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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. Aurora and now Commerce City. I used to travel to Denver around 8 or 9 times a year for work. That was before the state was invaded by folks from California and other's seeking that "Rocky Mountain High" lifestyle. Acquaintances tell me if you put a Harris/Waltz sign on your front lawn these Venezuelan gangs won't rob your house. It's only a matter of time until they kill somebody or massacre a family in some suburb. This is another disaster as a result of the administration's open border policy which only the clinically insane could defend.
  2. I think the theme of the comment went over you head. It demonstrates the stupidity of liberal democratic voters.
  3. I'm not sure about the relevancy of your response. But I'll say it again. It doesn't matter what she says or doesn't say. She'll do what the party tells her to do. Just like Biden did. If you vote for Harris you're voting for the democratic party agenda. Not the Harris agenda. There is no Harris agenda. They might as well end the facade and get Obama out there for the upcoming debate. Its his faction that's calling the shots so why fake it any longer?
  4. Many conclude it doesn't matter what she says or what positions she claims to hold on various issues. Because she's just going to do what she's told to do. Harris is Joe Biden 2.0 unencumbered by any cognitive neurological condition. I agree with this assessment. This guy sums it up nicely. It doesn't matter who they put up to run. It could be Harris, it could be the janitor at the local high school. They'd both to exactly the same thing, which is what the party tells them to do. Its an important distinction I think the Trump campaign is ignoring. It makes no sense to attack her or say she has no positions. It doesn't matter if she has positions or no positions or if you agree with or disagree with what she's stated. You're running against "the party". . https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2024/08/29/kamala_harris_cog_in_democrats_machine_151534.html
  5. When I read this line from your post Some women and men are just very picky with the attitude of “I’m not settling for anyone unless they meet all my requirements.” I thought of this joke.
  6. I'd like to hear from some guys here in the prime of their dating years share some of their recent experiences with the ladies, good and bad. I have my theories about things and why young men are down on dating but I suspect young women are just as unhappy.
  7. And... Nothing changes the fact the Biden team's bungling killed these 13 soldiers. https://nypost.com/2024/08/31/us-news/gold-star-families-blast-harris-in-blistering-videos-after-vp-criticizes-trumps-arlington-visit/
  8. Whether or not any of this is right is irrelevant. Because in either case, Harris is still an idiot. And people that follow or praise an idiot are what? I conclude something dumber than an idiot. These are the very same posters that in the face of the obvious claimed Joe was sharp as a tack. So now these wrong about everything posters claim Kamala is "smart" when in reality she's just the perfect brainless idiot the puppet masters that controlled Joe can lead around on a leash for another 4 years. You know she's an idiot but can't compell yourselves to speak that truth.
  9. The truth is when it comes to interference, our government is no better than Putin. And that's more reality than many people can handle. The clever one's come up with all kinds of excuses to provide justifications. Typically fantasy about acts of ultruism rather than simple self-interest.
  10. This situation is typical with government officials who's primary objective is to do as much harm to American citizens as possible. Citizens voice concerns about some situation. In this case concerns over public safety and crime. But instead of listening to the concerns of citizens and performing some due diligence investigation they deny there's a problem and attack the people raising the issue. Such as your go-to move here suggesting "scapegoating immigrants". One of the more popular deflection tactics. Then later, when the truth becomes to obvious to hide the problem, they make up all kinds of excuses for doing nothing.
  11. Stop shouting slogans and thinking they're a legitimate substitute for a rational argument!
  12. I've pointed out several times there is a distinction between the needs of America the country and America the empire. But most people don't recognize these two entities exist within the framework of our government and its motivations. In reality its the needs of the empire first and the needs of the country second.
  13. I haven't been saying disaster is right around the corner for decades. Just since 2020. How close do I think we are? If its football we're inside the 10 yards line and its first and goal. And America first isn't about isolationism. America first doesn't mean America alone. It means putting priorities on getting our own house in order. The problem with Harris is she's a dumbbell that can't think on her feet and has trouble clearly articulating original thoughts. That interview was cut and pasted, edited, with segments cut and removed. In real life when making decisions and engaging allies and adversaries, the President doesn't get get a script, or rehearsasl, or a teleprompter. You don't get do overs. You don't get to control the situation, including the behaviors, motives, and needs of others. She's grossly unqualified and it baffles me that given they could have selected anyone they desired, they choose her. Its a case of dumb and dumber.
  14. I'm not making threats or engaging in fantasies. I'm making an informed prediction, forecast, and conclusion based on an examination of the situation, economic, social, and political both domestically and internationally. I also conclude electing Trump won't avoid the problem although it might lessen its severity. But Harris is a walking disaster. I'm sure our allies are crapping their pants and our enemies are licking their chops.
  15. Harris would be a disaster in every way imaginable for most Americans. Especially her followers with liberal arts degrees but no marketable skills or experience doing anything of value. But not to me. If you haven't done so yet, I suggest you prepare yourself personally for the economic and social disaster that awaits us. And good luck.
  16. Certain that Jared won't go to Aurora at 2 AM in the morning by himself to confirm his theory. Typical denial of reality. But they elect these ass holes, right? I should add, most likely apartments with rent paid for by the taxpayers. Nice work idiots.
  17. Dear AG Garland - Please add Nicole Shanahan to the government's terrorist watch list. Thank you. 🤯
  18. Speaking of propaganda. An interesting fun fact which I wasn't aware of until recently is that Jeremy Bash, former husband of CNN interviewer Dana Bash, is a signer of the infamous Hunter Biden Laptop is Russian disinformation letter from 51 former members of the US Intelligence Community. Whether that makes Dana, employed as a member of the media tasked with throwing softball questions at the Democrat's nominee in order to keep up a facade of competency and intelligence, a full-time or honorary member of the DC Swamp is subject to speculation. But it is indeed a small world after all.
  19. For sure the Dems are much nicer people. And, real, real smart folks too. They don't want to beat police. They just want to de-fund police forces in cities and towns and fire cops across the country. They're so smart they have some really brilliant ideas about how to deal with crime. And its getting big results! Just look how great it works in cities like Chicago. Just remember when visiting. If you hear gunfire don't look around or pull your phone out to film what's happened. Just hit the ground and get as low as possible.
  20. No amount of money is going to buy her the brain necessary to be an effective President.
  21. Maybe you just don't want to say it. Right Billsy?
  22. That might be a good idea. Maybe you should run too? And maybe you can help by explaining how people enter political life without much in the way of assets, spend 20+ years in Washington paid a modest salary for their services, along the way produce no obvious goods or services they sell to anyone, but somehow manage to leave office in great financial shape?
  23. For decades, the 1% wealthy elites, like a sponge soaking up all the water have been systematically strip-mining wealth from the 99% with the assistance of the political class. And the focus of a party platform is on grocery store margins in a time of high inflation. Its distraction from the root cause of the problem at the highest possible level. Maybe distraction is required because all those billionaire's managing and owning 3-5 trillion dollar hedge funds are big party donors and supporters? Maybe they're big donors because they know the majority of the professional political class are full-time grifters and thieves that can be bought for what amounts relatively, when compared to the great treasure trove of wealth is a few pennies? Follow the money and it all becomes clear. Follow the word of politicians and you'll be lead down the path of illusions.
  24. So why are they hiding Harris like a Roman emperor was protected by Pretorian Guard? Is she forbidden to speak in public without the puppet strings attached? I don't think she's up to a fair fight. IMO, they look weak and scared. Trump might be a lot of things but scared of a fight isn't one of them.
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