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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. The most bogus call I remember was against the Patriots a few years ago where the Bills made a big stop on a running play and number 55 taps the helmet of his teammate on the pile of players. The flag flies out. The ref assumes he's taunting or late-hitting on of the Patriots. Personal foul number 55 unnecessary roughness for congratulating a teammate on making a play.
  2. I think the answer to that is Flaco, Rivers, Rogers, and Luck. When facing good/great QB's performing effectively this defense is over-matched from a talent and scheme perspective. Look at their wins under McDermott. I can't recall the Bills beating a good QB playing well. It's been beating 2nd tier QB's and the better one's on an occasional off day.
  3. No explanation was provided and the network feed fails to show visual of any kind of infraction or confrontation involving Hughes. I think the original 5 yard call was for lining up in front of the center although Kyle Williams was only about 1/2 foot to the inside shoulder of the guard and not covering the center. And the ref's original call was number 94. When the ball was snapped he moved to the outside shoulder of the blocker and did not engage the center at all. Was it a weak call? Maybe. Number 55 has a target on his back from the league officials. If I was Jerry I might consider changing my number.
  4. I didn't expect much this season but the lack of competitiveness makes this team unwatchable. And some of their personnel moves have left me wondering. Watkins and Dareus traded and less talented Star and KB and other Carolina alumni brought in at pretty much the same cost. I never realized the Panthers had so many great players until Beane and McDermott! I'm willing to give these guys a pass for the rest of the season but with many draft picks and maybe $90+ million in cap space there will be no acceptable excuses for failure to field a consistently competitive team next season.
  5. Whether another way of approaching the QB situation would have gotten us to a different result than the current 2-4 record, something worse, or something better isn't what concerns me about how it was handled. The concern is what seems like a lack of strategic thinking when it comes to the development and handling of Josh Allen and the QB position as a whole. Where we are now was accomplished by what seems like a series of reactionary transactions and decisions rather than some well thought out plan.
  6. I expect we're going to see a heavy emphasis on the running game Sunday. But tactically I just don't understand why coaches even announce this stuff? Would it not be better to leave the Colt guessing? Why give up any edge however slight it might be?
  7. Bills QB situation = dumpster fire. Of concern is that most of the posters here recognized the shortcomings with managements approach prior to the season. Something seems to be blinding their judgement. Whatever it is they need to adjust their thought process quickly.
  8. There's no good choice here with either Peterman or Anderson. They can cite circumstances but Beane and McDermott have only themselves to blame for some poor decisions about the composition of the QB group. Start Peterman and there's a good chance we see another pick six, maybe even on the Bills first offensive series. Start Anderson and you put a guy behind center that has been here a couple weeks, probably doesn't have a handle on the playbook, and is likely not even in game shape. The thought process has to be to pick the guy you think has the lower chance of screwing up. IMO, even though I know very little about him my gut feel is that is Anderson. Confidence in Peterman has to be close to zero right now.
  9. One thing Daboll does which I never liked from coordinators is to call the offense from up in the sky box. I think the OC needs to be on the sidelines with the players in order to 'feel' the game and the vibe of the team. You don't get that experience by sitting up in the air conditioned/heated team suite sucking down beers and eating hot dogs.
  10. I think Anderson's most important characteristic is that McDermott and Beane are familiar with him from their time together in Carolina. So its that connection again which as time passes is going to dry up so our management team had better start looking across the entire league. Where there better options available at this point in the season? Now that its reported that Allen is week-to-week with an elbow injury the focus shifts from what to do about Allen to who to start on Sunday. Anderson or Peterman? Pick you poison. Like its said, all battles are won or lost before they begin, and they really screwed the pooch with the QB strategy and player moves in the off season. Cutting McCarron made no sense financially and personnel-wise, keeping Peterman because of a good preseason once again looks foolish, and with Allen out a week or two at best, not having a veteran back-up is going to expose the GM/HC to a lot of second guessing the rest of the way this season. My view with Allen is that along with inexperience wit the pro game he just doesn't trust his offensive line and receivers. On top of all this, I watch Goodwin, Watkins, and Woods and wonder how these guys evaluate the WR position, which is another story but part of the journey that got us to this offensive dumpster fire.
  11. The answer is Anderson. Tyrod is not on the roster, Peterman is out of the question, and Allen is dinged up. Maybe Josh getting hurt yesterday is a good thing longer-term because it gives the coaches an excuse to put the veteran QB in the starter role against the Colts without having to pull the switch based on performance. Let Josh sit, heal up, and observe for a few weeks and then make the decision to stick with Anderson or go back to Allen based on W/L at that point in the season.
  12. Those two pick were dreadful. At 13-13 what were McDermott and Daboll thinking? They dodged a couple bullets with Peterman's TD pass and the 4th quarter goal line stand. At 13-13 you come out throwing and put the game in Nate's hands? Just plain stupid. He is what he is and they needed to understand that and play within his limitations. And what's the deal with all these illegal formation calls? This is fundamentals. A great defensive effort wasted once again. Add in multiple special teams miscues and penalties. Awful.
  13. These analysts can throw out a lot of statistics to support their conclusions. However, consider that Allen has faced 3 top 10 defensive units (in yards allowed) while Darnold has faced 1 (Jacksonville looking like a rookie) and Mayfield has faced 1 (Baltimore and squeezed out a 12-9 OT win). That doesn't prove anything about how Allen is performing vs. his peers in the draft class but it does point out a big disparity in the quality of the opposing defenses they've faced. In baseball parlance, Allen has faced a lot of 'major league pitching' and has a 2-2 record. His peers are hitting a lot of homers in the minors. With the strength of schedule becoming more favorable to the Bills the rest of the way I'm expecting Allen's QB stats to reflect that factor.
  14. Given the terrible offensive performance from the Bills yesterday I thought it might be a good time for a lighter topic. After the 22-0 game was mercifully over, I think I figured out what the problem is with the Bills. It's my father-in-law. You see, the only Bills game he didn't watch with us this year was the Vikings game. I'm not a superstitious person but he just seems to be bad luck. My wife thinks so too and that's her father we're talking about. Yesterday, he leaves the room and 30 seconds later Poyer made his interception. Back from the bathroom and its the Bills 3 and out! Anybody else have a friend or relative that they hate watching the game with for some reason?
  15. Absolutely, aside from Allen and Dawkins who would you want to see back as offensive starters in 2019? If Allen can make it though the season without any serious injury I'll be happy and it seems like he has the mental toughness to make it through. Right now we have an inexperienced rookie QB behind a atrocious offensive line with mediocre receivers. The question is with 10 draft choices and some $90M in cap space next off season can the front office put some better players around Allen?
  16. I'm all-in on Tank 2.0 because perpetual 7 to 9 wins isn't getting it done. And if it leads to getting the opportunity to build the roster with top-end talent or trading back and stockpiling draft picks that's great. But that requires the team to make the right picks. I think these guys are up to the task. So I look towards next year. But the title of the thread might just as well be, gas chamber or electric chair, choose your method of execution.
  17. It would be a totally different conversation if the Browns had a PK. they could be 2-0. Tyrod is doing what he usually does. Playing to his potential in a consistent way.
  18. There was potential for very serious injury and hopefully Jones is going to be okay. Yes, the officials should have blown the play dead immediately after Jones lost his helmet, which was pulled off by one of the Chargers ST players. The official was right there in the picture about 10 feet away and did nothing. It was definitely a helmet to skull hit so three mistakes by the officials. Didn't see his helmet ripped off, didn't stop the play, didn't call the hit to the head leading with the helmet.
  19. Good points and to me a front office couldn't put together a much worse group. So you have to ask, are the GM/HQ incompetent, stupid, or doing it by design? My conclusion from taking it all in during the off-season and the week 1 pasting by the Ravens is that from ownership on down they decided to go with Tank 2.0 this season. Break it all down and then build it back up from the top of the first round, maybe trade back and get a haul of picks, and put what might be $100M in cap space to work. Truth is the Bills were never going to win the Super Bowl this year, something we are knew, so if you're going to lose, then lose big rather than stumble around year after year forever at 6 to 9 wins. If you accept my view it will save you a lot of pain and frustration through what is looking like a real bad season for us.
  20. If we're indeed in Tank 2.0 the idea situation would be the Bills getting the 1st pick and a quarterback needy team finishing 2nd. That would place higher value on the #1 pick because anybody wanting a QB would have to pay the price to jump in front of the 2nd spot. That might yield a 2019 1st & 2020 1st plus some other picks but I'm getting way ahead of things as there are 15 games left. I'm not ready to label Beane a failure or a success yet. Some of his moves have been good and others not so much. Overall, his drafts have been pretty good but his free agent pick ups not so good so far. I didn't like the McCarron trade to the Raiders and the Coleman trade with the Browns was a total disaster. Cleveland gets a pick, the Bills cut the guy and eat the cap hit, and now the Patriots sign the guy for close to nothing. Maybe Beane should have gone the veteran QB route to get some solid experience in the QB room? And unless you thought Dareus was going to fail another drug test and get hit with a one-year suspension dumping him to the Jags for a late round pick and creating a hole in the DL which he filled with an expensive free agent contract didn't thrill me either. So net/net you improve nothing except maybe attitude which doesn't translate into tying up blockers or pressuring the passer. The OL looks like another disaster.
  21. And if getting to a string of 11 or 12 win seasons means suffering through a 3-13 season this year rather than muddling through at 6 to 8 wins forever then where to I sign up?
  22. I had no issue with the trade of Tyrod. He was a true professional during his time with the Bills and while he had his limitations he usually performed up to his potential. Unfortunately, that potential as a passer was limited as his passing stats showed I think trading McCarron was a tactical mistake and relying on Peterman and Allen compounds that mistake. Keeping McCarron and naming him the starter on opening day, rather than trading him, would have made more sense to me. First, he's the only guy on the roster that has any successful experience as an NFL QB although that is only, what, 4 starts? And second, playing for the Bengals his familiarity with the Ravens gave him a mental edge over the other two QB's. Bringing in a seasoned veteran as some other posters have suggested might have been a better approach. As things worked out, the Bills had a plan at the draft to come away with one of the four potential franchise QB's but not much of a plan to build a support system around him by addressing the offensive line and the receiving group. Losing Wood and Incognito didn't help. Thinking about the Beane interviews I've heard and mentally playing back his answers to questions and comments leads me to conclude the plan for year 2 is to strip things down to the wall studs and rebuild through the draft (with a likely top 3 pick) and maybe close to $100M in cap space next spring. So Tank 2.0
  23. I expect that Dawkins will be the only returning starter to the OL on opening day 2019.
  24. The old-timers reported the story and the facts then added in some relevant commentary. Now everybody on sports news and news in general is compelled to tell their opinion and are more entertainers than sportscasters. I don;t even know who Scott Van Pelt is nor do I care to know or what makes him qualified to conclude anything. Yeah, the Bills were absolutely awful yesterday but if you're not part of the 'Bills family' then keep your mouth shut and don't insult one of the best fan bases in sports.
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