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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. A black police officer tasers and arrests a white women for not wearing a mask outside at a middle school football game in Ohio. Is this motivated by racism? Reverse this to white cop/black women you'd be damn sure it would make every evening network news show as another police bias incident. Thankfully, the other 10 people in attendance did not start a riot or any fires.
  2. My personal assessment is that most often people are blinded by their beliefs and cannot see the hypocrisy or double-standard they use to assess or evaluate issues and circumstances. Emotions and unsupported conclusions are the rule here. I think critical thinkers and skeptics are notable exceptions. I like to think I qualify as one of them. As a manager of a large data analytics and statistical organization that has access to 100's of millions, billions in fact, of data records in a particular area I've been conditioned over time to doubt almost everything that constitutes an unverified or unsupported conclusion to the point of annoying everyone in my family. While I have no verification I suspect you are likely trained or employed in some "hard" science or skilled area where facts are critical and opinions are considered but not used of or by themselves to make decisions or take actions.
  3. Concession is a customary gesture but it is not required to certify election results so I don't know what the fuss is all about. Because they're applying the "if you can't beat 'em, then cheat 'em" rules for getting Trump out of office so the deep state can regain full control of the federal government.
  4. I've served on grand juries at the county and federal levels. In my experience its a rubber stamp of the prosecutors case with only a few exceptions. So the question is what evidence, testimony, or statements did the prosecutors office provide to the grand jury that led them to reach the decisions they made concerning the actions of the cops involved? Based on the process if the prosecutor presented evidence with intent to indict the cops in this case the grand jury would have supported that outcome. My conclusion is the prosecutors did not want to indict the cops in this case and that has nothing to do with their guilt or innocence at this point in the process. So the questions and scrutiny for the decision should fall on the prosecutors office. Queuing up the expecting protests and rioting while taking out anger against the Louisville police force and local businesses isn't going to address that point. A more sound approach would be to get a good legal team and raise some questions, file motions, and litigate against the prosecutors office and the city.
  5. So when some dirt bag breaks into your home and threatens your life and the lives of your family don't call the cops.
  6. "Probably directing"? I can't believe anyone still falls for this intelligence nonsense. All these reports conveniently leave out one important item. Facts. Of course they can't release anything because revealing facts will disclose methods and procedures and put people's lives at risk. These intelligence agencies have two purposes. One to provide intelligence and information on enemy states and potential threats and another to produce disinformation to the public and unfriendly nations. Fact is they make up a lot of stuff and nobody is going to fact check them or produce anything to dispute what they say. Decide for yourself regarding the Russian interference narrative. Perhaps a little of both? The way the unipolar world order works is Washington issues directives and orders and obedient nation states comply. If they don't comply then pressure is exerted. Economic, political and if all else fails military force. Russia is not complying. And as they've insolated themselves from the consequences of U.S. policy initiatives, by decoupling their economy and eliminating the use of the US dollar in trade settlement and reserves, they cannot be forced to comply. And military action is impossible given their nuclear strike capabilities and other advanced weapons systems. As for Trump being some sort of Russian agent that seems dubious. Trump enemies, which he has many in the deep state, use the Russia narrative to kill two birds with one stone. To discredit Trump and to attack Russia. The Mueller investigation produced no evidence of any connection or relationship. Yet the narrative persists. The useful idiots here are the people that perpetuate and believe that some "special" relationship exists between Trump and Putin while never asking for or demanding any evidence or facts to prove the existence of such a relationship. Fact is Russia and the US are on shaky footing with each other and there is contentious relationship but there are no facts supporting any relationship between Trump and Putin.
  7. Your beef is simply with the electoral college because it enabled Trump's victory in 2016. And the popular vote went to Clinton because of big majorities in large "Blue" states. So the solution is to change the rules? That requires a change to Article II section 1 of the Constitution. And any change to the Constitution requires a 2/3 majority of states to ratify. It seems doubtful 2/3rds of the states would agree to that change. So just deal with it and hope your party doesn't ignore the swing states like Clinton did in 2016.
  8. And what is the main point? Your argument is its morally acceptable for the majority to impose their will on the minority but not the other way around. How far are the willing to go? And who will stop them if they go to far? Most people are middle of the road and most people don't embrace or participate in the current political activism. And many who do go along with it do so because its fashionable and their livelihood depends on the opinions of others or they lack the courage to speak their mind. As for Trump and Biden being the same the answer is both are funded and bankrolled by more or less the same "Davos" crowd of billionaires and elites. As were Obama and Bush. So yes the results from either are going to be at the core the same.
  9. Left or Right, Bush, Obama, or Trump. When I look at my life I just have to say I don't notice any difference. I go to work every day, pay my taxes (which keep going up), pay my bills, try to save a couple bucks, and go about my business and go out of my way not to bother anybody.. Same with all my neighbors, friends, co-workers, and acquaintances. I think that's the way it is with most people no matter where they live or whatever their background and make up might be. Maybe the people on the fringe left or right one percent see it differently but I suspect the majority of Americans feel just like I do. If everybody just did that we might not have any problems or certainly a lot fewer. But there's always somebody trying to push their crap on somebody else. I know lots of liberals and lots of conservatives and they don't support fringe elements on either side of the isle. Nobody sits around and suggests we need more poverty or more racism and bias, or more poorly uneducated citizens or more homeless or worse healthcare for people. The debate is about the solutions and how to go about it all. Most of this left/right is just election year political theater. And no matter who wins the election the next day me and everybody else will get up and do it all over again. Like it was once said "Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss".
  10. I'm with you. In 2016 I thought Trump was a B S artist and somebody that had no grasp of details or facts. Clinton was a despicable character extorting money from various donors through her families "charitable" foundation. Now in 2020, Trump is what he is and Biden is a nondescript mediocre career politician suffering from the onset of dementia or some other degenerative mental ailment. My vote is "none of the above". Can't we do better?
  11. As Mike Tyson said "everybody's got a plan until they get punched in the face". This election will come down to swing voters in several key states. These people voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012 but for Trump in 2016. They are people impacted by "izations" of the past 20 years. Globalization and Financialization of the economy. Their lives have been downsized from middle/working class to lower class and poverty through moving their jobs and businesses offshore and by the flow of money into Wall Street and the Banks through Federal Reserve monetary and government fiscal policies. Biden needs to appeal to these voters in a way H. Clinton wouldn't. She went so far as to call them "deplorables". They embraced Trump's vision to "Make America Great Again" and the potential to restore some of their livelihood. Biden also needs to distance himself from the most radical elements of the party and assure voters they will not exert control over the administration if elected. Trump will need to play off this theme and paint a picture of radicals and anarchy being the norm if Biden wins and that he is the choice for those seeking the restoration of order and civility. Trump will also call into question Biden's "mental state" and Joe needs to be on his game. It should make for great entertainment.
  12. The electoral college was created as a prerequisite for smaller populations states to ratify the agreement. The concern was a few large population states could control the Federal government (however small it was at the start) and dictate policy to the majority of smaller population states. This is no less true today than it was in 1787 given the enormous power vested in the Federal government. Proportional government supporting states rights was also central to the creation of the Senate with equal representation and the House which is divided among the states based on population.
  13. If there was ever a presidential election where "none of the above" should be added to the ballot this is it. All the talk about equality and diversity and it comes down to two old wealthy white guys. The Democratic establishment and big donors were simply unwilling to nominate a person of color or a left-leaning candidate because they knew that candidate could not win a general election. So they opted for the safe moderate pick to front a leftist agenda and nominated a mentally-impaired former vice-president. If elected the question is when will president Harris assume the job? Most mainstream Republicans don't like Trump at all but they are opportunists that hold their noses and go along with it because it has led to them maintaining power. As for Trump himself he talks a good game but has done just as much to push wealth and power into the hands of the 1% as previous administrations. He has an obvious lack of specific understanding of issues and facts. But his strength is his ability to more than hold his own against the left and malevolent political activists disguised as members of the media which throws softball questions at Biden and pitches hardball questions and criticism at Trump while constantly busting his balls.
  14. Check the history books dude. I am correct. Get some education..
  15. Please get your historical references straight. Nazi's were socialists. National Socialist Party. If you are referring to the "right" in a derogatory form you should use the term "fascist". It still might now make any sense or be an incorrect comparison but at least your reference would be correct. Thanks you.
  16. Like the Area 51 organizers faced last year when they suggests thousands show up to storm the installation (jokingly they later claimed) I suggest the Secret Service provide "fair warning" to the leadership and organizers of this White House siege event they will be immediately arrested on sedition and riot charges and prosecuted to the fullest extent under Federal law if any violence and anarchy breaks out. Peaceful protests will be respected and provided the legal protections provided under law. But anyone dumb enough to attempt breaching the White House grounds will be neutralized by whatever means is necessary without hesitation or exception.
  17. Those wokesters are the height of hypocrisy. They believe their superior intellect and moral character is the ultimate pinnacle of human thought and beliefs. And anyone that disagrees with them is obviously of interior intelligence, lacking in moral and ethical standards, or suffering from some behavioral disorder. In other words, they hold preconceived "bias" against anyone that might have an opinion that differs from theirs. They suffer from the same behavior as the people they detest. In reality they are all full of crap and soaked in endless contradictions, circumstantial inconsistencies like supporting the protests, riots, and looting as long as it doesn't come to their neighborhood. Just plain old douche bags.
  18. Yes dealing with low-life degenerates, criminals, and thugs will de-sensitize a person. And now that everyone is suffering from some mental illness or delusion glorifying criminals and seeing them as good people it seems like an impossible job. I got news for them all, if they have a chance to rob or kill you it won't matter how much sympathy or good feelings you got about them. You're dead, period. Floyd was a career criminal home invader that held a gun to a pregnant women's stomach and threatened to kill her and her unborn child if she didn't cooperate. Now the guys revered as some kind of saint that got a hero's send off. Just sick minds at work. And Blake was a rapist and women abuser and now Harris called him a "hero". She doesn't seem to have an ounce of moral character in her. Disgusting. What the cops did to them wasn't right in my view but lets not pretend these guys were Boy Scouts. They're life-time career street criminals.
  19. "Resisting" is never considered a circumstance and the conclusion is typically the police action was motivated by racial bias without consideration or accounting for other factors. But this only happens when the suspect is black. If they shoot a white suspect nobody is out there saying they shot him because he was white. Take the Blake case. He's previously arrested on charges of sexual assault. A judge also orders a restraining order instructing him to not contact or harass the victim. But he does. He drives over to her residence with 3 kids in the back seat. Some reports suggest he was impaired. There is some kind of encounter between Blake and his victim. She calls 911. The cops show up. He's also got an outstanding felony warrant. They intend to arrest him. He is uncooperative and fights with the cops. He refuses to comply with their requests and instructions. They try to taser him but that fails. He walks around to the drivers side door of the vehicle to either get in and drive away or retrieve something. He's already indicated he has a weapon. He reaches in the vehicle and then the shots are fired. So the argument is the suspect never bears any responsibility in any way, shape, or form for the outcome of the encounter and the motivating factor for the shooting is always race regardless of the specific circumstance. Not a single voice in the media, sports, or the left, or for that matter anywhere has spoken the words I'm waiting to hear, "personal responsibility". Like you said, the insinuation is they should have just let him get in the vehicle and drive away. Add to this the silence from the "women should be believed" crowd that apparently have no concern for the women he attacked which is another liberal thinking inconsistency and I have to conclude they're all either irrational, liars, or stupid. When Kamala Harris visited him and called him a hero I wanted to puke my guts out after hearing her pander to a rapist. You might recall she took no such stance at the Kavanaugh Supreme Court nomination hearings when landing questions about the allegations from Dr. Ford. Another hypocrite and major douche.
  20. I'm not singling out CNN but let's call these network commentators and reporters what they really are.. Paid Political Activists masquerading as journalists working for propaganda outlets.
  21. They have no clue. My suggestion is put the idea to a vote of the citizens living in the communities instead of bowing to the wishes of political activists from out-of-town. Polls indicate putting the question on the ballot for voters to decide would result in the idea being soundly defeated by about 80% against to 20% for.
  22. I'm seeing the opportunity for a new reality TV series. Call it "Nets and Nuts". Add in sports betting on which cop will net the mentally disturbed suspect and you might have a hit replacement for all the shows that cancelled filming because of COVID. Or maybe the city can consider avoiding the problem altogether by evaluating their policy that puts these mentally disturbed people out in the streets and avoids giving them the care and treatment they need.
  23. Compton is a very dangerous place and a hotbed of gang activity. BLM showing up so quickly shows how well organized this movement has become. One thing they have failed to achieve to this point is to manufacture any martyrs for the cause. One unmet objective is to goad police or other "white" authorities into reacting to their stupid and uncivilized displays of hatred such as this demonstration at the hospital. Another key message here is the left can "hate" but nobody else is allowed. At the end of the day the defund the police movement has little if anything to do with police brutality and misconduct. Its all a big snow-job. The left has been able to infiltrate or control almost every other public sector organization with the glaring exception of local and state law enforcement organizations. So absent their ability to seed these departments with Social Justice liberal thinkers the only remaining option is to eliminate or shrink the ability of these police organizations to resist the leftist message. If it results in more crime and killings that's just the cost in their the means justify the end approach to re-engineering U.S. society. If you view everything trough the lens of this objective it all becomes clearer. For example, in 2 generations they have transformed public sector education through control of school boards and teachers unions from places of learning to social indoctrination centers. They control local and state governments, a large percentage of the judicial, higher education, local and state and federal prosecutors, the military (especially the Navy) and on and on. Find one other institution the left doesn't exert control over other than the police. And maybe control of the White House. These are more or less their last two targets before liberal mission accomplished. .
  24. The irony is all the hypocrites moaning and groaning about the cops are going to call 911 when somebody breaks into their house or somebody puts their life and the lives of their family in danger. Or maybe they'll honor the social justice movement by letting the intruder rob their home and kill their family?
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