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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. So should we put you down as a "yes" that its okay to trap, kill, and eat your neighbors pets? Give us your address so we can warn the folks on your block. Or will you condemn illegals eating people's pets?
  2. Given reports of cannibalism in Haiti during the riots there, I encourage you to personally visit Springfield, introduce yourself as a supporter of open borders and illegal immigration, and offer your assistance in any way possible. Just be on the lookout for big pots of boiling water.
  3. What the government owes the American public is compete transparency on where and how many illegals they've dropped off in communities across America. Along with this cost figures on how much taxpayers have spent supporting these millions of dependents. I saw a figure which estimates its $150 billions. Now we all know there's an ice cube's chance in Hell that will happen.If its one thing this administration avoids more than discussing issues its telling the truth. If everything's on the up-and-up they have nothing to hide. So what are they hiding?
  4. Next: Why eating people named Savanah is actually a good thing!
  5. I heard a descriptive term for war mongers like Chaney, who Harris is proud to have endorsed her, and other neocons and neoliberals that press a policy of endless wars without putting their ass on the line or anyone's ass close or associated to them such as family. CHICKENHAWKS. The cluck but don't fight. Old timers might call them yellow.
  6. On the local ABC affiliate, this morning's news had a report on the upcoming debate scheduled for Tuesday. Reports on both Trump and Harris. The Trump story opened with the reporter saying "Trump is lowering expectations by claiming they will be biased against him" along with throwing in a side story about Chaney's endorsement of Harris. Throwing in his "hate" for immigrants. Overall, a dark tone. The Harris coverage had a clip of Harris visiting a quiet coffee shop smiling and composed stating she's "confident and loves our country". No policy questions. Very positive. In summary, presenting Harris very positively while flippantly dismissing Trump's claim of bias by giving a biased report. TDS causes them to beleive a delusion that they're objective. I said to myself of the reporter, well, you just proved his point!
  7. Drama. The idiots said the same thing when he had them for 4 years and nothing happened. Its reasonable to assume a similar situation. They even claimed he sold nuclear secrets. Another unsupported lie. Pity they have to use so much fear and constant misrepresentations and can't run on the issues as the current administration's record is a disaster they avoid mentioning.
  8. They are focused on their assigned task. Spying on and gathering intelligence on ALL American citizens and specifically harassing Trump supporters.
  9. Chaney's endorsement is pure self interest. Because neocons such as Dick have lost almost all power inside the party. Perhaps the only hope of regaining control is dependent on Trump losing. A win locks them out for 4 more years. Possibly 8 or 12. He'll be dead and gone by then Endorsements from DC swamp creatures of the political class only reinforce the resolve in people concluding the political class works only for the political class and their constituents and not the working American. Nothing about Harris could possibly appeal to the Chaney's other than her winning gets them back in control of the party. What they don't care about is neocons regaining control will result in losing the populist voter which will relegate the Republican party to perpetual second places results.
  10. Policies such as sanctions and asset seizures and freezing are encouraging countries to de-dollarize their reserves and trade settlement out of the US dollar.
  11. My problem was and is that the obsession with Russian "disinformation" overlooks the "Elephant in the room" which is most of what comes out of our government, and government's everywhere for that matter, are narratives based on self-interest, and not a desire for truth, and their messages are most certainly laced with disinformation too. So armed with this knowledge, that governments everywhere are less than forthcoming with the truth if it doesn't support their narratives, the logical approach is to be skeptical and questioning of everything government's everywhere communicate. Not just one.
  12. I think the truth is Venezuelan crime gang members came across the open southern border under the pretext of seeking "asylum", were let into the country without proper vetting, and are operating in several different cities and towns inside the Untied States to a degree which isn't clear but the story and their activities are evolving. What is clear they are intent on setting up shop. And they keep reminding us how smart they are when it comes to being able to distinguish the truth from misinformation. With all kinds of advanced degrees and fancy book learning. They are what I like to call, "credentialed idiots"
  13. August jobs 142K vs. 160K expectation. June revised lower by 61K to 118K from 179K July revised lower by 25k to 89K from 114K
  14. Expectations for August is +160K jobs and an unemployment rate of 4.2%.
  15. No, your the one's that have cried for 7 years over a lie they manufactured. And still can't admit it because of some mass psychosis.
  16. Democrats have an obsession regarding Russia influence. It's a state of paranoia. The actually believe former President Trump was "working for" the Russians and Putin. This is irrational, borderline insanity. They've gotten more mileage from this false narrative, a lie manufactured by the Clinton campaign, for almost 7 years. As I said, its a built-in excuse in case Trump wins in November. It won't be because American voters thought his agenda and platform were better than that of Harris. No, it was because Russian misinformation "tricked" voters. So there's the excuse. His presidency is illegitimate. So now "the resistance" has the moral and ethical duty to obstruct and sabotage the administration. The idea their candidate was inferior is inconsistent with their belief in their own moral and intellectual superiority. All because they need to save democracy. Which means them never losing an election. What all these geniuses are either intentionally ignoring or missing is that China is the actual threat. I accept what you say regarding their objective, but the Russians hold no monopoly in this type of intelligence operation. We do the same thing to them. And in other places where Washington needs to exert their influence to "steer" others to the proper path. There are no white hat good guys or black hat bad guys in this contest. Everything is gray.
  17. The idea Russia has some great influence over our society and elections is a collective delusion. And you're in it. its a pre-packaged excuse in case your candidate loses.
  18. Root cause analysis would conclude that If the current administration provided any actual border security, effective screening of migrants, and tracking of illegals once they enter the country, we wouldn't be debating this issue. They don't want to talk about that because they never admit their leadership does anything wrong but have no problem compelling others to "denounce" anything from the other side that gets their panties in a bunch.
  19. Okay, but the issue of migrant crime is a matter of degree. Not an absolute there is or there isn't. I think this specific story at this point is still is a matter of who you chose to believe and who you chose not to believe. Maybe I'm wrong? But I don't put a lot of stock in comments from authorities that do nothing but obstruct the truth and suddenly are forthcoming when it comes down to the problem that results from their incompetence and ignorance of the realities of life. Such as crime. There is a real serious problem with imported crime and its a problem created by lax to non-existent security measures resulting from the insane open border policy enacted by the administration in Washington and officials in sanctuary cities. I conclude these criminals are much smarter than the people running our government entities at various levels. They understand the rules and play our "leaders" and the system they've created to the max. They must think of America as a land of suckers and idiots ripe for the picking. Our government officials are in a word, pathetic.
  20. So you're saying there is no problem with Venezuelan criminal gangs committing crimes anywhere in the United States?
  21. Why are lots of posters here so emotionally invested in claiming this story is "fake"? Is it because they love immigrant criminal gangs? Or they awkwardly desire to defend the disastrous asylum seeking ruse embraced by the administration along with their whimsical no border, (open border) policy? Or the moral imperative of sanctuary city status? Are they insane? Or do they just find it impossible to admit the Democrats are wrong about anything? Anyway, here's what the NY Post says about migrant crime in NYC. https://nypost.com/2024/09/04/opinion/dont-be-gaslighted-new-york-migrant-crime-is-real/ And specifically the activities in NY of the "imaginary" Venezuelan crime gang which is invading the Denver area. https://nypost.com/2024/06/26/us-news/violent-tren-de-aragua-gang-smuggles-guns-into-nyc-migrant-shelters-in-food-delivery-bags-accused-cop-shooter-reveals/
  22. I think the point is Venezualan gangs are actually operating on US soil as a result of this administration's insane open border fiasco. And try as I might, I cannot come up with any reasonable benefit. Make all the excuses for the nefarious actions of the administration you'd like. Whether this specific apartment takeover story is 100% accurate is not the big problem. Its a reasonable assumption these gangs set up shop in the Denver area where oversight is lax to non-existent because it's easy to commit crimes there snd get away with it, violent crimes. Another big problem is other than the city of Denver providing sanctuary protection, what are government officials doing to get rid of them? Well nothing but dismissing the problem. As usual. Deny and do nothing until the problem is obvious. They will eventually be forced to do something. But in the meantime. Deny. And blame people pointing out the problem, again as usual.
  23. I've mentioned it a few time that the CCP utilizes a systemic strategy they call "elite capture". What they do is pay of celebrities, influencers, politicians, business executives, and other notables through direct payments, grants, lucrative business arrangement, and other financial arrangements which through the creation of mutual interest, aligns their interests to those of China. So when somebody suggests there's something sinister going on in America and the Chinese government is involved, such as the fentanyl trade, they have legions of Americans that will come to their defense using various tactics and excuses. You might call them useful idiot traitors. While all the idiots divert attention through their obsession with "Russian influence" the Chinese walk through the front door and loot the house.
  24. One defense commonly used is this country was built by immigrants and most of us had ancestors that immigrated to the U.S. And given that, we have no ethical or moral reasons to withhold that right from others. Notably the 10,000,000 welcomed by the administration in Washington. But there are a few major distinctions between what most likely were our great-grandparents or grandparents. First, they came here legally. The current crop of immigrants came here illegally or used the "asylum" status as a false pretext to enter the country. And then disappear. Few to none will attend their scheduled asylum hearing and the administration will not press charges or seek to deport them for any violation. This all with a wink and a nod from the Biden administration. Second our ancestors came here to work. Nobody greeted them with handouts of housing, food, clothing, spending money. This new group exists on around $150 Billion of social assistance. Even with this generous assistance there are complaints about accommodations and it not being enough. Then go home! Nobodies holding anyone captive here. Third, our ancestors assimilated themselves into America, and while they kept their own heritage they also adopted its culture and customs. These newcomers refuse to assimilate or are discouraged to do so by diversity and equity policies. You can grant them citizenship but I suspect most will see themselves as Americans second to their birthplace.
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