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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. This is no great revelation. The price of Eggs rose higher than the rate of inflation due to specific factors impacting the Egg market like Bird Flu outbreaks constraining supply. In general, the cost of various goods rise and fall based on some common and unique factors. At different rates.
  2. My dad would say a 2 year stint in United State Marine Corp would straighten these kids out.
  3. What liberal hag will come out and say this kind of humor is part of the "war against women"?
  4. I conclude Americans don't do too much thinking and planning and just expect to live in a consequence free environment and support the side of the issue that generates that result.
  5. My views have nothing to do with Putin and you know it. But invoking him is a convenient response for posters here that are too invested in some fantasy outcome of this war to look at the situation objectively. I've pointed out time and time again that Ukraine's biggest issue is a shortage of competent troops and fighters. Not the need for more advanced weapons systems. To support the Kirsk operation they had to pull most of their best fighter off the eastern front which has allowed the Russians to advance more quickly. Its a big gamble. I think its a certainty that militarily this operation fails but what other objectives such as political or pulling NATO into the conflict there are I wonder? One thing is certain, in this war of attrition they are running out of soldiers. But any attempt at injecting some objectivity are met with the usual references to Putin. Good luck with that.
  6. Is it? All you're helping is Ukrainian troops given a couple days of basic training get killed.
  7. Why expose the village idiot to questioning and take the risk of your strategy imploding? They'll keep doing it as long as long it works. My suspicion is it won't work against anyone but Trump because the cults emotion of hatred overwhelms any rational thinking with these people.
  8. I can't wait for the first interview question. "What's your favorite color?" Maybe they can bring Obama along to answer some questions as he's the person that will be running the White House if Harris wins?
  9. There are some details missing from the accounting of the events of the day. We've gotten a very thorough investigation and analysis regarding the behavior and actions of the protesters from the J6 committee. What they glossed over and provided bits and pieces of is an accounting of the preparation, actions, and decisions made by various government officials before that day and during the day. Such as @BillsFanNC asked. Who gave the orders to fire flash grenades and rubber bullets into the crowd prior to any trouble and what was the assessment of the situation that led them to that decision? Why did some Capitol Police open the doors and "invite" protesters into the building while other units were engaged in scuffles and altercations? I could go on. We know all about what the "bad guys" did but little to nothing about what the "good guys" did. I always like the saying "There's three sides to every story. Your, mine, and the truth".
  10. This topic was "off limits" during the J6 Committee hearings. The issue here is requests for additional support for the Capitol Police on duty that day were continuously denied. The theory is the goal was to let the protests get violent and out of control to create an incident rather than get the proper amount of security to the Capitol. The National Guard was finally deployed well after the riots were over. So the task is to clearly identify the chain of command and put names to each box on the chart. Then question the person who's name is on each box in the chain of command for approving requests and get them to admit under oath which one of them provided the denial of additional support to the police on duty that day. Did it get to Pelosi or was it denied at a lower level? It should be easy to determine by anyone interested in finding out the truth. The problem with the government official assigned the job of finding the truth is they're not interested in finding out the truth if it results in consequences for any of the involved government officials and personnel. So they obstruct, misinformation, deny and avoid the truth at all costs.
  11. Was there another presidential election in the history of America where a candidate that was the incumbent VP ran against the record of the incumbent President's administration of which I remind you, they were the VP?.
  12. The choice of Vance was questionable because I don't see what additional voting block he might bring to the ticket. I see the same problem with Waltz. You pick somebody more liberal than you when you already have that voting block in your corner.
  13. Several years ago, I overhead a conversation of a woman at work on the the phone with her son's college professor making a case for allowing him to re-take a test he scored poorly on earlier in the week. While I found it amusing it was also sad. I think the term for that kind of parent is "helicopter parents". I feel sorry for these kids and young adults that probably spent maybe 15 minutes of their lives before the age of 15 without being supervised or monitored by an adult.
  14. Its nice that CNN is letting Kamala bring her dad to a job interview.
  15. Don't forget Jill Stein. They're trying to remove her or keep her off the ballot in numerous States because she might siphon off some far-left votes. Her platform pretty much reads standard leftist stuff. Where it differs from the Democrats (and Republicans) is a call to end wars and the Empire's global Military Intelligence complex. And ending wars is probably more unpopular in Washington than any other topic. If your not behind the idea of taking a 5,000 mile trip to kill foreigners then you're not a real patriot. But not liking foreigners coming over our border illegally? You're a racist. Its quite a contradiction. https://www.jillstein2024.com/platform
  16. No protester fired a shot at anyone that day. No guns were used by anyone at the event, except the Capitol Police which killed one unarmed protester and aggravated the situation early in the event by firing multiple rounds of rubber bullets into the crowd. Antifa is a real thing.
  17. Get real. The cops did not attack blm and antifa most of the time. The blue city mayor's hobbled the cops from acting. They barely arrested anyone and of those few arrested almost all got off free and clear. And you're rewriting history such as with the Portland Federal Courthouse. Those maniacs tried to burn down and damage that building every night for weeks on end. If MAGA did that it would have been the 2nd biggest attack on democracy. These anarchist antifa savages? No big deal. What weapons on J6? There were no hand guns, automatic weapons. No protesters fired a shot. As for an insurrection I can't get to that conclusion given they just walked out of the building when asked to do so by Capitol Police. If it was an insurrection it was the most orderly and polite attack ever. Any explanation of what stopped it has never been offered. You see what happened in Bangladesh recently? Thst's what an insurrection looks like.
  18. They're watching them. Just not for anyone stuffing the box with illegally harvested ballots. Drop a lit flare in there and I can assure you, they'll find you quickly.
  19. Not everybody. There are a lot of posters that believe critical thinking means believing in "experts" paid for their views by the powers in charge and never questioning anything the government and the MSM tells them to believe. They are what I might call "drones".
  20. Somebody should sneak up behind this poor schmuck and hit him on the head with a big rock to put him out of his misery.
  21. Sounds like you're ready to volunteer for the front. Are you?
  22. They just need a body, brain optional, to replace previous front man and pretend President Joe Biden, to pose as president while the same cast of characters making policy and decisions from behind the curtain stay in the White House.
  23. Are you calling on some professional expertise with defining sample populations that represent the target population in a statistically significant and accurate way to support your conclusions? Such as political polls or clinical trial subject groups. Not criticism, just curious.
  24. BLM and Antifa terrorists injured 100x more police and citizens during their coordinated and planned riots, burning, and looting in numerous major American cities during the Summer of 2019 but that appeared to be memory-holed. Do you recall the results of the Congressional investigation into those riots? I don't either.
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