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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. What's most peculiar about Joe Biden's ascent to the Democratic nomination is how little his historical and current views and positions align with ideals and objectives of the "core" constituents of the party in 2020. Which at this point is a very left leaning agenda. Very little Biden has stated and supported during the campaign provides any evidence that he personally supports many of these positions or plans on pursuing them if elected. So either the potential Presidents positions needs to be modified or the expectations of the left need to move to center. Otherwise something just isn't right here. A cynical person might suspect the Party is running a Trojan Horse campaign with a moderate candidate to bamboozle the electorate into giving the far left power as being "honest" about their true intentions would likely lead to defeat. Note that Pelosi is pushing a 25th Amendment legislation designed to give the Congress powers that the 25th Amendment restricts to the Executive branch. Powers to remove the President if the legislature deems him/her as "unfit" to hold office. She herself has stated this is not intended to be used against Trump but in future situations where it might be necessary. Such legislation removes the need for a change to be "voluntary". So might it be necessary in the case of a President Biden? Which brings us to the topic of a potential Harris presidency. I expect by the Summer of 2021 this will be reality.
  2. It was a catchable ball. But what made matters worse were the circumstances. If Brown wasn't hurt Roberts would not have been on the field for that play. And it was the initial drive of the game. It set the tone for the entire evening. A short field against a defense that showed no resistance all night and the Titans were off to a fast 7-0 lead. For me that play destroyed all the momentum and enthusiasm generated out of the Bills 4-0 start. And a feeling of impending doom came over me as I watched.
  3. You've arrived at a very important insight. I want to share a similar conclusion in my work experience several years ago. Working on a "team" that was charged with "cultural transformation" of the business. Our "leader" voiced the idea that everyone on the team was an agent of change in leading the improvements of the culture and management system. My response to this was something I later regretted speaking. I said I don't believe that because everyone in the room had risen through the ranks of the company or came to their highly compensated position through working a system they understood and benefited from. I asked why would people who benefit most from a culture or management system want to take the risk of voluntarily replacing it with something that might result in them not fairing as well? My statement was met with total silence. While there was no direct action taken against me for daring to speak "truth", I did find that over time my assignments disappeared to the point where I found myself with nothing to do but report to work everyday. And even if I didn't show up would anyone notice? I had two choices, milk my free time for as long as possible or seek a transfer to another assignment. I choose the later. A few years later I left the company but in the end the transformation did not work and the company suffered massive losses and was marginalized in their sector by more innovative and creative competition.
  4. And yet these are the candidates both political parties present to the voters each election. The "best and the brightest" among us appear to be seeking their passions and fortunes elsewhere. Whether you're liberal or conservative or middle of the road we owe it to ourselves and each other to ask the question "why can't we do better"?
  5. When Joe Biden heard that Mitt Romney has endorsed him for President his initial response was "who is Mitt Romney"? And later stated "Oh, I remember now, he's that moron from Utah". When told of this Romney said "it doesn't matter if Joe remembers who I am or not or if he doesn't know the difference between a Mormon and a moron". "Because what I'm really doing is endorsing Kamala Harris for President because once Joe wins he's going to be declared mentally insane through Nancy Pelosi's new law she's pushing and Kamala will be President stating in February".
  6. Like it or not expectations have been raised.
  7. My guess is Bell ends up at one of these spots ranked highest to lowest: Seattle Philadelphia New England Green Bay Tampa Buffalo Carolina Pittsburgh
  8. Longer-term Edmunds seems better suited on the outside than as the MLB in this defense. Your assessment is spot-on. MLB is a big need. On top of this outside of Milano our LB group is weak and wasn't addressed well in the off season. Can we get Lorax out of retirement for another season here? But the DL is no better. They are consistently losing the one-on-one battles with the offensive line which allows them to step out and tie up the LB's. And they are neither stopping the run or putting pressure on the QB. Usually you get one or the other but getting neither? We have no quality run stuffers or pass rushers. That's a problem. And the secondary? Left hung out there all night they didn't fare well but still the coverage was poor. My takeaway was they played like it was the first week of preseason. To win with this defense, unless there is a miracle improvement, we need the offensive to put up 30+ points and play a mistake free game along with special teams holding their own. And that isn't going to happen every week.
  9. There were a couple individual bright spots but part of that is because everyone else was so bad. The Bills looked completely unprepared in all 3 phases of the game last night. If you didn't know it you would think they were the team that didn't have more than a couple team practice sessions over the past two weeks. I put this one on the coaches and the disruption caused by all the uncertainty surrounding when the game will be played.
  10. A great punt puts the Bills at the 2. This is what we want to see here. Josh and the O going 98 yards. No 3 and out here.
  11. Most concerning is the Bills look totally unprepared. Let's see what kind of adjustments they make in 2nd half.
  12. No pass rush, no linebacker depth and a secondary playing soft. Not a good look tonight. Some drops on offense.
  13. But isn't that what they did with the Russia hoax? Use the apparatus and resources of the government and intelligence agencies against Trump?
  14. When referring to "rigged" people should really speak about voter fraud and voter suppression. Voting by those that have no valid citizenship claim to the district or state they are voting in or voting multiple times or actions to suppress or prohibit citizens from casing valid ballots. The Dems say Reps are vote suppressors and the Reps say the Dems are voter fraudsters. That I think sums up the playing field here.
  15. Point goes to the Chiefs because they've got the SB and their franchise QB locked up what for might be the next 10 years for just a swap of a first pick and a first the year after. Allen is making progress to the level of play the Chiefs are getting out of Mahomes but there's a ways to go and the team hasn't won anything yet. With all the wheeling and dealing Beane did in that draft to get Allen at 7 you might want to through the Edmunds pick in too. So Mahomes for White, Allen, and Edmunds is the way I see it.
  16. The OP's post represents everything I've been arguing with my liberal friends and family. Specifically, they believe they are morally and intellectually superior to everyone else and those that disagree with them are of low intelligence or suffering from some behavioral disorder or one of many character flaws. I know this because when I challenge their views with this conclusion they have no answer. The truth is that when you reach a certain point in life you realize nothing is black and white. There is no absolute good or absolute evil. Or other extremes. Everything around us resides in the gray areas in between. Maybe if more people accepted that conclusion we'd all be better off?
  17. The difference is the alt-right nut jobs see the government as the biggest threat to freedom. As such the government sees them as a real threat. To their power and control, not to the safety and security of the general public. One of their objectives is to shrink the government, through violence if necessary, and return to a time of limited government. Obviously, government officials with lots of power aren't on board with any of this stuff. The alt-left nut jobs see the government as their means to impose their authority and program on the population. They want to control every action of every citizen from what they eat to what words they speak. The government watches these groups closely too but their view of the risk they pose is somewhat different. After all, they have the same agenda as the government which is to acquire and wield more power over the people. So they really don't have any argument with the objective. The difference is how to use it and who calls the shots.
  18. If the Titans or any other teams are proven to have broken league protocols they should face penalties. This includes forfeiting games and if the outbreak keeps spreading maybe all the way to shutting them down for the season. It seems unreasonable to expect every other team on their schedule to be inconvenienced or forced to accommodate their recklessness and disregard for the rules established and agreed to by the teams.
  19. If the league finds the Titans broke mandated protocols and procedures a more equitable thing might be to give the Titans a loss but not award the Bills a win. And then account for this in determining tie breakers and other impacts to playoff seeding and the standings. That might be fairer to the rest of the league than gifting the Bills a win. But if I'm the Bills I'd be more than cautious here. I wouldn't want to expose my team to the Titans at this point under any circumstances.
  20. So has Barr really been working to expose misconduct and criminal activity within the government agencies and departments or is he a "Trojan Horse" working for the deep state playing the role of "Good Cop" but in reality blocking anything from happening?
  21. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/deaths.htm So is the "risk" of COVID exaggerated? I'm not saying the virus isn't dangerous. But I've got a lot of questions that I can't seem to find answer to. Most of them seem like questions people "following the science" would like and need answers to in order to properly set policy and assess the risk to public safety. But that don't seem that curious. And their proclamations are at times ambiguous or muddled with inconsistencies. Just a few are: When the virus first hit there was a massive number of deaths on the East coast, particularly NY and NJ but not so much on the West coast. Were there two distinct strains of COVID at work here? One more deadly than the other. Is there a clear understanding of how transmission occurs? It seems like after 7 or 8 months we'd have a better understanding. Is it surface contact, droplets, aerosol? I've read some research that suggests flushing toilets can hurl viral material into the air from infected feces and travel through ventilation in buildings like apartment complexes. Is this true? Are "super spreaders" asymptomatic? Or do they need to display symptoms to be infectious? At what point in the cycle does a person become infectious. PCR tests are said to be inaccurate because they identify a significant number of false positives. What's the false positive rate on these tests? Is there a more accurate test? The survival rate for people under 18 is said to be 99.997% with the risk of severe or critical infection close to zero. Why isn't this mechanism understood yet? How many mutations of the virus have been identified? Are the recent mutations more harmful, less harmful, or the same? There are dozens of medications and treatments in clinical trials right now. Many appear to be very effective. Why is there only one treatment approved so far? The FDA was supposed to speed the approval process. Why isn't this happening? Why aren't they granting more EUA's? There appears to be no sense of urgency here. If the risk of severe or critical illness and death is concentrated in people over 70 and those with specific pre-existing conditions why isn't policy customized to protect the most vulnerable and allow younger people more freedoms?
  22. Fortunately the Bills have a HC and team leaders that will not allow any of their teammates to believe they have any advantage in any way.
  23. I think the lefties are going to have another meltdown when Trump walks back into the White House. They were jumping for joy about his impending death over the weekend only to wake up this morning to the "bad" news. He's feeling better! The Russia hoax, the Ukraine hoax, impeachment, and all the other swings and misses of almost 4 years and now it looks like COVID couldn't kill the undead President. Micheal Moore and others have suggested Trump is faking it. I expect Trump to ask if you really believe that Michael why don't you visit me so I can sneeze in your face? Who needs "reality TV" when we've got all this drama?
  24. I think a big part of it is the approach of each team. The Bills appear to have some strategic thinkers with the GM, HC, and OC. They've created a blueprint to bring Allen along and have added pieces to the offense over the last two off seasons. The Jets have no such approach. And Gase is just awful. While the Jets draft brought a talented LT and WR to the team both are/or have been injured. They have a lot of holes. The other part is the make up of the players. Allen has had to work for everything to this point and plays with a chip. One story going around is he sought out Tony Romo at the Super Bowl and asked him "how do I get better". He's driven to prove himself, almost too driven sometimes, and that drive is also transforming into leadership and energizing the entire team. He is clearly the leader and the face of this team in season 3. Darnold had a lot of success in college and was looked at as being ready for the pro game coming out of a big school program. While he and Josh trained with Palmer in the off season you don't hear much, and maybe because we're focused on the Bills, about Darnold picking up his game or any fundamental improvements. My guess is the Jets tank and get the #1 pick in the 2021 draft and if Lawrence comes out they pick him. Sam goes somewhere else as a back up initially and maybe works his way to starter in a more stable system. As there are a few teams that have veterans coming to the end there are a few potential landing spots.
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