds $35 trillion and the Interest on that debt is approaching $1 trillion and these idiots want to borrow and spend more. The only possible outcome to this path is insolvency and inflation. The government and people supporting all this spending are delusional. And these tax gimmicks won't put a dent in the number because they'll just spend more
  23. The problem with an unrealized gain tax is that unlike real estate capital is mobile. Funds will simply close up shop and move somewhere more hospitable. Maybe London, Hong Kong. Shanghai. Dubai, other places.
  24. 45% work and 55% rely on the minority 45% for their existence. Let's say there's a fictitious village of 100 people where 45 work and 55 do not work. This is representative of the American population and work force. The majority votes for the village government which promises the 55 citizens free stuff which is paid for by taxes on the 45 citizens. They call it Democracy, majority rule. But if you're 1 of the 45 that work what would you do? You might not want to call it democracy, you might call it servitude, you wouldn't call it freedom, and you might decide to leave. In fact, you might organize a movement which convinces the other 44 people that work to leave with you. So the 45 workers have had enough and are ready to leave and form their own productive collective of working people. One without the overhead of supporting the non-productive population. But the 55 non-workers find out and try to force them to stay and continue to produce the goods and services they require. I think that's called socialist democracy.
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