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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. Most of the noise about the replacement refs is coming from the media and more recently the players. So right now the only way this changes is if the players get fed up with having to deal with an out of control situation on the field and collectively decide to refuse to 'cross the picket line' of the officials. Something like every team staying in the locker room at halftime next week until the NFL deals with the official union would do the trick. Not that its going to happen because such an action would likely be a breach of contract action but that would do it.
  2. Willing the team to his daughter would be an estate tax event but leaving the team to his wife would not be neither a capital gain or estate tax triggering action. As suggested by a couple other posters it would be nice to see the media 'press' the team management and ownership for some answers with regards to the future of the team. Right now the team and the county are in negotiations for a lease renewal with the team wanting $200 million in stadium improvements. The state and county want some kind of gaurantee that they are not going to dump $200 million into a stadium that might be empty in a couple years. As one of the governers spokeman plainly stated 'the only party not committed to keeping the Bills in Buffalo is the Bills'. One major problem I see with moving the team is the typical #1 reason has been the local market is not supporting the team, low attendence, etc. This is not the case here but that's not to say economics are not going be take a back seat.
  3. This is true. Part of being a 'good' coach is being able to honestly evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your players and develop a gameplan that plays to their strengths and that attempts to avoid or hide their weaknesses. So I agree the lack of production and the amount of errors have a lot to do with Gailiey's seeming unwillingness to adjust the offensive approach, that worked during the 1st half of last season, but isn't working now. My biggest frustration is the almost stuborn lack of resolve to run the ball more often when it seems to be working pretty well. Last week coming out at halftime the Bills executed a couple good running plays and then Fitz threw the gift pick 6 and it was game over. When your QB (and maybe your receivers) is making mistakes and the running game is going well then you run the ball until the defense makes adjustments and a commitment to stop it. Which might open up other opportunities to call some effective play action.
  4. Which begs the question why the coach wants to run a high risk (with this QB at the helm) offense with so many 4 or 5 wide set plays, calls way too many pass plays, and does not utiize the running game more effectively when you have two very god backs and a relatively solid offensive line?
  5. I didn't read anything in his latest rant that seems out of line given their performance on Sunday and the expectations that have been set. But it's only one game and a many good teams looked bad in week 1. As I watched the Bills being completely outclassed on Sunday I thought back to the home opener a several year back against NE where the Bills dominated and won 31-0. That year, like this one, they opened with the same team they close the season against. Recall NE returned the favor in game 16 with a 31-0 payback. Maybe by seasons end we return the favor against the Jets this time sending them to the golf course early?
  6. The need for an upgrade at the QB position has never been more obvious to me as it was yesterday. The problem with Fitz is not his lack of top-notch arm strength. We also heard all off season about how QB coach Lee worked with him to improve his footwork and his delivery but none of that was apparent yesterday. My problem with him is his is that for all his 'smarts' he either cannot understand or refuses to accept his limitations and play within his ability. Many QB's have less than optimal physical skills but some (Pennington for example) use their intelligence and understanding of the game to compensate as much as possbile and have been successful. Fitz does not, but rather he has a gunslinger mentality without the ability needed to play that role. On all 3 picks it looked like the DB 'read' the QB's intent and jumped the route. And in all 3 cases guys that I suspect have intelligence levels far below the Bills QB outsmarted him. I'm no expert at designing an offensive scheme but it seems clear to me that neither the HQ or the QB are willing to deal with the reality and limitations of Fitz and design a gameplan and offensive approach to eliminate these high risk mistakes.
  7. The main purpose of the Wildcat is to give ESPN and the NFL Network an excuse to talk about the Jets and Tim Tebow for about for 99% of their broadcast time. The theme of the storyline is that it's the 'secret' weapon that's everybody knows about (including believe it or not all NFL defensive coordinators) being run by the biggest garbage talking team in the biggest media market with the twist of now being aided by the hand of God himself through the new messiah backup QB.
  8. The game was originally scheduled to air on NFL Network on Thursday night but that's been removed from the scheduler on DTV and replaced with their pre-season around the league show. If you have the NFL Network the game replays on channel 212 on Friday at 4 PM and Sunday at 6 PM.
  9. My dish got cooked by lightning in an nasty thunderstorm that rolled through in the morning on 6/25 along with one of my HD receivers that I had for only a month. The storm also blew out the HDMI connections on my TV and the phone connected to the HD box. So I am using S-Video until I get that fixed and needed a new phone too. A tech came out and fixed the dish and ordered me another HD box for the one that got blown up. The replacement HD box (an R24-200) overheated and lasted 3 hours, then they sent me another one via fedex, an R24-100. Set up that one and it also got really hot, like burning your hand hot if you touched the bottom of the receiver. So I turned that box off before it fried and I called and a tech came out the next day. After some discussion and checking he agreed to replace the 3rd box with a new one (the other two replacements were refurbished). He told me the Directv people were getting pissed because it was my fourth box in a month. I felt that it was their problem not mine because the replacement boxes they were sending were garbage. I checked out all my electrical outlets and they checked out good so it wasn't a power problem from the storm. Long story short, the new one worked fine but I called to voice my complaints and got a month of free service for all the problems. Anybody else had problems with R24-100 or R24-200 refurbished boxes overheating? The new R24-500 works fine..
  10. True. Assuming it was intentional, they should have put Vincent on waivers the next day.
  11. Like the list but I'll add one: 1A - Nix and Whaley 'get it' They've brought systems and management approaches with them from successful organizations (and have been empowered by ownership to install them) and appear to have molded their experience and football understanding into a system customized for the Bills challenges and needs. In this case building a defense that can win in the AFC East. This includes how to's on running the organization along with talent evaluation and player acquisition plus building relationships with players and fans. Just how well it works can only be judged by wins on the field this coming season but I can't help but have a feeling of legitimate and justifiable optimism vs. what has been for season’s just plain hope.
  12. Not to minimize the potential for the Bills to move, but what's it been about 20 years since the Raiders moved back to Oakland? You've got to ask the question, if it's so strategically important for the NFL to have a franchise in the 2nd biggest media market in the country why is it taking so many years to act on? Clearly it's not really a priority of the league's ownership. If it was so important to put a franchise in LA there be one there now. There must be some significant opposition working under the radar here and if I had to guess it's the possibility of the Raiders moving back or the Chargers moving north at some point.
  13. I forsee Williams and Anderson coming around the edges and Brady stepping up right into Dareus busting up the middle through a double team. After the game Giesele (excuse my spelling) will say 'my husband cannot throw the football and f'ing block all those pass rushers'.
  14. I usually attend one game a season and I was at both these games. And another last second loss to the Colts. Worst thing about the Denver game, other than Kevin Everett getting hurt. About a minute after Elam makes the FG a heavy rainstorm starts. Not only did we get soaked on the way out but if it happens a few minutes sooner that kick becomes a lot tougher to make. I looked up to the sky and said 'Not funny dude, give us a break will ya'!
  15. For his own sake I hope the guy is smart enough, or has people around him that are, to handle the business, social, and financial situation that awaits him in the professional ranks. Whatever the reason, people with a low intellectual capacity with a lot of money have a tendency to end up dumb, broke, and in trouble.
  16. The core message of your post also crossed my mind as I watched and reviewed the Bills draft. For too many years the front office people were swinging for the fences looking to unearth the 'diamond in the rough' or the overlooked player from a little known program that would turn into a star. 'Reaching' rather than doing a good job of evauating need, talent, and risk assessment in setting up their draft board and making their picks. Many times the 21st century Pre-Buddy era Bills front office would seek to demonstrate how much smarter they were than the consensus on certain players. Consistently they just looked plain stupid when it came to on the field production. And the team and the fans suffered as a result. This management team appears intent on building a team. I think we'll look back at this time in a few years and celebrate it as the time the Bills turned the corner back to relevance.
  17. Somebody told me the Mayans did not account for leap year in their calendar calculations. I don't know if that's true or not but if so the world should have come to an end about 3 years ago. But something strange is happening for certain. I figure the Bills to be the second best team 'on paper' in the ACFE at the moment. My wife is always blasting me for being so negative but I seriously think they challenge for a wild card spot if things go well this season.
  18. +1 It's all about opinion and prediction right now until these guys take the field as pro's. NE picks a safety with the 48th overall pick that nobody had on their charts and the pundits say they must 'know something'. If the Bills did that they'd be 'reaching'. My view is that with the pick-ups in free agency and the draft the Bills have closed the talent gap on NE but there's still a gap. The place I see NE having a significant advantage is at the QB and TE positions but that's about it. The talent gap is small enough now that the possibility the Bills 'could' beat NE each and every time they play is not some far-fetched Bills fan dream but rather a reality.
  19. I believe the Bills overall plan for free agency/draft is to build a roster designed to beat NE. Something Buddy might characterize by saying 'you got to kick the big dog off the front porch if you want to walk through the front door'. I think the Brooks picks falls right into it. A fast, aggressive DB with cover skills and ball instincts that plays bigger than his size lining up against Wekler as the slot DB aided by an extreme upgrade in the pash rush. Work to take away the #1 option, pressure the QB, force the opposition into mistakes and dictate the flow of the game. The future nickel secondary might be Williams, Bryd, Searcy, Gilmore, Brooks. Like Buddy's choices so far.
  20. RWS has a certain 'feel' to it that would be hard to replicate or approach with another faciltiy downtown. But it was built during a time when flight from the city to the suburbs was at its peak and really in Orchard Park its more or less in the middle of nowhere. A downtown stadium might be a good idea if it was a multiple use facilty, concerts, trade shows, maybe UB games, or a new college bowl game. But as a standalone facility for just 8 games a year (assuming the Toronto game moves back) it isn't going to cut it from a benefit standpoint. If it leads to further development downtown, businesses popping up around it, new hotels, permenant jobs in varous parts of the economy it might be a good step forward to revitalize the city center. But to be that it would have to be step one in a multiple step plan to invigorate the city. After years of doing more or less nothing just openly discussing the merits of the idea might be a step in the right direction for the city. The big unknown is obviously the cost and then lining up funding.
  21. Looking at various mock drafts along with watching some of the 'Path to the Draft' features on the NFL network I've come to believe that if DeCastro is there at #10 then Nix is going to take him. IMO, he fits the BPA criteria better than any player that is expected to be there at #10. He looks to be a sure thing/low risk threat to be a Pro-Bowl player at his position for most of his career. IMO, this makes more sense than reaching for need by choosing an OT, although I do like the idea of adding WR Floyd if that's the selection.
  22. The question in my mind, and what I can't wait to see, is how much better is he going to make everyone else? Who does the O-Line double-team? You can only pick one guy without resorting to using TE's and RB's to chip block and provide pass protection. How will not having to cover guys all over the field while the QB sits in the pocket unfazed and focused impact the performance of the secondary? How will the linebackers perform running down plays, filling holes, shooting gaps, and making tackles without the center and guards being able to get out on them? My expectation is the Bills are going to put a pretty good pressure defense on the field and its going to cause a lot of problems for the offenses they face this coming season.
  23. I agree that looking solely at the dollars involved here the conclusion the Bills overpaid is valid (also +1 on your other points). However, IMO you've got to look at this in a strategic perspective. IMO, using the Giants as a blueprint, the Bills made a conscious decision that in order to beat NE (and a lot of other pass-centric teams) they've got to pressure the quarterback. Adding Anderson gives the Bills a significant sack threat from all 4 DL positions not to mention how lethal a well designed blitz package might perform. As a lifelong Bills fan I do not like the Giants but I admire what they've done. Beat NE twice in the championship game using basically the same plan. Belichek is labeled a genius but he couldn't come up with a winning game plan against a foe that came after him with the same approach twice? The message is you can't out-scheme superior talent and performance. So now we have what looks on paper to be a tremendous DL. What this should do is make guys like Brady uncomfortable and distressed in the pocket, sacks, pressures, knockdowns, batted balls, obstructed sight lines, out of sync timing, fear, etc. When these things happen consistently he'll look no better than an average quarterback and their advantage at the position will be neutralized. Maybe get one more guy on the inside, like Okoye, for the rotation and we'll be looking awesome. And a plus is this all makes the draft a more intriguing and exciting time for us.
  24. Lets take a look at okoye as a possiblity for the DT rotation. http://espn.go.com/nfl/player/stats/_/id/10454/amobi-okoye
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