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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. So you're the cops and an "unarmed" man who is acting erratic and refuses to comply with your requests walks over to the drivers side door of his vehicle, opens the door, and then what? He's going to just drive away and say let's forget it all? Or is he going to come out with a weapon and kill you? Who could be sure? Maybe you should stop making excuses for people that don't have enough smarts to just comply with what the police are telling you and avoid the chance you might get shot?
  2. A California firefighter’s wallet was stolen out of his work vehicle and his bank account was drained while he was battling a blaze, officials said. It was the latest robbery to occur amid fear and panic over wildfires in Santa Cruz. “It’s absolutely disgusting behavior, I can’t, frankly, I can’t believe that somebody would actually have the nerve to break into a firefighter’s vehicle or enter their vehicle to steal something from them when they’re there to protect the community. Honestly it blows me away,” Chief Deputy Chris Clark with the Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s Office said during a press conference on Sunday.
  3. Doing the same in the entire city by making a legitimate attempt to enforce some sort of civil order would be a nice start. Don't you think?
  4. If Democratic leadership is speaking out against violence and looting I've not heard a single instance of it. Blaming Trump because people are triggered by his behavior seems like a very thin excuse for a lot of bad behavior. Mayor Lightfoot in Chicago for example, seems to have no problem with violent protests as long as they're not in her neighborhood. If Mayors such as Ms. Lightfoot and Mr. Wheeler in Portland wanted to quell the unrest it would be fairly easy to accomplish. But they're either not willing or up to the task. They prefer to handcuff the police and law enforcement in support of "social justice" than ensure the safety of citizens and their property. I suspect this policy is being driven from above their pay-grade in a coordinated fashion for purpose. But I can't imagine how the architects of this social chaos think it is popular among the majority of the population of these cities. Nor can I imagine this is a winning strategy for the coming election. Simply enforce the law and return the streets of the city to civil and peaceful everyday activity. To do this it will take conviction to deal with rioters and perpetrators of violence. I suggest giving them several choices and 24 hours to comply, peacefully disband, disburse, and cease violent activities, be arrested, go to the hospital, or go to the morgue.
  5. The thing lost on almost all "Trump haters" is that nobody is supporting Trump because he's a wonderful person of high character. Pointing out his many flaws is a futile exercise. They support him because he's the only option available to them that will engage the globalists, elites, intellectuals, and technocrats of the information and tech economy. An economy that has left them behind as their jobs are sent offshore and their middle class lives have been downsized to lower class working poor over the course of the last 20+ years. These are the people that used to form the core of the Democratic party. Working family people, union members, disadvantaged groups. No more. The party has abandoned them in pursuit of social justice issues advocated by many within the "new" party. The closest thing the Democrats have to a candidate that cares about this class of voters is Bernie Sanders and the party leadership and key donors have pushed him to the back of the line in 2020 like they did in 2016. Another large group of potential Trump voters are people that don't really care for him at all but see no real option in Joe Biden. Or the parties core belief system which is race baiting and support of rioters and looters along with support of Marxist racist BLM organization and a platform that advocates handouts and redistribution as the solution to every issue while holding those that actually produce goods and services in contempt. From where I sit that's neither a winning or sound strategy for prosperity.
  6. This should be no surprise. The same is true for the Mayor in Seattle and the entertainment elites in Beverly Hills. It's true in NYC too. When protesters appeared in these cases the police, which they claim should be eliminated, were summoned to clear the area of any undesirables. But its acceptable to release the mob on ordinary citizens in ordinary situations that have no part or role in the overseeing or presiding over the perceived environment of oppression. In most cases hypocrisy is the foundation of politics. As mayor Lightfoot stated she has "a right to make sure that my home is secure" but but she also has a responsibility and in the context of the situation in Chicago you have no "right" to deprive the citizens of your city that very right you claim. The liberal elites endorse and encourage actions that put the lives and property of others at risk while surrounding themselves with all kinds of public and private heavily armed security forces. While in many cases attempting to restrict the ability of ordinary citizens to defend themselves and prosecuting those that dare to defend themselves against the mob on any charges that can either find or manufacture. The entire current BLM and Liberal protest movements are staged and orchestrated events that the apologists in the media and politics want everyone to believe are spontaneous expressions of pent up rage against an unfair system. It political theater at its best. Its all coordinated and managed while directing the drones in the streets to specific actions that leave the "safe zones" of the elites off limits to the protests.
  7. You might enjoy reading the link below. The best assessment I've seen to date written by a non-Trump supporter about his "base" . https://medium.com/@wiredgourmet/why-trump-is-likely-to-win-again-23e56ccff95b To Quote some: "They elected Donald once and they will try to again. He is scornful and vicious. He despises openly. He snarls and barks. He will make a pig’s breakfast of everything he touches, but here’s the thing everyone misses: educated elites will feel the hardship he causes more acutely than the millions of workers who have already adapted to pittance wages, dead-end careers, and chronic disrespect. They’ve endured two decades of it; they can cope. They’re betting that liberal snowflakes like me can’t."
  8. I'm a little more optimistic than I was a month ago about treatment and prevention options for COVID before any vaccine might be available. One of the most promising right now is RLF-100 which is a relatively cheap and easy to produce inhaled anti-viral which testing to date has shown to prevent the virus from replicating. So far the focus has been on treatment but prevention looks to be a potential use too. Something like this would be a "game changer". It might be weeks away from a trial read-out. Still I'd like to see the NFL adjust the season by eliminating the 4 out of conference games and playing a 12 game conference and division schedule that starts in October.
  9. First we need to separate the idea of BLM from the BLM organization. This is something the media and the politicians supporting the group refuse to allow. All the virtue signaling liberal and intellectual whites and corporations supporting the group and running social justice themed commercial spots on TV won't do this either as they are just too scared and afraid to take the time and effort to form an original thought and face reality. They figure if they pretend to support the group they will just attack somebody else. What they refuse to notice is that "somebody else" is getting to be a wider target. It's only a matter of time before they come for them too. Which begs the question why any White person would in any way, shape, or form support a racist Marxist organization that wants to steal your property and punish you in their pursuit of "revenge". Its like Nationalists in China asking to sign up for Mao's "Long March". That's the clear and simple truth. But why is everyone afraid of the truth? Because taken on its own the idea of Black Lives Matter seems to be a worthy objective. Valuing people of color. But the organization itself is a generic smash and grab street level Marxist hustle. You see a pattern developing here, right? Something for nothing looks to be the groups overall major theme. Members of the group must be on some very strong hallucinogenic drugs or they need some lessons in how work relates to the ability to improve your living standards. But as with most hustles and cons they'll be able to get away with as much of this scam as they can until the "marks" wise up.
  10. It all boils down to are you comfortable voting for Biden knowing the Harris will assume the presidency as its a near certainty he will not serve a full term? All other concerns or issues are a sideshow.
  11. I expect Harris will take the point on most of the public appearances with Joe Biden tucked away in his bunker for most of the time. If this was a football game I'd say the Democrats strategy is try and hold the lead with the back up QB and run out the clock. A vote for Biden just means a vote for President Harris since he's lost his marbles and won't finish his term. And by picking her if the result is defeat in November the excuse is already in play- Racism! I'm just guessing at this point but I think Trump is going to win re-election as the environment is so toxic right now to even suggest you support Trump that many people lie to the pollsters. Lots of people have had it with all the riots and looting going on in almost every city while Democratic mayor publicly support and encourage these events while national leader pretend its not happening. It's all peaceful rioting and looting with a few shootings and beatings of other citizens mixed in while city and state governments order the police to stand down. Either they must be totally stupid or arrogant to think most people are pulling for the rioters to come out on top with armfuls of goodies from Coach and other luxury stores. And Trump's executive orders from the weekend have handcuffed them on their primary issues with Trump. Sure his orders are likely not Constitutionally supported by so what. What are the Dems going to do? Take him to court and stop aid from flowing to potential voters? He's got them by the balls here. And yes, there are a lot of inconsistencies with the Social Justice Warrior class but that leaves room to mess with the logical inconsistencies of their beliefs. With gender they throw around the term "assigned at birth" like your gender is a clerical decision and not a matter of genetics. So by logical extension if SJW's are good with everyone picking a gender they "identify with" then why can't everyone pick the race they "identify with" too? Both are genetic traits and if you want to overlook one of them then it seems reasonable to overlook them all? Isn't that the fair way to treat people equally? Maybe I want to "identify" with being a black female transsexual. That's got to be worth a top-score on the diversity index! So for example, when it comes to reparations for Aftican-Americans I say everyone that isn't genetically of African decent should "identify" with being black and get a share of the payout. And why not take advantage of race or gender profiled programs and preferences too? Or if there is some advantage to "identifying" with Native Americans, or Asians or Hispanics or Whites (the only advantages I can think of are White Privilege and not getting stopped by the cops!)
  12. No I don't think its a huge issue. The current racism craze is simply a hustle and shakedown. Show me one law or regulation that authorizes or legalizes racial discrimination. And the Civil War was 140 years ago, nobody that experienced it is alive today, and the majority of white people don't even have ancestors that were in America at the time. You might as well throw in the Jews still reeling from the brutality of the Pharaohs in ancient Egypt or the Germanic tribes from Roman occupation. A lot of folks in Central America are still upset over the Aztecs too. We've had almost 60 years to "right" all the historical "wrongs". Targeted programs, quotas, preferential treatment, subsidies, and other assistance. Nothing works? Why? Racism of course is the excuse. Meanwhile recent immigrants of color, including Africans, come here, prosper, and assimilate into the culture. The real problem nobody wants to talk about is the refusal of most African-American's to assimilate and adapt to the prevailing culture and rather than that they cling to a dysfunctional set of values. Kids can't read, can't write a legible sentence, can do simple math, can't speak common English. So who is going to hire them? And what future do those circumstances provide? But its not a lack of skills or education or training, its racism. What you're alluding to as racism in the current context is the behaviors of private citizens and do you really think its the role of government to regulate and control what everyone does and thinks of each other? And who decides what is right or wrong? You mentioned the Nazi's and they're a good role model for what you want. Gleichschaltung, total control of the state over every aspect of the lives of the people.
  13. The word "racist" is so over-used that it no longer has the same meaning. A racist used to apply to someone that would deny or inhibit others the exercise of their legal rights under the law. Now it's a moral judgement liberals use to silence or marginalize anyone they don't like.
  14. The statement uses a false comparison to reach an incorrect conclusion along with seeking to change the subject. Which is the primary tactic for defending an undefendable position. The argument is that because one person is relatively more bad than the other it makes the other good or acceptable when the logical conclusion is both are bad. My big question about Joe Biden is why is a political party controlled by woksters, SJW's, and all kinds of radical leftists content and willing to run another old white guy for president? A complete and total old school deep state system guy for his entire political life. He represents absolutely nothing they stand for here. The only answer I come up with is he's the only person they can trot out there that can get the centrist vote and defeat Trump. His candidacy is just a front for the nominated VP to come in and take over when he steps down soon after the start of his term.
  15. I suspect its the social justice warriors and woksters that are intent on controlling all aspects of everyone's lives. Trump not so much. From what every citizen thinks, what they say, what they do. Similar to the National Socialist of 1930's Germany. It was called Gleichschaltung and set in place policies of total state control over everything.
  16. Trump's not the sharpest tool in the shed but that's not why a lot of voters cast their ballots for him in 2016. They voted for him because he was the only candidate that had the balls to stand up to the globalist and the intellectual elite in politics and the media. For this he's been the target of their attacks for his entire term. Unfortunately, much of what he does and says provides more fuel for the fire. Many of his supporters enjoy seeing the so called "deep state" getting the middle finger. Obviously the elites want to regain control through whatever means necessary and see the Biden candidacy as their ticket back to the White House. I'm skeptical about Biden and his mental state as they seem to be hiding him in the bunker and perhaps that's the plan until the election. He's simply mentally unfit to serve. Or are they going to pull somebody out of the shadows at the last minute like Hillary again? Whatever the scenario I hope most people whatever your political or social views would agree our choices here are just terrible. As far as the administrations COVID response its been mostly a disaster but given the breakdown in society and the almost complete ineptitude of leadership at any level does anyone really think the government is going to be effective at anything of this magnitude or for that matter any problems going forward? Not likely. Facing the fact that you're more or less on your own when one kind of disaster or another strikes will do wonders for your mental and physical well-being and allow you to prepare for trouble. The government is concerned with saving the government, not you. What I try to point out to my liberal friends is giving a government that is completely inept more power and responsibility is a path to ruin. Why do you want to surrender your freedoms? But they don't get it, yet. When they do it might be too late. Whatever Trump did with COVID would be criticized but his inability to comprehend the facts and statistics are troubling. If he didn't set a consolidated national response he'd be accused of not leading. And if he did set a single national response he'd be accused of being dictatorial. But we all know that already. It's a lose-lose with the media. Major media policy states Orange Man Bad!
  17. Winner here! The same .1% global elite and wealthy are funding both campaigns and both parties. Hell, they're even funding the idiots out in the streets rioting and protesting against all kinds of stuff the people that are fronting them are making happen. They tell them what to do and all the puppets dance. And the government no matter which party is in charge sees you as a source of revenue for all the goodies and perks they hand out to their political supporters and cronies. As Trump will only go along with 99% of their agenda they want him out so they can get somebody back in that will be totally cooperative. So its lumbering buffoon Trump or brain dead Biden. Maybe "none of the above" should be added to the ballot this year?
  18. Take it a couple steps further. As the 3 states succeed Mexico moves to retake California since the 1800's they've believed it was stolen by the US. Without a standing Army (because US forces have withdrawn) or any organized police force (because liberal politicians have eliminated policing) there is little organized resistance. Washington and Oregon are left to fend for themselves and look to Canada for a potential political hook-up. This is fun, right?
  19. The NIH provided approximately $3.5M to the Wuhan research facility to perform some sort of research that was illegal to perform on U.S. soil. But they have not been asked about this yet nor are they proactively providing any comments on the nature of the research that was funded. The case for the virus being man-made is pretty strong. It has threads of HIV RNA inserted which begs the question how that would happen in nature. Could it be possible? Perhaps but not probable. And the theory the virus jumped to humans by some inter-species transfer is questionable as researchers have found the virus is much more efficient at infecting humans than it is at infecting other animals tested. Such as Bats. If it came from Bats it should be most efficient at infecting Bats. But it is not. Also, recent comments from previously silent Chinese scientists point the finger at the lab. Perhaps the virus being man-made is one of the primary reasons China knew exactly what they were dealing with and how to deal with it when the outbreak occurred. And why they seemed to limit its impacts at least based on the stats they've produced. Way back in February when many suggested the virus was from the lab their comments and posts were deleted as "fake" news or "false" information. But as in most cases how do the censors not having any basic understanding or expert credentials on the topic or access to any firsthand information know its fake. What we all know now is fake is a term that many times is applied when the main narrative or propaganda are challenged. And we can't allow individual thought or critical thinking on anything. Can we? I remember what George Carlin said. "The last thing any government wants is a population of people capable of critical thinking. What they want are obedient works that are just smart enough to get the work done". No more is that true than today.
  20. Few people really die from COVID. They die from their immune systems "overload" response to the virus as a result of pre-existing conditions and compromised general health. I also personally believe taking medications that use immunue-suppression as a means to treat a condition, like arthritis, contribute to deaths but the pharma industry is not to hot on the idea to publicize that possibility. Some studies suggest people with Type A blood are more likely to be severe or critical classification of the illness. Obesity, diabetes, heart conditions, respiratory problems, etc. add risk. Older people are not more likely to catch the virus but they are more likely to have these health issues which is why a lot more older people die when infected. There are medications that address what is called the "cytokine storm" which is the condition putting most patients in the ICU and on ventilators, Drugs like leronlimab and lenzilumab in phase 3 clinical trials address this condition and appear to work very well. Once these are approved and begin being used the death count will drop significantly. How fast they get out there is up to the trial results and the FDA. The use of a mask generally protects other people from getting infected by you. It is effective. People that don't want to wear one in public settings are making some social or political statement. I guess they're saying "I don't care if I get you sick". An easy self-test to do every day is to test your sense of smell. The is the first thing almost all people that come down with the virus notice days before any symptoms appear. This is a distinct reduction in their ability to smell. If your sense of smell is normal your probably okay. Why its not part of the standard COVID test procedure I don't know. I guess its not complicated enough for the medical community to embrace.
  21. The goal of ending racism is a noble pursuit but the BLM leadership are hard core Marxist. But all the virtue signaling idiots contributing money and supporting the group are either to scared to take a stand or to stupid to figure it out.
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