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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. The lesson is Marxists are good at understanding how to divide up and distribute the output and assets of society but they have no concept of how goods are produced or services are provided. It's all just magic to them. And the idea that somebody should benefit from their work and effort creates a lot of mental confusion. Speaking of Marxists, I saw this hysterically funny headline "$41 Billion Lululemon Is Holding Classes On "Resisting Capitalism" While Selling $128 Yoga Pants"
  2. The Dolphins players are on to something here. These symbolic gestures don't do much. And the rioting and violence is counter-productive and turning a lot of people off including me. But the reality in this country is poor people aren't treated very well. Our social and economic system is a meritocracy. Merit being measured by how much money or wealth you have. The cops aren't going to step on the necks of affluent, wealthy, or celebrity blacks any more than the would step on the necks of affluent, wealthy, celebrity whites. They don't have any problem roughing up poor blacks or for that matter poor people of any race or background. That's not to say there are no issues or problems with bias and racism. I suggest the problems are more low income and poor education than they are race. I see this "different" treatment of better off people every day. In my neighborhood their are Whites, Blacks, Asian, Hispanics, people of all races. But they are well-educated, professional, well-compensated people. The cops aren't hassling any of them. They wouldn't even think of it. In fact, its a rare event to even see a police patrol in the area. What these social movements are missing here is this isn't strictly about race its about class. And the abuse and neglect of the poor. Part of the problem is their own fault. Lack of education and other bad personal and family practices. Part of the problem is the rest of us. We can all do something to help. The solution should be focused on helping them improve their potential by becoming educated, and acquiring skills & training that can provide better incomes and lives. Solutions that provide hand outs like reparations are temporary. Once the money is gone now what?
  3. The original Nazi's were socialists. "National Socialist Party". Franco and Mussolini were Fascist, as was Peron in Argentina. Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Castro were communists. When somebody calls a conservative a Nazi they are calling them a socialist. They should do some fact-checking. All the above have pretty much the same philosophy. Use the power of "The State" to force citizens into arrangements and actions against their will and believing citizens exist to serve the State. This is also what the alt-left wants. And Neo-Conservatives. Time for everyone to figure out the left or right don't really care about them. They view you as a servant of the state and a cash ATM for their programs. Once you come to that conclusion you realize all this political bantering is just a bunch of male bovine manure.
  4. Specifically what would be a scientific and fact based "test" to determine if a cop was a racist? I am curious.
  5. That's a question for the courts to decide. Not mobs in the street. Violence begets violence. Is it okay for people seeking revenge for police misconduct to extract revenge against others that have done them no harm? And is it okay for people the mob attacks to extract revenge by attacking the mob? And then is it okay for the friends of the mob to extract revenge again? Its a vicious cycle that needs to stop. Rev. Jackson said it years ago and it still rings true. "An eye for an eye leaves everyone blind".
  6. I guess the question is what is the acceptable level of violence? Is it okay for the "protests" to be 10% violent, or destroy parts of cities or specific buildings or neighborhoods? Are we okay with maybe 1 of every 20 citizens being harassed and attacked? Is breaking 2 windows of a business okay but 3 is not? Why is any level of violence acceptable or tolerated? What people turning their backs on violent and destructive behavior are saying is "some" violence is acceptable but its not too much so what's the fuss here? The irony of it all is the violent response triggered by violent police acts is not a very convincing argument for their position. At the end of the day they are no different from the cops. They attack people that have done them no harm and destroy property of people that do them no harm. If the anarchists and rioters think their actions are providing them with a lot of sympathy and support they are mistaken. For me acts of police use of excessive force are unacceptable and should not be tolerated but where the protests lose any and all support from me is with the response.
  7. Whatever your political or social opinions and beliefs, liberal or conservative or something else, everyone must understand that when push comes to shove the only color that matters is GREEN. When it comes to the almighty dollar hypocrisy and double-talk is the rule. All sides are getting played by the big money machine. We need to come together and fight it and not fight each other over the remaining table scraps.
  8. A fundamental problem with these riots is the rioters and anarchists are very well organized. And the citizens of the community are not. In this case its doubtful the Mayor will take any decisive actions and certainly the governor will not. Citizens need to start organizing themselves too, outside the two party political system. This isn't about liberal or conservative. This is about civilized order and behavior. Its too late for Rochester but people in cities and towns need to start organizing themselves into citizen militias. When these monsters show up in your town and the mayor or governor do nothing then act. Either gently persuade them to leave or they will suffer the consequences. As they say treat fire with fire. End of problem. One word of caution. If you start an effort to organize you will get a lot more push back from the government of the city and state than the rioters will ever be subjected to and the media will definitely seek to demonize you in any and every way they can. In Newark during the '68 riots members of a certain organized crime group let the rioters there know that if any problems should happen in their neighborhoods they would be very displeased. And as a result no property or residents were subjected to any harm.
  9. Not sure exactly what this means but I'm not expecting or asking anyone to change anything. I don't have any expectations that anyone can or will help me with my particular problems. And everybody's got problems. If I want to improve my situation I'll do it myself through actions I can take that don't impose on or harm others.
  10. Because "feelings" can't be the basis of solutions to problems. Facts matter. And there's more to the issues here besides a handful of events you "cherry pick" to support your conclusions. Being the victim is the current approach to almost everything but I could point out a lot of self-inflicted problems the community causes for itself that have nothing to do with biased cops and "racists".
  11. I agree with a lot of what you're saying and some of it I don't. But if you're not willing to sit down and discuss viewpoints and perspectives and experiences with others that may disagree with you there's' really no hope of finding common ground and understanding to bring people together in order to foster respect and support for all people. The lack of civility and the unwillingness of everyone to openly and honestly have productive conversations is a big obstacle. Everybody thinks they're "right" and everyone else is "wrong". And if any political or social group from the far left to the far right thinks they're going to impose some social solutions on everyone else without any real consequences they're not thinking rationally.
  12. Prof. Norman poses an interesting question. And he might be onto something. I think he's one step away from becoming cognizant of the idea that white liberals are "playing" the black community purely for their own objectives. But on the other hand, if liberals, social justice warriors, wokesters, and assorted victims believe a person can select the gender they "identify" with then by extension why can't they select their racial identity? How can any enlightened person object or refuse someone that "right"? The other reason liberals are currently hot and heavy to associate with blacks is it simply suits their political needs at the current time. Most of them are pretty well off white people that have nothing much to gain by helping disadvantaged citizens. And do black activists really have any desire to differentiate between "good" white liberals and "bad" white conservatives. Based on things like Critical Race Theory that defines most of what is going on with the BLM organization's hard core members all white people are inherently bad. For now the liberals are playing along with the "systemic racism" theory because Trump is president. Their thinking goes like this, Trump was elected president in Nov. 2016, Trump is a racist, America elected Trump, America is racist, if Biden wins America is no longer racist. There's no analytics, or data, or statistics validation behind it all. Its all pure and simple politics.
  13. In an act of virtual signaling, Presidential candidate Joe Biden met with the father of Kenosha police shooting suspect Jacob Blake. Jacob Sr. apparently is an interesting and charming man. An anti-Semite, anti-Christian, and big fan of racist Islamic hate-preacher Louis Farrakhan. How can a candidate for president of a party that disavows racism and discrimination of all kinds meet anyone that openly expresses hate? Perhaps just another episode of Uncle Joe not knowing where he is or who he's with? Its all part of the liberal mantra, "judgement is for thee but not for me".
  14. Removing the DC committee would be easier.
  15. Later today on CNN, reports Nancy overheard the salon staff speaking Russian and saw them wearing MAGA hats. Schiff and Nadler to hold House committee hearings as national security concerns grow over Russian influence of the hair and nail businesses along with potential connections to the administration.
  16. The debates are going to be a train wreck. The triggered fragile lefties should be prepared for another 4 years of Trump.
  17. When caught hypocritical and inconsistent politicians will turn to playing the victim. And 100% certainty Nancy's allies in the MSM will make sure she comes out of this smelling like roses. The likely choice here - victim of gender bias. So the defense is if she was a man going to a barber shop she would be treated differently. Watch and wait for it...
  18. Folding space is also the basis of warp drive theory.
  19. During the cold war era the KGB employed a lot of hot women as spies and operatives to "extract" sensitive information from male officials via sex and blackmail. So your previous girlfriend might have been part of some undercover operation! ?
  20. I'm sorry Bull but that sounds like a bunch of social-babble. I just want to know how you can measure "racism" and arrive at a 30% racist metric. What is the criteria for determining that someone is a racist? My contention is everyone's using some "eye of the beholder" subjective observation. My personal definition of racism is somebody that acts to violate the rights of another person based solely on their race. In my view its not words or thought but actions that matter. I don't care about regulating or programming people to think and speak in a specific way to all "play nice" or forcing people to like each other. I just want everyone to respect everyone's rights and treat everyone fairly and in an unbiased way without consideration of race. I don't think there is any metric or measure that proves there are a majority of Americans, or a systemic number of Americans, that are going about their lives acting in a racial biased way against others. Sure there are acts of bias and racism. There is no question about that and it is wrong. But if its .1% of the population and even 1% that is not be any measure a "systemic" percentage of the population. None of the parties pushing the Systemic narrative can produce any hard data or evidence because it is simply their personal belief rather than some statistically valid and data driven fact.
  21. Even if that is true and supportable by data and fact vs. opinion is 30% systemic?
  22. I find it hard to believe anyone would be against ending racism. Its a despicable practice that has no place in our society. And its no surprise that professional sports leagues like the NFL have risen awareness. Where I struggle is while its a good slogan it lacks any actionable tasks or objectives. We hear terms like "systemic racism" but what does that mean? How do you know that America is systemically racist? Absolutely no hard science data and statistics have been presented to demonstrate systemic racism exists. To date all that's been presented is subjective observations and anecdotal stories. If you can't measure it you can't fix it or know if anything you're doing is having any impact. For example, if I wanted to end illiteracy among 10 year old children in the city of Buffalo I would perform an analysis of the population of 10 year old's in the city and assess their reading comprehension skills. I would arrive at a starting point and be in a position to put initiatives in place to improve their skills and measure progress. At some point when their progress achieves the objectives set at the beginning I would conclude the program. If you want to end racism you need to do the same. What's the baseline level of racism at the start? What's the "test" to determine somebody is a racist? What is the plan to eliminate racism from their behavior? How will you measure progress and success? When are you complete? So what's the plan besides more talk and slogans?
  23. I also suspect communists in this country are people that work in the public sector or are dependent on government to provide for their survival. That doesn't imply all civil servants are communists. Likely 99% aren't. I don't expect there are too many communists that work in the private sector pulling down $100K+ a year. Why would they want communism? This system is working just fine for them. Many also tend to be intellectual dreamers and idealists like college professors or professional students or other educators that use their position to brainwash children into believing all kinds of social justice theory. Teaching subjects like math and science are secondary. After all, math and science are racist and artifacts of white supremacy. Somebody told me they would rather not drive over a bridge built by someone that didn't believe 2 +2 = 4. That kind of say it all for me. These intellectuals conclude that system will be more beneficial for them and that capitalism inefficiently allocates the benefits of society to those that don't deserve it. After all, they are so much smarter than everyone else. Why shouldn't they be on top of the food chain? They spend their lives brainwashing college age students about the virtues of that system and the evils of capitalism while charging them and their parents upwards of $50K a year to learn a lot of impractical nonsense. Then the students graduate with no real skills or education in anything that somebody might pay you to do and the professors tell them "look how unfair the system is". Through this they "manufacture" more proponents of the communist system rather than graduating educated and marketable young graduates. Sounds a bit hypocritical charging so much for so little. If they were true communists they'd work for free. The sad fact is there will never be any system of complete and total equality. How could that be possible? This is one of the key principals of life we collectively don't want to acknowledge. The truth that "life isn't fair". And never will be. But all the nuts are running around demanding equality but never defining what it means or what the specific attributes of equality would be under their vision. My observation is the definition of equality to groups like BLM and Antifa means they would be running the show and calling the shots. Like Alice Cooper said in the song Elected "We're all gonna rock to the rules that I make!" The street thugs throwing firebombs and attacking people aren't "real" communists. They're mostly petty criminal, drug addicts, and misfits that can't function in what is considered every day life. They want to eliminate the police because they're tired of being busted all the time for jacking people in the streets. They think communism will allow them to retire from the life of crime and pay them a lot of money to goof off and do absolutely nothing to produce anything of any value. Anything they could trade with others for the purchase of goods and services they need. And if the "Party" ever needs any muscle to put down any trouble they are always at the ready to help out. One final thought. One of my very good friends grew up in Romania during the Soviet era. And lived under communism. He was drafted into the Army to serve the state like all youths must do (I wonder if the communists here want a compulsory draft?). The Soviet Union fell apart and without the ability to enforce their rule his countryman booted out the communists. He says communism sucks and thinks anybody that wants to live under it or adopt it is an idiot. So the communists here have another common trait. They want to live under a system that the people that have lived under rejected but one which they themselves have never experienced.
  24. I have several friends I suspect of being Communists. I find that when we all get together for a night out for some food and drinks they never pick up the check.
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